First Time Meet

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What fills the eye fills the heart. What exactly did I say? An Irish quote. I'm trying to be festive and learn different languages to spice things up when it comes to the beginning of this chapter. Along with other chapters then again it depends on how I should word everything and how many languages I can think of before running out of ideas. It has happened before. I'm sure you've noticed. XD. Anyways you all have questions and answers is my goal so it's time to read another chapter enjoy! P.s. The picture at the top is someone I won't tell to till the end of the chapter.
Rocky's POV
I can't believe that I did that. More like what my wolf side did!
Hey don't mess with me when I'm aroused! Plus it was a good way to show dominance to her.
I can't believe you just said that. People are going to think I'm going nuts talking to my inner wolf side.
Not really. Unless you exclaim things out loud then you'll require therapy.
We're the same person! Why am I arguing with myself? I sound psychotic. Anyways my actions along with hers have really made the whole awkward friend thing a little more complicated than they should be. I'm not going to say anything about it except that due to these actions that it may cause some serious consequences like it's going to lead Dawn on and I really don't want to do that to her because it's a douche move to do.
"Hey,Rebel." A voice exclaims as I glance up only to see a familiar face give me a faint smile as they stand by the entrance doors of the school.
"Hey,Ice. "I reply with a faint smile as we both enter the building together.
"Where is my best fellow gay care bear at?"she asks that causes me to just laugh in response before I get serious.
"He's coming in a little late." I exclaim with a heavy sigh
" Dean rarely oversleep on school days. "
"Well,I oversleep all the time so it's normal."
"And yet you don't get detention for that?" I ask with a head shake and a smile.
"Don't underestimate the power of me. Plus I hitchhike to school."She exclaims at first with confidence then loses that confidence when she says her other sentence in an almost mutter. I just snicker at that last sentence.
"Anyways,there is something wrong with Dean."
"Is he alright? What happened? What can I do to help?" Ice asks as her face instantly shifts into concerning as she asks me questions after question.
"Whoa,whoa. Slow down there." I exclaim with a chuckle raising my hands signaling her to calm down or at least take a breather.
"I'm serious,Rocky. If Dean is in any kind of danger then I want to be able to help him. He's a gay ally to me and a friend."
"I know but right now what he wants is space and support. Trust me when I saw him I wanted nothing more but to help him in any way that I simply can. But he insists that I just be there and give him some time and space."
"Has he ever been like this?" I shake my head in response
"I never seen him like this. Which is bad. "
We already know what the cause of so let's just go beat up that Zac efron look like.
We don't know that officially.
"We can't sit around and let him suffer."
"Hey,I'm all about that but..."
"I want you to promise me this. Please. I already caused enough pain. I don't want to hurt you too. Just please..let me be for a while."
"But what?"
"I made a promise to him. He sounded scared and hurting when he called me up about wanting space."
"Did he tell you his reason or what's wrong?"
"No. All he ever said was for me to stay away from him for a while. He claimed that he didn't want to see me get hurt."
"Weird. Does his parents know about this?"
"They called me and asked me what's wrong with Dean and I been honest saying that I really don't know. I still don't know what is wrong. They told me that they are giving him the same request that he wants which is space. They said he won't tell them because it would only make the problem worse."
"He really feels that way?" Ice asks as I just nod
"Aw,Dean. I feel bad for the guy."
"Trust me you're not the only one. I feel like I'm failing him as a best friend."
"But you know that your not,Rocky. Plus if you think its because your focused on family at the moment then you're not. You are finding something that you never had and that is what is important. To find your dad and maybe mend together something that you wanted." Yes, Ice knows about the file and my dad. She knows because after the fake date I asked her to come over to do me a favor. Also in a way I tried to diverse the whole kiss situation with Dawn and calm my wolf side down. Although that didn't really do nothing since I remembered that I'm head over heels for both Ice and Dawn.
