Beauty and her Beast

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Hello, my lovelies! (says with a Scottish accent) who's ready for another chapter,raise your hands? Silly question I know but hey I'd thought I would ask. Anyways, I hope you all are doing and feeling awesome today/night! Questions with answers and overall emotions, I hope. Anyways enough of my babble, into the chapter.
Rocky's POV
Things can go one of two ways when it comes to the surprises from the unexpected within a single day. I'm just glad I got a good result from all this. It amazes me how I started talking Kanyan to end up kissing the girl I love. My life will never seem to bore me and this is all within a school year! Everything leading to where I'm at now is certainly a leap of at least one hell of a journey. It's not even over yet since there is still some catching up I have to do.
The only question is where to start?
"Thanks for the shower, Rocky. Although, you didn't have give me your clothes." I turn my head only to grow a smile as I get up from the couch with new clothes in hand.
"It's okay. I'm sure that your clothes were wet anyways." her eyebrows raise and immediately I realize what I said.
"No, no, no. I didn't mean like that, I meant from the sport activity b-because..."
" Rocky, relax. I knew what you meant besides your face is turning red. "I nod
How do I go from lusting over to embarrassed all of the sudden?
" I'm going to cool off now. "
"Wait." She tugs at my shirt as I lean down a bit only for her to peck my lips.
"Now you can cool off." I just grow a goofy grin and head off to the bathroom.
She's got my heart what else more do I need?
Answers. Answers would be a good start to crack open , I just have to open the right page.
The towel covers my head as I shake it around to get my hair to dry and a thought causes into my head.
Who will take my return the hardest?
I mean Dawn and the boys reactions were certainly the biggest ones out of the bunch but there is still a lot more who don't know that I'm back yet. My family, my job, the gang, Ice.
I think I found my answer.
How will I confront Ice? To tell her everything is okay and let her down easy.
I mean based on her life she hadn't had the most easiest life ever.
Ice has been through hell when it comes to her romance throughout the years and I became her way towards another chance at romance. How you tell someone that you had a crush on that you choose your other crush? How do you let someone down easy without hurting their heart more?
I do like Ice and yeah I felt something when we shared kisses and had our moments. But Dawn beat her to it when came to who won my heart. I see us as friends hell even best friends but not lovers.
Ice is a good person and has pretty open personality. I just don't want to be the one that breaks what she worked hard to fix, her brokenness.
Nobody said anything was easy in life even for this one.
I think I should talk to her last one on one so things don't get fully awkward between us, however if I go back to school tomorrow then things will certainly be more awkward.
  The towel gives me the chance to see my mess of hair as I straighten out my big puff ball I call hair with my brush.
What about Dawn? I mean what is she to you?
I mean I told her I love her and poured my emotions out to her. I wasn't expecting to get the answer I got. I know we promised to take things slow but what do does it exactly make us? I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend in that context and we've only gone on one date. Let alone, I don't know if she is okay with expressing what we are in the open.
I'm just over thinking everything here. I know that everything needs to be done but it's getting closer to the end of the day which means that I don't have enough time to confront everyone by today.

I set the brush down and toss the towel in the hamper as I exit the bathroom only to notice Dawn on the phone talking to someone.
She seems focused as I guess she didn't spot me yet so I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her left shoulder. I glance up to feel her lips crack a smile and eyes flick at me before back forward.
"Yes, I will be sure to do that. Are you sure?"
"Okay, thank you. I will and be sure to keep your hands to yourself."
Who is she talking to?
"Your right. Be sure to tell Caroline to keep her hands to herself or else."
Ah, redhead.
"Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow and be sure to tell the others what I said. Okay, bye."
Dawn places her left hand on my cheek and head resting on top of mine.
"You know I could get used to this."
"Don't tempt me, Maverick." I said with a smirk as she raises her head and I peck her cheek.
"Just as long as you don't tempt me. You might be losing more of your hoodies sooner than expected." She jokes pointing out to my white hoodie that she's wearing.
"Good, they look better on you anyway."
"You are such a flirt."
"Only around you." I said with a wide grin
"You're lucky that your cute."
"I'm not cute, I'm a badass remember?."
"Oh, I'm sorry... cute badass." I raise my head give her a dirty look causing her to glance over and giggle before pecking my cheek.
