Repairing a Case of Heartbreaks

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Whose awesome? You guys are. Who says so? This author. *points to myself* Welcome all to one to the next chapter of the story. Obviously. You all know what is going to happen. You all have questions and puzzled as to the what happens next part. I got you,my awesome people. One new chapter coming up. Enjoy.
Dean's POV
There is such a thing as tough love. No one said that love and relationships was an easy gig or thing to accomplish. Believe me no one did. But when it comes tough love,Rocky knows how to give it in the harshest way possible. I'm not even sure if it's considered tough love if both Dawn and Ice are in the doghouse. They screwed up. Big time. To be fair when Zach and I first heard about the updated news we thought it was a hoax or joke. That was until the rest of the posse(Stephanie,Alexandria,and Zoe) confirmed with the news about the bet.
Gotta say that I'm disappointed in Dawn and Ice.
Never thought those two would take it this far especially Dawn. Then again Julian's game wasn't anything we imagined at all.
But still. You would think that out of the two of them that Dawn wouldn't be doing something wrong. I'm not saying she's perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. But I never thought this mistake would be so bad or even effective.
For example the girls have been telling me that they found Ice a couple times in the girls bathroom crying her eyes out between classes. But that isn't all. Zach has also updated on Dawn. He claims that she's locked up in her room a sobbing mess. Not only that but Rocky has been missing lately.
Zach and I asked the teachers and even the principal of they seen Rocky. They said that she comes in to school even before it opens to turn in her homework. Then she comes back after every student is gone and collects tonight's homework. When I asked about her overall attitude the response was odd: she had a stone face and didn't say anything except thank you before leaving.

This effect is worse than Zach and I thought it was. At first Zach and I thought that it would be best not to interfere with their problem. We wanted them to work it out however this repeat of events has been going on for almost a week. We have to step in and help now.
"What are we going to do?" Zach asks as he paces back and forth. I just look at him pacing as my back leans against a tree. We needed to talk about this so we thought fort Dean would be appropriate.
"I don't know. I mean has Dawn even left her room for anything? Like hygiene?"
"She doesn't necessarily to since she has a bathroom in her room."
"What about blood packs?"
" Nothing. "
"That's bad."
" Tell me about it. Mom and Caroline are starting to get concerned about her. "Zach exclaims as he stops pacing and looks over at me.
"How about Ice?"
"She hasn't responded my texts. Gingerbread tried to talk to her but it seems like she's blocking and voiding everyone away."
"Gabe told me that he spotted her and she looked horrible. Like zombie gone wrong horrible."
"Awe,Ice." I said with a mutter
"Still no word on Rocky?"
" Nothing. I swear it like her mental breakdown all over again. Except this is more about feelings hurt than guilt of hurting someone. "
"We need to talk to all of them."
" I'm serious. Look this may not be out problem but these our friends and my sister here. They need cheering up and a little boost back on their feet. "
"Well obviously not at the same time or all hell will be raised loose. Well more loose than it already was yesterday."
"What if we could talk to them at the same time without bringing them together."
" You're losing me,honey. "
"One of us talks to Dawn while the other talks to Ice."
"What about Rocky?"
" We'll both go to see her at the same time. "
"Alright sounds fair. Now the question is who goes to who."
"I think you just answered your own question there,Dean." Zach said with a laugh.
"Alright. I'll talk to Icicle while you talk to your twin. We'll both meet at Rocky's house at sometime. I don't want to give a specific time in case the conversation takes longer than given time to meet there." I exclaim as I get to my feet
"Fair enough." Zach exclaims with a nod and smiles. We give a peck on the lips as we give each other a hug before heading off to our destinations.
Mine might be a little bit more tricky than Zach's destination. Why? Well...let's Just say it may or may not be non vampire friendly.
Yep this is where I die
Sad but true.
I head off for blood pack territory which isn't that hard to find considering everyone knows about that place but never dated to enter. The vampires at school treat it like it some sort of myth of haunted house. But ever since Ice has been revealed as their leader and going to the school. That sense of "fear" is gone. Sort of. Everyone still talks about the pack like their a dangerous threat which technically they are since Ice rules with an iron fist. Ice maybe a lovable goofball but she's serious when it comes things close to her. Especially her pack. They are the only family she has left. She filled me in on everything. From her mother's death to Cameron. It still is heart wrenching to see a girl who can't win anything because she loses them.
