[Tenko Chabashira × Fem!Depressed!Reader]

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Requested by: SHSL_STEMGIRL11037

I hope it's good lol


Black, dark, silent. That's all you felt when you came out of the trial.

You didn't know if you should cry, laugh, or just be quiet, you were too shocked, or rather, devastated.

The others tried to talk to you several times, but you ignored and pushed them away. You didn't want to see or hear anyone, everything was already enough for you.

The only one you wanted to see was the one who was executed. That was Kirumi.

When you thought of her, your head started to hurt terribly. You couldn't handle this stress and so you stood in front of the trial room and put your hands on your head in the hope that this pain would finally disappear.

These pictures in your head just didn't want to go out. How she ran away from her execution or how she screamed like hell.

"So we cannot lose this fight... Even on this uncharted path, we must find our way."

You couldn't even forget her sentences, she, Kirumi, had just been too important to you.

She was a Maid to anyone else, or just a mother, but to you she was the perfect, best friend you always stood by.

"(Y/N) -chan, say something, don't die too." You felt someone shake you on the shoulder.

When you startled and take your hands off your head, the person stops shaking and waits for another reaction from you.

"Leave me alone, Tenko, I'm fine," you lied to her and walked past her, straight in your room.

Without distorting your face, you lay down on the bed in your room, looked up at the ceiling and thought to yourself, 'She's been the only one who really talked to me, the others just didn't try to be rude.'

As you were about to fall asleep, you heard a loud knock on your door. "(Y/N), will you let me in, please?" Tenko's voice called from the outside.

At first, you just lay there, because your body didn't obey you and you stayed paralyzed in bed until you heard the knocking again. Grumbling, you got up and opened the door for Tenko, who looked at you radiantly.

"What do you want from me?" You asked, colder than you wanted. "Well ...," she tapped her fingertips shyly, "I wanted to spend some time with you, you know, we did not do anything once or just talked briefly, but I wanted to get to know you better, so... "

"Listen to me, Tenko," you started talking and tried to put your thoughts into words. "I have a headache that feels like a tractor drove over me or something, so I don't know how to do something with you." You tried to cover up the real truth, but it hadn't been a lie.

"Your headaches come from the stress you had, I promise you, your headaches will disappear if you do something, or at least have fun, yes?" You thought about it exactly. Either stay in your room to sleep and thus relieve your headache or try to be with a person you hardly know, but want to cheer you up.

"Alright, wait a second, I-" Without allowing you to be talked out, Tenko pulled you by the arm and ran through all the corridors.

She stopped in front of a gray door that had the periodic table written on it. "What do we want in my research room?", You asked confused and looked to the excited Ai-Kido master.

"I really want to see you at work, you do a lot of experiments as an Ultimate Chemist, right?" She asked even more excited than before. You started laughing nervously. "Um, yes, kind of."

As you two walked into the room, there were a row of glass bottles on a large table. Behind the table there was a small counter with sink and shelves above were filled with liquids in vessels.

"Unbelievable, that's great," Tenko shouted and walked into the research room to take a closer look. You, on the other hand, went to the table quite normally and waited until Tenko finally finished looking at your room.

"Before we start, however, we would have to wear certain clothes so that nothing happens to us, understood?" She nodded and watched you take two white coats and two safety glasses out of a cupboard.

You gave her the other two precautions so she could put them on before you started to show her experiments and explain what you were doing.

The announcement for the night was turned on, which meant that you had to go back to your room. Tenko looked a little disappointed. "That was top class today, I'd love to keep watching you, but it's late, you really are an amazing girl, (Y/N)," she said, walking out of your research room, you behind.

Your compliment made a warm feeling in you. After Tenko thanked you and said goodbye, she went in one direction while you ran into the other.

On the way, you couldn't hold back a little smile and went to your room, smiling.

"Maybe the people here aren't as bad as I thought. You were right, Kirumi, as always," you mumbled as you lay down in bed and slept.

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