No More Games

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Hello there. How are you all doing today or this evening? Over the top or the most awesomeness you've ever felt in your lives. No doubt you all have questions about the chapter and the story ahead. Your questions will be for the most part be answered. Apologized for not posting at the pace that I normally do. I'm trying my best and I hope you understand that school and work come first. I know that it sucks but you all are worth the effort and hopefully you enjoy what I present within each chapter. Now,I'll admit there are some chapters that I feel like I didn't put too much effort on so I'll try my best to fix those. As you may have already noticed there is a song that represents this chapter and a gif. Of who you may ask? It's the wolf version of Julian. Yep you heard me right,Julian. I wanted to originally have a gif of what he looks like but I thought his wolf version of this was more worth it. You guys decide on that one. Anyways,I'm done talking your ear off. Please enjoy the chapter.
Dawn's POV
"Dawn, talk to us."
"Julian is here in the tournament. He's going after Rocky and Ice !"
"We already know that."
" No,you don't understand. He's coming after them in the last event of the tournament. "
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
" Yes! "
" Dawn,where are you? You sound distant. "
"I'm in-*beep**beep*" The faint ignorance beeping cuts in my sentence as I pull the phone away from my ear and glance at it's face only to see an empty battery show up on screen while it flickers zero percent as it fades to a complete black.
"Shit!" I mutter under my breath as my knuckles tighten the phone with it's choke hold. But I squeeze anymore and I won't have a phone. I place the phone back into my pocket before I inhale some oxygen through my nose and releasing it through my mouth. Anger isn't going to get me out of here.
Now what?
There has gotta be a way out of here. But my mind is only concentrating on is the what if's of what's happening to Rocky and Ice. What if Rocky gets killed? What if Julian finally defeated us? What if Julian finally wins the game? We can't let that kind of thing to happen. This game is nothing more than a way to turn out brains into a hospital patient in a insane asylum.
Although I don't understand why Julian would do this. My dad was his ally and he had the opportunity to fight the target he couldn't kill. So why didn't he didn't fight me? Is he saving our fight for when he kills Rocky and Ice? Am I not his target? Julian trapped me here for a reason and there will be a purpose for it. I know that he doesn't want me to warn the girls or even security but is that all he trapped me for?
There has to be a way out of this death trap.
I glance up only to view nothing but ceiling and light that will cause destruction to the stadium. Plus an unwanted bill that my parents will find out eventually. Just imagine that conversation. Oh I destroyed the stadium because we're being hunted by the man that killed my dad. Yeah that will go will well..not. I glance around only to view that most of my possibilities are bounded by the line that I can't cross.
Damn it!
"Pupa necare." The wind exclaims in an echoing hush of the room sending chills to my spine.
"Whose there!?" I ask while mentally revealing sounding like most victims in horror films. What don't I ask them if they have a knife and if they are going to be stabbing me with it. My heels turn a full one eighty to come face to face with a figure. The figure shielding themselves with a black robe covering their body and a good shielding their sight.
Their scent is...unreadable. My nose itches and twitches with the scent of nothing. It's impossible though. Everyone has a scent even ghosts and spirits. So what makes them so different from everyone else? Are they on our side or Julians? 
"Who the hell are you!?" I ask as the figure doesn't say anything else but simply extends their right arm and has it's pointer finger aiming at something before they vanish within a second.
It's too soon to be hallucinating.
My eyebrows raise as I obey their sign language before turning my head only for my eyes to widen. The two unconscious bodies were on their feet with their eyes wide open.  Both of their eyes had one similar color,white. Well I think I know what side that figure was on.
No pupils as it's just a pale eye color.
I can get a better look at them. Both makes but with some differences. The one on the left has hazelnut color hair while the other has a fiery red. The hazelnut haired one has a black shirt ,jeans, and high top shoes. The blonde haired one has a hoodie,basketball shorts,and tennis shoes.
The other difference is that their scent.
Hazel boy takes a few steps forward before He stops shifting into his form. White horns start to curl it's way out to the front of his head,his nails and teeth shifting to claws and fangs,bony yet pointy wings out of his back,a long tail with a point at the end,tribal symbols shifting and painting themselves along his body, and his color fading away into a dark blue skin tone.

Outcasts(#2): No More Games of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now