She just needs the love she once lost.
I stare at the territory before inhaling and exhaling and entering the forest.
If Dawn could do it then so can I.
"Hello? Anyone here? I would like to talk to Ice Novelle." I yell while my eyes scour for someone and feet keep walking.
My feet instantly come to a halt when I glance off to the side to view a wolf appear from the shadows then another one. My head slowly turns only to view more wolves appear and surround me.
My head stops moving when there is a wolf sitting on a rock staring down at me.
The wolf on the rock then leaps as it lands on it's feet. But instead of the wolf being there it was it's human form. A girl with a hazel yet dark brown hair,jade green eyes staring at me and tall for the most part. She's wearing cut out shoulder shirt,jeans,and boots.
"Who are you and what are you doing on our land?" The girl asks in a hiss.
"I come in peace. I just want to talk to your leader."
"What do you want with our leader?"
"To talk to her. I'm her friend. I just want to cheer her up."
" You? Her friend? Wait what is your name? "
"Dean. Dean Glash."
" Ah, you're the vampire friend. " I just nod
"Ice said she made more than one vampire friend. I'm Malaysia."
"It's nice to meet you. But in all seriousness is she here? I would like to make sure that she's okay."
"Unfortunately she's not here. She went out hunting at Sanguine Forest. Just a couple minutes north to get to if you use your "special" speed." Malaysia exclaims pointing to the forest behind her. I just nod
"I'll talk to her."
"Good. She hasn't been herself and we need our leader back."
"I'll see what I can do." I exclaim with a faint smile as the wolves back up to give me space. I then rush off and run in hopes to find Ice.
I keep running until the large scent of werewolf narrows down to one. But there is a different scent besides werewolf. I can also smell humans, lead, and something else.
I don't like that.
"Ice!" I exclaim that leads to an echo. My eyes scour even using my vision.
My head instantly shifts towards the sudden animal cry. But it wasn't just an animal cry. It wasn't an animal either. I instantly race towards where the roar came from and the more closer I get I can smell that other scent more and more. Blood.
I stop when I can view it as I'm just left frozen at the sight.
"I-Ice." I mutter out at the sight.
There is Ice in partial wolf form with arrows impaled in her in different areas like abdomen, a few on her back, and right shoulder. Her body is dripping with blood from her wounds to her nails and teeth. Her eyes are glowing red. An antler in her hand. Surrounding her is three humans each with a weapon in hand. One has a crossbow, one a shotgun, and another a knife. The one with the knife has claw marks and bruises on his body. The one with the crossbow is holding his weapon odd as there is he other deer antler seemed to be speared through his arm. The one with the gun just stares at her with wide eyes and fear in his breath.
Behind her is a antlerless deer with body on the side and it's guts and blood spilling through it's stomach.
"Come on, come on! Come on you fuckers, take your best shot do it!" She roars at them with a menacing laugh extending her arms out. The scared hunter snaps out of it before pointing his gun to her head causing her to grow a smirk.
"No!" I scream as I instantly stand in front of the hunter and Ice before twisting his gun to the floor.
"Ow! Fuck!" the hunter screams as he hops on the new hole in his foot causing the other two to jump at my sudden appearance.
"Leave if you know what is good for you." I exclaim with a hard glare that set my eyes at a glow causing the three to instantly drop their weapons and head for the hills running.
"Oy! If it isn't my favorite care bear." Ice exclaims in what almost sounds like a slur.
I turn around only to view Ice more clearer their are bags under her eyes and her eye color back but drained with emptiness. Blood dripping from her mouth along with another scent from her breath.
"Ice, are you drunk?" I ask as the bottle of Jack Daniel's became more clear to smell.
"Not fully-ish?" She asks
"Want to explain what happened back there?"
"I apparently took their kill and those fuckers didn't like it ."
"Ice, why would you do this to yourself?" I exclaim as I glance at her wounds.
"Why does it matter? It eases my pain. Inside and out." She responds pointing out to the arrows.