"Alright, I'll allow it but only you can say it."
"So, what was the call about?" I question as I lay my head back down on her shoulder.
"Alex was calling wondering where I was at exactly. Her and the rest of the gang were apart of that sports activity I mentioned earlier."
"Wait, what activity was it again? "
"Capture the flag."
" Ah, I see. So what did you tell her? "
"I told her the truth and apparently she already knew. "
"Looks like the boys had a little helper along the way which would explain why red spilled on the location of where I was at."
"I wonder who else was in on the party search idea?"
" If Alex knows then more than likely the rest of them but I've knows that I'm back. "
Which means that they'll be expecting me to return or make an appearance back into town.
"How do you know?"
" I don't but knowing the boys if one of them knows then all of them knows. It's a chain link or a domino effect so to speak. "
"But how come Ice and I didn't know about their intentions?"
" They probably had a good reason for it and they know you two long enough to know what you two would do. "
"They probably didn't want us to know because they knew we would try to discourage it or not have it go through the whole idea."
"Probably. I would say so. So, what did you want her to say?"
" I wanted her to say something along the lines of Trouble escaping and but Dean found her safe and alright in his backyard. I wanted her to tell them that Dean was on a "couple getaway" thing with Zach and he just recently got home only to find Trouble in the backyard."
"But wouldn't Caroline be concerned about Trouble and want to know where you both are at to see if she's okay?"
" I told her to also tell them that Dean and I sent her to the vet's for a check up then temporary stay so, we don't leave her alone by herself again just in case. "
"Wait where is that that little ankle biter?"
" Don't worry. I already took her to the vet before meeting the others. I told Caroline but she didn't really listen. "
"Well yeah, she had someone occupying her thoughts."
" Ew. It's cute but I'd rather not be thinking what she was thinking especially when it comes to my best friend. "I just give a faint chuckle.
"Fair enough, although do you think it was wise to leave them together?"
"Honestly, not really even for Caroline I don't trust leaving alone with Alexandria. However they're with the gang and Caroline is working to be a better person."
" Her? Someone like her working to become a better person? Damn, I really have been gone for too long. "She just laughs
"I know that it seems hard to believe for Caroline to try to a good person ever since she built that reputation. But she's willing after we talked it out."
" Whoa, there is a lot I missed out on. "
"Tell me about it."
" I will just not standing up. " she said before she pecks my cheek and removed herself from my arms. She grasps my wrist as she drags me to the couch where we both sit down next to each other. I'm turned to the side to face her while her body faces forward.
"Hold on this seems awkward." she said as she instantly turns around to her back and scoots till she's snugged into me as I scoot back to the arm with my back as support.
"Okay. Now, I'll start explaining." she says as I just grow a smile and hold her in my arms as I heard every word that she was saying and was tell me exactly.  Personally, I could listen to her talk for hours and I'd hear every word. It's one of those instances but for a different reason.
         Dawn went from telling about how the rivalry ended to her reason why she held a grudge for Caroline and their settlement. I'm flabbergasted to say the least I mean when you are told of the events that happened within one conversation; you tend to go through multiple emotions. 
All Dawn has gone through is something that I didn't think could happen within a matter of days then again neither did I with my own adventure. Her forgiveness towards a few she hates or strongly dislikes shows that being a bigger person when comes to facing enemies: she took the civil route...sort of.
If she can forgive you then maybe Ice will too.
Maybe but not the moment. Right now isn't a good time for me to face her even though she's the first person I'd have to talk to and confront. Confronting Dawn wasn't easy at all for me and there is no doubt that talking to Ice will be a walk in the park either but either way I have to be ready.
"Yeah, I know that I thrown a lot at you at once but hopefully you understood all of that. "
"Maverick, you misjudge and doubt me. I have sharp senses and always a good listener."
"Oh my bad. Should I take a page out of your book then and start listening better? " She asks rhetorically with a laugh and a brief eyebrow raise.
"Oh hahaha, funny."
"But in all seriousness though. What's your side of the story?"
" I don't know, do you think to can handle this raw amount of story telling? " I ask glancing at her with an eyebrow raise as she turns her head to face me and rolls her eyes.
She then grows a giant smile as she pecks the top of my nose.
