Lets Make It Official ✨

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                          Cheryl's P.O.V:

"I knew you'd say that... now this isn't gonna be easy and they're gonna wanna pry into every part of you're life." She said as I looked into the room to see Olivia and my parents talking. She was smiling and looked happy. That sight filled my heart with joy.

"I understand and I'm ready for it all. I love that baby and I want her to have the best life possible." I said as I turned my attention back to her.

"I see that. Go be with her and your parents. I'm gonna go hook up with Sabrina and start this long process, and get the name of counselor for her." She said as she gave me a hug. We said goodbye and parted ways.

I went back into Olivia's room to see what they were up to. They were all giggling and I could see she was getting used to my father very quickly. "Is everything alright?" Ma asked as I walked back into the room.

"Yea of course. That was just so we can start the process of making this little angel apart of our family permanently." I said as I wrapped my cardigan around myself and sat down with my foot underneath me.

When I said that they all began to smile. "Really?!? You mean it?" Olivia asked as tears slowly began to dwell into her eyes.

"Yes baby girl I mean it. You mean so much to me and I want you to know you have me and that you're always gonna be safe." I said as I wiped away one of her little tears and held onto her hand. This was the cutest moment between us.

The doctor came in and told us some more information about Olivia's rib. It got worse and she was in danger of an infection so they wanted to keep her here for a couple days... you should've seen the fear in her eyes.

The next day:

"I don't wanna be here." Olivia said as he slouched down in the bed and pushed her jello away from her.

"I know, baby but you do want to feel better, right?" I asked her as I looked at her. I slowly nodded her head. She then looked up at the television and started watching Disney Channel. I examined her facial expression and noticed that she started smiling at something that was on the TV. She then softly giggling to herself. I looked up at the television and then back at her.

"See, at least you have something to watch on TV." I told her as I touched her hand.

"Mommy?" She said as she turned to look at me. There it goes...my heart melting. It does every time she calls me that.

"Yes, baby girl?"

"Can you sit next to me?" She asked me.

"Sure, baby." I said as I stood up and watched her move over a bit so that I could join her in bed.

"Here." She said as she put some cover over my legs and she then put her head in my lap. I smiled and started to rub her head- I knew that she loved it when I rubbed her head.

"Mommy, I can't wait to officially be with you. I don't ever want to go back there. They hate me." She said as she continued to watch TV.

"Don't worry about them, Okay? All that matters is you and I. That's all- you're my priority now, Olivia. Your happiness is and one thing that I want you to remember is to never let what they did to you...make you feel like you can't talk to me about any and everything." I told her as I laid my head back and continued to rub her head.

"I still have dreams..." she said in a sad voice. "Every night." She added.

"Dreams about what?" I asked her.

"Him and what he did. And then my Mommy and what she did too. They won't go away." She told me.

"They will soon." I told her as I looked out of the window and noticed that the sun was starting to set.

"I hope because I hate having nightmares. The only time the I don't have nightmares is if you sleep with me. By myself....they always happen." She told me.

"Well, how about this- from now on, you can sleep with me whenever you want to when we get back home." I told her. She turned to look at me. I smiled at her and she nodded her head at me.

"Okay." She then said.

*A couple days later it's time for Olivia to go home*

They're finally letting Olivia go home and she and I couldn't be happier. Her bruises are slowly starting to heal but her arm and her rib got worse. This is going to be a long healing process for her, but I was ready to help her deal with it all. My parents were on there way to help me get her home and spend some time together while I worked in my office at home. Luckily she liked being around them and the feeling was mutual so it was fine.

"Knock knock!" We heard as Nancy and the doctor stood at the door waiting to be invited in. "Looks like somebody is ready to go home." The doctor said to Olivia she just smiled that little smile and shook her head yes. I watched her as she did that and giggled a little.

"Well we're not gonna hold you too here any longer. Cheryl just sign these release forms, and you guys are free to go home." Nancy said as she handed me the papers.

"Oh and here is the prescription for her pain medicine. Because she's so young she has the smallest dosage possible the pharmacist will give you further instructions." The doctor further explained.

"Mommy can you help me? I can't really tie my shoe." I heard Olivia say.

"Sure babygirl. Excuse me." I said as I went to help her. I could see Nancy smiling at Olivia and I from behind me.

"Cheryl can I talk to you real quick." She asked me. I nodded my head and told Olivia to use my phone and call my parents to them we were ready.

"I talked to sabrina yesterday and she said that we can appear in family court whenever you're ready." She said

"I need some time I don't wanna put Olivia through the horror of having to relive everything and seeing her mother this soon." I explained.

"No I understand but for now let's just focus on getting her a session with a counselor. Since it's summer we don't have to worry about school just yet. We'll handle that issue when it comes up." She continued on.

I agreed with her gave her a hug and thanked her for her help this far. I went back in the room to see what Olivia was up to.

"What'd they say baby?" I asked her as I grabbed our bags.

"They should be here soon. Can I play a game?" She asked me. I just smiled and shook my head yes.


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