[Leon Kuwata × Soulmate!Reader]

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Requested by: Plit-plat

Soulmate AU

Where you and your soulmate have identical tattoos on your wrist about the date when you'll meet each other.

(F/N) = Friend's name.

Edit: I JUST FORGOT TO MAKE THE READER THE SHSL BAKER, I'M SO SORRY! I was so upset that I couldn't write anything. Please forgive me. ;-;

"(Y/N), how long are you going to let me wait?" Your friend on the phone said impatiently as you desperately tried to put on your shoes.

"I'm on my way and I'll be right there soon, bye!", You said with a toast in your mouth, hung up, picked up your schoolbag and ran to your waiting friend.

When you arrived, your chest burned every time you took too deep breaths. "Come on, what are you waiting for, let's go," you demanded, panting and pulling him/ her with you.

"(Y/N), you're pulling too hard, that hurts!" Your friend complained, but you ignored it and went straight into class to sit down and rest for a while. "Even if you look pretty fit, you're very unsportsmanlike," said (F/N) and laughed briefly.

"But I had to run to you as fast as possible, so that's normal," you said, a little out of breath.

"Is it my fault that you overslept?" You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again because you had no objections.

When the class started, you only became aware when you were called, because you often looked at your left wrist.

4 days; 3 hours; 45 minutes; 59 seconds

You felt the excitement rise inside of you as you thought that you would soon meet your soul mate.

"Not for long, then you'll meet your soul mate, eh?", (F/N) asked in a whisper while you just smiled.

S/he jerked up her right sleeve. "It will take a little longer for me," s/he said disappointed.

4 months; 1 day; 1 hour; 30 minutes; 12 seconds

You laughed softly as (F/N) started sulking.

"As a homework, please do the next two pages in the book," the teacher shouted, leaving the students to go into the staff room and take a break themselves.

No one really went to the yard but stayed in class because the majority of the class were too tired to walk.

"Hey, (Y/N)", a classmate spoke to you, "maybe you and (F/N) would like to watch a baseball match at school on Thursday with us? That will be fun!"

"To be honest, I have no particular desire, I'm sorry," you gave apologetically, while (F/N) just looked at you angrily. "Wouldn't it be a good opportunity to meet your soul mate?"

"Anyway, I do not want to, there are too many people, and I have a doctor's appointment." And so the topic was already finished for you and only listened with one ear.

The next class started and the most productive thing you had done was blinking with your eyes. The teacher talked so much that even your eyes almost closed, but your friend saved you.

"Why aren't you giving yourself such a chance? Are you so excited to meet your soul mate that you do not want to meet them?", s/he asked in a whisper.

"This makes as much sense as when I'm solving math problems. It doesn't matter if I go to the match or not, I'll meet them anyway, don't you think? Or will the time on my wrist suddenly changing when I don't go?", you replied.

When you noticed the silence between you two, you already knew that (F/N) had nothing to say.

But that did not get the group down, because they tried their best to convince you until Thursday if you would like to join the match after all.

"Come on, the match is this afternoon, can't you just postpone your doctor's appointment and come with us?" - "Damn it, leave me alone with that! I will not postpone the appointment, and I'm not going to come, basta!", you said furiously but tried to keep you on the belt.

The group looked at each other before retiring to their seats and talking about the match. "Thank goodness, they're gone!", you mumbled and held your head.

You didn't listen to anything anymore, but put your head on the desk and staring at your left wrist.

"6 hours, huh?", you mumbled and raised your head again.

After class, you sighed, grabbed your bag and wanted to leave the classroom.

Out in the hallway, someone was bumping into you. "Sorry, but I'm in a hurry," shouted a male voice that surely had meant you.

"Rudeness!", you said irritated and picked up your things from the floor.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

At the speed of light, you could finish in the last minute, because you had left the time aside and are now almost late for your appointment.

You ran out of the house, with your half-bound shoes, and ran as if you were being persecuted.

As a result, you bumped into someone for the second time. "Gosh, watch where you're going!" Said the person you ran into.

You saw a red-haired boy sitting in front of you rubbing his head painfully. "I'm really sorry, but otherwise I would miss my appointment."

You stretched out your left hand to help him up. As he stretched out his left hand too, you could see his elapsed timer on his wrist.

"What are you looking at? Besides, could you let go of my hand already?", the boy said a bit upset. When you realized that you were staring at his wrist, you jumped back and released his hand.

When he followed your previous look, he frightened himself and almost fell to the ground again when you were able to hold him.

As a result, your sleeve rolled up a bit and you could also recognize your elapsed timer. "What the ..."

Embarrassing silence built up after you let go of each other until the boy scratched his head and said: "My name is Leon Kuwata and obviously your soul mate, I'm the SHSL baseball player."

"That was so cold, mate," you joked and chuckled a bit. "I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I am the SHSL (talent)." (ShSl DiSaPpOiNtMeNt = anyone in the comments, 2k18)

For a moment you looked at each other before you remembered why you are outside. "Shit! U-Um, I think we'll meet at Hope's Peak? Bye!"

He looked after you for a moment and watched, how you almost fell to the floor.


Why exactly do I have inspiration if I didn't sleep for 24 hours?!

And I hope you like it, because my writerblock-ass has school again, oh my God.

Danganronpa X Reader One-ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt