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What is up everybody? I'm back! Sort of. I hope you all are doing and feeling awesome this very day/night. Now,don't get ahead of me when it comes to this song. You all are puzzled and questioning on who everyone else is talking about when it comes to who Rocky loves? You'll get your answers soon enough. But for now enjoy the chapter and the song too.
Dawn's POV
"Let the games begin." I whisper out
"You take left and I'll take right." My partner casually says
"On it."
"Ready to bruise their ego?"
"Just as long your willing to keep that promise,Novelle." We turn heads briefly
"Consider it done,Maverick." She said before we turn our heads back only to for me to instantly dodge a fist. I dodge it a few times before grabbing the wrist of that fist.
"Really,Landon? Cheating already?" I ask with a smirk
"You took your eyes off the enemy. No penalties against throwing the first punch." he said before he have my left arm before he twists my arm around along with my body. I face the other way while my arm twists backwards against my back.
"True however don't expect an easy game." My foot connects to his knee cap causing him to give a release as I turn around to go for another kick but his hands block the heel.
He takes a few steps going for a side swings that are out of pattern as I raise my arms for block. His left fist goes for another punch and my arms bear trap his hand. I raise my knee to the elbow as he winced and backs up grasping his arm.

Wait a minute...
I turn my head to spot Ice as she's sparring with Stephanie but I don't see Caroline anywhere. At least not from where I'm standing.
"Ice, wher-?"
I felt a little sting around my jaw as I hold it in my hands and turn back to Landon.
"Hell of a hit."
"Just a little power in the hit."
"That all you got?"
"Why don't you find out yourself?"
" I'll pass. "I said before punching his stomach and twisting my punch while he drives his knuckles to my throat. Eyes widen as my hands go to hold my throat before arms wrapped around me and lifting me from the ground.
Don't you dare!
Is what I would say if I would even talk or breath at the second.
I shake my head before his arms gives my body a tight squeeze making breathing a harder option as I kick at air and can see to him eye to eye. I try to pull away from his grasp only for his bear hug to get tighter by the second. The bear hug wouldn't be so bad one of my lungs weren't ready to pop at any second.
Did Ice ever feel like this too?
At an instance my head goes back before compacting Landon's head as he drops me placing a hand on his head.
I shake my head and work on my breathing some more as I wrap my fingers together before slamming it against my chest releasing a chance to breathe better.
An inhale of air and I manage to get back to normal-ish. I slowly stand to my feet as I run to tackle him down only for his arms to extend outward grasping my shirt and flipping me over him literally. I grit my teeth landing on the hard back.
" Oh,cut me some slack here. "I groan before I glance up at Landon who hovers over me.
"Ready to throw in the towel yet?"
"Sure as soon you do." I said as my legs come together before slamming them straight to his chin while I get to my feet. He tumbles backwards staggering.
"Damn,bro. A donkey kick to the jaw. You don't play around,Dawn." Ice laughs as she walks up to me.
"What happened to your opponent? " I ask
"In a similar position as your friend over there." She points out as she points to Stephanie whose shaking her head trying to get to her feet while grasping her arm.
I turn my head only to view a new bruises on Ice's face and a few scratch marks near her eye. No doubt, Steph pulled out her cat claws for this.
"You look rough." I chuckle pointing the
"Thanks, so do you."
" Yeah. Hey,have you seen Caroline? "
"No. That chick is one sneaky bitch or a fast runner."
"Actually it doesn't surprise me. She was a track runner at some point." Ice glances at me with an eyebrow raise.
" What? "
"You didn't think that wouldn't be helpful information there?"
" Oh..shit. "
"So, it's up to Alex."
" I guess so but we'll see if they even can look at each other without getting handsey with each other. "
"Should we help her?"
" She maybe a love sick fool but she's a smart and big girl. She can take care of herself. What we should be concerned about is the flag. "
"You're right,come on." We head off towards the other side of the field only for our necks to get clothesline is back to the ground. We groan and both glance up to view Landon in between us.
