Forever and Always

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Aloha! My fellow bookworms and future authors. Welcome back another chapter. I will say that you guys are awesome for reading my stuff and much appreciated. I probably sound like a broken record but I can't help it since someone out there is reading my material. It makes me happy because it gets my stuff out there to you all. Also pic above is the little devil himself, Warren Asheville. With all this being said let the chapter commence.
Dean's POV
"Okay so go through what you just told me once more." I exclaim as I rub my eyeballs before glancing over at Dawn. This is basically the third time I've been told this piece of information. I'm just double checking that I heard it all right.
"Caroline blackmailed Rocky to go on a date in exchange for something personal and Rocky agreed to this whole thing."
"Okay. So what exactly do you want me to do?"
"Dean, you need to help get her out of this situation." My eyebrows raises at this when she exclaim this.
"Rocky is your woman. Why don't you fight for her?"
"I already tried to talk her out of it. She won't listen to me."
"Well you know Rocky." I state before I take a sip of my blood packet.
"Yeah a stubborn ass. "Dawn mutters causing me to laugh.
"Hey, you said it not me. "I exclaim raising my hands up in defeat.
"Dean, this is Caroline we are talking about here and I don't know if Rocky knows as to what she's getting into or not."
"Dawn, I'm sure Rocky has good intentions. I mean like you said Rocky was blackmailed there was nothing else she could do. I mean I sure that if you were Rocky's shoes then you would understand." I suggest that instantly makes Dawn's face shift from concerned to disappointed in seconds.
"Unless you're already in her shoes." I say raising a brow.
"Did the girls tell you yet?" she asks in an almost mumbled whisper.
"No but I would feel much more appreciated if you told me what the hell is going on." I exclaim as my eyebrows furrow. Dawn looks at me with slight hesitation before she spoke up.
"Zane blackmailed me into a date as well." my eyebrows raise at this before they furrow.
"Does Rocky know?"
"What do I know about?" A voice asks from behind to reveal Rocky standing there with a tray in hand and this time a blood packet.
"Oh you know usual." I say with a shrug as Rocky arises a brow before sitting down at the table.
"Dawn telling me stuff that you would try to hide from me." I continue causing Rocky to just sigh before glancing at Dawn.
"You told him."
"Yes and I'm glad she did too. Rocky, what exactly are you thinking?"
"My dad is alive." Rocky exclaims That causes both Dawn and my eyes to widen.
"Whoa,whoa back up. Your human dad. "
"Wait a minute what?" Dawn beyond puzzled being thrown off by the new information
"No, Dean. I have more than one dad that is named Shiloh. Of course that dad!" Rocky interjects
"Can we backtrack about that statement. Rocky your dad is a human?"
"Yeah. I thought I told you. "
"You only told me that you are a hybrid and that the half blood was only a similar term for that."
Well that's not false but still...
"You didn't tell her that your part human!?" I snap in an almost hiss as I backhand her.
"Being called a half blood is self explanatory." Rocky claims while rubbing the back of her head.
"That isn't really true. I'm mean a half blood could be for like you said hybrid. You could be half werewolf and half vampire for example. I mean we don't know that." Dawn exclaims with a shrug
"She has a point. Half blood isn't just for one specific thing. It could mean hybrid. I mean it would explain why you drink blood packets at our school so much."
"You know as well as I do that I drink blood packets to substitute a supplement for protein. A werewolf can drink blood packets but it's like pop for humans;it can quench the thirst but not enough. Look the point here is that I didn't mean for to assume that you thought that I was part human." Rocky explains
"But if you're part to know what could that mean?"
"That the emotions and control of my werewolf side will be difficult to remain at a certain level."
"But I don't understand. I don't see any change mentally when you use your werewolf form?" Dawn states in confusion.
"It may not be every time that I transform but it is possible that I can snap into my wolf side and never be Rocky again or do something reckless."
"Like what? Marking your territory on private property? "I ask with sarcasm and an eye roll.
