Guess What I Found?

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

"Hey! I was just calling to make sure that you were doing okay after our conversation the other day. How are you feeling?" She asked me so suddenly. I peeked into the room and then brought my focus back to the conversation.

"Ma, I found a child." I said as I slightly smiled at a nurse that walked by and then went back to focus on the call.

"A child? What do you mean?" She asked me in a confused tone.

"Yesterday-....I-...I just found her hurt and she's so badly abused. I brought her to the hospital and their trying to ask her questions. Yet, she's so traumatized that she won't even speak to anybody. Barely." I said as I put my free hand in my pocket.

"You're kidding me." She said.

"No, not at all. She won't even tell me her name. She said that her parents did this to her. Ma....she's even been sexually assaulted." I told her as my heart started to sink at the known fact of that.

"Oh Jesus who could've done something like that to a child." She said.

"I...i don't know ma but they've really done a number on this child. She told me it was her mother and her boyfriend...but that's as far as I got before she shut down. I...i don't get it." I said as I walked back and forth a little.

"Have you been there with her all night?" She asked me.

"Yea...yea I'm too scared to leave her. She doesn't want me too, but she won't really talk to or open up to me." I said. You could hear the hurt in my voice.

"Baby based on what that child has been through she's not gonna be as easy to talk to as you'd expect her to be. What hospital are you at I'll bring you two something to eat and different clothes I know you must still be in that same outfit from yesterday, and it looked uncomfortable." She said.

"The one Closest to my house."I said

"Okay I should be there in about an hour, okay baby." She said to me

"Okay ma thank you. I should be getting back in there. She'll start calling for me if she thinks I'm gone." I said as ma and I said our goodbyes and hung up.

When I went back inside, I saw that Janice tried her best to get the little girl to talk to her. She just kept shaking her head and didn't make eye contact with her. Janice then huffed and looked at over me as I walked in.

"I'll be right back. I'm getting no luck with her. She just shakes her head no at me for everything. Cheryl, just try to talk to her some more and maybe she will open up to you....hopefully." She said as she looked over at her and looked defeated at their conversation.

When my Mom got there- I went to go get her and we went back to the little girls room.

"She won't really talk but I guess you could just say hi and I can introduce the two of you." I said as I looked back at her. We were almost to her room.

Hopefully she'll start talking to me a little more and finally let us know some more about what happened. Like, has this been going on for a while or? By the looks of it, it may take her a minute to warm up to me at least but I had to assure her that it's fine to talk to me. However, how can she trust me when the people who she thought she could trust the most in this world- failed her. I didn't know what was going on in her mind but my Mom is always a pro with little kids. We'll see if she can get her to talk.

When we finally arrived at her room she was silently just staring at the tv.

"Baby girl go change your clothes I'll see if she wants to eat and try to talk to her." Ma said to me as she handed me the bag she had with my clothes in it. I took the bag, and insisted on introducing her to my mother before I left them completely alone.

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