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Hello, hello.~ I know, I know that you all have been waiting forever for my return and a response as to where I've been. I apologize a thousand times infinity. I do appreciate the time you've all waited. I hope you all are doing great. Anyways, here's a gif of Reine and let's go onwards with ye chapter.

Dawn's POV

A few weeks later...


The sounds of pinecones smothered by the heel of my boots echo slightly throughout the quiet forest as I continue walking the pathway.

    "Are you nervous about this?" I ask glancing at my partner at my side hand in hand.
"Definitely." Rocky responds that had burst into a little giggle.
"You'll be fine. You've trained for this kind of thing for so long." 
"That's true but it doesn't mean that I am not nervous about it." 
"You'll do great, I know it." I reassure squeezing her hand.
"Thanks, Maverick." she nudges my shoulder with a faint smile
"You're welcome, Rebel." I return the nudge with now a matching faint smirk.
"You think that they will be okay with me being there?" I question after a brief moment of silence.
"Why wouldn't they?"
"Because I'm a vampire."
"Dawn, I'm pretty sure that they won't care."
"Are you sure about that?"
"If they welcomed my dad then they will have no problem accepting you."
"But what if they don't?"
"Then they can talk to me about it and I'll handle it."
"I appreciate that, thank you." I exclaim leaning against her arm; a smile on my now warm face.
"Of course, what are girlfriends for."
"I can't argue with that logic." We both chuckle as we carry on the path.

       We kept walking the pathway until we finally came across the territorial homeland of the Silver Eclipses. The pack members are all scattered throughout the territory socializing or minding their own business doing their own thing.
I could feel her body tighten but with a squeezing hand of reassurement brought her tension at ease.
   She glances over at me and I just give a faint smile with a nod. A smile grows on her face to and she returns the nod before we go on.  To be honest, this the first time that I am allowed to be on werewolf premise and the energy doesn't feel off. I can feel a few stares here and there but it's not intense or judgmental.
'They really were really lead this place properly.'
We keep walking only to see a chalk drawn in circle the size that could fit basically  the whole pack.

"My fellow brothers and sisters!" Reine exclaims from the rock above arms extending above.
 "Thank you all for attending this traditional ritual, it is greatly appreciated for all. The rules of this ritual are very simple, knock your opponent out of the circle kinda like sumo style based and you have to be in wolf form. "I turn my head looking at Rocky whose focused on Reine.
"With a that being said. Disperse from the circle except the competitor herself."
"Good luck babe." I whisper before pecking her left cheek before backing out of the circle along with everyone else. The whole pack circling around the circle itself.
There stood Rocky in the middle with determination and standing strong.
"With all that being said, let the match-" Reine begins before jumping down to the circle right across from Rocky. She smirks before removing her leather jacket and tossing it to the side.
She finishes saying clenching her knuckles that crackles and pops within her grasp.
They both begin to walk along the sides of the circle on their opposite ends staring each other down. Within a few steps and a blink, they go from normal to their own wolf form circling each other.
Rocky growls for a bit that caused both of them to finally stop and in a swift motion they both leap at the same time. Rocky pinning Reine down; paw on her throat. Reine's back leg swoops and kicks the left front leg snapping Rocky backwards whimpering at the wound.
In a blur, Reine is gone for a second and a patch of brown fur reappears coming above Rocky. Rocky leaps back before Reine could crash land on top of her.
Reine's lips curl back as her teeth grit together in a low growl. Growling just a few inches in front of Rocky. Reine immediately bares her fangs aiming for Rocky's neck but Rocky raises her left paw to block the bigger impact.
Rocky roars in pain at the teeth impact on the paw before swinging her other paw at Reine's face.
Reine stumbles a bit backwards fresh claw marks with blood dripping at the muzzle. Rocky's bitten paw is dripping with blood and resting just a bit above not fully down on the ground.
Reine and Rocky crotch down ears curled back death staring each other waiting for the other to make the next move.
Both stand still for a moment then a blink both become a blur before reappearing again with both wolves colliding heads pushing back and forth.
Rocky leans back with the push back causing Reine to lean forward teeth at full baring. Rocky turns to avoid yet not quick enough as Reine sinks her teeth again but this time at Rocky's left shoulder adding more damage to the paw itself. However, Rocky apparently did that movement on purpose for her jaw grasps the back of Reine's neck like a mother to her pup. I guess it startled Reine considering that she immediately let Rocky's shoulder go giving Rocky the opportunity. Rocky's head lifts as it even raises Reine up in the air before tossing Reine across the circle. Reine flies almost out of the circle when halfway through the circle she regains her gravitational control; her paws sliding her into a halt at the end of the circle.
Rocky runs towards Reine without a second to spare but Reine doesn't move until last minute when Rocky gets an inch closer to her before side swiping off to the left then lunges forward now grasping Rocky's tail. Now, It's Rocky's turn to be flung across the moment Reine tosses her. Except Rocky didn't have a chance to do the same trick as Reine...
Rocky gets hit by a solid oak tree and luckily didn't go through it like it should for werewolves. It hits her off to her entire left side hard against the wood before her body collapses onto the floor still within the circle.
'Get, up. Please, Rocky get up.'
My heart is aching at such a sight and for a second I'm almost tempted intervene after that hit but...
I can hear her heartbeat which means she is alive giving me a breath of relief. I know Rocky can take a hit and is stronger than she looks. But that fear of such a horrible possibility still lives in the back of my mind.
'Come on, Rocky. You can do it, I know you can.'
Reine walks slowly to knocked out lover who still hasn't awaken yet and leans in to pull her up by her neck when in a flash-Rocky's eyes open and she smacks her head up up on Reine's jaw. Reine whine through her mouth that starts dripping blood now shaking her head trying to snap out of the brief movement.
Rocky swifts turns her body raising her hind legs smacking Reine in the face clashing her back into the tree. Reine's hind legs push into the tree before using it as a boosted leap forward towards Rocky who elegantly leaps over Reine towards that same tree. Her front paws sticks a brief landing but she runs up the tree ; Reine stops halfway of her run and swiftly turns to attack Rocky who is still climbing with only so much gravity. 
Just like that everything felt seen in slowed motion. Reine take her leap up as Rocky backflips mid air, however Rocky's hind legs were more forward as she barely misses Reine's jaw and kicks her down in the chest. Reine gets knocked down instantly making everything seem back to normal speed as Rocky lands on all fours not that far from Reine who is whining in pain. Rocky slowly makes her way towards the brown wolf laying on her sides releasing heavy heaves of breath. Rocky gently raises her wounded paw and places it on Reine's muzzle moving it a bit. A bit more to the left leaving Reine's muzzle to stick out...stick out past the chalk line. 
'She did it.'

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