"More like killing someone with my own bare hands." Rocky exclaims that causes Dawn and I's eyes to widen.
"You guys might be vampires and you have the same possibility and capability to do so along with every other monster in this world. However every monster is snapped back into reality before killing an innocent that doesn't deserve death that is due to a signal in your cerebrum that can react to something that can cause murder. For those such as murderers that is our kind is normally under some influence of drug and destroyed the signal from toxins. Plus it's rare for monsters to snap easily considering that we manage the concept of control like an everyday thing. Almost like an instinct kind of like how puppies instantly paddle their paws when their slowly placed into the water.  However for a half blood killing someone is killing someone regardless of they are innocent or guilty of anything. If I snap then I snap and my wolf side will be in full control. My wolf side would treat everyone the way it wants it to and there is nothing I could do."
"But even if it's true. There should be a way to control something like that." I exclaim bringing up an excellent point and Rocky nods
"I would require another human to help me control the split up features in balance. However it can't be any human. It has to be someone that is related by blood."
"So someone like your father? "I ask and Rocky nods
"That's kinda one of the reasons that I said yes to this date. I don't to be a risk and danger to those that means too much in my life. "Rocky exclaims
"Rocky,what is the main reason why you said yes to something like this?" Dawn asks as Rocky closes her eyes before slowly exhaling.
"For my family." she exclaims
"What?" Dawn and I both exclaim union
"You heard me right." Rocky begins as she opens her eyes looking at both of us.
"The brokenness and grief in mom destroyed me to see her this way. She got me back and she's happy to get her daughter but that only repaired half of her heart. I have to get the other half of her heart to make it whole again."
"Is it just Skylar,Rocky?" I ask and she just shakes her head.
I want to myself while again as well. All along I thought that I would have to live alone. I thought being alone was a safe haven but then I found mom and it made me realize the part of the love I've been missing in my life. I thought that a mother's love would be enough to represent both parents but then I found out that my dad could be alive brings hope and a chance I might actually get the full love I've been dreaming since forever. "
"Might? Just earlier you said that your father is alive." Dawn points out
"I can't really take Caroline's word on anything including the information that sends me at high hopes."
"You have a point." I exclaim looking at Rocky.
"Agreed. Just,Rocky.." Dawn begins
" Yeah?"
"Be careful,okay. I don't want you to get hurt emotionally." Dawn exclaims as she takes Rocky's hand and interlocks it with her own.
"I will." Rocky exclaims with a nod.
"Aww. You two are too cute. Why not already make it official and just kiss already." I exclaim that causes both girls eyes to widen and red flushed faces as they instantly let go of their grasp and glance over at me.
" Dean! "Dawn and Rocky exclaims in an almost shout.
"Just saying. You would be doing a lot of people a favor." I exclaim with a laugh as they both keep scolding me and diverting the subject once again.
Surprisingly as much as I heard and wanted to tell Rocky that Dawn has been blackmailed;it wasn't my right to say. Trust me I would've flat out told Rocky the truth but Dawn's pleading puppy dog eyes convinced me otherwise. Normally I wouldn't let that work on me but I had my mind on other things that I didn't really consider having the heart to say something. My mind has been thinking about Zach's game and our upcoming date.
To be honest the date seems more thrilling than the game itself but,a promise is a promise.I just hope that if I'm at the game that Warren doesn't see me in the crowd. He is just a mishap waiting to happen. Which brings me up to an excellent point about this question: If Zach and I went out on our date would Warren be there to take our picture and rat us out again?  
Warren somehow managed to do it before why wouldn't he try to do it again. But other than that there is no other concern besides Warren and Julian.
That sick son of a bitch would try something just to make himself laugh at our suffering.
Other than that there is really nothing to be too concerned about. My parents are easy to deals with with. I would just sneak out of lie telling them that Rocky is desperate on help for homework. I know they'll believe it considering that it happened before.
The bell goes off after we've all had our discussion at lunch. Rocky picks up her tray and exclaims that she'll be right back. Once she gets out of war reach I glance over at Dawn.
