Old Habits

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Hello, hello. Welcome to another chapter. I know I'm alive and finally published a chapter. It's been ages, no not ages, decades! But I'm back and that is all that matters. Apologizes for making you all wait. Everything has been nuts and crazy that I barely could write or I would always end up with writers block.(...that can suck a jellyfish. Anyways...) Anyways, here is another chapter but first the couple in the image above are Dean's Parents and a brief warning in this chapter and you'll know what I mean when it comes to it. Now then, onward to the chapter.
Zach's POV
Secrets. They can keep away an inner demon and make things better for others but sometimes some secrets can destroy something personal in a person's life. Secrets are best not remain hidden for it can ruin lives in more ways than one. You don't think about secrets that people hid because you assume that you are all equal and fully honest with each other. Whether we are completely honest or not; everyone has a secret.
I should know since I'm witnessing one right in front of me.

His eyes bloodshot and body at a violent shake while his arms try to hug himself completely. The body backed up against a wall as his fangs bites down on his lip leaving a little drizzle of blood to drip from his mouth. It hurts no, it's torture to him like this and to think that he was just fine not so long ago.
"Dean." I whisper out that almost came out as a simple quiver as I remain a little stiff and unsure of what to do.
Everything can change in a matter of seconds.....How could I let this happen? Let this happen to him?

Finding Dean wasn't as hard as it looks as I immediately spot him from near the end of the hallway. I immediately snake my arms around his small waist and rest my head on his neck.
"I was wondering when I 'd see you today." he says with a faint smirk as he turns his head slightly to give me a brief peck on the lips.
"Same here but you and I both know that we would still find a way to see each other. Plus we have class together first period."
I place my right arm around his shoulder as he grasps my right hand dangling from his shoulder and I instantly take his hand into mine.
Our hands hold together as a perfect mold and we casually head towards class not caring who sees us out in the opening.
"I can see you two are the gross PDA couple." we turn our heads to view Gabe walking towards with a shake of his head.
"Nice to see you too, man." I said with a faint smile.
"It's good to see you two back here."
"Did I miss any games officially?"
"Only a few."
"How did we do?"
"We managed to scrape by but the coach still wants to have the team captain officially back."
"So in other words I have to catch up on soccer practice the hard way."
"Pretty much but don't sweat it, Zach. I got your back and so does the boys."
"Well, I appreciate it and I could probably use the extra help just to see what all we are up against coming up."
"Right, I mean the next game isn't until next week but according to coach that we need to practice extra hard for the next one."
"He says that about every game."
"Yeah but he empathized the word extra and you know what that means if coach empathizes that specific word."
"That we're going against a challenging team which is fine because it makes the game more interesting."
"Yep which means practice for us starts after school for the next couple weeks."
"I can handle that." I said with a faint smile
"One problem with all that. Will you be able to practice hard and manage to catch up with school work?" Dean questions knowing that we both have some catching up to do along with Rocky. We'll be so busy that we won't have time for each other.
"Fair point but I'm sure that I'll find a way to balance the two eventually. For right now, I have to make sure that they are taken care of."
"Yeah, it won't be easy to tackle but I'm sure that you can handle it."
"I'm sure of it. Although, I don't think we have it the worst. I mean, look at Rocky."
"Oh yeah, catching up on work, school, and overall sorting everything out. Poor wolf cub is going to get burned out by the end of the week." Dean just shakes his head
"She's strong. I'm sure she can manage everything out just like us." I reassure
"Well, I have to go find the coach and fill him in on the game plan."
"Are you sure? I can probably inform him during lunch."
"It's fine. I don't mind plus I have to check to see if it's okay with him to have you and I stay a little longer on the field than we are required."
"Thinking of doing an all night kind of thing."
"Not exactly. It's more like an hour or two extra time length of staying at the field."
"Alright, that's not too bad."
"You say that now." Dean states a flick of his eyes
"Oh hush." I whisper with the corner of my mouth inching to a small smile.
"So, it's settled then. I'll inform coach that your back and throw in the suggestion." Gabe reclaims and I nod in response.
"Sounds good. I'll see you later in homeroom."
"Yep, I'll see you lovebirds or love bats later." he said as Gabe and I stop walking to give each other a brief brofist before he heads off to find coach.
"Love bats?" Dean raises a swift brow as his head faces the side of my face.
"I don't know where he came up with that but knowing Gabe he wanted to get the technicalities out of the way." eyes glance at my boyfriend as he nods before his head faces forward again.
"Yeah. So, you and me won't be able to spend quality time together, huh."
"You know you could come with me to the practices if you want."
"And distract you with all my fabulousness. Not a chance. I mean I want to support you, don't get me wrong but I don't want to get you distracted."
"I mean you do have a point. How I can I focus on keep the ball in tact when I could hold you instead."
"A flirt. I'm dating a total flirt but that's okay because I'm one too."
"You're a feisty flirt."
"And don't you forget it." He says before I could feel his lips on my right cheek as I grow a warm feeling inside of my chest.
Dean and I manage to head to class with our hands never parting away until we sit in our desks. As soon as sit down at my desk I mentally start planning out my week.
I turn my head towards the voice only for Dean to smile before he holds up a piece of paper that says: "You can do it, babe. I love you. ;)" I return the smile as he blows a kiss at me and my smile grows wide as I turn back around to face the class.
It's amazing to have a guy like Dean to be my mate. He is mine and it's a big adventure to be with him. Loving Dean is certainly certain something else but it's my own original relationship and no one can take away that from us. We have a connection that only builds up more the more we are together with each other and that is what makes us feel and be original. Although this week as I said before it will really test our relationship.

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