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Julius P.O.V:

I couldn't just sit around like that or the neighbors would get suspicious. Luckily one of Marla's friends Norah lived close by. She was a heavy user and one of our best customers so she was glad I came by and had something on me to give her. Her kids just looked on and got out of my way.

"I knew that was Olivia when I saw her but I was never sure, or I would've snatched her up myself and brought her to y'all no problem." Norah explain as she set up a line of coke for herself. She sniffed it up and took one final sniff. She rubbed some on her gums then looked over in my direction.

"Yea I know you would've, Which means you should've." I said gripping her neck angered that she didn't think it just bring her to us. I realized I didn't have time for this with her right now and slowly realeasded my grip on her neck . Marla could deal with her later.

"You sure you don't wanna little bit?" She asked me as she quickly ran to the other side of the room, trying to change the subject.

"Na ma you know my rules I don't use my own shit. Plus my mind is on getting Olivia. Tell me what you know about them." I responded as i kept my eyes on the window.

"Well the woman that found her Cheryl lives there with Olivia and her husband..."

"Woah husband, she's married?" I interrupted.

"Yea names mike I think, but don't worry about him it like he's almost never home. He comes to see them then leaves I think they may be separated. Never stays over night." She reassured me.

"So it's just Olivia and that Cheryl in there?" I asked as I headed for the door.

"Yep it should be easy to grab her and go."

"Yea thanks Norah, and don't let your kids flush that this time, you know we're running tight with Marla being questioned and shit. I'll be back in about in hour to get my car." I retorted as I headed for the door.

As I swiftly and quietly made my way across the street making sure no one can see me, I double checked to make sure there was only one car in the driveway; then  to see how many doors are on this house. I noticed there were sliding doors in the back and those are always the easiest locks to pick.

After I picked the lock careful not to make too much noise, I made my way into the house making sure to put the lock back behind me. I looked around the house at all the pictures and stuff lying around. I looked at the fridge and saw a picture of Olivia with some man smiling. Yea this is definitely the place.

I looked around some more, stopping at a picture of a woman Olivia and the woman I saw her with at the store. That must be Cheryl. Oof she looking real sexy here hm maybe I'll get some fun out of this. I put the frame back down and headed toward the stairs. Let's get this over with, since Marla's been back and forth with the police not only has my money slowed up from the streets but I haven't been personally taken care of.

Once I got up stairs I immediately began to look around. Going from room to room. The first room I went into was the bathroom, obviously nothing for me in there. I closed that door. I checked the room right next to it but I seemed to have walked into what looked like a music room. There were awards everywhere and different types of musical instruments in there. Boring. Along the way I found an office and a random closet.

Finally I made it too a bedroom. I saw a body laying in the king size bed and went to check who it was. As I got closer I saw that it was this Cheryl woman sleeping peacefully with not a care in the world on her face. I lightly pulled back the blanket she had covering herself. I had to stop from drooling on this woman at the sight of her body in this night gown, and just how sexy she looked. I'll deal with her in due time. I placed a light kiss on her on her lips which made her turn her head but not completely wake her up.

I closed her room door and went to a door a few feet away. BINGO. I had found Olivia's bedroom. She was asleep to but with a little light on. Guess I had her still afraid of the dark. Good; I slowly walked over toward the little light and shut it off leaving the room completely dark. I walked over to her bed and completely yanked the blanket off her not trying to be cautious or careful.

"M-..mommy?" she asked drowsily just that one swift movement woke her. She was trying her hardest to fix her eye sights on me. Luckily it was dark enough in the room for her to not be able to fully make out my face.

"M-...Mr. Mike? Is that you?" she questioned as she slowly sat up in the bed rubbing her eyes, sleepiness still falling over her face. I crept in closer to the bed and smiled my sinister smile, that always got to her. Once she was able to focus on who i was she screamed as loud as she could and tried to move onto the other side of the bed so she could escape my grips. I had to cover her mouth as quick as I could in fear that she would wake Cheryl up.

"Now listen here little girl this little fantasy life your living here, that's done and over your mothers dealing with cops because of you, and that means one of you have to pay." I dictated. I could see that look of fear in her eyes through to the tears she began to cry; boy did I miss that look. I briefly took my hand off her mouth so I could begin part of her punishment now so that she would be out like a light the entire ride back not causing me too many issues. The moment I took my hand off her mouth she began to scream and try to run for the door, knocking stuff down on her way to it.

"MOMMY!! MOMMY!!! HELP ME PLEASE! HELP! HE'S IN MY RO-...." I had to think fast and get up to prevent her from opening the door, and yelling anymore. I put one hand on her throat and the other over her mouth.

"Do you know that I will kill that woman, and permanently hurt you Olivia hmm. Or should I strangle you just like Ii did Oliver hm? which do you prefer, I could kill her and let you watch, or I could do vice versa. hm or you could take the easy way and leave with me and spare her a lot of hurt, but I will be getting something out of Cheryl believe that." I reassured Olivia as I loosened my grip on her neck. I suddenly heard a door open. Shit.


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