"I guess your right but Dean is like a brother to me. Even though he acts like my mom. He cares about me and so do I. He was the only kind of family I had before I met you guys or found my mom." I said with a sigh
Betraying a fellow brother? Think about yourself for once. As bitchy and selfish as that sounds.
I feel a hand on left shoulder causing me to stop in my tracks as I glance over at them.
"You are being a good friend by listening to him. You know to do the right thing and you are. Have a little more confidence and find your dad." I've exclaims with a faint smile.
"No problem."
"Oh by the way. How did the search go for Michael? "
"Good. I'm glad that you have said something. I actually have the file in backpack." Ice exclaims as she stops walking off to the right side of the hallway and removed her bookbag to reach in for the item.
"Here." she exclaims as she hands me the file and I grasp it before opening it to only see the same papers that I first saw and the images of my dad on the side of the first information paper on him. Not the recent one. Sadly there is no recent one of him. But from the first image I finally see what he looks like. He has short black hair,silver eyes,wearing a white dress shirt and red tie. The rest of the image is cut off when it comes to his chest. He has proud grin on his face.
"Michael found everything out to be right. Everything matches and nothing seems fake about the file. So the address to your dad's house and location is real."
Good thing.
"Also I officially cancel today's training."
"Really?" she nods
" This seems really important. Family comes first no matter what. "
"Thanks, Ice. I don't know how to repay you." I exclaim with a full smile as I grasp the file in my right hand.
"I have a few ideas." She exclaims with a smirk causing my eyes to widen and face starting to turn pink. She just laughs at my reaction.
"Relax,Rebel. I'm just kidding." She exclaims as she gently pays my back causing me to release a sigh of relief.
"I'm not going to push you to do something that you feel uncomfortable with. I mean yeah I get all touchy but I don't get to the point where I could be considered a rapist or molester."
"I appreciate that. Ice."
"Yeah besides I'm not a pervert all the time. Maybe seventy five percent of the time but not a full hundred percent."
"Uh huh,sure.I can see devil horns behind that non existent halo of yours." I exclaim causing Ice to frown.
"Hey!" She exclaims causing me to laugh at her.
"Relax. I'm just messing Ice." I exclaim as I finally get to my locker to set my stuff down. I place the file in my bookbag while she just pouts.
"Quit sticking your bottom lip out before I sink my teeth into them." I exclaim with a smirk causing Ice to instantly stop pouring and give off a shocked look on her face that made me laugh again.
"You should've seen the look on your face." I exclaim between laughs
"Your a fucking tease, jackass."
" I know but you got to give me some credit for that line. I instantly thought of. "
"Alright. I'll give you pointers for that Rebel. But I can top that kind of teasing." Ice exclaims as I glance over at her.
"Yeah? How?" I ask with a smirk with turning to face her but I then instantly regret it as instantly a grip is on the collar of my shirt. I then feel a rug as I'm pulled towards Ice's face that is only a couple feet away. I'm left stiff in her grasp while she has a wide smirk on her face.
She then leans in as my heart actually skips a best and I almost close my eyes however her lips don't touch mine;they touch the tip of my nose.
"That is how you tease someone." She exclaims in a whisper before releasing her grip on me and backing up.
"Time for class." Ice exclaims with a smile as if nothing happened.
"Right." I exclaim instantly as I tighten my grip on my books.
"Oh and Rocky?"
"Yeah." I exclaim as Ice takes her pointer finger and places it under my chin.
"You keep teasing me like that and you might get what you wish for." she exclaims with a wink before she begins to walk to class leaving me a little flustered.
You're a hopeless idiot.
Shut up!
You know I'm right.
I live this day in like any day except without being with my mother figure best friend. It's weird and tearing me up about it. Speaking of weird,Zach didn't show up to school today. Dawn said that he had an appointment to go to. But I could tell she was lying. I didn't want to press any questions or make any accusations. The whole day was weird and awkward. Dean sat far away from me and Dawn as far as he can. He wasn't even in the lunch room when Dawn's an I got there. Dawn asked if something happened with Dean and I told her the truth. She kind of told the truth and said that Zach has been acting weird himself. She didn't tell me what is wrong with him or why she's covering for him. Which is weird.
