Maverick V.S. Novelle

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Yo! Hello and whatever they say in the ghetto. I'm just kidding but seriously welcome back to another chapter. Hope you all are awesome like always. ^u^ Anyways you came here to read so I will shut up and let you get into reading. I'll just go.*walks out of the fourth wall break.* Oops head back in looking at you.* By the way enjoy the chapter. Okay that was it. Carry on*walks off*
Rocky's POV
People claim that once they have something off their chest that the hardest part has been dealt with. But that isn't necessarily true. Yeah I came out to my family and I can be true to myself but that isn't the hardest part I have to do.
Just quick being damn picky and choose already!
Well your not making things easier for me.
"Yeah dad?" I ask turning my attention back to him.
" You okay? You've been outzoning for a while. "
"Yeah. Just thinking over some things." I exclaim rubbing the back of my neck .
"Thinking of that girl,huh?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows burning my cheeks.
"Dad." I whine
" Oh relax. You know I was teasing. "He laughs while patting my back.
Suddenly I'm regretting the coming out decision.
" I wasn't thinking about...look let's focus back to training please. "
"Sure but not before you give me the name of who you like."
" Dad. "I groan
" what can you blame me for being curious? "I raise my brow as he raises his hands in the air.
" I know. I know. Your a young adult. You don't want your old man to know and that's fine. "
"It's not that dad. It's do you know when someone is right for you?"
" like dating wise or..? "
"Like you know that being with them isn't something you'll regret."
" I see. Hmm. That is a good question. "He exclaim scratching at his beard.
" You don't have to answer if you don't know I was just wondering. "
"No. It's okay but the only thing I can think of that I used to know your mother was right for me."
"What's that?"
"Find someone who knows you better than you know yourself."
My eyebrows raise at his words.
"I know that it sounds too good to be true or impossible to find some with that kind of requirement. But when you have someone that fills your heart,mind,and soul with an everlasting flame of love you'll know." He exclaims as he places a hand on my shoulder with a faint smile .
"Thanks dad. I'll try to remember that." I exclaim with a faint smile.
"Good. Now..." His fist goes for my stomach but I grasp his hand on my shoulder and flip him over into his stomach with his hand twisted to his back in my grasp.
"Back to training." I finish with a smirk before I release my grip and pull him up with the back of his collar in hand.
"You got it down to a T. I'm glad your still on your guard."
"Have to be. That's a rule you made, remember?"
" Of course. I know that these are rules that are new but it's something that will help you. "
"I know,dad. It's something that I don't need to over think but do in a fight."
" Right. How many rules have I made? "
"Three. One is to be on guard and protect. Two is to never fight dirty even when necessary."
"Correct so far. What about the third one?"
"Three is to learn from mistakes and evolve yourself as a person."
" Impressive you actually remember and here I thought you were blanking out when I tell you this stuff. "
"Not always." I exclaim with a laugh
"Well come on. We'll continue training for a while before you have to leave for school."
" Right. " I exclaim with a smirk on my face and hands out from my pockets.
"I would still like a name."
" Dad. "
"Alright,alright. I won't press on. Promise. "
"Mhm." I exclaim with a smirk.
Overall it's nice to spend some quality time with dad. In closing some training in controlling something that I couldn't bear in my own.
"You ready?" He asks before he walks towards the rock only to pick up the bow and arrow.
I nod before I close my eyes and taking a few breaths before it's form takes over. I slowly open my eyes feeling the color shift into white yet my vision is red.
"Go!" He exclaims raising the bow and arrow as I grow a smirk.

"Ow,ow,ow,ow." I exclaim as I'm being pulled by my right ear.
" How could you do something that stupid to yourself?! "
"Funny story because-ow." I try to explain but the hand tugs tighter on my ear.
"You're lucky that I don't kick your ass from here to Neptune."
"Look,I'm sorry. It just sort of happened quickly." I exclaim with a shrug as my ear gets tugged once more.
" Being shot isn't something that just happens,Rocky! "
"I was only hit once out of what the ten he shot at me."