" Ice,you need to get your wounds tended and we need to talk. "
"About what? How much of a fuck up I am?"
" What? No! Ice your not a fuck up. "
"You don't know that. I've lost everyone I ever loved all because of my actions. "
"That's not true. You still have me and Alexandria."
"Yeah well don't get too close I might just ruin your life too. " She exclaims with a bitter laugh.
"What? You know it's true."
" You need to get patched up and sober up. "
"I'm not that drunk."
" How much of that bottle have you had? "
" Swigs? "
" Isabella Novelle! "
"Hey,if I can talk normally and fight good to some extent. I'm not that drunk."
I pinch the bridge of my nose before glancing at her. I walk up towards her before giving her a little shove sending her to the ground in the instant.
"What the hell,Dean?"
" I rest my case. Now come on. Let's get you cleaned up. "I exclaim extending my hand out to her.
Let's hope Dawn isn't like this.
Zach's POV
When it comes to mistakes. Everyone makes them but this mistake isn't just an easy brush off. This is affecting all of us and I don't want to see my twin sister like this. Dawn deserves to be happy even when she screwed up. Now grant it that what she did was wrong. She shouldn't have done that but I can't make the choices she makes and she isn't perfect.
I know she took that bet to try to be closer to Rocky but I don't think she realized what the cost was until she got hit with that karma.
I'm actually glad that Mark isn't here because I know exactly what that asshole would say to her. Mom would try to make it better but in the end only make it worse. As for Caroline I don't know she would do. Caroline and Dawn's sister bond hasn't been as strong as it once was. We we're all getting along well until social status mattered more than our family status.
Anyways Dawn is in pain and she needs some healing from someone she trusts. I have no longer be the youngest son and brother but an aid for a broken heart.
"Come on,Dawn. Let me in." I exclaim after repeating myself for the fifth time since I got home. No response.
This is getting me no where. I know that this plan of mine was created but it's not so easy when a piece of your plan won't even cooperate with you.
I glance down at my feet to see Trouble clawing at the door with droopy ears.
"Dawn,if you won't let me in. At least let Trouble in. She misses you so much." I exclaim as I then bend down and pick her up.
"And here I thought you would actually be my breakthrough." I exclaim glancing down at Trouble who just looks up at me before she turns her head to the side in confusion.
The door peers a little more open as there is Dawn poking her head out.
"Who can resist this face?" I ask holding Trouble up who just gives her the sad puppy dog face.
I hear from Dawn as she opens the door more for us to enter.
"I hate it when you use her against me." She mumbles as I grow a smile and enter the room with Trouble in my hands.
I then set Trouble down and shut the door behind me. Dawn looks terrible. Her eyes are bloodshot,tear stained cheeks,and frizzy hair. Wearing baggy clothes and a tissue box on her bed.
"Are you hungry I can get you a blood pack or two if you want? "
"No thank you. I'm not hungry or thirsty for that matter." She responds faintly
"Dawn,you know why I'm here right. Everyone is worried about you." I exclaim as she sits down on her bed and Trouble jumps on the bed too resting on her lap.
"Not everyone." She exclaims in a mutter
"Dawn,I know that your in pain."
" Oh no kidding. "She exclaims with sarcasm
"But this can't be something that you can keep doing."
"What not? I got what I deserved. This is my karma handed to me and I need to embrace it."
"Dawn." I exclaim as I sat down in front of her.
" No. Rocky... "She begins as saying her name already has her chocked up.
" She was right and made it pretty clear. All I did was lead her on when I should've came clean. Now here I am paying for it. I don't deserve to have love. "
"Dawn Abigail Maverick! You do too deserve love! Everyone does in their life."
"Not me." she exclaims shaking her head as she strokes Trouble's fur.
"You do deserve it. Everyone deserves it. You can still get your happily ever after."
" I thought that too once. Then I was hit with reality that not everything about love and romance is what you picture. I had a grasp of it and I loved that feeling. Every moment of it. Then I had to screw up and do something to lose what that I treasured in my heart. "She exclaims as tears starts streaming down at her face.