"Forgot about that." I mutter as my voice sounds choked up a bit.
" What did you specialize in? Wrestling 101? " Ice asks as I turn my head to view her instantly being pulled away by her hair.
"Ow,ow,ow. Come on,respect the locks woman!" She hollers as Steph drags her away.
" Never thought this game would get this intense. "
"Neither did I." Landon said as he raises his mended together fists raise upwards and I instantly do a tuck and roll forward.
I don't waste any time as I get to my feet and take off running for the other "territory." I don't even turn behind me as I keep running while I scan around the area as best as I can.
How hard is it to find a neon flag?
I stop for a second letting me lungs catch up and looking around everything. Out of the corner of my eye,I could view Landon running towards me and getting ready in tackle position.
I just remain still until the sounds of feet gets closer and then a back flip landing right on top of Landon. Not like that you pervs!
He falls in his stomach with me sitting on his back.
"Tables have turned now huh,Landon?"
" Very funny. "He mutters as he raises his head from the ground.
"Where's the flag? I know you hid the flag." I said as I poke his right cheek.
" Not saying. " I keep poking him
"Where's the flag?"
" You seriously think that you can get that out of me. Forget it, I'm not saying. "
"Oh really?" I grew a faint smile as I wrap my arm around his neck before giving him a noogie.
"Where's the flag?" I continuously ask as I keep giving him a noogie.
" Dawn,what are you seven? That won't make me talk. "He said turning his head to face me some what.
" Alright. I promised I wasn't going to do this but you leave me no choice. " I said as I raised one finger and instantly his smirk dropped.
"You wouldn't dare." I place the finger in my mouth before pulling it out covered in salvia.
"Oh I would." I said as I slowly inch closer towards his ear.
"Okay,okay! I'll talk!"
"Heads up!!!" I turn around only for a body instantly knock me completely over into my back with them on top.
"You know when you said this would bring us together. I'm sure that this isn't what you meant." I glance up to see sitting up hovering over me.
"Oh shut up, Ice. Also what happened to playing by the rules? No way in hell did Stephanie throw you this far without using her ability."
"I wouldn't doubt it. She's got some throwing arm plus that's what happens when you jump on her back."
" You jumped on her back? Well then again I have no room to speak. "
"Yeah, literally." Ice said before getting to get feet followed by me.
"This is what happens when we get cocky or let things get to us." I said looking exactly at her.
" Why are you looking at me when you said that? " I roll my eyes before I just everything off.
"I've been looking around and can't find anything. At least not yet."
" You know something occurred to me. "
"What's that?" I ask as my eyes quickly scan off to the side to see Stephanie walking up beside Landon realizing she looks just as bad.
"What if they didn't hide the flag on a location?"
" It's a possibility but we don't officially know that for sure. "
"I'm just saying. Normally, hiding a flag wouldn't be this hard to find unless we're either going into full I spy on this game or.."
" They had someone else wearing the flag. "
"They wouldn't."
"They would." Ice said before heading for Stephanie.
Let's put it to the test.
Landon and I walk towards each other then half way start circling each other.
"I'm still not cracking,Dawn."
" That's fine. You don't have to. I already figured it out. "
"No you didn't."
" You don't know that. "
"And how do I know you're not bluffing?"
" Okay, then where's Caroline? "
"Finding the other flag."
" Is she or is she just hiding for a surprise attack? "
"Why would she do that if she has the flag on her?" he instantly stops and covers his mouth with wide eyes.
"Gotcha."I said stopping myself
" Ice! You were right! "
"Aren't I always!" she yells back
" Don't you dare answer that! "
Landon and I both stare down at each other before we get in position to make the first leap of attack. At an instant we both head towards each other with a smile and a smirk on our faces.
"GAME!" We hear a scream that sends me at a startling halt and Landon to pump his breaks.
Bitch what?