" Regardless you could've been killed. It was stupid and you shouldn't have done that. "
"I know,I know. I'm sorry just please let go of my ear now." I exclaim as a few seconds before my ear is removed from the clutches of a grip.
"How is your injury?" I glance and gently place a hand on my shoulder. I wince as sharp pain hits me. No pun intended.
"It should be fine. Going to sting a bit but it will be okay. My dad patched it up before I left the forest."
" Good. I still can't believe you and I know you too. "
"Alright. I get it it was a dumb decision to make. Jeez,Dean. Your worse than mom."
" Ever seen your mom yell? "Dean asks raising a brow.
"Not yet but I probably will when she finds out what dad and I did."
" Yeah. Him shooting arrows at you. "
"Wouldn't be the first time that's happened." I mutter
"What was that!?"
" Nothing,nothing. Look let's move on from this. Let's discuss something else. "I exclaim as we walk down the hallway towards his locker.
"Fine but this better be the last time this happens or else your dead meat,Rocky."
" Didn't you say that last time? "
"Rocky, you need to quit doing these things to yourself."
"I know but I need to control myself completely before I can move on. Beside I can learn and elevate from my wounds."
" How many times will you get yourself hurt before actually acknowledging to stop? "
"I'm a fighter. I only advance in motives and fighting level. I know a few wounds here and there will be a pain in the ass but I still learn."
"Your going to be the death of me. I hope you know that." Dean exclaims rubbing his temples causing me to just laugh.
"I've always have since we became friends."
"Anyways since we're moving on the subject. I told my parents I'm with Zach."
" Really? How did that go? "
"Surprisingly well. They're actually thinking of inviting him to dinner." Dean exclaims with a laugh.
" So I'm guessing Zach did the same? "
"Yep. He not only told them that we are together but came out to them as well."
" Jeez. Double whammy. "
"More like the whole ball park at the Maverick household."
"What do to mean?"
"Based off what Zach told me. Both of his parents were not accepting as they keep telling him was a phase but Dawn defended him. She came out to them too."
"Really?" My eyebrows raise. She told them?
Did she tell them about her crush on me?
"Yeah her and Caroline both came out and they were defending Zach."
" Caroline came out? "
"Yeah apparently she's pansexual."
Well that was unexpected.
"Hm. That's new. How did their parents react?"
" Their mom was shocked and in denial. "
"And the asshole stepdad?"
" He started a fight with the siblings. "
"What!?" I exclaim with a roar as my throat grumbles a growl and body instantly bares my partial form. It's one thing to list an opinion of your own but abusing or trying to abuse your children is too far.
"But they fought him off. Basically kicked him out of the house by force. Their mom wasn't to happy when it came to their actions. Grounded them actually."
"Are they all okay?"
"A few injuries but they survived." My form simmers down back into my regular form.
" Good. "
"It's hard to believe everyone coming out at once. I'm actually surprised that you didn't."
" Seriously!? "He exclaims with wide eyes before growing a wide grin. I nod and instantly I'm pulled into a hug.
"This is great. I'm so proud of you,wolf cub. "
" I want details. How did they react? "He exclaims with that smile never fading away and pulling away from the hug.
"Actually the opposite of what I was thinking. They were accepting and actually asking whose the girl I like."
" And what did you tell them? "
"That it's complicated. It's something I'm still figuring out." I exclaim with a shrug.
" Well now that everyone that we know is out of the cramped closet. I think it's safe to say that no more hiding won't be a problem. "
"You didn't even try to hide your relationship with Zach."
" True. True. But you know what this means? "
"I have an idea knowing you."
" Good so in advance I'm sorry if I'm going to be blunt about this. "
"Dean,you're always blunt about things." I exclaim rolling my eyes as I lean against the locker next to his while he gathers his stuff.
"You need to make a move on one of them."
" Wow that is really blunt. "
"Rocky,this is something you need to do. Your out and proud. I don't see why you shouldn't."
" Dean,I don't know if that is a good idea. What if the person I make a move on is the one I lead on? "
"You don't know unless you try."
" Dean,I don't know. "
"Just at least ask one of them out on a date."
