Still friends?

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Are you ready for another Book of Outcasts? Round two? I hope so. It's been a while. :) It feels amazing to be back everyone. Speaking of amazing,I hope that how you all are feeling right now. Not going to lie. I'm excited to continue this story. P.S. I considered this song like season two theme music material and start things off with a gif. XD Speaking of which,let's get right to it. :) Enjoy
Rocky's POV
Her intoxicating scent lingers on and on while the warmth from our embrace still has a warm touch in my heart. Her soft lips tasting sweet and so addictive that it's hard to comprehend air. My inner wolf begs for that scent to stay. It begs for one more taste and one more embrace of warmth. Everything like the facts plays out somewhere. I want deny the words and the feelings building up in me but, I don't think I have enough willpower.
"I like you, Rocky like a lot,ever since I met you. "
My eyes instantly shoot open as I sat up in a jolt of action. Eyes wide and increasing pulse of heart rate. My catch of air is almost like gasping fish out of water while everything seems to be overwhelming.
I sink my head in my hands while trying to shake away her words but, I can't.
My best friend likes me. She likes me and I don't know what to do or how to feel about all of it. Making the situation at hand a little more complicated. An ally by the name of Isabella or Ice Novelle likes me too.
I'm so screwed. I screwed up big time.
Their tender kisses sending nothing but chills down my spine and a rise of arousal within me.
I want them but,it seems so unfair. They both are something I crave and I can only choose one. There is such thing as multiple mates but in my case I only have one and I don't know who to like or even feel about it. You know the saying that you should follow your heart. It's easier said than done when your heart lingers for two different girls.
You would think that the moon goddess and cupid were both playing a game or simply a trick but,I don't think so. Dawn and Ice like me for a reason and those reasons are things I'll have to comprehend. If only I can. If only I can know what to do. I always know what to do but...not this time.
"Rocky,you okay?" a voice asks as I glance up to see Dean sat up halfway on his bed with his elbows propped up.
"You want the half truth or the brutal one?" I ask
"Come on,talk to me my wolf cub."
"I can't get her words out of my head,Dean. I wish that I didn't leave her alone. I wish that I could go back and tell her..." I begin to explain before I cut myself off not being able to finish my sentence.
"Tell her what,Rocky?" Dean asks edging me to continue.
"Tell her...tell her...*sigh*I don't know what I would tell her." I said shaking my head as my eyes glance at the carpet floor.
"Would you told her that you like her back?"
"Maybe. Maybe. All I know is that I ran away from a girl basically giving me half of her heart. I fucked up,Dean. I fucked up big time." I said releasing a heavy sigh as I rest my head in my hands once more.
"What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know,Dean. I'm all new to this whole gay romance thing. I don't know what it's like or even how to express it. I'm a hybrid with two girls both having a crush on me that are both considered my best friends. I don't want to be able to make their lives hell knowing that I don't return their emotions but,I...I'm lost." I say as I raise my head and glance at my hands before I glance at Dean.
"You can figure it all out,Rocky."
"That's something I hope I can do."
"You'll get through it. But for right now try to get some sleep. We have a long day of school tomorrow."
"And Rocky?"
"Are you sure that you're comfortable sleeping on the floor? I don't mind sharing the bed like always?"
"No,it's cool. I just need my space,Dean."
"Understandable. Well then, good night."
"Good night,Dean." I said as we lay back down as my eyes stare back at the darkened room only to ponder during this sleepless time.
I'm glad that Dean managed to get me to stay at his house. It took a while to convince his parents but,I managed to get to stay over just for tonight. I don't want to talk to Skylar or mom about this yet. Considering that mom is technically friends with Dawn so,I couldn't tell what I did. It seems low even for me. Dean is also Dawn's friend and it breaks me more even just sharing it with him. I added a friend to a situation that shouldn't involve him but, when Dawn kissed me. I had nowhere else to turn and panicked.
You basically destroyed our possible mate's heart
Dawn maybe a vampire but,she has feelings. Ice is considered cold hearted but,she just like everyone else when it comes emotions. I maybe considered a tomboy punk ass bitch by most people but,I'm not the shield that everyone expects. We all bare feelings,emotions,and above all else our dignity. We are just like you but different. That's why I'm baffled. I want to understand and give people a chance at expressing and telling feelings but,how can they express something if I don't know how to return it? I'm shot in the dark and I don't want to make assumptions and come to conclusions.
How are we going to fix a possible broken friendship?

Outcasts(#2): No More Games of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now