It's pains me to not have him nagging at us twenty four seven. Where's the fun in that?
I miss Dean. So does Dawn. Even the other girls are getting concerned asking question after question about the boys. We all miss Dean and Zach. We miss their old personalities and then being themselves. But we can't fix it no matter what plan we have.
Work wasn't too bad.Lucas as being well Lucas and uncle Noah was talking to me and was showing me some pictures of my cousin,Lily. It was cute and yet it pained me because it got me thinking about dad. If he would have sticked around enough when I was born would he have bragged about me to people? Does he even care for me like any dad should?
That's what I'm going to find out.
As soon as I got home. I instantly showered,changed my clothes,grabbed the file for the directions that are now in my gps,and my keys as I headed out.
I'm coming,Dad.
Dawn's POV
I'm pacing my room back and forth while trying to comprehend on what to wear for school.
"What will make me not look like a slut? I mean I don't want Rocky to think that and make me regret kissing her or the other way."
Would you chill out!? Jeez. We're the same person and you're already giving me a headache.
Maybe I'm over thinking this considering that I am just going to school.
"Trouble, what are you thinking?" I ask as I glance over only to see Trouble out for the count.
"Nevermind, you're asleep. I'll just pick out one." I exclaim with a sigh. I guess I'm nervous because of what happened between Rocky and I. I mean we just went bold and kissed each other just when we became friends again like almost a week ago. I don't know why I kissed her first. I don't know I wanted to give her some sort of good luck thing but I was aiming more of a friendly hug or a kiss on the cheek not what I did.
This whole kind of drama is just going to get me into more panic than I should.
I instantly get dressed after deciding on an outfit that only took a few minutes after claiming down. I give off a faint smile as I lean over my bed and kiss Trouble's forehead before heading out for breakfast.
I head towards the kitchen and instantly notice that the kitchen door towards the back porch is open. My eyebrows raises as I walk towards the open door only to see a familiar figure standing there with the r back behind me.
"Zach?" I ask and instantly he turns around only for me to give off a faint gasp.
His hair is a ruffled mess that is untamed,he looks like he hasn't bathed in months,his eyes are puffy and bloodshot along heavy bags under his eyes,still in his pajamas that looks wrinkled and stained in his tears almost. His skin is much more paler than it should be even for a vampire. He's gripping a piece of notebook paper in his left hand that clutched close to his chest. It looks like he's lost some weight than normal which is bad if a vampire loses his weight easily and quickly.
"Dawn?" he asks in a hoarse and deadpan voice. He looks like a kicked puppy with his look.
"You look horrible. More horrible than the last time you acted like this." I exclaim which I was right about. He wasn't left his room for anything. He just comes home and goes into his room and stays in there. Like I said it looks like he's dealing with being homeless or worse famine.
" I just came out here to get some air before I go back to my room."
"Aren't you going to school?" he shakes his head
" Because...I don't want to. Okay? "
"Zach,why are you acting like this?" I exclaim as I go to take a step further to give him a hug.
"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" he tells that makes me freeze in my tracks As his tone and eyes soften instantly.
"Please. Just don't. "
"Okay. But you can at least tell me what this is about?" his eyes instantly drift to his bare feet in response
"Zach,come on talk to me. It's me your twin. We tell each other everything no matter what. "I exclaim in reassurance.
" Not this time,Dawn. "He exclaims as he shakes his head only to look up at me.
"Why not? I know your in pain but talking about would help you out immensely."
" Not at the moment,Dawn. "
"Why? Why can't you tell me what is causing you pain? I want to help you."
"And I don't want help at the moment." he snaps in a hiss.
"Zach,please. Tell me what is wrong. It pains me to see you like this. Please,Zach,I'm begging you. Please tell me what is wrong."
"I will eventually just not right now."
" Is it that letter? Dean? "He flinched when I say Dean's name.
"I need you to cover for me." he exclaims as he instantly turns his back to me.
