Torn by Two

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Hallo my friends! Welcome to another chapter of Outcasts. It's good to "hear" and "see" from you. Pic of Laden. I can't really think of anything else to say except have a good day/night depending on where you live. Also to enjoy your life to the fullest. Okay,I think I have everything I wanted to say. I think. Anyways,to the chapter away!
Dawn's POV
     I don't know what's worse: Julian's sneak attack on Dean and I or the thought of coming my parents. The sneak attack that Julian did was something that is hard to describe without saying messed up in every single sentence. It was clear to us that Julian was going to make our lives a little more on edge than they should be for us. Everyone had their say as to what all he's doing all this for. Dean is a little baffled but he thinks that Julian is doing this out of revenge. Zach's convinced that he's doing all of this just to make us suffer. Rocky and Ice are both convinced that what they did in the past towards Julian is  the reason he's even doing this at all. In my opinion Julian has a purpose that overrules as to what the gang all think he's doing. Julian is a mastermind and a leader for a reason. He's playing us for a reason that may not even involve in revenge or just to make us suffer. I wish we can figure out what it is.

      I will say this though. Julian definitely knows how to make a friend feel shitty.  I still feel terrible about what I said towards Dean. It was not cool and really bitchy of me.  But what he said when he was under slight effect of the drug made me think things over and he's right.
    I'm a coward when it comes to making moves towards Rocky. The only bold move I made was kissing Rocky on both the lips and cheeks. That's it. Ice is more bold than I am.  If I  wasn't pushed to do things to get closer to Rocky by my friends then I would still be stuck at square one. I want to be with Rocky and for Rocky to be my girlfriend if things work out. But I know that Rocky won't make moves except flirting because I know that she respect my boundaries and doesn't want anything to forced. Well that and she's not quite sure how to feel about me or Ice.
Let's just hope that she realizes her feeling for you sooner.
It does give me hope though that Rocky might like me as well. It would make my heart swell if that happens.
But in order for me to even think about making a step forward. That step forward is being fully open with myself. How can I be myself when I don't embrace my full self at home? I can't. I want to tell my parents just to get this burden off my chest but I fear for the outcome. Doubt wins the power of my self confidence. I fear for the worst. I'm mean you heard what Mark had basically said about the LGBT community let alone a gay werewolf in their household. He not only made me uncomfortable but the rest of us uncomfortable as well. And when I mean the rest of us I mean Zach and Caroline.
Zach is basically embracing it and technically not in fear with Mark anymore. Zach is finally getting back together with his childhood lover. I can't be anymore prouder. Zach and Dean deserve their happiness that they have.
As for Caroline she's basically in the same boat as us. Yeah,she's a whore but,I'm starting to see something spark between her and Alexandria. The only problem is she's trying to get into Rocky's pants to divert the issue. She's stubborn to admit it but she has a thing for Alex and she has it bad. So does Alexandria.
I want them to be happy and so do I. But I can't be fully happy if I don't come out to mom and Mark. I mean I basically came out to dad when I visited him and he technically approved of it. He approved of my sexuality along with the rest of us and that is what I want from the rest of my family. I want them to provide me with the same love that they will always give and won't change our kind of family relationship just because I'm bisexual. Also that I like a hybrid girl. Easier said than done though.

"You want to what?!"Zach and Caroline's eyes turn wide as they both exclaim out loud
"Shhh!!!"I exclaim with wide eyes and waving my hands in a signal to shut up about speaking loud.
"Oh chillax, will you? Mark already left to the business and Mom left for work early." Caroline exclaims as she rolls her eyes. I just glance at Zach who simply nods in confirm.
"Good"I exclaim with a heavy sigh
"Relax,sis. I didn't expect you to be bold and do this." Caroline exclaims
"Well how open can I be if I'm not true to myself as a complete person at my home." I exclaim when on the inside I'm flipping out and wondering how I'm going to manage to do this without panicking.
"Proud of you,Dawn. You're being bold and coming out to mom and Mark." Zach exclaims with a faint smile
"Yeah and I hope that it's just me who tells them." I exclaim as I glance over at Caroline who simply shakes her head.
"I'm not going to say anything." Zach and I both give her the " really"look.
"Really. I mean it. Besides I'm busy working on a project." Caroline said with a shrug
"A project?" Zach asks
"It's a personal home project. Don't worry." Caroline exclaims with a smile. Somehow I don't trust that smile at all but still what other options did I have or what exactly could I say?
"Speaking of that. I'm going to get working on it. Toodles." she exclaims as she takes her keys and her travel coffee mug as she walks out of the kitchen towards the door out of here.
"Then there were two." Zach exclaims
"So,when are you going to tell mom and Mark?" Zach asks as he takes a bite out of his cereal.
"I don't know. I'm still concerned and doubting of I should come out to them?"
"Don't put pressure on yourself Dawn. Just come out when you're ready."
"I know. But I want to tell them tonight but doubt is holding me back."
"Understandable. Just relax. You can do it,Dawn. I have faith in you." Zach exclaims as I just smile and nod.
"No problem. That's what twin brothers are for."
"Good because I would be lost if you didn't have my back."
" True. "He exclaims causing both of us to laugh and after our laughs Zach begins to speak again.
"Have you told your band of friends yet about this?"
"The idea? Not yet but I can guarantee I know how the three will react especially Steph." I exclaim shaking my head at the thought.

Outcasts(#2): No More Games of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now