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Cheryls P.O.V:

"Oh Mike pleasure to meet you. Cheryl you never mentioned your husband to me."

"I was out of town visiting my family otherwise I would've introduced myself a long time ago." He said as he kissed my cheek which forced me to fake a smile.

Olivia eventually walked over toward us still rubbing her eyes trying to figure out why she wasn't in the house quite yet.

"Mommy what's going on? Who is this?" She asked me as she grabbed hold of my hand.

"And you have a daughter too? Dang Cheryl your family is just popping up." Norah laughed as she looked at Olivia who remained silent.

"Heh yea this is my baby girl Olivia."

"Hm Olivia. She's beautiful. How old is she?" She continued to ask. I really don't like people in my business especially now when it comes to my family-... to my daughter.

"She's eight. Mike can you go open the door please I'm sure Olivia wants to go inside." I said as I continued on with my fake smile, and handed Mike my keys. He agreed and kissed my cheek. I'm sick of this man.

"I have a friend who has a daughter around Olivia's age same name and all." Yep that's her cue. I don't know this woman but she shady as hell. Time to go I don't play about my baby.

"listen Norah maybe you and I could talk at a better time, we just got home and I still have to cook lunch and get some work done."

"Oh okay no problem. I'll talk to you later Cheryl, and nice to meet you Olivia." Norah said as she smiled at Olivia and walked down the driveway. That woman just got real shady.

Once I got into the house, I was so ready to tell Mike off for what he had just done.

"Olivia, can you go upstairs while I talk to Mr. Mike?" I asked her as I walked in on the two of them watching TV together in the living room.

"Okay." She said as she got up and went upstairs. Mike turned off the TV and stood up.

"What's up?" He asked me as he put his hands in his pockets.

"My husband, really?" I asked him in a harsh tone.

"I mean..." he said but I cut him off.

"You mean what, Mike? That was so, so disrespectful. Then you kissed my cheek? You don't have to lie to these people, Mike. Especially when Olivia is standing right there watching THE BOTH of us." I told him.

"My apologies. I just...I wanted to look like a family. I mean, she was asking questions and I had to say something to help you out." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't need your help. You're here for Olivia...NOT me, you got that? Don't help me out. The only help I should be getting from you is with my child."

"Our....child." He corrected me.

"Go home, please." I told him as I moved to the side and waited for him to walk. He looked at me, nodded his head and lightly huffed.

"Fine. I apologize though, Cheryl." He said as he walked past me.

"Im sure you are..." I said as I watched him walk out of the living room.

Next to see what my baby girl is up to. I walked upstairs to see what she had decided to do to keep herself occupied. As I got close to being upstairs I could hear the piano. I just smiled to myself she must be in my music room.

I quietly walked upstairs and peaked into the room. She was sitting at the piano trying to play. Her arm has began to heal and she only has to wear a small wrap around but she can really utilize it now. You can hear the difference.

She looked up from the piano and saw me standing in the doorway. "Oh hi mommy." She said as she stopped playing.

"Hi baby girl. Why'd you stop?" I asked as I walked into the room and sat down next to her. She just shrugged her shoulders and stared down at the keys.

"I'm sorry about today. I know it was hard." I said to her.

"It's okay-..."

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you baby it's going to help you more than hurt you in the end." I explained.

"Mommy can I ask you something." She said obviously trying to get off the conversation at hand.

"Uhm sure anything"

"Why did you and Mr. Mike stop being married?"

"Well, like I've told you before- we just kinda grew apart. Things haven't been the same between us. Sometimes when two people fall apart...they don't know how to fix it. So, they continue to love each other but they know that it's best to be apart." I told her.

"So, you two gave up on each other?" She asked me. I sighed and sat there thinking for a moment.

"Well...I wouldn't say gave up on each other." I said as I hugged her from the side. "We were just so hurt from everything that we thought that it was what was best. That's all." I explained to her.

"Mommy, did you hurt you that bad?"

"He didn't hurt me- it wasn't just him. We both hurt each other. Especially after we lost our baby girl. You ask so many questions." I said as I slightly laughed.

"Yeah...I apologize...." she said as she looked up at me and then back down at the piano.

"No, don't apologize. You have to ask questions In order to understand things. Never let anybody let you feel like you can't ask questions. Asking questions is how you learn and receive a clear understanding." I told her.

"Since you said that. Why did he say that he was your husband earlier?" She then asked me.

I swear that Mike can be a dumb ass sometimes.

"I asked him the same thing..." I told her.

"Sometimes Mr. Mike can be a fool....but how about you and I continue to work on you playing this piano, huh?" I asked her as I then kissed her forehead.

"Okay..." She said as she started back playing.


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