Making friends

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Hello my fellow readers! Welcome to another chapter! Hope you all are doing awesome today/night. I don't have a whole lot to say but this gif belongs to a new character that you'll meet. Probably a spoiler already but you'll see how ever plays out soon enough. Anyways without further ado, I give you the next chapter. Enjoy!
Rocky's POV
Agh! My head.
The darkness brightens as I open my eyes only to have a pair of bright green eyes staring at me.
"Hi there." The voice matching the eyes exclaims with a wide smile. The voice belongs to a girl with mossy green eyes that's overlapped with big frame glasses, and ,I kid you not blue hair. She has a blink 187 shirt, lobster sweatpants ,and legs crossed as she sits on the end of apparently a bed I'm on. Her scent is human. I glance to see my leg in a cast being propped up.
"Not to be rude but who are you?"
"Kanyan. Kanyan Wilson. Aka the girl that accidentally ran you over."
"Well this conversation escalated real quick"
"Do you remember who you are?"
" Okay. Name? Or do you go by badass biker chick? "I laugh
"Tempting but no. "
"Darn." She exclaims snapping her fingers
"My name is Rocky. Rocky J. Rebel."
"Parents and status?"
" Alive. Their names is Skylar and Shiloh Rebel. "
" Cool. Same here. Single children unite! " She exclaim raising her fist in the air like some sort of superhero.
"Um..okay?" I exclaim with a laugh.
" I'm random like that. Plus I had a cup of coffee before checking up on you. "Kanyan says with a shrug
" It's cool. "
"Awe thanks, man. Your cool too. Anyways back to questions. Age and species?"
" Eighteen and werewolf. Well half of one. "
"Really? Your a half breed?! That's so flipping cool dude!"
"Really? Normally people don't react like that."
" Well I'm not like most people. "
Kinda noticed that but in a good way.
"Besides meeting you is way better than the Disney marathon last week. Then again stitch is my spirit animal so...yep. "I just laugh.
"I'm being random again, sorry. Plus I think the caffeine just kicked in."
" Nah, it's alright. Besides it's nice to meet you. "
"Likewise. Sorry I hit you with my Dad's car. I swear I didn't see you till last minute."
" It's okay. Accidents happen. "
"Really? Your not going to raging incredible hulk on my ass?"
"No. I mean yeah you hit me but I'm not mad. "
"Good. One less person that can or is angry at me."
"What makes you say that? "
"Let's just say that I'm grounded till death."
" Ouch. "
"Tell me about it. Dad apparently doesn't like it when I hit people with his car or beat up his vehicle."
"I bet." I exclaim with a laugh
"So how long was I out for?"
"About a week. "
"A week?!" I exclaim instantly sitting up only to hiss through my teeth my sudden pain. I wrap my hand around my waist only to view not only cloth but bandages as well.
"Yeah. Your head for hit pretty good from backlash and the silver that had impaled your side and leg took longer to heal than expected. "
"What happened? All I remember is being hit and blacking out?"
"Well the full story is that I was driving with my dad. We we're heading back from a quick field trip we had to do together. I had turned my head to tell him something for about five seconds when he yelled and told me to watch out. But it was too late. I hit you. We rushed to make sure you were okay. Well I did while dad noticed the other people off to the side and made sure that they were okay before calling 911. Luckily while we were waiting on you dad got out his emergency kit and helped you out as best as he can."
"Your dad had a an emergency first aid in his car? "
"He likes to be cautious plus he's a doctor so it makes much more sense that he would do that."
" Anyways as soon as the ambulance arrived. My dad had me go along with you to the ride to the hospital while he called a repair/tow truck to help out the family. He told me to make a few calls and then he would meet me at the hospital. "
"How is the family?"
"Their okay. They felt terrible about your accident and how much trouble dad went through to help them. He paid for their damage and apologized that they got wrapped up in my mess. "
"Your dad sounds like a real nice guy."