"When will you tell her?"
"Eventually. I just don't when yet. "
"Hopefully you figure out a good time when before Rocky finds out the hard way and it won't be me who spills either." Dawn just nods in understanding as I nod back.
"Good." I exclaim and right on cue Rocky rejoins us as we all head down to class.
So throughout the school day I just keep counting down the time and the hour. Since the game is coming up later tonight so I have to set my plan to escape the house arrest prison of my parents. I even told Rocky to let me walk home so I can figure out how to word everything out perfectly. If I stutter or make up some lame excuse that goes off to what I'm even thinking of them it's basically game over for me.
Right now,I'm clutching to the handles of my bookbag while thinking on how to word the homework tutor lie. It's a lot easier said than done considering that you have to remember the lie you told and go with it because parents can catch us by tricking us.
Anyways my mind is So focused that I don't pay attention and collide with someone that sends both of us at a collapse to the floor. We both slowly get up as I wipe the dust off my pants not even looking at who I bumped into.
"I 'm sorry. I was outzoning and didn't see where I was doing. "
"It's fine. It happens." the voice exclaims that causes me to instantly freeze on the spot considering the familiar time of that voice. I slowly glance up at who exactly I bumped into only for my eyes to widen along with the familiar person as well. My breath caught in my throat.
"Warren. "I exclaim in almost choke
Zach's POV
"Someone seems to be in a good mood today." Gabe's voice begins as a echo snapping out of my daydream.
"You look like your on cloud nine bro. Come on what gives? "
"Oh nothing much. I might have had the guts to ask Dean out on the date." I exclaim with a faint smile.
"Dude for real?" Gabe asks eyebrows raised and a grin on his face as I just nod .
"Hey,way to go. I knew you had it in you,captain." Gave exclaims as he slugs my arm as I just smile.
"So when is the date?" He asks
"Sometime after the soccer game tonight." I exclaim with a goofy yet cheesy grin growing on my face.
"So you didn't set an exact date?" I shake my head that causes Gabe to just shake his head at me.
"Oh you and your helpless gay ass." Gabe says with a laugh
"Shut up, man." I exclaim with a shove causing him to just chuckle at me.
"You want my advice?"
"No but I know that you're going to tell me anyways."
"Set the date sooner than what you exclaimed it to be."
"Look you didn't specify the date. You just said at some point after the soccer game if you guys are going to go out on a date. That doesn't specify or specifically mean tonight. It could mean days from now which is what I think what you were aiming for."
"Okay so what you're saying is?"
"Set the date up for the next day."
"Oh." my eyebrows raise
"Yeah, oh. You need some more dating game man."
"Hey!" I exclaim with flushed cheeks
"Just saying. In fact I've been saying this for a while ever since you told me about your heart eyes for Dean."
"Okay, good point. But what am I going to do to help improve that? Reading about it only pictures it instead of learning from it. Movies won't help at all considering that most of the romance one are based off of fiction."
"A little harsh to say about literature and film but you bring up a good point. "Gabe comments
"Gabe,let's face it my dating skills are about as charming as a trash can."
"Hey,don't doubt and beat yourself up yet. There is a way to improve your dating game. "
"Oh yeah like what?
"I've got an idea."Gabe exclaims while snapping his fingers that causes both to come at a halt.
" Okay,what is it? "
"Practice dating."
"Excuse me?"
"You go on a practice date with someone to get some improvement in dating game."
"I don't know." I exclaim as I begin to walk again down the hallways while I shake my head.
"You don't have to worry about cheating on your boy toy. The date will not count considering that it is called practice for a reason. Plus if it helps I'll be your dating coach."Gabe explains as he catches up with me to stand on my right side.
Don't do it....
"Alright. I'm in." I exclaimed some brief hesitation. As much as I wanted to say no to the whole idea all together. But to be honest I don't want to make Dean feel like I can't manage the relationship between us and let him do the heavy lifting. That's the not kind of guy I am let alone a future boyfriend. So overall I just want to be a better "boyfriend" to Dean when it comes to us dating as a couple.