" I need you to cover for me. I need you to tell the school I had an appointment or that I had an emergency to deal with. Anything just please cover for me. "
"Zach,why -?"
My eyebrows raises as he glances back only to see tears streaming down his face.
"Just please. Lie for me. I need more time. Please." he exclaims as his voice begins to crack. I just nod.
I want nothing more than to hug him and tell them that everything is alright. But he won't let me.
"Good. Thank you,Dawn." he exclaims as he wiped away the tears from his eyes.
Before I could say anything else or do anything else. Zach instantly walk towards me before he passes me towards the door.
"I promise that I will tell you soon. But for right now..just give me time and space." he exclaims in a loud whisper before he's gone again. I turn around only to find nothing and nobody else but me that is now standing along the doorway.
*sigh* Zachary...
I didn't have much of an appetite but I set out some breakfast and a couple blood packs resting at his closed door. I also set Trouble her food out for her when she wakes up.
I then head off towards school and actually kept my word to Zach as I told the school staff about his appointment and all of his friends. I even lied to Gabe whose been asking about where Zach is since I walked into the building. I hate lying but my brother needs time to heal and I hate him seeing this way.
I've been guilt tricked into this mess.
Maybe the day will be better when I see Rocky and Dean. Those two always knows how to brighten my day.
I gather my stuff and head off I to the classroom and sit down waiting patiently for my best friend and crush slash friend. Soon enough I see Dean walk into the classroom that causes me to smile but my smile fades when I see what he look like and that Rocky isn't beside him.
Something is off.
He has black hoodie on and over his face,jeans,and books gripped tightly in his hand. I go to wave at hi m but he just walks on and actually walks past my seat and his usual spot and sits in the far right corner of the class. My eyebrows raise but I release a faint gasp when I see him out his hood down.
Dean's eyes also look bloodshot and puffy while bags are under his eyes. He looks like he hasn't slept or ate in days.
I glance over towards the sigh only to see Rocky sitting in her seat glancing over at Dean with a worried look on his face.
"Hey,Rocky." I begin causing her silver pools of eyes to look into my eyes.
"Hey,Maverick." She exclaims with a faint smile
"What's going on with Dean?" I begin causing her smile to deflate into a frown.
"I wish I knew. He won't talk to me. He won't tell me what's wrong. He called me and simply asked to give him space."
This is starting to sound familiar.
"That's weird." I mutter
"What is?"
" Zach is basically doing the same thing to me. "I exclaim causing Rocky's eyes to raise before her eyebrows furrow out of curiosity.
" Zach is acting the same way. He even wanted me to lie to the school about not coming. "I exclaim before whispering the last part for only is to hear.I don't know why that I lied to everyone else yet I instantly told Rocky the truth.
"Really?" I just nod
"You don't think-"
"It seems to be the only thing that I can conclude. "I exclaim cutting her off.
"So if that's the case then what should we do?"
"I don't know. It's not really our call to make. It's theirs. Only they can do something. They are the only ones that can give us any answers or solve it."
"Your right about that but you know that isn't going to be easy. "
"I know." I exclaim with a whisper.
The rest of the day has been hard considering that Dean has been distant even at lunch. He didn't even show up. It's getting so bad that the girls are asking about Dean. They even questioned about Zach. I lied about Zach but I told the truth about Dean. I'm not going to lie that this ignoring and distant thing is bugging me. I mean I want my chipper,nerdy and sassy Dean back. I also want my innocent,confident,and calm brother back too. Rocky had been making the day a little better by being here with me but it isn't enough to complete me on this day.
I manage to get through the day as I instantly go home without issue. The girls all wished me luck and that they should say hi to Zach for him. That is also a request from Gabe. He said that he had to be somewhere and won't be able to say it in person. I told them all that I would keep my word on that. Rocky told me to call or text her if she needs anything or any news about Zach but not until later tonight.