"Game? What do they mean game?" I ask as he shrugs as we glance over at Stephanie whose got Ice in a headlock as they both look at us then each other. Stephanie instantly drops Ice as she for the other way leaving Ice on the ground.
"Uh no, don't mind me. I'll just lay here." I roll my eyes with a faint smile as I walk over and extend my hand out to Ice.
"Who called game?"
"by the sounds of it, Alex did." I said before pulling her up.
" We don't know for sure if it was because she won or not. " Landon said
"That's what we're going to find out for ourselves."
The rest of us head towards the middle where we can see Alexandria holding the flag in her hand while Stephanie talks to her and Caroline.
"Looks like our red friend found and captured the flag."
"Maybe she captured blondie's heart as well. " Ice whispered loudly causing me to snicker.
"Way to go, Alex." I said with a smile gaining the others attention as I pat my friend's back.
"Thanks, it wasn't easy though."
"I bet. Although she does like when her woman plays hard to get." Ice laughs before the redhead punches Ice's arm .
"So, what did you guys think?"
" I think you guys cheated. "Steph huffs
" Says the one that threw me like a rag doll. "Ice replies.
"You called me a twig that couldn't throw a softball!"
" You know most people take the twig comment as a compliment, twig. "
"That's it! I demand a rematch,you and me. Let's go."
" Bring it on! "
I shake my head watching the two butt heads as Landon and I watch the interaction happen. A smile on my lips forms.
"Hey,A.J.? Can we talk?"
" S-sure. I mean yeah sure. "My eyes peers over to view Caroline and Alexandria walking off in the distance to where we could still see them barely but not "hear" them. A smile on my face grows.
I don't regret this at all.
Alexandria's POV
You know I thought the fight between Caroline and I had some sexual tension between us but now I get the feeling it might get worse.
Don't say anything stupid. Don't say anything stupid.
"So,what's up,Caroline?" I ask as I could literally hear my heart pounding up to my ears.
" I wanted to tell you something. "
Oh God,what is it? Was I too competitive? Does she not like me? Why wouldn't she? God,she's so pretty. Shut up!
" -don't know how to say it."
"Is the Caroline Maverick getting nervous?" I ask with a smirk
Where the hell did this confidence come from?
"Oh..uh sorry."her cheeks turning a shade of red.
" Don't be. It's cute,princess. " I swear Caroline almost fainted from where she stood as I'm holding back every bit of me to drool or keep her away from my grasp.
Damn moon.
She takes a deep breath before her hands grasp mine and interlock together like lock and key. I glance down at the hand holding as I could feel my heart explode or maybe it's the butterflies or maybe the nervous vomiting waiting to happen. Gross but leave me alone okay! Everyone reacts to this all differently.
"Alexandria jade." My eyes instantly meets hers as my heart beats louder and louder by the second.
"Throughout the years, I've been denying something that I can no longer run from or hide. I'll start by asking this."
asking me what? What could she possibly ask me?
" Alexandria, will you-go on a date with me? "
Whoop there it is.
My mouth is left at agap I'm sure what to do or how to respond leaving me stiff.
"Oh shit,I just made it awkward didn't I?" She asks as her hands releases from mine,eyes painted with complete worry,and face completely red.
"I'm so sorry. I just I mean I've had a crush on you for the longest time and I didn't know what to do or say. I thought it might be an opportunity but I guess that I'm a little off." she rambles on so
without think I instantly wrap my arms around her neck and place my lips against her.
The sweet taste that I finally craved for was what I wanted all a long and just when I thought that it would end her lips have me another taste returning my kiss. I can feel her fingertips clutching the sides of my face before we pull away only to look at each other with more than just lust. Her eyes gloss over with a sparkle that made my dignity fall into its knees in submission.
"I like you too,Caroline. I always have since elementary school. I just never got the courage to tell you because I never did think you would like me at all and I was scared." I confess a after having my breath catch up with me.
" We both know now that it's a lie. " she said with a glowing smile as I can see her bottom lip being snug under her teeth which drives me nuts as I licked my lips staring at her lips.

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