Bonus chapter?

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Three figures stand gazing down at the pack and the gang all enjoying themselves of the celebration. The three mysterious figures all hide their figure behind red cloaks. The hoods shielding their faces...for now.
"Are you sure that they won't see us?" One voice asks from the left.
"Or smell us out?" The other questions from the right
"Relax, boys. The cloaks we wear has a certain spell under it to make us and our scent invisible." the one in the center exclaims with their low voice.
"So, why are we here again? You claim that you have something to collect." The left voice points out
"Yes. I have." the one in the center responds as they extend their right arm out and revealing just their hand. The person flips the hand to where the palm is facing up before exclaiming.
"Specourene! "
Suddenly a bright whitish yet tainted blue orb the size of a softball floats just above the palm.
"We have yet another fallen ally's soul. The young blood has completed our task." the voice states before closing their palm causing the orb to disappear.
"So now that the souls of the seven are technically collected. What is there left to do? I mean you could've picked up the orb yourself." the one on the left questions
"You hired us to kill and kill is what we shall do." the one on the right snaps causing the middle figure to raise their hand up.
"Patience, boys. I hired you two to kill indeed but not yet. I need you to study the enemy first."
" You want us to study the one that killed Julian? " the one on the right asks
"No and not the young blood's family or most of her friends. Not her mate either."
"Speaking of which didn't you blow your cover when you possessed those two competitors and that girl saw you?"
"Yeah the young blood's mate saw you."
" Silence! My mistakes is diverting my direction and I appreciate it if you both could oblige by them. "
"But this young blood is changing monster history and changing it by being bonded to a vampire. It seems like an outrage to our kind and a dishonor towards our legacy as werewolves." the left one growls
"Ah but you forget gentle cubs, they are both a force that isn't meant to by reconciled with. Together they share a powerful bond that could interfere with our plans immensely."
"If that's true then why not have us study them then?" the right one asks
"The answer is simple, youngling. I will handle them along with the family and friends mainly."
"So who will we study then?"
"That one." the figure in the center points down to a certain white haired individual.
"The mate of Cameron?" left cloaks questions in confusion.
"Julian's Cameron?" the figure on the right asks as well and the figure in the middle just nods.
"But why? She holds no purpose in our plans."
"Not true. She is more dangerous than you are lead to believe. I've seen her in action and know the capability she posses. Of course, the last time I saw her was when she was a pup."
"What is the relationship between you two?" the figure in the left asks in pure curiosity.
"Let's just say that Julian wasn't her first enemy she dealt with." the figure exclaims as they slowly grasp their hood and pulls it down revealing their face.
The face is a man's. The face is scraggly almost looking as he has dark brown hair with highlights of gray in them, dark blue eyes, a untrimmed beard, and a wolf claw marks scarred just overlapping his right eye.
"It's been a while. Hasn't it Isabella Novelle?" The man rhetorically asks with a bitter chuckle
"And this time. I'll make sure that you will properly die." He grits his teeth as he gently touched his  scar.
End of "bonus chapter"?
Is this chapter real or fake? You decide.

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