"Try me."
"Alright, well it all began when I got ran over by a car." Instantly Dawn's eye's bulge out as she slowly turns her head with a: "say what now" face.
"You failed to leave that left part of your explanation." she said
"Well didn't I say that it was car accident?"
"Yeah but not in that detail or context."
"Oh trust me, you'll get an explanation."
"Something tells me that it's just as bad as my side of the story."
"Yeah, it's just as a dousey as yours."
"Uh no." Her head collapsed into my neck as she mutters the words from her mouth.
"Yep." I then began telling my side of the story. From the vehicle accident to becoming friends with humans to saying goodbye to these new friends.
An interesting way to end a day but it's better than I could mentally picture.
Dawn's POV
Her heart beats pound against my ear as her pace of breath could be heard. Fingers combing my hair as my arms are around her waist. Warmth was all I could feel and I didn't want it to go away. I feel safe.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Us." I exclaim looking at her with a smile.
We shifted so we'd feel more comfortable on the couch, henceforth why I'm laying beside her.
"What about us?"
"I mean with all that we've been through as we both just discovered and now we're together. It just seems a little...well.."
"In a way yes."
"Not exactly the word I would exactly use."
"Yes! That's the word I was looking for."
"How is it bizarre that we're together?"
"Yes but it's not what I mean when I say that. Think back to when you first came to this school, did you expect us to meet and fall in love?"
"Not in a million years. It wasn't my intentions to run into you and fall for you but, I'm glad that I did run you over."
"Oh gee, thanks."
"You know what I mean."
"I do and honestly I'm glad that we bumped into each other. It's hard to forget that day, I was so focused on reading notes for class that I didn't notice that you were walking the same path I was."
"Same here. Dean was well...being Dean talking my ear off and we were doing our usual teasing banter and I didn't see you till it happened."
"I find it funny that we both have heightened senses and we both crashed into each other." I said with a faint laugh
"True but I'm a klutz anyways so that doesn't really matter."
"Yeah but your my klutz."
"That was cheesy and lame."
"Lame?!" I sit my head up and glance at her.
"Yep." she says nonchalantly causing me to smack her arm.
"I'm trying to be romantic and show my affections for you , asshole." I said with a squinted eyes and a faint smirk tugging the corner of my lips while Rocky straight up laughs at me.
"It's exactly what would teenage rom com's would say. Then again I could say that I'm your one and only klutz."
"Okay that is worse." I said with a smile as I rest my head back down.
"But seriously, you don't have to try anything when it comes to being romantic because my heart is already filled when your with me."
"Now, whose being the lame one?" I ask as she just chuckles in response as I just shake my head with my smile growing on my face.
This girl, I swear but I love her with all my soul.
"Hey, Rocky."
"Are we official or should we wait a while before calling you my girlfriend?"
"Are you asking me what we should label our relationship?"
"Yes, I mean we're best friends but we are now more than best friends. I don't know if it's too soon to call you that title?"
"A good question. I mean I want to be able to take you out on more dates before I can ask you that specific question. I mean your opinion counts as well. It's not just mine that matters."
"I mean we did say that we are willing to take things slow so, I guess we don't have labels until we know that we are ready to call each other girlfriends."
"I mean I already know to call you mine."
"Oh quit being such a flirt. I swear that you have been hanging around Dean too long."
"No if I started use the kind of vocabulary choices as he did then what I said would be worse."
"Good point."
"Hey, Rocky."
"I just have one more question."
"Okay, what's up."
"Are you going to be okay if I stayed the night with you?" Just like that I heard her heart skip a beat before it starts pounding louder and louder. I glance up at her only for her face to be bright red right to her ears.
"Not like that." I instantly said as my cheeks start burning themselves realizing that what I said.
"Then why did you say it like that? Your wording is very confusing especially on a day like this."
"Alright, fair. It's just that I don't want to go home."
"Why? Is Mark there?"
"No, I just don't want to leave you here and your cuddles, they're nice and I just got comfy."
"I don't think that would be a good idea, Dawn." she said as I look up at her.
"Why? Why no-oh never mind I answered my own question." I said remembering what day it is and I really should know considering she just brought up what day it is today.
