Baking Cookies 💕

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

While we were making cookies, I could see that Olivia was having so much fun. I've always wanted to do this and now, she's giving me a chance that I've always wanted to have. This baby is so sweet and all she wants is to be happy and I'm blessed to be the person who can give her the happiness that she deserves. I dislike how Mike told me that she needs a Father because either way it goes- Olivia has all of the people in her life that she needs. She has me, my Mom and my Dad. As for right now, that's all she needs. Especially since I know that she can't easily trust people because of all that she's been through.

"Okay, now we are gonna put them into the oven and wait for them to bake." Ma told Olivia. I started to clean up the countertop.

"Mommy, ca-...can you help me take this off?" Olivia asked me as she walked over towards me.

"Sure." I said as I squatted down to help her.

"Can I go watch TV while we wait?" She then asked as she watched me untie the apron.

"Sure, baby." I said as I then took the apron off of her and let her go to watch TV.

Once Olivia left, I left like this was a good time to talk to Ma about Mike coming over earlier.

"Guess who visited me today?" I asked Ma while I wiped down the countertop and threw away a few things.

"Who?" Ma asked me as she checked on the cookies.

"Mike. He actually wanted to help me with Olivia, you know? I mean, apart of me wanted to say yes but at the same time- I don't want him to come back into my life. Literally the only thing that I can think about while being around that man is how we lost our baby. That's all. I don't think that he should help me with her and Ma, don't act like you're surprised. Why did you even tell him about Olivia?" I asked her.

"Well, he called to check up on me and I told him about you and what you've been doing. You never know, Cheryl. Maybe Olivia would like having him in her life- every child needs a Father."

"Well, not my child. I'm surprised that she even warmed up to Dad. After all that she's been through when it comes to men, I don't want her to feel how she's felt before ever again. I'm not okay with-....never mind. I don't want Mike to-..." I said but she cut me off.

"What do you have against that man?"

"I don't have anything against him, Ma. I just want to show him that I can do this by myself. She doesn't need any more people in her life right now. Maybe I sound crazy but how she feels matters to me. I want her to be comfortable and I don't want Mike to come into her life and let her down."

"Like he let you down?"

I don't know what it was about what she said but I just stopped.

"He-...he didn't let me down." I hesitantly said as I looked over at Olivia who was drifting off to sleep. I slowly sat down and took in all of what ma had just said to me.

"Cheryl this is like your divorce all over again... the denial and lying to yourself is unnecessary... he let you down when he left and you know it"

"But ma-..." I tried to say but she cut me off.

"No cheryl no buts. Just because he let you down doesn't mean he's gonna hurt that baby."

"Well I don't intend to find out. Now ma I love you I really do but this conversation is over. I don't want him in her life." I said as I heard the timer go off.

"Baby girl wake up. The cookies are done." I said as I tried to wake Olivia up so we could finish off the cookies, and get something to eat.

"Well suddenly my House is full of beautiful Riley women, and one of em is my wife." I heard my dad say as he walked in the house. He was always so corny but one thing for sure is he loved my mom with all his heart.

"Hi Mr.Riley." Olivia said to him as she walked back into the kitchen and joined ma at the table.

"Hey Olivia." Dad said as we all sat down.

I was so into my thoughts and what Ma and I were discussing that I forgot to say hey to my own Father.

"Seems like my daughter has forgotten to say hello to her Father." Dad said as he looked over at me. I jumped out of my thoughts and looked up. Everybody at the table was looking at me.

"Oh, I-...I'm sorry, Daddy. Hey." I said as I lightly smiled at him.

"Everything Okay?" He asked me. I looked at him and nodded my head yes.

"Alright then....well, let's all say Grace." Dad said as we all then took each other's hands.


After a few hours spent over my parents house, I took Olivia home because it was starting to get kinda late. After she took her bath and got dressed- we did what we usually did before she went to bed...took a peek at her rib and cleaned it up a bit.

"It looks better." Olivia said as she looked down at her side.

"I agree." I said as I smiled at her. I stood at the edge of her bed and then looked around her room. I felt as if her room wasn't granting her the home feeling that she needed. After all, it is a guest room and its plain and boring in here. Simple colors and very mature- nothing that would interest an 8 year old girl.

"Stand up, baby." I said as I helped her stand up in bed so that I could wrap her side for the night.

"I've never made cookies before." Olivia told me as she looked down at what I was doing.

"Is that right? Did you enjoy yourself today?" I asked her as a smile grew on my face- I continued to focus on what I was doing.

"I-..I did." She told me.

"That's good, baby girl. I'm happy about that. I was do you feel if we were to spice up your room a little bit?" I asked her as I then pulled her shirt down over her side and looked at her.

She looked around the room and then at me. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I-...I don't know." She said as she looked around once more.

Hold on I'm not done DONT TOUCH
I stared at her for a little and began to brush her hair. "Baby girl look at me." I said to her.

"This is your home too not just mine. You can make this room your home even. Your gonna be here forever." I said as she looked up at me.

She was silent... "wha-...what if I'm not here forever... what if they come get me??" She slowly began to say. I could see the tears begin to form in her eyes.

I just sighed "baby girl... you have to stop thinking like that. They're not coming anywhere near you anymore. Your my baby and I wouldn't let them come anywhere near you anymore."

"Are you sure mommy? I don't want them to take me from you-...they...they almost did remember." She was in full tears now.

"I know baby and I'm sorry about that I feel terrible I even let them get that close to you again, but I promise you with every last breath in my body I won't let them do that ever again." I wiped away some of her tears as I looked at her while she just held her head low.

"How about this baby girl. Tomorrow you and I can go shopping for what ever you want, clothes toys anything. Even stuff for your room. We're gonna make it your own. To prove you belong here and here is where you'll stay."

" really mean that?"

"Yes of course I do baby girl. You mean everything to me. I'll do anything to make you happy alright? Now let's get ready for bed."

She slowly got under the blankets, and I wrapped the blankets around her to make sure she was comfortable. I kiss the top of her head and I began to walk out the room making sure to leave the room door open and the lights on.


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