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Cheryl's P.O.V:

I looked at him for a small second and then looked over towards Olivia. That made me boil inside because he knew what he was doing.

"Okay, Olivia. Let's wrap you up, baby." I said as I went over towards her. "Can you give us some privacy?" I asked Mike. He looked at me and slightly nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'll-...I'll be in the hallway." He said as he then left out and closed the door behind him.

I was silent as I wrapped Olivia's shoulder and arm. She looked at me and slightly smiled. I guess she was feeling a little better since she wasn't so sensitive to the touch as much now.

After I finished wrapping her arm and rib, I put her in bed. I tried to hurry up a bit because I didn't know what that man was doing in my house without my knowing.

He then knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said as I pulled the covers up over Olivia.

"Let me help." He said as he went on the opposite side of the bed and tucked her in.
I lightly rolled my eyes and continued to tuck her in on my side.

"Hey, would you like for me to tell you a story?" Mike asked Olivia as he got on his knees and gave Olivia a smile.

Olivia looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and looked up at Mike.

"Sure." She said in a low, sweet voice.

"There was this little girl who had pretty hair....hmmm, kinda like you." He said as he looked at her hair.

Olivia giggled.

"There was a man who lost his daughter not too long ago. However, when he saw this little girl- he automatically wanted to be in her life. The little girl was sweet and loving- he would do anything to have a daughter. Even if he had to convince the little girls mother...over and over again that the little girl deserved a Daddy in her life. Do you think that the little girl should be his daughter? The Daddy is really fun, caring and would do anything to make her the happiest. If only he could have done it for his own daughter but...some things don't work out." He asked Olivia.

I gave Mike a look. He knew damn well what he was doing and I already know that he knew that I didn't like it one bit.

"I would say that the girl should have him in her life. Especially if he's nice and fun." She said as she laughed a little bit and looked at him.

"I agree...." Mike said as he looked up at me.

"Okay, time for Mr. Mike to go." I said as I looked at him.

"Aww does he have to mommy?" She asked me in her whiny voice.

"Yes baby girl it's late mommy's tired and so are you." I responded as I gave her a slight smile.

Her face began to pout. "Don't be sad baby girl. How about this I'll come back tomorrow and spend some more time with you and your mommy? That is if it's okay with her. " he told her.

Typical Mike to put me in situation where I can't say no to him. Olivia looked at me with her soft eyes pleading for me to say yes.

"If she feels fine tomorrow than I guess one day couldn't hurt. Now you my little princess get some sleep okay, and I'll see you in the morning." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Good night mommy. Good night Mr.Mike. She said as she looked at the both of us walk out her door making sure to leave the door open and the light on.

I waited till Mike and I were downstairs till I let him have it. "Why the hell did you do that Mike.

"Cheryl you can't stop me from being in her life... especially if she wants me to be."

"You wanna bet. She doesn't know you and she's already fragile enough without you trying to fuck up her life."

"Cheryl don't do this again. I want to be in this little girls life. And I'm gonna continue to do whatever I can to make sure that happens."

"You know what Mike get out! Get out of my house. I'm only allowing tomorrow to happen because I love Olivia."

"No problem I'll go. But hey nice lingerie you always looked good in pink." He was trying to be funny.

"Good bye Mike." I said as I slammed the door and tightened my robe once more.

The next day:

I got up early to get some more work done in my office on my laptop. The house was silent and I knew that baby girl was still sleeping. It was around 9:25 A.M and she should be awake sometime soon- but as of right now, I needed to get this work done so that I could spend some time with her without all of this work being on my mind.

While I was typing, in the corner of my eye- I saw Olivia standing there rubbing her eyes and looking at me.

I turned to look at her.

"Well, Good Morning, sleeping beauty." I said as I stopped typing, turned to look at her and smiled.

"Good Morning. Mommy, I'm hungry." She said as she walked in a little bit.

"Okay, well- how about this? You can go brush your teeth, wash your face and then come downstairs for breakfast, Okay? I'll fix you something." I told her as I looked at her.

She slightly nodded her head.

"Did you sleep okay?" I asked her before she could leave.

"Better than the other day, I guess." She said as she tugged at her shirt a little bit.

"It's gonna get better, I promise. You know that you can always come in my room if needed." I told her.

"Okay." She said as she then walked off.

I finished typing up at few things and then I went downstairs to make her something.


While we were both eating breakfast, Olivia was unusually silent.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said as she continued eating. "So, Mr. Mike was your husband?" She asked randomly. I stopped eating and looked up at her.

I hated talking about him but since she asked- I had to tell her.

"Uhm, yeah baby...he was." I said as I nodded my head.

"Was he a good husband? Why aren't you two together?" She asked out of curiosity. She then propped her head up on her wrist to look at me but she kinda tilted her head because she wasn't understanding it all.

"Uhm....well, I could say yes....In the beginn-....you know what, baby? Let's talk about something else. How abo-..." I said but she cut me off.

"In the beginning? Why not in the end as well?" She asked me in a sweet, soft voice.

This conversation needed to end but the scary thing is....Olivia was actually kinda.....liking Mike.


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