[Royal!Hajime Hinata × Fem!Reader]

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This story takes place in the 10th century but in Korean time.

We write the year 900 and above. There is a great kingdom called Goryeo, filled with grace and pulchritude. The king of the nation was a wise and older man who wanted to leave the monarchy in good memoirs. He had several descendants, but not all of them came from the same wife; to avoid war, the king made as many connections as possible. One of his sons was Hajime Hinata, a noble yet quiet prince. He should become the next heir to the throne, which many of his siblings do not want to approve. The eldest prince looked austere from the outside, but he was an esteemed and serene man who conspicuously often even greeted the court ladies. One of the ladies was you, called (Y/N). You were still getting trained, which is why you weren't actively working in the palace.

"Miss (L/N), I think you can be a court lady at the palace now, but please be aware that you shouldn't be the stubborn girl as always!"

You did not respond but walked out of the room to run into someone. As you look up, you saw the third prince, Izuru Kamukura. "I-I'm sorry, your majesty, I didn't see where I'm heading to.", you apologized while bending. He glanced down at you before he went past you. You exhaled all your concerns that he would give you an execution. 

"Apologies for my brother; he's pretty scary, huh?" said a soothing voice. You finally got up to see who talked to you. A nice man stood in front of you; he had brown hair with hypnotizing green eyes. He wore a glorious and elegant garment that almost reached the stony bottom. You just stared at him to capture every little beauty from him.

"Are you okay?" You shook your head to wake up from your daydream finally. "Oh, should I call a doctor? We got good doctors in the pala-"

"No, no, I'm fine, I just had to clear my mind." you smiled at him, "You are here on numerous occasions, eke this is a special place for to-become-court-ladies."

"Undeniably, but I'm allowed to watch out for a new court lady I may bring to the palace," he told you before you started thinking.

Hold on, he isn't, or isn't he?

"Prince Hajime!" called a radiant, young Lady. She wore a dress; it was a Hanbok, better known as Jeogori, a garment for women and men. While the upper part was a bit inconspicuous in white, the underdress had a vibrant pink. As she stood beside the Prince, she said: "For heaven's sake, please be more careful where you are going. You know that it is more dangerous for you as heir to the throne."

He just smiled and turned around to look at the garden in front of the building you came out. "They will not kill me so fast, don't worry, Princess Sonia."

"I ask you to leave please, Ms. Court Lady, I would like to talk to my brother." She smiled at you before dedicating herself to Prince Hajime. You bent down formally and went back a few steps in this position before you went home frequently.

"Prince Hajime, it can not be ruled out that something saddens you. Would you like to tell me?" She caringly put her hand on his shoulder. He, however, stood with both arms behind his back and sighed.

"How am I supposed to rule a whole nation? I'm assigned a hell of a task when His Majesty dies. I am not sure if I will master the duty of a wise and responsible king."

"I'm sure you will, Prince Hajime!" Princess Sonia convinced him. Both of them silently watched as the garden's flower bend down for the wind before they went back to the palace.

Another day passes, but now you were a court lady. They told you that the palace wanted you as a court lady, for the Prince Hajime. Your excitement was tremendous.

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