"Sis,come here." I exclaim as I open my arms out for her. Dawn rests her had on her shoulder and starts sobbing as I just hold her in my arms. I haven't seen her this upset since the aftermath of her and Rocky's first kiss. Maybe even worse. All I can do is bandage and stitch her heart up as best as a can.
"Mark was right. I shouldn't have gained emotions for her. I should be what I was born as,a heartless soul-sucking vampire."
" Dawn,you can't help what you feel. It's your fate. "
"But why? Why did I have to be so careless into my feelings? Why didn't I just leave it alone?" Dawn asks in an almost mutter
"No one but yourself could make that choice for you. Yes,your a vampire but that doesn't stop you from getting a missing piece you were destined to get and that is love. You may have thought that you gained it from your past relationships."
"But she's different. She was the only one out of all of my past relationships who truly understood me. Made me feel alive so to speak. But love exploded in my face proving that it's nothing but a joke in my life." She cries on
" Your love life isn't a joke. "
"Oh really? Zane?"
" Okay not the best phrase for me to say. " She just grows a faint laugh as she wipes her tears that keep on streaming.
"But I know that you can break from this mess and fix the problem."
" It's not that easy." She sniffs
"How so?"
" I broke a girl's heart and my own. How can I fix a heart that I ran over with the truth ? I still can hear her screaming in my face."
She has a point. You can only perform one miracle at a time unless your a magician.
"One problem at a time,Dawn. That is all you can do."
" That's what I feared you would say that. " I just rub her back as she pays her head on my shoulder and I rest mine on top.
"You know what's the pathetic thing though? "I just remain silent.
" I still love her. I love her so much that it hurts me. I 'm in love with her and I can't even tell her that officially because of my mistake. It hurts when you betray someone you love with all your heart. " She cries out and my heart drops at that sentence. She was so willing to telling Rocky everything until it crumpled down.
"Yeah it does." I exclaim as my mind traces back to Dean.
"I 'm upset not at what she said but what I did to hurt her. Every tear I cry is for the thought of hurting her emotions. I hurt my mate and love of my life. I hurt my happily ever after and I can't even get her back. "
"You can't give up on her."
" I don't want to hurt her again,Zach. I can't face her after all I've done. I can't. " She exclaims as Trouble looks up at her with a point and whimper. Trouble rubs her head against Dawn's arm causing Dawn to glance down and pick up Trouble before holding her in her arms. Trouble rests her head on Dawn's neck and extends her front paws out.
I think that's her way of giving Dawn a hug.
I love this dog.
"You don't know if you don't try. "Dawn just shakes her head and back away from my comfort.
"I can't and won't be able to. I can't see the face of someone I hurt. I'm done with love. I'm done hurting people,Zach. "
"But sis-"
"Please leave."
" But Dawn-"
"I said leave please. I would like to be left alone now. "
"Dawn. "
"Please shut the door on your way out. "she mumbles as she pays herself down with her back turned to me.
That is all I'll get out of her. It still breaks my heart at the sight of this but this is all I can do for now.
"Okay." I exclaim faintly before hesitantly exiting the room and shutting the door behind me.
Better let Dean know.
I just head down the stairs only to view someone I didn't expect standing there with their arms crossed and concern on their face.
"How is she?"
" Not so good,Caroline. Here let's talk in the kitchen real quick. "
"She still isn't eating and has nothing but guilt."
" That's bad. If she keeps this up she won't have the strength to do anything. Walking will become an issue for her even with her vampire strength. "
"I know. I just hate seeing her like this."
" Same here. "
"I've tried my best to help but she seems to not be budging from that room any time soon. "
"Hm. Anything I could do to help. Mom is starting to wonder whether to keep letting Dawn have her space or not."
"I say that we should give her the space that she needs. But not for too long. Almost one week is bad enough like you said."
"Let's just hope that she doesn't get bloodlust. "
I forgot that we can still get it as a last resort.
"If so we have to make sure any human or anyone else stays out of her way." We even would have to get Trouble away from her.
" Not only that but imagine what will happen when Mark finds out what's going on. "Just the thought is frustrating enough.
" Yeah. Mark won't hold back on the "I told you so's " and won't hesitate to rub it in her face. "Caroline exclaims rolling her eyes
"I won't let that happen. Besides me and Dean have a plan."