"So when and who is the practice date?" I ask with an eyebrow raise. I trust Gabe. Just not when he does things like this.
"The practice date is during lunch outside at the garden. You'll be there."
"Okay but you still didn't tell me who the practice date is?"
"Oh that's easy. It's me." Gave exclaims as he pats my right shoulder that causes me to freeze in my tracks while Gabe keeps on walking.
"Well there goes the final warning bell see you in class and at lunch,dude." Gabe exclaims with a wave without turning around as he keeps on walking.
"Now wait just a minute,Gabe!" I exclaim as an almost shout as I chase after Gabe to catch up with him that causes Gabe to just laugh at me.
There is nothing more than awkward of a practice date than with your best friend. I mean I know that their is no feelings or attachments to all of this. But Gabe is like my cousin hell a  brother even. That's why it's weird. I mean it's like saying that you're going on a practice date with your sibling or if you're an only child then your parents or family relative. The point is that the idea of thought of going on a date,regardless of it's fake or not,with a brother like role model is all levels of wrongs. It maybe even beyond all levels of wrong.
"Would you quit laughing at me!" I exclaim in almost at an hiss while my cheeks were turning pink from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry." the person exclaim in front of me as they wipe a tear from their left eye.
"No you're not."
"You're right. I'm not. "They exclaim causing me to glare at them causing them to start cracking up again.
" Look.Will you take this seriously please? I asked you here for advice not to laugh at me. "
"I know. I know I just thought it would sound too good to be true for you to ask me for help."
" I know,I know but you are my last resort for help,Alex. "
"The last one?"Alexandria asks raising a brow
" Well,Dawn is busy talking to Dean and I can't really invade their space personally. Rocky or Ice wouldn't be able to explain it. Well Rocky won't know how to explain it. Ice would probably tell me something perverted or too poetic that I can even understand it. "
"Haha,yeah. Isabella has a way with her words especially when it comes to romance."
" Also I would be desperate before I even turn to my parents or even Caroline. No offense. "
"None taken."
"So you and the girls are my last resort. Well you are. I don't know where the other two are or even went."
"Zoe has a pop culture meeting and Stephanie is stuck in her studies of english. "Alexandria explains
" Of course. "
"So when do you have to be at your fake date? "Alexandria exclaims in quotation marks for the word date.
"Ten minutes away." I exclaim
"Damn,okay. Take a seat in the bean bag chair and we'll get started." Alexandria explains as I nod and take my seat across from her.
I felt really nervous about the whole fake date thing thinking that I would fuck it up. Which knowing me I would. I need advice regardless of the date of not. I need advice on dating on a personal level. I asked my teacher for a pass to get a book for a assignment in English that relates to the book that we are discussing in class. But really it's just a n excuse to calm my nerves and that's when I ran into Alex. I explained the whole situation to her and asked her to help me desperately. She agreed to help me even though she laughed at me on the idea of the whole fake date.
"Thank you,Alex."
"Yeah yeah. I swear you and your boyfriend need to find a different ginger therapist. You two are going to kill me with all of this love drama. "She exclaims that cause both of us to laugh.
"So,you think that your effects in giving love are not enough and needs some sort improvement in that? "I nod
"What makes you think that? "She asks
"Dean." I answer as she looks at me in confusion.
"I've promised Dean since we were kids that I would grant him the love and protection as any knight that is destined to be for their prince. I lost it when my memory got...altered. Now I'm back to where I started when we we're kids except the lack of experience. Dean has been waiting to receive the love that I can now receive back to him. I feel like that I would be disappointing him. I want to give him the love that I have buried in my heart somewhere and I want to release it."
"But the problem is you don't know how to unlock it?" I nod
"It sounds like you're doubting yourself, Zach."
"Kinda figured it out by that much."
