[Beta!Komaeda Nagito × Reader]

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Requested by: -MilkyHue-


"Geez, finally he's dead!", said someone in the room as everyone saw Togami, dead.

"What the fuck did you say?", said Fuyuhiko angrily while you stared at the body, terrified.

"I said: 'Geez, final-"

"I know what you said, you fucking idiot!" Fuyuhiko glared to Komaeda who dared to be that rude.

"Guys, it's not the right time for that! There is a body in this room and we have to investigate about the case. So if would you kindly to help us instead of being morons?", you said and looked especially to Komaeda who 'tched' and went away.

"What kind of a lighthead is that?", Hajime asked but didn't continue to bother since we had to figure out who the culprit was.

You went to Hajime to help him. "How can anyone be so disrespectful of a dead person?" Hajime mumbled.

You didn't say anything, you just wanted to get over with it. The class trial would start and if nobody would know who killed Togami, everyone except the culprit dies.

The time flew fast and the class trial began. Your podium was next to Komaeda's. It wasn't that comfortable but you had to concentrate and shouldn't let that block your mind.

Hajime gave you a last gaze before Monokuma showed up and started the class trial.

"We shouldn't talk too long, Komaeda's probably the culprit!", Hiyoko said and pointed at him.

He just stood there without an emotion in his face. You gulped and said: "Don't be too fast, Hiyoko. You don't have any evidence, yet you still point your finger at someone. Hajime and I exactly knows who the culprit is, but let me explain what happened first..."

After you pointed everything out, Teruteru got executed at the end of the class trial, as a punishment for killing Togami. You didn't see anything worse than this and you couldn't help but look away. You had the urge to vomit.

As you did you saw Komaeda, grinning.

The Hell is his problem?

When the execution ended, everyone stared at the black screen while you heared someone chuckling.

When you looked at your right, you saw Komaeda hysterically laughing.

You got angry, no... angry didn't explain your feelings at this moment. You went to him without thinking anything.

"What? Wanna kill me too? Come on, little kid, you can't even reach my nose."

That's when you lost it. You slapped with your flat hand his face.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you're better than anyone? Think again, you ugly ass bitch, you aren't!"

And with that you went outside of the room, straight to your cottage.

The next few days weren't really exciting. Sometimes you saw Komaeda looking at you but you didn't think much about it.

"(Y/N), wanna go and swim with us?", Mikan asked you. Apparently you were eating alone because you overslept, while everyone else went to the beach. "Sure, why not."

You got dressed and went there. When you saw Komaeda lying there, you spun around to walk away. "(Y/N), where are you going?"

You turned back to see Mahiru who had called you. "Well, I ...I don't want to be here anymore, I wanted to... to go back to my cottage," you said and caught a glimpse of Komaeda. After a  long time you thought:

His body is pretty nice...

You shook your head as you turned your attention back to Mahiru.

She also ventured a quick glance at him before she turned back to you.

"Because of him?", she asked and started to laugh when you nodded. "You can just sit somewhere else, far away from him!"

You nodded again. And with that Mahiru was satisfied and went into the water to the others. You on the other side have been looking for a place to sit down.

When you sat down, you just watched the other after you undressed your clothes. Of course, you had swimwear underneath.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you?", asked Komaeda and you didn't bother to look up nor to answer.

"I'll just take it as a yes." And with that he sat beside you. Nobody said a word.

"What do you actually want here?", you asked without looking at him. "Well, it's a sunny day and everyone is at the beach so I thought-"

"I didn't mean that, you moron!" You fully looked at him and saw, that he wore his hoodie but nothing underneath.

"Oh, you meant why I'm here sitting with you! Well, I actually wanted to have a smart talk, y'know," he explained and leaned back.

"You were pretty rude back then, you slapped me, (Y/N). That wasn't pleasing."

"It wasn't pleasing that you were happy about an execution someone got," you exclaimed and he looked at you with one eye closed.

"Alright," he murmured and sat straight again. "Let's forget everything about that and let's be friends."

Komaeda reached out his hand and looked at you expectantly.

"And why do you think I'm going to accept your offer to be my friend?", you asked after you turned to him.

"Well, I can't force you, but I'm sure one of the best humans you'll know." He started grinning.

How self-confident..

"Okay, I'll accept you to be my friend, but only to look if you are worth it." You shook his hand and started smiling.

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