" He likes to put others first before himself which can be a pain when he doesn't care for himself. But anyways the family had felt terrible so they had paid for your medical bill. My dad told them that it wasn't necessary but they declined and helped anyways. Even the family's youngest wanted to help. "
"Really?" I ask sitting up thinking back to that little boy, Micah, I think was his name.
"Yeah. When they visited you when you were still out cold. Their little boy walked up to you and handed you his red ball. He claimed that you should have his ball to make you feel better."
I just grow a faint smile at that kid's actions.
"Luckily we convinced him to keep his ball and that him being alive was a gift enough. Though it was a sweet thing for him to do."
"So I'm guessing that I'm still in the hospital?" I claim in a question looking around my surroundings noticing nothing screaming hospital room.
"Not exactly. You're at our house. You're just in a guest room."
"That would explain the pillows. "I point to my propped up leg that has a stack of pillows.
"Dad didn't hook anything up to you because he thinks you'll be fine as long as we check up on you. Most of your wounds is healed. Your leg should be healed but I would take it easy on your side though. Your able to move but you run or anything physical besides walking your wounds will bleed."
"Got it."
"Well since you don't have amnesia and up. I'll go get my dad for you and he'll help you out."
"Okay. Thanks, Kanyan."
"Not a problem, Rocky. " She grows a genuine smile. She goes to leave the room but peeks her head back in.
"By the way two things I have to say." she exclaims raising two fingers
"Okay, shoot."
" One,welcome to Nightengale. "
"Thanks and the second one?"
" Do you prefer Brown sugar oatmeal or tomato soup? "
"I don't know surprise me." I exclaim with a shrug
" You got it. Just don't stain my shirt. I just washed that shirt. "She exclaims pointing out to the shirt on me. I glance down to the shirt only to view a blue shirt with a panda that sleeping with a hashtag on the bottom that says me on Mondays.
" You got it. "I exclaim with a laugh and she nods before she heads off to get me food.
I forgot where I'm staying or suppose to stay for only so long. Nightengale. Nightengale is the kind of place where you could go into an in town diner to grab a bite. It's a small and quiet town but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. The only thing that concerns me is that Nightengale is a town filled with humans. Just humans. Monsters are welcome since it is a nice and calm town but they rarely go here do to the fact that there is a limited amount of things to do there. Which is why it's nice place to get away from it all. Nightengale is like a test for any monster to see of humans are who they say they are or if they are being hypocrites. That or just saying their nice to gain more people into their town.
My eyes glance up only to see a different person standing at the doorway before walking in the room.
A man to be in his thirties with sloppy wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and rugged face of a beard growing. He's wearing a black polo shirt, brown jeans, and black socks.
"Ah, miss Rebel. Glad to see your finally awake. "
"Likewise." I exclaim with a faint nod.
" I'm doctor Blake Wilder. But please call me Blake. "Blake exclaims with a faint smile.
"It's nice to meet you, Blake. I'm thankful you were to help me out."
" Hey that's my job. Anytime. I apologize for my daughter's reckless behavior. "
"It's quite alright. By the way how did you figure out my last name?"
"Kanyan told me before I came up to check on you. "
"Ah, I see."
"So I came to check on your wounds and damages to give you a full diagnosis of you don't mind."
"Not at all. The sooner I figure out what is up. The better time frame I know before I'm able to get out of this bed." Blake laughs
"Alright then." He exclaims before he walks over and begins examining my wounds and myself to see if anything is out of place.
"By the way does my parents know about this accident?"
" No. Not yet. I wanted to wait to see if you wanted me to or not. You are eighteen, correct? "I nod
" It's normally not my say in things. It's the patient but normally I would. That call is up to you, Rocky. "
"I don't want them to worry so no."
"Understandable. "Blake exclaims with a nod
He took that surprisingly well.
Then again this isn't his first time doing something like this or asking that type of question. He is a doctor after all.