"Normally, I'd be cool with it since I would sleep in the guest room but today is something I wouldn't want to risk...again."
"True, true. Plus, we have to prepare ourselves for the worst when it comes to going back to school. Knowing the gang, they would start pestering us about our relationship."
"Fair enough but I have to talk to Ice first before confronting them."
"That's if that they give me the time to even allow me to talk to Ice without bombarding me."
"Yeah, heads up on that by the way. Steph's going to be the worst one to face out of all of them."
"I'll make a mental note on that. Hey, shouldn't be ready to go soon?"
"Five more minutes?"
"You know that's what everyone says and then they end up waking up two hours later."
"Please? I'll actually keep my word on this. Well this time."
"Alright, alright but that's only because that I'm comfortable."
"Uh huh, sure."
"Oh hush up you." Rocky says with a faint laugh as I rest my head onto her shoulder that's almost to her neck with a smile on my face.
Tomorrow is another day towards a new opening towards my journey that I will be able to live with. However, there is a sense that I don't know how to go about the situation since basically everyone else knows but Ice and I don't think that's right at all. Ice is the only one out of the gang that doesn't know about Rocky's return and quite frankly it's a little sad. I can only hope that she doesn't end up hurt anymore than what she was when I found her or in the past.
Shit is about to go to down tomorrow but it's something we'll be ready for.
For now, I remain at the side with my mate well at least for a little longer till I have to leave. Technically, I don't have to leave and I could stay with Rocky but as we mentioned before whose to say that we wouldn't finish what we started. I'm mean yeah we're not doing that at all right now but how long before one of us or both of breaks again to lead something that we're not even remotely ready for. She respects my choice and I respect hers and that's all that matters for right now.
Five minutes goes by and I actually keep my word as I get ready to head out when really I want to remain in Rocky's arms longer than that. I want to remain safe and have her wash away my troubles just by being around her. Unfortunately, we both have matters to attend to when it comes personal problems. Plus I have a puppy to get to so there's that. I get to my feet and get ready to head out before it clicked about my clothes.
"Don't worry, I already put both of our clothes in the wash. I'll be sure to give them to you tomorrow during P.E. class."
"You are too kind. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot who I was talking to."
"Ouch; I mean you're not wrong but still ouch." Rocky places a hand on her heart causing me to just briefly shake my head as I lean in and peck her right cheek.
"Thank you again for letting me borrow your clothes."
"It's no trouble at all; hey be sure to text me that you got home safe." she says as she opens her arms wide and without hesitation I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her back while hers snake around my waist.
"Bye, Rocky. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, I'll see you around, Maverick." she said as we pulled away and I walk to the door and shut it behind me after exiting.
I turn my head to the side only to grow a faint smile before walking towards my car and head for the vets to pick up Trouble. When I got there, the veterinarians claim that Trouble surprisingly behaved although she did destroy the toys she was given because she was a little angry and sad that I was gone. I guess Trouble has really gone so attached to us to the point where she feels isolated or some sort of separation anxiety when we leave her. Then again, she's probably tired at the fact that we keep leaving her at the house for a while. I mean I could've done that in the first place but I'm not taking any chance at this point of the day.
I drive us home and see Zach and Caroline's car already in the driveway but Zach left with Dean so he's probably not even home. I can't guarantee if any of them are home yet so, we'll just have to see. My biggest concern is Caroline considering that if she knows about Rocky's return and what happened then she'll want some answers immediately making it a siblings investigation instead of sister one on one talk.
"Hello?" I ask as I shut the door behind me and gently setting Trouble down only for her to run off up the stairs. I get no response after a while as I lock the door and head up for the stairs. I head for the stairs towards my room as I take my first step...
"Dawn?" I stop in my tracks as I curse under my breath and turn around only to view the sibling I didn't really want to see.
"Oh, hey sis." I say as I empathize the hey part and I instantly see that Trouble is snuggled close in her arms as she's stroking the little dog in her arms. Caroline has a stone monotone face that's hard to read if it's her natural look or her resting bitch face.
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"You know what I'm asking, Dawn. A.J. informed me of what's going on so, I'll ask again: is it true?"
I was afraid that she was asking that and this is exactly why I dreaded coming home.
"Yes. Yes, it's true."
