Telling the parents take#2

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Hello, hello. Welcome back to another chapter. How are you all doing despite everything that's going on? Awesome I hope. Anyways, I really don't have much to say except that black lives matter just as much as everyone else's and happy pride month. Remember to spread love not hate. Any who, enjoy the chapter. Oh, also here's a picture of Blair.(Just imagine his scar and teal eyes.)

Rocky's POV
3 months later....
It took a few months time before everything could return towards "normal". I mean despite the conversation that Ice and I had it was still a bit awkward. What made it more awkward was witnessing how Dawn and Ice were interacting like they were besties. I mean they may have buried the hatchet but it was still a little weird of how two girls that were rivals in the very beginning could end up being friends in the end. However, I got used to it after a month or two.
I guess what makes these three months different is the fact the whole gang is together and there is officially no drama. Well drama in the sense of what we all were struggling with for a long time like Dawn and Caroline's bitter sibling rivalry or me finally making a damn choice between two crushes. Through all we've been through there is always a resolution that we had come across throughout this school year and it's almost at an end till the final year.
Dawn and I are still going strong as we actually made it public at our school. Well we didn't make out in front of the school to prove a point no, we just simply give a few pecks on the lips every here and then or hold our hands walking down the halls. We got some looks from students and surprisingly a few teachers but after a while they just shrugged it off. I mean I'm pretty sure not all of them support us but the boys are dealing the same thing plus it's whatever. It's their opinion and their opinion doesn't validate our relationship at all. Oh, I forgot to mention that apparently Alexandria and Caroline are a thing. They've been a thing for a while now and they are also going strong along with Dean and Zach.
Things have really fallen into place for everyone.
Although, there are a couple of things that still need to be dealt with sooner or later. Making Dawn and I officially mates and confronting our parents about the relationship. 
I mean I guess the biggest problem is the confronting the parents and how they will react. Correction how Dawn's parents are going to react to us. Then again, it took a while for the maverick sibling's mom to warm up to Zach and Dean's relationship. Plus, from what I understand Caroline told her parents about her relationship with Alexandria.  I guess that it went well for them. Well it was a surprise but the mom took it fairly well. I couldn't really give a damn about what Mark thought about it because we all know he isn't going to change his bitchy attitude so he doesn't really count.
       So, I guess that leaves the mom. Well if we are being technical then just the mom. Why do I say that? Well, I could ask their dad for his approval but I'm pretty sure it would be a little awkward to announce yourself to a grave. Yes, I am aware that there are spirits in this realm however, I'm sure that his spirit has moved on for a while now. Plus I don't really know how to feel of confronting someone that was killed by your own kind regardless if they a raging psychopath or not. Which come to think of it really concerns me about Dawn's mom more. 
Sure, she was being nice to me in the past but I think she was just trying to be nice. I'm  pretty sure whatever view she has of me that are positive they will change completely when she finds out that I'm dating her daughter. You know if I'm being honest here, I think that deep down I don't think she's really that fond of me. I don't know why I came to that conclusion but it's a gut feeling that seems to be screaming at me so, I'm sticking what I think.