" You and your boy toy huh? " She asks with a smirk
"He's not a boy toy but yes Dean and I have a plan. We can't guarantee a full fix on it but we're working on it."
"How far are you into this plan of yours?"
"Two thirds of the way there. I got to meet him actually to our next part of the plan." I exclaim as I head off towards the living room.
"Hey,Zach." I stop in my tracks and turn my head to the side.
"Don't give up on them." I just grow a faint smile and nod.
"I won't." I exclaim before I walk on and head for the car. The closer I get to the car I glance down to shoot Dean a text.
To: my Dean
From: me
Heading over to Rocky's. I'll meet you there soon.
Once I place my phone back in my pocket I think back to the conversation and then I instantly think of Dean at Dawn's words. I had betrayed Dean in the past when I moved away and he was suffering of a "one sided" love. We had our own problems thrown at us multiple times and even will have more problems in the future. But even after everything I did he still loved me. He forgave me and the heartache was healed. Of course it had healed over time and not in an instant. But the difference were out aside and the problem got it's solution.
The girls could have and the same healing once they talk and work though their problem. Although it's easier than done. It's easier to heal one heartbreak than three at once. 
I just hope Rocky is willing to be more cooperative when it comes to speaking.
Dean's POV
"Any better?" I ask with arms crossed staring down at Ice whose wrapped in bandages with a water bottle in hand sitting on a rock. Her head peering downwards at her feet.
I just lean against the nearest tree.
"You mean besides still feeling like shit than I'm great." She grumbles  before taking a sip of her water.
" Don't. I already know why you're here. "She exclaims putting the bottle down.
" Then already know the answer to what I'm asking you. "
"Sadly." She exclaims pinching the bridge of her nose in a sigh.
"Ice,this isn't the way to go or handle something painful like this."
"I don't see why not. I'm the main reason for all of this latest drama. "
"You need to think everything through before you cause damage."
" Too late. "
"I mean damage to yourself. Physically and emotionally."
" Once again too late. "
" I know. I know,I screwed up big time and your going to scold me for it. "
"As much as I want to. No. I'm here to check up on you and just talk. I'm actually glad that I did when I came."
"You know you don't have to. I was doing alright."
" Oh yeah. You were handling yourself pretty well there." I exclaim with sarcasm in my voice.
"Look,Dean. This is just my way of coping."
"Your saying that you've done this before." She doesn't respond as she takes another sip of her water.
"Ice,I'm ashamed of you. When was the last time you did something like this?"
"Cameron's death." My eyebrows raise before I take a deep breath.
"Ice,I understand that you are in pain but this isn't the way to cope with it."
" It's easier to drain away your sorrow through a bottle of two than face it head on. "
"That isn't true and you know it."
"You maybe right there, Dean. Sadly I can't erase the past and it doesn't hit you until you get reminded of your mistakes." She exclaims as water builds on her eyes.
" I know. But Ice here's my question. Why? Why make something like the bet? "She doesn't respond for a while as her hands good down and eyes staring at them.
"It was a joke."
" What? "
"It was originally suppose to be a joke. I didn't think Dawn would consider it let alone go do something like that. Then I thought that it would be something to test Dawn and myself on. I wanted to see how long she was willing do this bet before she quit or forfeited. It was even a test for myself to see how long that I would go for before I quit. I was testing to see how far we'd go when it comes to fighting for who you love."
"So your giving up the fight for love now? Alcohol is your substitution now? "
"You know I used to not think that love would enter into my life but it did and I never had felt so happy. Cameron gave me that fulfillment that I missed from my mom. She made me feel like I belonged in this world completely. Then I lost her at my own cause. For the longest time I thought I lost that feeling of love forever that is until I met...Rebel. She was a chance to get the numbness out of my chest. However like everything else I screwed that up.  Believe me Rebel made that very clear."
  "You have gotten through the rough patch but you can't let that effect you as a person. Loss is a terrible thing to have But you don't let that bring you down. You honor the memories you shared with them. It's similar to mistakes. You learn from them and improve from that mistake." Ice just shakes her head as she wipes her tears.
"It seems like everyone that gets close in my life managed to get taken away from me. Don't stand so close,Dean. You might be next."
