Hell Freezes Over

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What's is up my little angels/devils? I hope you are doing awesome today like always. I have a new chapter for you all. Obviously. Lol. Q's with A's is what I do and it is something I'm always willing to do. Plus quick Q: If I made a series with a friend would you watch it? You ok don't have to answer if you don't want to. I just thought that I would give a hypothetical question to you all. Anyways please enjoy the chapter.
Rocky's POV
"You sure you're ok, Kanyan?" I ask glancing at her as we walk back towards her home. Well she's walking at least. You get what I mean.
"For the hundredth time, yes I am." She said with a laugh.
"Well I want to make sure that your alright,blue." I said as I ruffle the top of her head causing her to smile.
" I'm alright. Also blue? "
"Yeah. It works because of your hair color of your okay with that nickname."
" Sure thing. It's got a ring to it. "
We reordered the drinks after bitchzilla 2.0 stormed out and we bruised her ego. Nate offered to pay so Kanyan didn't have to pay twice for our drinks.
Afterwards we all chatted away and got to know each other better and just talked for hours. I mean it felt pretty nice to have a normal conversation well besides Scott still geeking out a few times we talked.
I remember asking him why he was a fan in the first place and his response shocked me.
He said: "You proved that I'm a somebody in this world that has a branch full of possibilities just a much as everyone else in this world. "
It was weird that I had a fan in the first place but it is surprising of how you can give off something positive to them. You are able to make them feel better about themselves and the better thought is you don't have to be a celebrity to do that.
     Anyways we all talked until we all had to go. But they all were pretty chill about everything and said that if they wanted to be friends with me that it would be awesome. Amber claimed that the decision is up to me and for Kanyan to let them know. I give them either a bro fist or a high five. It was funny to see Scott flip when I gave him a bro fist, He about fainted. Even though I told them to treat like everyone else, Scott claimed that he couldn't help it.
You should give them a chance.
I should but they don't know that about one thing...the romance conflict. I mean I've been doing everything to dodge the bullet for that but Kanyan needs to know eventually.
"Do your dad's know?"
"Know what? "
"About she devil putting you down?"
" No and I want to keep it that way. "
"Blue, come on. You got to tell them eventually."
"I don't want to tell them because they already have enough on their plates. I mean Blake with being a doctor helping patients left and tight. Then there's Thomas being a boxing coach helping out boxers into shape. They both are helping people so much and work drains them. I don't want to add into their stress."
" You won't, Blue. They love you and I'm sure that they'll understand. "
"I know. I just want to handle this my own way without them taking the hit for me."
It's not our life and choice to make at all. So she got us there.
"I know but at least inform them whenever your ready, blue. "I said patting her back and she glances and nods.
" Good, good. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm being pushy. "
"No, no, no. I get it. You just want the best for me and I appreciate it so thank you, Rocky."
"No problem." I said with a faint smile as we are at the front of her house door.
"I'm here! I'm back, b-otches!" Kanyan exclaim proudly as she opens the door causing me to laugh at her.
"Hey, girls. Welcome back." Blake says with a wide smile as he. appears to be wearing an apron while stirring a pot in hand.
"Hi, dad." Kanyan says as she walks over and he gives her a kiss  on the head.
"Enjoy being out and about, Rocky?" I nod with a faint smile.
"That's good."
"Where is paps? "Kanyan asks
"He got back from a run and is taking a shower as we speak. We're having spaghetti for dinner. Rocky, you are welcome to join us at the table of you would like to. You are able to eat whole foods again but I would recommend that you don't gorge yourself or else your stomach won't be able to handle whole foods for a while."
" It sounds good. Is there anything I can do to help with dinner? "
"Not to be a downer there Rocky but, you're still on crutches." Kanyan points out
" So? Just because I'm injured doesn't make me weak to anything. "I adds with a shrug
"She got you there." A voice from behind said only to reveal Thomas there with wet hair and in baggy clothes.
"Alright, Rocky. You can help us." Blake said with a faint smile.
Finally, I'm not a bum anymore.
It was a small job but they let me help by setting up the dinner table with a little supervising help from Kanyan. After that we all sat down and enjoyed a nice meal.
"So, Rocky, what grade are you in? "Thomas asks
" I'm a junior, sir. "
"You don't have to call me sir."
" Sorry, sir. "Thomas laughs
"Please just call me Thomas. Now then what school do you go to?"
" An all vampire one. "Everyone stops eating and glances at me like I said the weirdest language.
" But aren't you a werewolf? "Blake asks
"I'm half of one. I'm also part human."
" Ah, a half blood. "I nod
" But why an all vampire high school? To prove the school districts wrong? "Thomas questions
"My best friend is a vampire and during the time my only friend.
He had convinced me that I'd enroll there so we'd stay connected with each other as friends. I agreed and surprisingly so did the principal, he claimed that tradition was dull and needed to break that tradition."
" So your the only wolf there? "
"No,another werewolf transferred there so it is just the two of us for now."
"Cool. Whose the other wolf?" Kanyan questions
Pretend that name doesn't burn your throat to say.
"Her name is Isabella Novelle but most people call her Ice due to her hair."
" Oh like me with the nickname Blue? " I nod
We continued dinner with discussions and a few questions they all would occasionally ask. They would even involve me in the conversation and ask for my opinion. They even told me some of Kanyan's embarrassing childhood stories while Kanyan was blushing and asking what she did to deserve this kind of punishment. To be honest, out of all the people I could've met from my accident I'm glad that it was Kanyan and her family.

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