My family is already dealing with enough and the last thing so want is for them to be sucked up in my drama. I mean technically I already did with Skylar then again it didn't know Skylar was my mom. Dad is already back into my life and just got used to being in the family. They all have gone through enough from me being in their lives again to fixing my insanity to coming out.
"Well I've got some good news and some bad news."
"Give me the bad news, doc." I exclaim with a sigh
"You're going to have to wear the cast for at least one more day or two."
"So what you saying is I'm going to stay is in this bed for a couple more days."
"I'm afraid so."
" So what we the good news? "
"Everything else checks out. In a couple days you'll be able to move around."
" What about my motorcycle? "
"It's still in the shop. Unfortunately I haven't heard anything but at some point today I give them a call."
"Okay. Thanks. Although I could do it. I mean it is my bike to worry about. "
"I prefer the patient to relax and rest."
" I've had plenty of rest. "
"Well you need a bit more rest. That's a doctor order."
"Alright, alright. I will get some more rest."
" I know that it is a little difficult staying in a bed doing basically nothing but it's better to be in the bed and heal for another day than making the injuries worse. "
"Okay, doc."
"Good. Oh and welcome to our town and home."
" Yep, it's not trouble. If you need anything else just holler." I just nod
"Alright. I'll leave you to it."
" Thank you. " Blake steps out of the room only for the blue haired girl to come back with a bowl.
"Hey, I got some tomato soup for you. I was going to make oatmeal but father claimed that I was too hyper and bouncy to make oatmeal without making a mess."
"Father? But how can that be when your dad was already up here? Unless he already knew in advance?"
"Nope. He didn't know in advance."
" Now you have me confused. " my eyebrows furrow and nose scrunched up as Kanyan sits on the side of the bed.
"Oh that's right. You don't know." She exclaims face palming herself with a faint laugh.
"Know what?"
" I have two dads. "
Well this took a turn of events.
Dawn's POV
Eat, Damn it!
Easier said than done. Everything is blurry and body withering away. It took a while but I made sure that the others don't break this little habit of mine. Sealing my room with a type of hallucination ability I had to do at last minute since they were going to check on me. They enter my room and only view me sleeping on my bed or just laying on my bed. They haven't discovered my trick yet which is a good thing. I don't want them to see me like this or the room. Well at least the pathway from my room to the bathroom.
I cover my hand over my mouth only to release a nasty cough and glanced to see the black blood dripping from the fingers. My head shakes as I extend my hand on the edge of the sink and pull my weight up which isn't much to pull up. On the edge of my lips is the blood while there is dried up black blood on my hoodie. I reach out for the sink with one hand to rinse the black blood off even though it will just stain my hands. My eyes look like a raccoons except it's just under my eyes. Color isn't visible anywhere in my skin and my hair just is rat 's nest. But what is the point in it anyways?
Sleep is what I lack since for the past week I cough and like up blood and shiver to the bone even with my blanket wrapped around me.
That hallucination isn't going to last any longer. You can't hide from them forever.
It's a good point. I can't keep this up and I have a feeling that they'll figure it out quick. They all will. Caroline will be the first one to figure that out quick. She maybe a girl with an unhealthy habit but she's smart. Caroline could bust everything I did to get them away from me. I need a plan or at least a way to get out of here. Technically I'm considered decent to be in public since I'm in a hoodie and sweatpants.
My eyes scours the room till I can view a window across my room. One problem,my body is numb and basically limp. How am I going to get up or even move around? I have the strength of a toddler.
Let whatever is left of vampire blood run through and use it as your remaining strength.
Worth a shot.
I slowly close my eye and focus on my breath before they slowly open only for my vision to look red. My body is no longer shaking or even limp. I get to my feet instantly only for a little wobble off balance but I manage to hold myself together. I grit my teeth and walk towards the window. My strength isn't that strong or enough which means that the hallucination is gone and so will other things for the time being. I open the window only for the winds to hug my body. Pulling my hood over my head before I jump out the window. The fall was quick that I forgot to tuck and roll or at least have my body be able to handle the fall.