"But this kinda doubt is the main reason that it's holding you back."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean that their  is nothing with you mentally. You have this negative feeling of doubt that you won't provide enough that it becomes a shield for your heart."
"So basically what you're saying is to never doubt myself and basically my heart will unlock to it's true potential?"
"Basically ,yes. But Zach you don't need to be an expert in romance to make Dean happy. Based off of what I see between the two of you and how you describe your guys relationship. You being with Dean is just enough to make him happy. Guaranteed." Alexandria exclaims as she pats my  right shoulder causing me to just give off a faint smile.
"Thanks, Alex."
"No problem. Just don't doubt yourself. You'll be fine."
"I know."
"Zach, let me ask you something."
"Do you love him?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"It relates to the discussion trust me on this one."
"Okay. Well the question is a no brainier. Of course I do."
"Would you do anything to protect him?"
"No question about it."
"Then why is to hard to express something that you two already have a connection for."
"You...make a good point."
Why is it hard to show my love towards Dean?
Does it have to deal with the fact that Mark  pushed me back to square one? The fact that love was always hidden away from me for so long? A make up for a promise that is as old as dust? I have no real answer but I guess that the doubt that I had created had held me down from loving Dean completely.
"Zach." Alexandria's voice exclaims bringing back to  the surface of reality.
"Don't overthink it. Live it." and before I could say anything else she cuts me off and says
"Love is a hard piece of matter to obtain especially finding someone to bring a connection towards you and that subject of love. Love is a big step up from like or crushing on someone. Someone isn't complicated when it comes towards that chemistry. It doesn't matter if you have good or bad dating game. All that matters is like I said before the chemistry that is made for them. Dean's feelings  isn't complicated to understand, Zach. If you can understand him fully  then you can understand yourself just as much. It's a confusing statement but I know that being in a relationship with someone you love far from confusing." I just sit there slightly stunned on her words for she's right on this. Every time that I make a move on Dean or take some step forward towards our relationship I always feel a small pity of doubt within me. I shouldn't feel that way at all. Dean is someone whose feelings and life matters more than anything else including my own life.
After a few minutes of silence, I manage to bring myself to speak.
"You're right, Alex. I should have more courage in this whole relationship and never hold back no matter if I make a fool of myself or not. What is all going to matter is seeing him and being there for him." Alexandria just nods at my words as she grows a faint smile before getting herself up from her beanbag chair and pats me in the right knee.
"My work here is done. Hopefully ,you keep those words in your head." I just nod and smile.
"I will. Thank you, Alex." I exclaim with a faint smile as I get myself up from the beanbag chair and give her a bear hug.
"No problem, Zach. Happy to help the Maverick siblings out. Most of you guys are like family to me."
"Well there is one exception that is more than family." I exclaim with an eyebrow wiggle that causes her to blush before playfully shoving me causing me to laugh.
"Shut up, Zach."
"Just stating facts here, Alex." I exclaim raising my hands up in defeat with a smirk on my face and more excited for Dean to show up at the game.
Dean's POV
Of course he's here.
"It's been a while." he exclaims as he takes a step forward before my basic instincts kick in and I Straight up punch Warren in the face causing him to back up a bit from me due to the punch.
"Alright, I deserved that." he exclaims with a nod as he dabs his nose for any blood.
"You deserve a lot more but I think Zach put you in your place."
"You're not wrong about that. I was a pretty shitty person especially towards what I did to you in the past." I scoff at his words
"That's an underestimated statement. More like you broke me, Warren. Scarred to even be touched by anyone because of what you almost did to me let alone drifting the relationship between Zach and I." I exclaim with a frown and eyebrows furrowing.
"Dean that was something that I had no control over."
"Ah huh, sure. There just so happens to be another demon blonde with the name of Warren Asheville who specifically tried to break Zach and I apart." I exclaim with sass.
"Look, I know that I'm no saint when it comes to something like this. But please give me a chance to explain."
