[Slytherin!Izuru Kamukura x Gryffindor!Reader] Bad

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Harry Potter AU!


It wasn't so long ago when the old Talking Hat named you for one of the houses.

Every Gryffindor cheered at the table and welcomed you to your future house.

You were glad that you were simply welcomed. No prejudices, no disgusted looks.

You were not a pureblood, not even a halfblood, but a Muggle-born.

You just got a letter at the age of eleven, saying that you were admitted to a sorcerer's school called Hogwarts.

A professor from that school came by to explain the situation you were in.

He explained that you had magical powers that you could learn and improve at Hogwarts.

"There are also 4 houses you will be assigned to: Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. All four houses have their own characteristics," the professor explained, smiling at you a little.

"Gryffindor stands for chivalry and courage, Slytherin stands for brotherhood and ambition, Hufflepuff stands for helpfulness and not shy of work while Ravenclaw stands for wisdom and intelligence."

From there your heart raced with curiosity and excitement. It pounded faster and harder in your chest and your stomach started to hurt a bit. You obviously couldn't stop smiling.

But there was not only the human world that repelled others.

Because when you were sent to your house, there were some students who were relieved not to be in Slytherin because there was supposed to be a greater chance of becoming Death Eaters in this house.

'Again these prejudices,' you thought. "What are Death Eaters?", asked one of the students from Gryffindor, Fuyuhiko.

Someone older looked briefly to the left and to the right, before softly replied: "These are the followers of You-Know-Who."

"Lord Voldemort?", you asked, after many committed to gasp. "Do not say it so loud, it's forbidden to say his name," the older one explained again.

You didn't really get it, but nodded and didn't continue the topic.

You wanted to meet some people from the different houses after eating when you met a black haired boy.

You are not deterred by him and went to him. He sat in the yard on a bench.

When you stood in front of him, he looked into your eyes. His red eyes were empty and cold. You felt how it started to tingle on your back, a shiver ran down your spine.

"H-hello, uh, what's your name? I am (Y/N)," you introduced yourself and noticed how wet your hands were. Your heart pounded against your chest again and you trembled a little.

He just looked at you, mistreated you and made no sound. "What do you want from me?", he finally asked with a dark, cold undertone.

"I- I ...," you were nervous and stammered something in your mouth until you decided to go to the Gryffindor Dorm.

"What did this boy look like?", Asked Ibuki, the girl, that you met at the Hogwarts Express.

"He has black, long hair and red eyes," you said. "That was most likely Izuru Kamukura, he was assigned to Slytherin," said Hiyoko derogatory.

"Slytherin?", you mumbled.

Everyone knew that Gryffindor didn't get along well with Slytherin. Slytherin was not popular with any other house, but it was worse between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

A ghost entered the dorm. Not the house spirit, but a poltergeist. "Hey, you're the new ones, aren't you?" You nodded and asked him who he was. "I'm Peeves the Poltergei-" He was interrupted by two other Gryffindor students who tried to shoo him out.

You already knew that you would like Hogwarts.

A few days later you were sitting outside leaning against a tree to do your homework, enjoy the sun, and pump the air into your lungs.

"What are you doing here?", asked a familiar voice.

You looked up at him and said, "I turn oxygen into carbon dioxide." You've probably saw it wrong, but you could see a small smile on his face.

"I'm aware that you probably don't want to sit next to a Gryffindor, but you can sit next to me if you want to," you said, continuing your homework undisturbed.

Without hesitation, he sat next to you and watched you at the homework and even helped you a bit.

"You can be nice, too?", You asked grinning, closed your book and put it next to you.

"I'm not," he said quitely and leaned against the tree.

You had a little talk about many topics. You did not find him so terrible as before.

He told you that he comes from a pure-blooded family. So you told him that your parents are Muggles and you first knew you were a wizard/witch when you got your letter.

You said goodbye after you ended the conversation and had to go back.

Your roommates asked questions, such as where you had been, but you didn't answer.

When you and Ibuki went out after dinner to talk and take a walk, you saw Izuru with other Slytherins.

You wanted to go further, when one of the Slytherins stayed you. "Look, Gryffindor students are around, near our place."

"This is not just your place, you bastard," Ibuki said and wanted to go further, when someone shouted, "How cowardly you are."

She did not say that and wanted to say a spell when you stopped her. "Don't get down to their level."
"Do not interfere, Mudblood."

You turned to the voice and knew very well that it came from Izuru. You didn't really know what to do, so you took Ibuki by the hand and left her.

After that, you avoided him more often than you wanted. He was one of those guys who was only mean in groups. He knew that if he had been nice to a Gryffindor and a Muggle-born, he would have a hard time over the next few years.

Izuru tried to talk to you privately more often, but you went out of his closeness. You weren't stupid, you knew that Mudblood is the biggest insult to a Muggle-born.

After Potions, you wanted to leave the room when you wrote down everything you needed when Izuru stood in front of you and didn't let you through.

"What's the nonsense? Let me through," you said annoyed and tried as best as possible to get away, but Izuru pushed you against the wall and was dangerously close.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked, looking deep into his eyes. "Oh, I don't know, I just had the feeling that as a Slytherin you don't want to talk to a Mudblood," you said sarcastically.

"I think I love you," he said, as if that was easy to say. 'That was direct,' you thought to yourself.

Without warning, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You didn't know what to do and just let it happen.

He broke away and seemed a bit nervous. "I'm sorry," he whispered, wanting to leave. "I love you too," you said, still audible.


I'm sorry, this is really bad and I didn't write anything because I lost inspiration and nobody was requesting lol.

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