" Maybe. I'll think about it. "I exclaim with a sigh as we head towards my locker.
"Don't over think it. It's an emotion and expression not science."
" Okay. I'll keep that in mind. " I exclaim with a faint smirk.
"Oh hey it's the queer trio right now." Dean exclaims nodding his head down the hall to the Maverick siblings all with their heads held high while eyes are on them while whispers surround the halls. I guess we were not the only ones who heard the siblings coming out.
Why is it such a big deal here!? Everyone has different tastes in love and view it differently so why can't we all accept that instead of this homophobic bullshit.
I don't see why people make a big deal about the Maverick siblings all being LGBT related. Yeah their popular but they don't see themselves like that let alone in that spotlight. Well two out of the three think like that. I used to think the same thing when I came here. But since I got to know them better I know that not all popular people are stereotypical rich snobs. So why can't the others change their light on things the same way I did.
That's it.
I walk forward and stop in front of them causing them to look at me with curiosity and shock since we're all in the middle of the halls. Now the eyes transfer onto me.
"You people need to quit being homophobic assholes! Yeah they like different genders that wouldn't classify them as straight. So what! So what if their popular or not! You can't judge someone just because they're different. Yeah,you have your opinions and your rights. But they are your classmates and students just like you. Not some unknown species. So all of you lay off of them! They did nothing wrong but express themselves and be who they are. They don't judge you so why judge them." I exclaim looking at the students as some avoid my eye contact and look away in same while some of them look at me like I'm talking gibberish .
I then glance back at the siblings who just have looks of awe and shock on their faces. My eyes soon meets Dawn's as her facial expression transforms from surprise to relaxed. She grows a loving smile as she mouths a thank you. I nod with a smile before turning back to the students.
"That will be all. Now get to class!" I exclaim causing the students to carry on as if nothing happened .
No more pain and discrimination should be given to the Maverick siblings anymore than that they gone through.
Dawn's POV
"Mom and Mark still at the hospital?" I ask before sinking my teeth into a muffin.
"No but they are staying at a hotel the last time I checked." Caroline exclaims with a shrug
"Did the doctors inform you or did mom?" Zach asks leaning against the wall .
"Both. The doctor was more helpful than mom was. Mom was more discreet than informative."
"Any word on when they will get home?"
"Probably when we're not around." I exclaim pointing at them.
"You don't know that Dawn."
" You can't deny it,Zach. Trust me our wounds inside and out tells us exactly how they feel. "
"She has a point,Zach. They hurt us all deeply in more ways than one. "Caroline adds
"They're still our family."
"I can't believe your defending them right now! After the shit they pulled on you yesterday!" I hiss as my fists bang the table. Luckily not with all my might or no more table.
" Dawn.. "Caroline exclaims with a tone of warning.
"Mark tried to abuse us and "smack" the gay out of us. Mom just silently agreed with him! They treated you like shit. We are a disgrace according to them and your willing to forgive them! "He just nods causing a scoff to emerge from my mouth. I just cross my arms and shake my head while rolling my eyes and teeth clenched tightly.
" I have to agree with Dawn on this on, Zach. They basically disowned us. Mark made that point across pretty clear. We can't change people's opinions in a snap. "Caroline exclaims calmly.
"They might have disowned us but we can't disown them. We can't stoop to their level."
My temper lower back into calm.
" I'm not saying we should ignore them like they aren't family. "I exclaim with a head shake.
"Then what are you suggesting,Dawn?" Zach asks raising a brow.
"Look. The way they reacted wasn't exactly heart warming or family of the award material. They need time to heal their wounded bodies while we heal our broken hearts."
" We give them space and they give us space. It's a fair trade. "Caroline exclaims with a shrug
"But for how long? We can't keep ignoring them as if they don't exist."
" When their willing to face us and actually acknowledge our presence. "I answer with furrowed eyebrows before silence fills the room.
" That might take some time. A couple days to say the least." Caroline finally says bringing the dead silence to the end.
"That is something we can all agree that we need." Zach exclaims causing me to nod.
Something tells me this day won't end there for us.

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