*pop! *
I hear a pop from my right ankle. Another side effect of my hunger deprivation. My body becomes more human no matter how much strength left I have in me. I can't do or take risks like normal vampires can do. Which means of I sprained my ankle that it takes the same amount of time as any sprain needs to heal. I heal like a human. I still need to keep going though there was no doubt that the others can feel wind breathing down their necks and if not then the pop of my leg will certainly bring their attention. I bite my cheeks before I take off running using all the vampire energy I have which isn't much since I can only go as fast like any runner.
I keep running even when I don't see forest anymore but concrete then sidewalk.
There's got to be a place where I can go.
I could feel the dark liquid of blood stick to my lungs like that as it continues to build. I want to stop and cough but the others could be following me then again they could've stopped me at any moment. Hell anyone could stop me if they wanted to.
Minutes go by as my lungs tighten by the constriction of the blood. Tighter and tighter it keeps going until I finally break and stop for a second.
I give off a few breaths before I start coughing up the black "snake" in my hands. I glance around after my cough to view no one really noticing how I look as I shake off the blood on my hands to the side.
I glance to view that I'm in town which is off since I live miles away from the town. Sort of. But I think I'm safe and away.
"Dawn?" A voice asks
Damn it. So close.
I glance off to the side to view a figure that I haven't seen in almost forever.
"Lucas?" I'm surprised that I remember him since the last time we talked was when I was making..her jealous.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little sick." I exclaim rubbing my eyes as I could see more clearly and no longer red.
" I can see that. You must be really sick to forget your shoes. " he points out as I glance down only to find only socks on my feet.
I thought I was forgetting something.
"Anyways what are you doing here?"
" I could ask you the same thing. If your sick shouldn't be in bed? "
He's got a point.
"I wanted to get some air and pick up my medication." I exclaim with a faint smile. I don't regret not telling him that I'm a vampire because he would really know something was up.
"Shouldn't your folks do that for you?"
" They are out of town. They don't know that I'm sick and I don't want to tell them. "
" I want to keep my perfect attendance at school perfect. "
"Wouldn't teachers know?"
"You ask a lot of questions."
" Just thinking of logic and reason here. "
Well maybe he's not so pinheaded as I thought.
"Anyways you didn't tell me what you are doing here."
"I came into town to run a couple errands for my uncle Dirk."
"Oh really?"
" Yeah. He's been stressed out since that Rocky hasn't bloody returned from vacation. "
I swallow down a sob or even a visible tear. I just put on my mask of neutrality .
"Yeah. Hey you haven't seen her have you?"
" Nope.  Anyways what kind of errands do you have to do? "
"Why so curious?" He asks with a charming smirk that wanted me to puke in my mouth. No disrespect to Lucas but I'm no longer interested. My heart will always belong to the half blood girl.
"Just curious. You seem so curious about me so why can't I be curious about you?" I ask with a faint shrug.
Why does that sound flirty?
"Well if you must know. I have to set up an appointment for uncle Dirk's blood donation, get groceries, and drop some books at the library. "My eyes widen and mouth almost drooled at the word blood.
Damn that sounds good right about now.
"Yeah but I already got two out of the three errands done."
"Oh yeah? "
"Do you mind if I tag along for the errand running?"
" What about your medicine? "
"Already picked it up. I just want something to keep me occupied." At least that sentence wasn't a complete lie.
"You sure?"
" Yep. "
"Well okay then but if you start feeling I'll then I'm taking you straight home or have a doctor take a look at you. "
"Got it. Now lead the way." Lucas nods before he starts walking and I walk beside him.
" By the way what is the last errand? "
"I still have to set up the blood donation appointment. "
Fuck my life.