"You can kiss my ass before you can talk to me." I exclaim with a hiss baring my fangs at him. I pass him and purposely bump him with my right shoulder.
"I was blackmailed to do it,Dean! Three people blackmailed me to take the photos." Warren exclaims as he grasps my left wrist that causes me to go into basic instincts again as I turn around and knee him in the stomach hard sending to to fall in his knees.
Why didn't my basic instincts kick in when he almost had his way with me.
"What three people?" I ask
" Two guys and a girl. The two had got me out of jail and claimed that their boss or the other guy assigned a task for me. "Warren exclaims between breaths
I wonder....
"Did the guy have short dark brown hair and brown eyes?" he nods
"Did the girl have long brunette hair and green eyes?" he nods again
"Did you see the third member?"
"No. During the time that the pictures were taken care of and delivered I was free to go. But I know that their is a third member because I remember other other two people were speaking highly of him." Warren explains as he slowly gets to his feet.
My hunch was correct! Julian set Zach and I up!
"So you said that you were blackmailed." I brought up causing Warren to nod instantly.
Seems to be a reoccurring theme here.
"How were to blackmailed?"
"The group that freed me had blackmailed into taking the pictures or else they would put back into the jail cell and leave me there. I had to do it. I couldn't let my parents find out about what I did and I had an education to get. I had no other choice,Dean. I didn't know they wanted me to take pictures of you and Winchester until I got out of jail."
"You may be telling the truth but that doesn't give me a reason to trust you. You managed to charm your way into my life the first time and look where that got me. Plus it doesn't really show a whole lot of a second chance when you ratted me and Zach out to our parents." I exclaim with burrowing eyebrows.
"Dean,I know I did a lot of messed up things to you but I'm asking you to find it somewhere in  your heart or soul to forgive me."
"Is this really an apology or is this another one of you and your friends stupid bets?" I ask while placing my hands on my hips.
"Dean,this is really me. Please forgive me. I didn't want to go through with the bet when I got to know you as a person. I was desperate for money at the time since I got cut off on my allowances and lost my job to my ex. You're a nice guy,Dean. You made me question who I was when we hanged out. You know and I guess when I saw you and Zach together when I took those pictures I know..." Warren explains but cheeks turns pink in embarrassment which made my eyebrows raise.
"Jealous? You were jealous of Zach?" he just nods as his eyes trails to his feet. Well this is a turn of events
Don't fall for it. It could be a trap
"Warrren..I really don't know what to say. I mean I'm flattered that you are curious about me."
"But you don't feel the same way. I understand."he exclaims as he glance up at me.
"Well that and I don't know if I can forgive you right this second. You still hurt us,Warren. Me more than anything. Problems can't be fixed so easily. They all need to be healed within time."
"I understand."
"But let me ask you this. Why out of all times you could of told me all of this. Why are you telling me this now?"
"I had no other way to contact or find you. I thought that you never wanted to see my face again after all the trouble that I caused."
Well he's not wrong.
"Plus I thought I would apologize before things got worse."
"What do you mean?"
"The two people claimed that I had done my part and that I don't have to worry about the other part of the task."
"Other part. Warren, what are you talking about?"
"I'm not suppose to be saying all of this. They could still be out there watching or listening as we speak." Warren exclaims in a whisper
"Warren,it's too late. You've already said something now tell me what that is. Besides two of the members are in prison."
"The boss?"
"Still out there,why? "I exclaim as his eyes widen.
"He could find me,Dean. He could and will put me back in the jail cell or worse." Warren exclaims as he grasps my shoulders with all his color drained. My body stiffened at his touch and almost use my basic instincts against him but the look on his eyes stops me as it tells me what he sees in Julian,fear.
"Warren,you need to relax and get ahold of yourself." I exclaim as I take his hands and grasp them right in mine as I look into his eyes.
"I maybe a demon,Dean. But I still want to live as a citizen. I want to be alive by the end of all this. I shouldn't haven't even taken the bet when we met. None of this would have happened."He exclaims in a muttering way as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"Warren,you need to relax.You owe me to make everything right. I can't really do anything or give feedback unless you tell me what's going on. "I exclaim that snaps him back towards my direction.