    Then there's the official mates thing. Dawn and I have been dating for almost four months but I still think that it's wise for us to wait before marking each other. Don't get me wrong, I love Dawn with all my heart yet, I don't know if I'm ready for the...process yet. In order for us to be mates we'd literally have to do it. Look, now I know what your going to say: "Rocky, you two have always come so close to doing it in the past; what's stopping you now?"
First of all, the closest we came to doing it was when it was the blood moon which didn't really help our hormones at all. Second, I'm nervous. I mean yeah, I'll be doing it with someone that I love but you have to understand that of where I'm coming from. She has had experience in that...department; I have not. I know, I know call me prude. Sue me. I just fear that I'm going to fuck things up for Dawn making it awkward. 
'No pun intended. Also you don't really know until it happens.'
True but it doesn't help with the nerves.
'Just saying.'
"What do you think, wolf cub?" Dean asks
"Who do you think is right in this debate?"
"Oh, uh...I don't know. I guess Ice." I say with a shrug when Ice leans in forward from the backseat.
"Ha, suck it, care bear!" 
"Uh-huh, there's no way that she can read more books than I can in a day. It's just not possible." Dean argues waggling his pointer finger before turning around in his passengers seat to come face to face with Ice.
"Hey, it may come to a shock to you but I do read just as much as you in a day maybe even two times as much as you." 
"But how do you manage when you have all these pack leader meetings and duties."
"It's called balance and time management, my friend. You should try it sometime."
"Oh, fuck you."
"Ew, no thanks that's your boyfriends job remember?"
"True." I just roll my eyes and a faint smile appears.
"Why couldn't I  have normal friends?"
"Because your life would be boring without us." Ice and Dean exclaim in unison
"True, you two make a valid point there." I said as I park the car and kill the engine.
"Hey, now that I think about it..."Dean begins
"That's a scary thought."
"Hey, rude!" Dean sasses as he smacks my arm making me laugh
"Anyways, proceed."
"I was just wondering what you were thinking. I mean your eyes were focused on the road but your mind was somewhere else."
"Ah, it wasn't that important. It's just something I need to talk to Dawn about."
"Ah, taking your relationship to the next step." Ice adds
"Yes, but not the next step that your both thinking. It's something that I need to see if it's the right time to do it or if we should wait a little longer?"
"What is that next step exactly?"
"Telling our families about Dawn and I's relationship." I clarify as we all get out of the car and head towards the school.
"Oh well that shouldn't be too bad. I mean if your parents are already accepting of your sexuality and her mom already accepts two out of the three maverick siblings  dating same sex partners then you're fine."
"It's easier said then done, Dean." I said with a sigh
"I agree with Rocky on this one, care bear. I mean what if the reaction is different than what they think is going to happen. Any reaction could happen in a given situation it just depends on how they react to that situation." Ice points out 
"Plus, you and Alexandria are both vampires and I'm not. How do you think Dawn's parents are going to feel about Dawn dating a werewolf when they have had bad blood with them."
"Yeah but that was only because of one wolf that created that bad blood. Plus you already killed off that bad blood and the siblings dad is at peace from it. There shouldn't be any conflict."
"How can you be so sure on this, Dean? "
"I'm not but one of us has to think of the positive side to things." He said before he walks off to greet Zach whose talking to Gabe. 
"Hey..."A hand on my right shoulder turns my attention to the side
"Don't worry too much. It will be a stressful time for the both of you whenever you decide to go through with this but the sooner you tell the folks; you'll feel more freedom than ever." 
"Thanks, Isabella."
"No problem, Rocky. No come on, you've got to go greet your woman and I have to make sure blondie isn't so handsy to Alex today." Ice says causing me to chuckle as she links up my right arm with hers as we walk own the halls looking for the rest of the crew. I must admit that Dawn certainly has an impact on me considering that I'm like a lost puppy looking for her. 
'She has got you wrapped you around your finger.'
Yeah, but I love her.
It doesn't take us long before we find the girls and my love talking to each other at one of their lockers with Dawn's back facing me leaving an opportunity. 
"Go, get her." Ice whispers letting go of my arm and nudges me forward as I nod before making my way towards my mate. Luckily, she doesn't see me coming and neither do the other girls which gave me the perfect opening to walk right up behind. My arms snake around her waist while leaning my head on her right shoulder and sure enough I feel a little tenseness from her body but instantly relaxes the moment she turns her head to face me.
"Hi." she giggles before she pecks my left cheek and grasping my hands with hers.
"Ladies." I say turning my head to facing to the girls with a smile.
"Hey, tomboy Rebel." Alexandria nods 
"Did I interrupt something?"
"Oh you know just a casual conversation, wish the school would burn down; you know the ushe." Stephanie says that makes us laugh and a elbow jab to the side by Zoe.
"Well glad that we didn't miss much." Ice states walking past us and to join the girls on the other side. 
"Where's Dean? Didn't he come with you?" Dawn asks 
"What is up my hoes!" 
"Never mind." I just snicker as we turn our heads to see the rest of the crew. Dean snuggling to Zach arm while Caroline stands beside them.  
"Takes one to know one." Ice exclaims back
"*Gasp* Bitch!" Dean states
"I'm a female wolf; not a dog. Get your facts right, care bear." Ice sticks out her tongue and Dean just flips her the bird.
Caroline walks over and pecks Alex on the lips.
"Hey, babe."
"Hey, A.J."
"Alright, that's enough PDA you two, it's too early for me to throw up." Ice states burying her head on Zoe's shoulder who just pats her head.
"Hey, I don't see you getting on Dawn or Rocky's ass about this PDA stuff."
"Well, too be honest, I didn't witness it besides Blondie tends to be more handsy than Rocky or Dawn." 
"Hey!" Caroline exclaimed as the others just laugh as they go into their playful banter leaving the attention on them.
"Hey, maverick." I begin letting my arms slide off of her body.
"Can we talk about something in private when we get the chance?"
"Sure, but why though? Is it something that I should be concerned about?" she turns around to face me as her eyes brighten and alerted in concern.
"what? No, it's just a couple thing that we need to discuss."
"I see. Well, how about in the garden during lunch?"
"Sounds like a plan. I'm surprised that the garden is still open when it came to the fight breakout between Zane and I."
"I mean that fight was a back and Zane is expelled from the school now."
I forgot about that little tidbit of information. Zane kept being an asshole to other people ever since Dawn and I have officially became a couple, started a physical fight with a teacher on more than one occasion and made threats straight to the principal's face calling him not a true vampire and this school was just a sham for "bending" so much that it apparently "stood for". I get the guy was a dick but damn did he want to improve his bruised ego. Karma didn't just hit him, it kicked his ass for all the shit he's done. Which is fine, it's one less problem I have to deal with drama wise.  So, yeah he got kicked out of the school for good. I guess you don't realize how bad a bad influence can be until you witness the aftermath blow up in their face. 
"True, alright. Sounds like a plan." 
"Alright, we will continue this conversation later." she nods as right on time the first warning bell rings giving us the signal we need to get our shit together literally.
Dawn's POV
There are moments were you feel jealous of someone else but you shouldn't really be jealous. I'm currently experiencing that jealousy with my siblings. I know that it may seem like a sibling thing but it's not. It's not for what they have; it's for what they can easily express without fear. Caroline and Zach have confessed who they are saying and they have the okay. Although, it really wasn't easy in the beginning especially since Zach was the first out of the three of us to tell his relationship to mom and Mark and coming out to them at the same time. Grant it, it took mom some time to accept the relationship and us in general. It was something that slowly and surely curved into a "normal thing" for this family. Well at least for some of us anyways.
          The main point is Caroline and Zach have sort of "freedom" being able to express themselves and talk about Dean or Alex with ease without tensing up the moment a parent walks into the room. I mean, I'm pretty sure Mark has an idea of it since he already figured out my crush on Rocky even before I confronted them about it. I'm tired of having to change the subject or instantly go silent and pretend to not say anything about Rocky in a romantic sense. 

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