I don't blame her since she's going to begin the hunt for her dad today and she needs to stay focused on that along with keeping her eyes on the road. I told her to do the same thing and text me about anything on her dad. I just hope she will find him. But I don't want to put high hopes on it since it might be a goose chase. Regardless I support Rocky and will have her back for this whole thing.
"I'm home." I exclaim in a holler and right on cue I hear that little patter of paws scurrying over towards the tip of the stairs. A smile grows on my face as I make my way to the steps only to see Trouble with her tail wagging in excitement.
"Hey girl. Did you behave?" I ask as I pick her up and scratch behind her ear.
"I'm going to take that answer as a maybe." I exclaim with a laugh as I take Trouble outside for a bit before she comes in after doing what she had to do and rolling herself in the grass and dirt.
I pick up the grass covered pup and head inside.
"Come on you,let's get you a bath." I exclaim with a chuckle.
I feel the vibration in my left front pocket. I instantly grab it with one hand while holding Trouble whose sticking her tongue out to cool down.
"Ah,good you picked up. This is doctor Quinton from the vets that you adopted the stray."
" Oh,hey,doctor Quinton. What's up? "
"I need you to stop by the vets pronto and bring the puppy with you."
" Okay. What's going on? "
"I'll explain as soon as you get here. Just please be here ASAP."
" Okay. Trouble and I will be there right away. "
"Excellent. I'll see you in a few minutes."
" Yeah. See you in a few minutes,doctor."
"Okay. Bye."
" Bye. "
I place the phone back in my pocket as Trouble turns her head to the side glancing at me confused.
"I guess we're needed at the vets. Guess we'll wait on that bath. "I exclaim with a shrug as I pull my keys out of my other pocket and head out for the vets.
The drive didn't take long as I get there in a couple minutes. I have Trouble in my arms as I head towards the doors and once I get in there. I see doctor Quinton there pacing back and forth in the room.
This must be serious.
" Doctor Quinton? "I ask causing his eyes to be in me and for him to suddenly stopping his pacing.
"Oh good you both are now here. Please follow me. "He exclaims as he turns his back to us and begins to start walking as I follow him behind.We keep walking until he opens a door and enters it as I follow him through the door. It's a patients room. Doctor Quinton shuts the door behind him before he glances over at both of us.
"Doctor Quinton,what is going on?" I ask with an eyebrow raise.
"I'm afraid I have news regardless of your dog. "he exclaims rubbing the back of his neck.
"What about Trouble?" I ask glancing at Trouble then back at the veterinarian.
"Your dog isn't a stray."
" Doctor what exactly are you trying to say? "
"Trouble already has an owner before you." he exclaims causing my eyes to widen.
Rocky's POV
After two hours of driving,I finally found the location and address of where dad lives. He lives up on Hazelwood mountain. The forest part of the mountains which is is about halfway up in the mountains. I park my car where there is no more dirt road or in this case a roadway. I kill the engine and step out of my car only to be in awe about the place in front of me.
A couple ten feet away from where I park standing tall is one foot tall log cabin. The whole place is wooden except for the stone chimney to the right side of the house and a small dish antenna. Gotta give dad credit on the cabin. It looks calm and cool enough. Now I just gotta figure out what exactly to say to my dad.
Hi I'm your daughter and I thought you were dead. Would you like to talk this over coffee?
Yeah no. To be honest,I don't know if dad knows that his baby girl is now a young adult. I don't know what he's going to look like. Because let's face it that image is from when dad was twenty and that image was years ago. So there has got to be some difference.
Don't know how mom is going to react when I tell her that I found dad and that he is alive then again I still don't know how I'm going to react to seeing him.
You're about to find out.
I 'm almost towards the house when suddenly a purple one like bubble orb appears out of nowhere and deflects me sending me flying back a couple inches as I instantly land on my back.
"Ow,what the hell was that?" I ask out loud in a mutter. I glance up only to see that in the corner of one of the nearest tree has a moon stone implanted into the ground. I then glance my eyes around the building with the help of my eyes only to see that there is more of these moon stones circling around the cabin.
