[Junko Enoshima X Shy!F!Reader] I need to!

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Non-despair AU!

Requested by: movedoutandinactive


You sat on a bench, alone, and ate from your bento.

You were not very popular in your class, because you were pretty shy, barely talking and never letting others go to you.

You had parents who weren't homophobic but didn't want you to fall in love with the same gender.

Every time they tell you how disappointed they would be if you had a girlfriend, you were upset and you left no comment.

'I can't do anything for my interests,' you always thought, 'I'm not what you want me to be.'

"Are you alright?" You startled and looked up to see who tore you out of your thoughts and addressed you.

In front of you stood a girl with two braids and a uniform that showed a little too much chest.

"Uh... uhm, I-," you stammered, looking down at the ground. When it rang you got up right away and went to your class as fast as possible.

"W-Wait!", she called after you, but you didn't hear it anymore.

In the classroom, you sigh, fall into your seat and take the books out for the next lesson.

Inwardly, you went through the incident about 5 minutes ago and thought to yourself: 'She is pretty.'

You knew that she just wanted to be nice to you and asked you if you were alright, but it became a reflex that you dodge people.

Again, a sigh escaped you and put your head on the table before the teacher came in.

Everytime your mind wandered away from class and you asked yourself things like:

'Is she here at school?'

'In which class could she be?'

'Was it just a joke to talk to me?'

Before you could blink, it rang for the break. For the first time, you were excited, because it could be that this unknown girl would come to you again. This time you wouldn't just run away, but maybe you would.

You sat alone on the bench again and waited, hoping that maybe she would come after all, but it rang and you went with your head hanging in the building.

"Hey! Don't run away," a voice called behind you. You turned around and saw the strawberry blonde coming towards you again.

Something in you made you feel happier than before. She stood in front of you, gasping.

"Did you wait for me?", she asked, grinning, when she had calmed down. You could feel your head getting warm, but you said nothing.

"My name is Junko Enoshima. Tell me yours and I'll let you go to class."

You hesitated for a moment, but you had to go to class urgently. "(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you."

There was a smile on Junko's face. "You may go now, I'll catch up with you when you've finished class. ByeBye ~. " She went to another class while you went in yours. Unintentionally, a smile slipped on your face.

She kept her word and caught you after class. "How about if we go and eat ice cream or something?", She said and smiled cute. "Excuse the rudeness, but why're you pretending you're a close friend of mine?" You asked, looking more confused.

"Oh? You look so lonely and no one likes to be alone, and you also seem pretty shy, of course, making it more difficult for you to find friends and the students here are selfish and never take the first step towards you," she told you and kept the smile.

You tried to return the smile. Finally, you went to eat ice cream. "That was pretty cool today, it wasn't a bad idea to talk to you, because I've been watching you a little while and always wondered why you're sitting alone on the bench," Junko said, walking home with you.

"Is this your house?" You nodded and said: "I'm sorry you have to walk all the way back to your house because of me."
"Oh, no, I really wanted to take you home, and besides, my house is not very far away. See ya." She hugged you and went in the opposite direction without further reaction.

In the next few days you felt different. She always introduced you to new people, with whom you talked a few sentences but otherwise withdrew. You loved talking to Junko or doing something with her. You felt safe near her.

"Junko, I often wonder if you won't get tired of me and let me down like everyone else." You giggled desperately. 'What are you doing here? That's pretty stupid, what you're doing,' you thought, after you said that sentence.

"I'll never get tired of you, because I love you too much, I have the feeling that I need to protect you and free you from your shyness."

You winced. "W-What did you say?"
"I said that I have the feeling that I need to protect you and-"
"No, not that. That before."

She grinned and said, "Because I love you too much."

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