The scent of blood gets more and more closer as I can actually visual the taste in my mouth.
You don't have to steal blood when the source is beside you.
I glance over only to view Lucas whose focused on the sidewalk ahead.
His heart pounds through my ears as I could actually view his veins. I bite my tongue and turn away only to view on my reflection my eyes are already glowing red. I open my mouth slightly only to reveal my fangs are already popped out as the beats get louder in my ear.
No. I can't.
Undead beings such as vampires, zombies, demons, and so on are forbidden to eat or drain a human life force. Henceforth why their is certain packets to prevent that from happening. If I drink Lucas's blood then he will die and I will be sentenced to life in prison or even death. I can't kill an innocent person because that isn't who I am as a person.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Shut up!
I turn my head only to come face to face with a door that knocks me to my butt.
"Dawn, are you alright?"
" Yeah, I'm alright. "I answer rubbing my forehead
" I think you need to stay down for a bit. "
"I'm fine. See. " I proclaim before getting to my feet or attempting to until I feel pressure on my bad ankle.
"Ow." I wince in whisper collapsing back to my butt. I didn't want Lucas to hear but I'm pretty sure that he did as he rolls up my sweatpants to view my ankle. I was so focused on my hunger that my pain was blocked but since I'm being reminded about it now. It feels like fire.
Lucas gently placed his hand on the ankle and gently squeezed it only for me to wince instantly.
"You need to have a doctor take a look at you."
"No it's alright. I'll live. It's not too bad."
" Dawn, this wound is fresh and you need medical help. "
"No, I don't. Lucas please don't have a doctor take a look at my wound. Please I'm asking you as a friend to not do this."
It's horrible thing but the others will instantly be there when a doctor calls to inform them about my condition not only that but they'll know about my sort of anorexic behavior. I'm just glad that Lucas hasn't noticed that part yet. I'm actually surprised he hasn't noticed that yet.
"*sigh* Alright but I don't know how your family will react to this."
"Thank you, thank you Lucas." I say as I pull him into a tight hug.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm not exactly thrilled about not getting you help." He mutters as I grow a faint smile only for his scent of blood to hit my nose and neck exposed in front of me.
One bite won't hurt him.
I want to but I can't.
The beats in his chest gets louder and as they do my fangs pop out. My breath becomes hoarse as all the senses attacks me at once and finally leaning towards his neck.
"Dawn? Lucas?" We instantly pull away from the hug and my vampire side is gone in a snap as we both glance at the new voice.
" Noah? "Lucas asks as I notice that beside him is another familiar figure beside him.
" Reine and I will take it from here, Lucas. " we glance at each other before back at the two werewolves.
So close. So close
Rocky's POV
"So you're..."
"Adopted? Yeah. I was adopted when I was only two years old."
"Hm. Well it looks like we both have something in common." I exclaim before she gives me a spoonful of soup.
" You were an orphan too? "I nod before swallowing the mouthful.
" I was never adopted. "
"But you said you have parents alive and well?"
" Yeah it's confusing and a long story. "
"Oh do tell. This sounds really interesting."
" Well, how about you go first. "
" Yep. What's the story? If you don't mind telling me. "
"Nah, I don't mind. As long as your willing to listen and eat."
" Okay. I got nothing better to do at the moment. "
"Good." she exclaims before she gives me another spoonful.
"You know I can eat it myself. You don't have to spoon feed me."
" I know but you need to relax for a while. Plus I always wanted to take care of someone else once in a while. "
"You have a kind heart, Kanyan."
" Aw, thank you. You maybe a badass but your also sweet." She Bush's before she feeds me again.
"Now back to story time, my wolf friend." She says raising the spoon in the air.
"I never knew how I ended up at the orphanage but based on what the owner said that I was brought here sobbing on their doorstep covered in dirt and couple bruises when I was only one. He cleaned me up and made sure that I was safe. Gary, the owner, called the police to file a missing child but no one came for me. For a year I was alone with other kids and Gary. A kind hearted man who always wanted to help children in need. He was like an uncle to me."