Not these things again.
I release a heavy sigh before I get to my feet. I glance at the first one I saw before I reach out to go to grasp the moon stone only to feel a sudden pinch and burn.
"Ah,what the hell?" I ask as I instantly retract my left hand back. I shake my hand only to see my hand in full transformation. My eyes widen as I glance down only to see myself in full transformation.
How the hell?! What a minute -
I raise my right hand only to have a sudden new scent bestowed in my nose.
Shit it's wolfs bane!
There is such a plant as wolfs bane. Not the company even though that is quite similar. I'm actually talking about wolfs bane. Wolfs bane doesn't kill us it just shows our full transformation and full form automatically. Werewolves automatically remain their full forms for about two to four hours in their transformation unless somehow the effects are reversed by a simple spell of somehow the werewolf gets knocked out. In order for wolf's bane to work it would have to be touched by a werewolf which in this case I did. Now werewolves aren't the only ones who can go through this. Vampires,gargoyles,demons,and more can go through the same thing of they are given a certain element that can bring out or show their form. Like for vampires it's touching a cross,for demons it's holy water,for gargoyles it's standing in sunlight.
Dad must have somehow coated the moon stones in woods bane. But this is bad. I don't want to see meet me like this.
My ears instantly perk up as I turn around only for my eyes to widen.
Standing across from me is a six foot tall man. The man looks to be around mom's age as he has slick yet untamed black hair,cold silver eyes staring at me,a small black beard,wearing a white shirt sleeve shirt with a few necklaces dangling around his neck,right blue jeans,black casual mountain boots,and gripping a tactical shotgun that is used for home defense in his hands.
He doesn't answer me as he raises his gun and points at me.
"Dad wait!"
"Ow,Fuck. Not the kind of father daughter greeting I was expecting." I exclaim as I grip my right arm before I get to my feet before I hear a ping from behind my back only to feel an instant sharp pain in my lower back. Now both blood from my back and arm begins to drop into the ground.
"Dad wait it's me!"
He freezes and raises a brow
"Who are you?" his booming and deep voice exclaims.
"Dad,it's me!
"Whose me?"
"Your daughter,Rocky. "
"Liar!" he snaps before raising the gun again towards my direction.
"Dad wait!" I about as he fired again as I dodge it by going off to the side but it did nick me on my left cheek. I hear the ping again as out of the corner of my left eye that the bullet bounces off the shield and heads toward my head. My eyes widen as I instantly go into my stomach as the bullet passes me and is heading towards a new target.
"DAD!" My eyes widen as I run with my wolf speed and tackle him down to the ground as the bullet passes is by a few meters and it lands on a tree.
I slowly get up off of him only to sudden feel the sharp pain in my back which is probably the broken pieces of the shells.
"Fuck." I mutter at the sharp pain that I collapse in my stomach and grit my teeth in pain trying to not whimper.
My eyes suddenly see the pair of boots staring right back at me in the face.
I glance up only to see dad raising the end part of his shotgun.
" Wait dad! "But it was too late as he swings the side of my head causing me to collapse and everything turns to black and at the last minute I'm shifted back into my normal form but before it turns completely black I hear the voice exclaim
"Rocky? "
You are an idiot you know that.
"Rocky" a faint voice calls out for me in pitch darkness that echos
Who is that?
"Rocky. "the voice exclaims again except a little more closer and less distant.
Is that..
I slowly open my sight from the darkness as my vision is at first blurry but the start to clear up as I can see cleary and it's a ceiling.I'm not on the floor anymore since I'm on my back that is being propped up by something more than likely a pillow. I glance down at my wounded arm only to see bandages wrapped around them as it looks like I'm on the couch. It would explain the soft cushioning that I can feel instead of dirt.
"Rocky." That same voice exclaims bringing my attention as I glance my head over only to see him standing there. Shiloh Rebel. My dad. He has a handful of something in one hand while a glass of water in the other.
"Dad?" I ask as I go to sit up only to instantly feel the same pain I felt before.
