Dont Lock Yourself Up

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Cheryl's P.O.V:

*The Next Morning*

I finally managed to go to sleep last night and sleep till 10:30 this morning. I didn't wanna get up and I didn't wanna see or talk to anyone. I finally got up out of my bed and tried to go one with my day. I did my usual morning routine except I didn't bother to do my hair I just put it into a ponytail and kept it moving.

On my way from the bathroom, I saw that my phone was ringing. It was Sabrina again. She hasn't stopped trying to call me since last night, I know she was doing her job but I don't care. She knew that was a setup. Ugh, whatever I ignored her call and sat back down on my bed to check who else has been calling me. I had missed calls from Arianna, Sabrina of course, Aaron from the studio, and ma. I'll call ma and Aaron back later. I opened my laptop and began to check some emails for work and schedule what I needed to be set and stone. Work always takes my mind off everything

*2 Hours Later*

I was in the zone now. In just two hours I responded to all my emails, made arrangements on behalf of BVM, filled my calendar to the T, and wrote some stuff, it was amazing. "DING-DONG" I heard come from downstairs. I tried to ignore my doorbell and keep working but it didn't work. The doorbell rang 2 more times followed by a knock on the door. I sighed rolled my eyes and got up to go see who it was. I tightened my robe as I made my way downstairs.

When I opened the door Arianna and Sabrina were standing there staring back at me. "What are you guys doing here?" I finally said as we all stood there at my front door. I just wanted to get to the point so I can get back to doing what I was doing.

"Cheryl we were worried about you. You weren't answering your phone. We wanted to make sure you were okay girl." Arianna finally said.

"I wasn't answering on purpose. I don't wanna talk to anyone today that's all." is sighed as I stuck my hands in the pockets of my robe.

"Cheryl now you know I love you girl, but come on now how do you expect to get Olivia back by avoiding my calls and locking yourself up in this house all day hm?" Sabrina asked me as she stared me down. She had a point but I didn't wanna admit that she was right. I just shrugged my shoulders and invited them in.

"You guys shouldn't be worried about me. I'm fine and I'll always be fine." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Well, guess what- we are. What have you-...." Sabrina said as she stopped talking to pick up the wine bottle that was close to empty. "been....doing?" She asked me as she continued talking and examined the bottle.

"Work." I said as we then made our way upstairs.

"Cheryl, you've gotta stop this." Adrianna said as we all sat on my bed. I didn't say anything- I just continued to work.

"You know what we've gotta do? Put you in a cute ass dress and we can all have a girls day out." Sabrina told me. I looked up at her from my laptop, shook my head and sighed.

"I just want to be at home working and being to myself. Can I do that? I've already lost pretty much....everybody that I care about and came to love. I guess-...I'm just meant to be alone. Honestly, maybe that's best." I told them as I then closed my laptop and laid back in bed.

"Not true. I told you that I would try my best but Cheryl-.....this is how it works. She is her Mother." Sabrina added.

"I don't give a damn about who she is. Olivia doesn't deserve that and her Mother doesn't deserve to have that sweet baby girl to just hurt whenever she wants to. You even told me-....she never wanted her." I told her.

"Listen, I'm working on it. Now, calm down and let's just go out and have fun. Can you do that for us today?" Sabrina told me.

"Come on, Cheryl. Just a few hours." Adrianna added.

I thought about it for a moment. I didn't really feel like it at all- all of this stuff about Olivia has me feeling sad and I don't even feel like myself.

"Fine." I said as I stood up. The both of them squealed out of happiness and clapped their hands. I shook my head and tried my best to hold back a smile.


"Okay, Cheryl- honestly, this would look really cute on you." Adrianna said as she held up a blouse to show me. I rushed to shake my head.

"No....I-...I don't like that." I said as I looked away from the shirt.

"Alright, what about this dress?" Sabrina asked me as she put the dress in front of me. I titled my head and looked down at it.

"Well, it's alright." I said as I touched it.

"Uhmm hmmm. You could catch yourself a hubby with this dress." Adrianna said as she started giggling.

"Oh no. I' Never getting married ever again." I said as I slightly laughed.

"And why is that?" The both of them asked me in unison.

I gave them a look. "I-...I don't know. I just...-....marriage isn't for me. I've been there, done that. No need for me to fall in love again." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. The both of them looked at each other. "How about we go and get something to eat?" I said as I changed the subject.

"Yep. Right after we buy this dress for you." Sabrina said as she went to go buy it for me.

" You don't need to buy it." I said as I walked behind them.

"We are getting this for you. Not changing my mind." Sabrina said.


"I actually do feel so much better you guys. Thank you for bringing me out of the house." I said as I smiled at the both of them.

"This is what we are here for, Cheryl. To help you during your tough times. Never push us away because honestly, we love you." Adrianna told me as she touched my arm.

"I love you guys too," I said to them. They both smiled.

A few moments later:

  "Cheers girls!!" I laughed out as Sabrina Arianna and I toasted to this much needed day out. If they knew how to do one thing in this world it's cheering me up...


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