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Welcome my readers and entertainers to another chapter. Still feels like a while but,it works out in the end I guess. Anyways,I'll try to get into the habit of posting again. That is if I'm not grounded throughout the summer and I'm not too busy with life and stuff. But hey,that happens. There is nothing wrong with having a life or being the person you are. There is nothing wrong with being a book worm or a writer. That's what the purpose of this website is. To spread out ideas or our imaginative minds through others. We are all inspirational and can learn a thing a two from it. Now that I'm done being a wise sensei;it's time for the story.
Zach's POV
Anguish. Anxious. That is probably how Dawn feels right now. It was the only way to push Dawn towards talking out her problems. Yeah,I know that I can't be talking crap when I deal with this kind of problem myself.
I mean Dean and I are going behind our dad's backs just to hang around each other. Dean and I aren't perfect but we're trying to make this whole thing work between us. I mean I want to be able to spend time with Dean without having to be questioned or people telling me something that they claim I don't know Dean well. I known him since we we're kids and that is a bond that is willing to stick for both of us.
The type of secrecy that we have to do just to make each other happy. Don't get me wrong,I love being around Dean. It's just how long will we remain a secret before we're willing to share with the public our kind of relationship especially our parents. I'm not saying we have to come out right this second but,I'm pretty sure that the secrecy is going to get old for Dean. I don't mind waiting it out considering that this is the first relationship I've technically had and I just remembered what feelings even felt like.
Now there is no excuse for me when it comes to giving these emotions. Regardless of what people are going to say or try to do to divide or try to break that kind of emotion.
"Do you think the plan worked?" I ask glancing at Dean as we walk down the halls after the bell rang that lunch was over.
"It should. I mean it's a full group effort of five of us and two of them."
"Even if we play it by odds. It's still not technically up to us to make anybody else's choices."
"You have a point but is it really manipulating their decision of we're just pushing them to talk a problem that lead to more complications if they don't talk it out sooner."
"Yes but there is such a thing called time. We need to give them the space that they need. I do think what you all are doing to help out friends is very kind."
"But like everything else in life there is always a con to the pro." Dean exclaims as he finishes the statement as if I repeated it multiple times before.
"Precisely. Sometimes when we think alike it's a little freaky."
"But you know there is nothing wrong with that. Two heads are better than one."
"Yeah but I get the feeling that the combination of thinking alike will only bring chaos and mayhem." I exclaim causing Dean to chuckle at my words along with me.
"Sad but true."
"Anyways what we need to also keep in mind is if what we said to Dawn. I mean I think we might've held her hopes up." I say remembering the look on her face when we said that to her.
"Honestly. I agree with you considering that Rocky is stuck in a pathway of love in two different directions. Dawn being the good girl of the side while Rocky is basically the opposite.
Dawn and Rocky are basically a good match together. I mean polar opposites that attract as one. It's like beauty and the beast. Dawn is the beauty is unmasking the bitterness beast of Rocky."
"Yes but there is also the similar bonding kind of connection in the other direction with Rocky and Ice. They also seem like a good match. I mean they are both similar and can relate to each other's issues.In a way there like Bonnie and Clyde,two fighters and warriors that are willing to work together and fight for what they think is right. The only difference between that metaphor is Rocky and Ice don't get killed off by out gunment of police officers." I exclaim. With that causes Dean to laugh a little more before nodding.
"The point is that there is equal opportunity for Dawn and Ice to end up with Rocky. Rocky is the missing piece for both of them. We're technically right about Rocky being the one for Dawn."
"Right. That is something we can agree with." I say with faint smile.
"Oh speaking of agreements. My game is coming up in a couple days. Are you still going? "I ask glancing over.
"I'm not backing out on you. Relax,Zach. "Dean said as he gives a faint smirk.
"Okay. The game is against Warren's team." I exclaim in almost growl as I can see out of the corner of my eyes Dean body shakes a little from a chill up the spine.
"I know trust me when I see that weasel I'm going to make sure he gets punched so hard that he'll be circling around the sun's orbit." I exclaim
"It does make me wonder though. How did Warren manage to know where we were and take those pictures? It can't all be a  coincidence. Warren managed to set is up and make our dad's furious with us about hanging out."
"Do you think it has something to do with you know who?" I ask
"I don't know. I mean why would he want to try to split us apart?"
"I don't know. It might have something to do with the fact that he's testing us and trying to make us miserable considering we're apart of his game."
"True but I wouldn't over think this all too much."
"Alright. Got a point. I won't overlook it "
"I mean I know that we should keep an eye out considering we don't know the next move that Julian will do."
"But we can't be paranoid. I got it."
"We'll keep your idea or concept in mind."
"Yeah,anyways I will say that there is one good thing about Warren ratting us out."
"Oh yeah and what's that?"
"He didn't tell them what we are to each other." I exclaim with releasing a sigh.
"Oh and what are we,Zachary?" Dean asks with a smirk on his face.
"Well,we both have romantic feelings for each other so I would say interests." I say with slight stutter in my voice and cheeks starting to glow. I internally scold and cuss at myself for stuttering.
"Well,I can deal with that." Dean says with a smirk.
"Yeah,what's up,Zach?"
"Do you think that sometime after the soccer game that we...You know..maybe that and I could go.."
"Yes." Dean interrupts which makes me freeze and stop moving as I glance at him. My eyebrows raised and my hopes along with my heart held high.
"Really?" I ask in disbelief
"No,Zach. I said yes because I felt like it. Of course,really." Dean exclaims with a chuckle
"Awesome! I mean yeah,that's cool."
"You're cute." Dean said as he gently pats my right cheek before walking on.
Instantly,I do an air punch to the air before I race to catch up with Dean.
"By the way. Don't think I didn't see that." Dean said with a faint smirk as I just nervously chuckle while running the back of my neck.
I have a date! I have a date!
I couldn't help but be in a good mood throughout the rest of the day. Although, I'm a little concerned for Dawn and Rocky's relationship or even what's going to happen. Hopefully something good or at least a somewhat alright outcome. I don't want Dawn to get hurt again and if it comes to that then Rocky and I will talk to each other personally.But it's not really my fight. It's Dawn and Rocky's fight. Getting involved will just make things worse. Anyways,I told Gabe at what I did and he couldn't be anymore prouder than I was. I may have been proud but I had to wait till the moment of truth would come when Dawn comes home. I want my good mood to stay and hopefully it will.

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