"I..I don't know."
"Warren,please. "He looks into my eyes with full of dread as I look at him with plead and sympathy. After a few minutes he nods after releasing a heavy gulp. He leans in towards my right ear and whispers
"He wants to do more than expose you and Zach. He's coming for something that is valuable to both of you. You need to run will you still can. Both of you need to run. Get the hell out of dodge before it's too late. " he then pulls away and nods vigorously.
"I appreciate the warning,Warren."
"All I can say is watch yourself and your back. He isn't what you call an sane person."
" I kind of noticed that. "
"If you want my advice. I would either increase your standards when it comes to self defense or report this to the police. Regardless of the trouble you'll be in. It'll be worth the police having your back. Sort of. "
"Okay thank you,Dean."he exclaims as he starts calming down into normal state.
"Anytime,Warren. We may not be in good terms but I can do what I can to help out someone when it comes to dealing with a psychopath. "
"Exactly." I just smirk as I mean in and peck his right cheek causing him to blush.
"I maybe with Zach but you're still somewhat nice to me."
" Yeah,no problem. Just make sure that Winchester treats you right because of he doesn't I'll kick his ads personally for you. "Warren exclaims that makes me nod and just give a faint smile.
"Don't worry about that.My little wolf cub already has that covered but I'll contact you somehow if she needs back up. "I exclaim with a tease causing him to laugh.
"Okay,well I'll see ya around,Dean. Well hopefully when you forgive me fully. "
"You too,Warren. I'll forgive you eventually you just have to be patient with me." I exclaim with wave as he nods and exclaims
"I'll wait for as long as it takes. "I just smirk as I turn my heels and begin to walk away but I don't very far.
I instantly stop in my tracks pull out my phone and click on the notification only to instantly freeze as my heart goes to my throat.  Nothing but pale is showing on skin while goosebumps and hairs stand straight on my arms.
"Dean,are you okay? "Warren's voice exclaim not too far off.
I take another look at the phone and grasp it tightly within my hand before I release a heavy full of air before turning heel. I place my phone into my pocket and grasp Warrens right hand.
"Dean,what are you-"
"Do you have anything else besides the game tonight? "
"Answer the question please."
" No but why would you-"
"I need you to come with me to my house." I exclaim as I cut him off before pulling him towards my direction as I begin to walk.
I don't respond.
"Dean,what's going on?"
I don't answer as I keep walking with Warren's hand in grasp.
"Hey!" he shouts as he stops and let's go of my grasp as he stands right in front of me. His frustrated face is replaced with worry.
"Whoa,hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asks as he gently places his hands on my arms. I didn't even notice that I was even crying.  I just glance at the ground in distraught.
"Hey,look at me." he exclaims calmly as he has me look at him by him gently grasping my chin and lifting me up effortlessly.
"We may not be at the best patch right now but please..." he begins as he wipes the tears with his thumb.
"Tell me what's wrong. I want to help."
" I need you to do me a favor. "I begin as my voice begins to break as he nods.
The heart is going to break even more.
Zach 's POV
" I'm actually glad  you called off the fake date. "Gabe exclaim as he finishes tying up his laces.
"Why is that?" I ask as I put on my jersey.
"Because it would have been hella awkward between us."he exclaims that me laugh.
"To be honest,I'm glad that you feel that way because that is how I feel and felt about it." I exclaim
"Glad we both came to an agreement on that." Gave exclaims with a nod as we both head out towards the field.

All I can say is that the whole game was nothing more than big blur to me considering that my head wasn't too focused on the game. My heart and mind were thinking on thing and one thing only: Dean.I haven't seen him anywhere yet which is concerning a bit but I don't pay too much attention to it due to the game. I see Warren there though. He seems out of it himself even a little sad especially when he glances over at me. I shrug it off and continue with the game. We won with a tough score.16-14.
