[Mastermind!Shuichi Saihara × F!Reader]

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Requested by: HatsuneSnowMiku15

I really wanted to write this one shot, so I'm sorry if it's bad, I didn't really have inspiration.

"It's not that hard, come on, Shuichi!", you said as you tried to get him to take off his cap.

"No, thank you, my cap stays-" as he wanted to finish his sentence you took it off. "Gotcha!"

"You have an adorable Ahoge, you could be a protagonist in a series," you said, laughing.

"Hey (Y/N), Shuichi, don't just stand there, we need to find proof of the mastermind's identity," said Kaede, radiating motivation and strength.

"Oh, you are right. Let's go, Shuichi, I'm sure we will find out soon who is the mastermind," you said and grabbed him by the hand.

Kaede motivated everyone with her words, she just wanted to find the mastermind and didn't want to let someone kill a person.

"I love seeing the expressions people make when they're enjoying themselves. That's why I play piano... To see the smiles on everyone's faces. And that's why we need to expose the mastermind and end this dumb killing game! So we can smile with everyone else!", was her words.

She was a sunshine in person.

Everybody tried to find traces of the mastermind, Kaede the most, her willpower scared you a little.

There was a trial because someone was found dead. Kaede was more frightening than before.

"K-Kaede, you look so pale, are you sure you're okay?", You told her in the elevator, she just jumped up and told you that she was fine.

The trial was one of the hardest things you could ever experience. Everywhere you heard accusations as to who the killer could be until Shuichi started talking.

"The killer is Kaede, she killed the victim!" He decorated his statement with evidence. No one really wanted to believe him, because Kaede had been the one to advise against killing others until they had clear evidences of the mastermind.

"Well, seems like you caught me, guys. Please don't ever forget, you guys better live! Don't go dying on me now! End this ridiculous killing game, survive, and get the hell out of this place! And then...be friends after you escape, okay? I think you'll all be the best of friends."

Her words were painful, it went through your chest and didn't leave. You couldn't forget her warm purple eyes, which turned so cold and full of pain in the execution. You didn't want to think other thoughts than "It's just a dream, it will be over."

You went to your dorm, distraught. You heard a soft knock on your door. "(Y/N)? Please open the door, I- can I please come in?"

It was Shuichi. You might have just imagined it, but why did he sound like he always did? He had that soft voice, you didn't understand it.

You got up, went to the door and opened it. "Are you alright? It was really bad what you saw, right? Really disturbing," he said, smiling slightly at you.

"That's what I should ask you, how can you seem so normal after what we saw, you and me and the others had to watch someone being brutally hanged." You were obviously angry.

"As a detective, you often see something this disturbing, if you want me to go, I can do it, just slow down a gear, jeez."

You were more than confused. Since when Shuichi became angry, even a bit. "No, don't go, stay a while, I could need some company."

And so it was. He stayed and started talking to her. Every evening he stayed until the announcement turned on and unfortunately he had to leave.

At each trial, you tried to help Shuichi as much as possible, for Kaede's sake and yours.

You thought that Shuichi behaved more and more differently. Even as a detective he would be disturbed from an execution, because as much as you knew, they, the detectives, saw only the bodies, not how they were killed.

You tried your best to believe his lies and smile until you finally had enough evidence that he was not the person he claims to be.

"(Y/N), you look so dismissive, what are you thinking of?", Shuichi asked, standing next to you in the corridors

"About nothing, just about the other trials we had," you lied and looked at the floor. By the time Shuichi wasn't with you, you tried to find out more about him as much as possible.

"(Y/N)," brought Shuichi you out of your thoughts. "I have to tell you something very important."

What comes next? Will he kill you? "What is it?", you tried to sound as normal as porrible.

"I think I fell in love with you." You jumped a bit. How could he fell in love with you while you were afraid of him, more and more over the time.

"You don't have to answer now, just think about it." He left without letting you speak.

At the last trial, you exposed him, you had all your evidences in your hands and you were not afraid of using them.

"The mastermind is Shuichi Saihara. You played your role really good, but I could see through you, dear," you said. You couldn't Shuichi's expression, but it was weird.

"Good job, (N/N), I'm very proud of you that you assume I would be the mastermind and you're trying to be a detective too, but you know, I couldn't even kill a fly." He lied, he lied and he lied.

"Then why would you be used to be of seeing other die. I mean, detectives only see the bodies, not how the people were killed by others."

He tried again and again to deny your arguments, at some point he said nothing more.

"Well yeah, you are right, I'm the mastermind. I played my role wonderful, don't you think? I had some mistakes but better than nothing." You couldn't answer, this was ridiculous, how can someone be this sadistic.

"It's time for my punishment, isn't it?" He pushed the button but before he would disappear in an execution, he said to you: "Although I may have lied, but that I fell in love with you was not one of my lies."

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