" So no one knows how you got there or where your parents were? "
"Nope. The police and neighbors were spreading possibilities that ended up being rumors."
" Like what? "
"Like my parents were abusive and I somehow got away even though I had no concept of what was going on. Another is my parents couldn't afford me so they gave me a way of they can't deal with me and got rid of me. There was even a rumor that my parents were going to give me to a couple who couldn't have kids but got cold feet at the last minute. "
"That's awful, Kanyan."
" It's okay. Part of me wishes that I did know what happened to them but the other part doesn't. I feel like it would be better off that way you know. Anyways, I was two years old and it was a couple days after my birthday. I'm coloring pages from a coloring book when Gary introduced me to my new parents. Blake and Thomas Wilson.
They were so thrilled to see me and I was so excited about having parents. I didn't really care about them being two guys since I really didn't understand it at the time but that I was finally able to have a family. Blake and Thomas took care of me ever since then and I grow into the fact of calling them dad and father. "
"That's beautiful, Kanyan."
"Thanks so you really don't care that I have two dads?"
" Not really. I'm gay myself so I support them and you. "
"You're gay too? Damn. Am I the only straight person around here?"
" What do you mean? "
"Well my dads, you, and my most best friends are all LGBT related. Geez I'm starting to think that I'm a LGBT magnet or something. "
We both start laughing
"I didn't know your friends were LGBT related? Who are your friends?"
" Scott, Amber, and Nate. Amber is bi and Nate is trans. Scott and I are the only straight ones in the group. By the way Scott is a huge fan of yours. "
"Fan?" I raise a brow
" My classmates and friends watched the Beastly Royale tournament. I never knew about it, due to not having cable until Scott and Amber has us all binge watch it at Scott's house. Especially your matches they think your pretty badass which by the way I think so too. "I grow a faint smile.
I'm flattered.
"I'm flattered but how did know it was me?"
"Once you told me your name I put two to two together. Scott going to be jealous of me. "She laughs at the thought.
"You're friends sounds cool maybe you can introduce me to them sometime."
"Maybe whenever you're ready or better. I think we'll have time considering that your bike wouldn't be ready till about another week."
" How do you know? "
"I know how that company works and believe me it will be a while since just got out car back not too long ago. "
" Daniel back at again with the white vans. "She exclaims before bursting into a laughing fit which I'm surprised hasn't caused a mess with my soup.
" Sorry I had to." she finally exclaims finally calming down from laughing at her own joke.
"You know you're pretty alright, Kanyan."
" Surprisingly. "
"How so?"
" Well no one can handle this fabulous mess of nerdy and weird. "
"Oh believe me, Kanyan. You're mild compared to my other friends. "
"Probably. Now then since you're a guest I think it's time we get to know each other."
I don't like where this is going. But I mean she's pretty chill about me being a half blood and gay so what's the harm?
"Okay. I mean if you don't mind me staying here for a while."
" Not at all. We won't mind at all. You already stated with us for a week. What's a another week going to hurt? "
"So. Where do you want to begin on your side of the story? "
That's a good question.
End of chapter 25
That is it for now. Done with the chapter! Sorry it took a while I was so focused and occupied on other things that I have been slacking on my writing but I will make it up to you all. Meanwhile what did you guys think?(sorry if I trigger people with the word guys) Do you like Kanyan? What about the piece of information you discovered about her life was it unexpected? Will Rocky remain in Nightengale? Will Rocky tell the blue haired girl the reason why she's in their town or lie? What will happen to Dawn? What do you think about her condition? What about her almost biting Lucas? What will Noah and Reine do with the ill and injured vampire? Questions with answers you will find out sooner or later on. For now I will leave you all to it. Have an awesome day/night and I will see you angels/demons later.
Farewell for now!

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