Still it was a good game. I didn't really pay any attention to what the coaches where saying when they talked and dismissed us. My eyes instantly went towards the crowd looking all over for the one I have been waiting to be with. I still can't find him but I'm not going to give up.
"He's not here." A familiar voice exclaims that causes me to glance over at the figure of the voice only to see that it's Warren. My eyebrows furrow.
"What do you mean?"
"Hey,man. I want to apologize for being a jackass lately. You didn't deserve all the shit I gave you. "
"You didn't answer my question." he just sigh and shakes his head.
"What did you do?" I exclaim in an almost snarl.
"I didn't do anything. Here." he exclaims as he reaches into his pocket an pulls out a folded piece of paper.
"What is it?" I ask as I take it after a few moments of hesitation.
"Just don't shoot the messenger okay. You played good by the way. I'll see ya later,Zach." He exclaims before he nods away. I didn't know what he meant by all of that. I simply glance down at the folded piece of paper only to notice letters on them.
To:my knight
From:your Prince
My eyebrows raises at this as I instantly unfold the paper and begin to read what it says.
Dear Zach,
I love you. I don't know when,where,why,or how. All I know is that I am madly,deeply, irrevocably in love with you. I love how when we kiss I feel like the world pauses just for us. I love how you have to bend down to kiss me. On the same note,I love how freakishly tall you are. When you laugh,I hear only a lyrical angelic sound that could put an insomniac to sleep. Cuddling with you is a truly novel experience. When your warmth seeps into my body,I am on cloud nine. Happy,loved,and contented are the emotions I feel when I'm with you but,there is an underlying sadness. I'm sad because I know that we will never last. I will always want to be with you,yet I know that I'm not good enough for you. You are the definition of perfect and me, well, I'm the definition of imperfect. Perfection should be with perfect and imperfection with nobody. I love you,Zach,but I love you too much. When I see you it hurts. It hurts my heart to know that,eventually,it will end up like this. You deserve someone better. Better than me will not be hard to find,so look for it. Please forgive me for this,but we can't be together. I love you and I will always love you. Please remember to forget me. I won't forget you. You were the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you. Forever and Always.
Love, Dean
P.s. I loved your personality the most although your looks were pretty great too.
Forever and Always yours,
Dean Glash
(I was hoping to be Dean Winchester one day.) 
"Zach? Hey man you okay?" A voice exclaims as I glance over to see Gabe there and it just being him and I along the field. No one else as everyone else is gone. I guess they all went home.
"Whoa,dude! What's up? I never seen you cry before." Gabe exclaims as his eyes flash a look of concern. I clutch into the letter to my chest and collapse into my knees. I just let my vision get blurry and the millions of pieces of my heart now shattered and scattered across the field.
Dean. Why Dean? I don't want you to go. Please Dean. Please Dean come back to me.  Hold me right in your arms and tell me that everything is okay. Please. Dean. Please.
I love you too much for you to leave me.
Dean's POV
As soon as I see him collapse with a broken heart and tears in his eyes. I instantly back around as my back rests against the tree while my own eyes begin to look up at the sky and starts getting blurry. I try to wipe them away but you can't wipe away pain and sadness. I clutch my chest with my right hand and the other covering my face as silent sobs begins to fall.
I'm so sorry,Zach. Please. Hopefully you'll understand my reason why.
End of chapter 5
What did you think? Sorry it took me a while to write this. I got stuck and I had to work. But I'm glad that I finished the chapter. What did you think of Warren trying to make things right with the boys? What text did Dean receive? Will Zach ever find out what that text was? What will become of Dean and Zach's relationship now? Will Rocky find out about the blackmail? Also I can't take all credit for this chapter. What do I mean by that. The break up letter or the letter was actually written by a friend of mine. So I give my thanks to for writing that letter. They offered me a letter as an idea and I took that idea to consideration. So thanks again for the letter. So what did you all think about the letter? I'll let you all process all that has been written. Until next time.

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