"Okay,yeah. Nope,nope,nope bad idea. "I exclaim as I slowly lay back down while gritting my teeth causing dad to just laugh. I just glare at him.
"Glad to see you enjoying my pain. "
"I'm sorry. Here take this."he exclaims as he hands me what was in his hand, some painkillers. He then hands me the glass of water when I pop them into my mouth.
"Thanks." I exclaim in almost mutter as I take the water and use it to swallow the pills. I then turn my head and see that there is a glass coffee table as I set it down on the cup holder. I manage to do it without gritting in pain putting the drink back but it hurt laying back.
"I'm sorry. "He begins as I glance over at him as he has sorrow in his eyes.
"For shooting you. "
"Well it's not everyday that a parent shoots their kid." I exclaim with a smirk that causes his head to lower in shame that causes me to lower my smirk.
He really does feel bad for shooting me.
Well he did shoot his only daughter so what do you think!?
A day without your sass would be great thanks.
"But I forgive you. You were in self defense mode. I would too if so done invaded my home." I exclaim with faint smile.
"I just still can't believe it. I finally be to meet you for the first time. "He exclaims as he glances up with teary eyes.
"Aw,dad. I didn't mean to make you cry. "I exclaim trying to cheer him up. He shakes his head with a faint smile as he wiped his eyes and walks towards me before he sits down on the edge of the couch and pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm just so happy right now. "
I grit my teeth and bare with the pain as I hug him back. He just starts sobbing uncontrollably in my shoulder as he holds me right in his arms. It's hard to not whine in pain. Hey, those bullets might not be fully silver or not silver at all but those son of a bitches hurt just as bad as any silver bullet. Luckily my wounds will heal soon enough. I gotta give it a few minutes.
I pat his back and hold onto him myself. It was the first time that I felt complete. I almost wanted to cry but I wasn't going to share tears just yet. I know the sacrifices that him and mom made but I still need to hear his side of the story.
"You don't know how long I've waited to see you and know what my baby girl looks like face to face."he exclaims with a faint smile as he pulls away and gently touches my left cheek with his right hand. I just give off a faint smile.He then wipes away his tears and just smiles.
"How did you know it was me? Like really me?"
"I saw you on television with that tournament thing. One of my friends requested it and I saw you on there. I felt overwhelmed and happy to see how grown up you've become. "
Ah,that explains it.
"Ah that explains it. "
"I'm sure that you have questions just like I have questions for you. We can talk it out through a cup of coffee. Sound good?" I nod as he just gives off a faint smile. Ironic how sarcasm works it's little magic.
"It's settled then." he exclaims as he ruffles the top of my head before he gets up from the couch.
"How do you take your coffee? "He asks
" A dab of sweetener and a small spoonful of sugar. "
"You definitely are my child." he exclaims with a laugh as he exits the living room towards the kitchen leaving me time to look around the place and time to organize my questions that I want to ask him.
What should I ask him first?
Dawn's POV
"Trouble already has an owner!?"
"I know how you must feel miss Maverick but, yes Trouble already has an owner." I glance down at Trouble who just looks at me puzzled before glancing back at doctor Quinton.
"What's their name?"
"Marget Everwing. "
"When did you discover this piece of information? "
"One of my assistants was reorganizing all the files and two files had appeared that Trouble 's piece of information looked similar towards another so there was no doubt that Trouble is the same dog of Marget Everwing."
"But I don't understand. Wouldn't this subject be bought up sooner. I mean Marget is actually looking for Trouble."
"Yes but it's complicated. Marget is in a difficult position to where she can't find Trouble physically. " I just nod
"Does this mean that I have to give Trouble back to the original owner and this adoption won't mean a thing?"
That sounds selfish but I have to know if I should break the noise to the family of so?
"That isn't my call to make. It's the owners and yours."
"Where is Marget Everwing located? "I ask as I know what to do but the next few words shock me. My eyes widen at his three words. But I know that I still have to do the right thing.

Outcasts(#2): No More Games of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now