" Ice,don't give up on your emotions. You can't give up. "I exclaim as I walk over and pull her into a side hug.
"If only that were the case. I just need to focus and a little bit of space right now. There is more things I should be concerned about then my feelings. I just need to rest right now." Ice exclaims as she breaks the hug and gets to her feet. 
"Ice,wait come on." I instantly stand up.
" I'll see you around,Dean. Thanks for the help and water. "She exclaims before walking off leaving there alone.
" How did it go? "I turn my head only to see Malaysia leaning against a tree.
"You'll need to keep an eye on her. I've tried my best but this will have to require more than my encouragement."
"Nobody did say that this was going to be easy. Don't worry I'll get the boss back on her feet. This isn't my first rodeo." She exclaims
"Thanks. Keep me informed and contact me. My number is in Ice's phone. "
"No problem. You're not that bad for a vampire."
"Not all of us are that bad." I exclaim with a shrug.
" So what will you do now? "
Right on time actually.
"I have to go talk to another friend who needs my help as well. I'll see you around. " I exclaim before heading off towards going to talk to someone that will be the only person that can set these girls straight. Well not sexuality wise but problem wise.
Let's just hope that my little wolf cub is willing to talk.
It only takes a few minutes before I'm standing in front of Rocky's house beside Zach.
"So how's Dawn?"
" Not well. How's Ice? "
"Drunk and beat up."
"Tell me about it. You ready for a challenge?"
"Try to talk to a stubborn wolf? Bring it on." Zach agrees with a faint smile before we walk towards the door hand in hand.
"Rocky? It's us,Dean and Zach. Do you mind opening the door? We want to talk to you." I exclaim and no response.
" Let's try it a few more times. "Zach suggests and I nod.
We try it again and again but no response not even a door budge. After the fifth time this starts getting old.
"Alright. Desperate calls for desperate measures." I exclaim before digging into my pants pocket and taking out a key.
"Spare key? Why am I not surprised." Zach replies with a laugh
" I basically live here might as well have a key. "
"Rocky? You home?" Zach asks in a Tell that only leaves a slight echo. No response at all.
"Hm. That's odd. Her phone's here and her car is in the front. She's gotta be home. "I add pointing out the phone on top of the entertainment center.
"Search around the house. She has got to be here." I nod before scouring around the building.
" I'll check upstairs while you check downstairs. " I add as I head for the stairs.
"Rocky. Wolf cub,you up here? " I peek my head in her room before entering and nothing. No Rocky anywhere and the place isn't a mess either which is also odd. What's weirder is the same thing happens when I enter the guest room. Nothing. Everything is in order.
"Any luck?"  Zach questions as soon as I get down the stairs.
"Nope. What about you?"
"No sight of her or even an result of her anger or sadness."
"This is strange. Do you think that she went on a walk?"
" No. She would've taken her phone along with her. Even at work and she wouldn't walk or run to work. "
"Where else would she be?" Zach asks as place my hand over my mouth thinking until it clicked.
" She wouldn't. "I mutter with wide eyes.
"Wouldn't what? "
"Did you check the garage yet? " I question quickly glancing at Zach.
"Did you see it?"
" See what? "
"Shit." I mutter as I speed walk into the kitchen. My eyes instantly can view a black door on the right side before walking towards it.
"Dean?" Zach has his eyebrows raises as he follows close behind.
Eyes focus on the area only to view it to be empty.
"It's gone."
" What's gone? "
"Her heritage softtail." 
"Her motorcycle." I exclaim with a sigh running a hand through my hair.
This is bad.
" So what does this mean? "
"She's gone. Rocky left town." I exclaim glancing over at Zach.
So much for our talk.
End of Chapter 23
What did you all think? What did you think about the boys stepping in to help? Whose visit surprised you the most? Dawn's or Ice's? What did you think about Ice's actions? What about Dawn's words? What will the gang do now? What did you think of the plot twist on the end? Did you suspect that would happen or not? Let me know what you think. But for now I want you all to stay awesome like always and I will leave you with this temporary cliffhanger. I will see you all soon. Goodbye and do something cool or new everyday.(if you don't want to you don't have to. I'm just throwing it out there.)

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