"Does Ice know about Rebel's return?"
"No but she's going to. Rocky's going to talk to her one and one about it. All we can expect is the worst kind of reaction from Ice."
"I know I would by the looks of things."
"Yeah, Ice has a right to know even when if it's something that she doesn't really need to hear. Truth and honesty is what is needed for this situation."
"You are right, you can't hide from a blanket of lies forever."
"I know. I just hope that the truth will open our eyes rather than blinding it."
"Same here."
"By the way, when I called Alex; what exactly did she say to the rest of you? I mean Ice was there with all of you; how could you have been very secretive about it?"
"Ice suddenly got a phone call that she had to take when you were calling A.J. so, technically she didn't fully hear what was going on until we explained what you told A.J. to say as a cover up."
"A phone call?"
"Yeah. She didn't go into full detail into it but she mentioned that it involved pack alliance ."
"Sounds serious. I'm going to have to ask her when I get the chance to."
"Yeah after that call; We only played one or two more matches before we headed back home."
"So as of right now Rocky will be able to talk to Ice tomorrow."
"I can't officially make that call. We'd have to wait for what happens tomorrow."
"I was afraid of that."
"I'm sure that whatever happens that you'll both be ready."
"Thanks, Caroline."
"Your welcome and I will say this like I said before you two were made for each other."
"I agree with that statement." I said as my heart continues to beat more and more but my stomach says something else. The uneasiness that's going to be settled on tomorrow.
Tomorrow is going to be a whole another story.
Rocky's POV
"What's got you in a good mood?" I ask raising a brow as I raise a brow at Dean while sitting on the couch tying my shoes. Dean's been a smiles and giddy ever since he got here and it's only the beginning of the new day.
"Well if you must know. I rode that-"
"Don't finish that sentence, I just realized the reason." I said instantly raising my hand at him and catching onto why he is such in good mood.
"Alright, alright. At least, I can say that I'm not a virgin anymore."
"Ew? A good for you would be nice."
"You know why I said ew. "
"I could've been graphic"
"You almost were graphic not too long ago."
"You know who else is long? Zach's-"
"Moving on!" I cut him off
"Alright, what's in the bag?" he asks pointing out the white plastic bag at my side.
"Dawn's clothes."
"Oh really~?"He grows a smirk on his face
"Don't think ahead now."
"Too late. Looks like I'm not the only one who got some action yesterday."
"That's not what happened and you know it."
"Oh come on, you don't obviously don't expect me to believe that the two of you were just talking especially on a blood moon."
"Well..." I said rubbing the nape of my neck with a smile inching on my face.
"I knew it! You two did it together."
"No but we were close to doing it." instantly my eyes widen and place my hand over my mouth as Dean mouth goes a gap before he gives me that same smug look on his face.
"Is that so?"
"Look we had a moment together and that's it honest. Besides Dawn and I both agreed that we'd take things slow."
"Wow, you must be serious about this whole relationship thing if you are actually calling her by her first name."
"More than you know. Dean which is why today might be where all hell breaks loose."
"You're going back to school after two weeks, Rocky. Of course, it's going to be hell."
"That's not what I was referring to, Dean." He nods
"I know. The question is when will be the best time to confront her. I mean it's bad enough you have work and school work to catch up on so, how will you get the time to even talk to her."
"I don't know, maybe when I see her I'll ask her to meet me at the garden during lunch or maybe even after school. I just know that I need to confront Ice and the sooner I do then the better I will be able to make things right."
"But are you sure that you would really be making things right is if you tell her that you don't like her anymore and choose an old enemy over her."
"Se when you put it like that, you make me feel like a jackass."
"Don't finish that sentence if you want to remain in one piece to see your boyfriend again."
"There's no need to be snippy about it. I'm just being realistic towards the situation at hand."
"Your form of realistic is the negative side of things."
"You were thinking of the same thing when it came to the thought of confronting the white haired mistress."
"Why do you make it sound like it's a medieval soap opera."
"But it is in my eyes."
"My love life is a big soap opera for you."
"More like entertainment."
"Your an asshole"
"Tell me something that I don't already know." He says with a laugh as we head out for the door towards school. He is a jerk but he does bring some valid points when it comes to how this is going to be worded or even said towards Ice. Ice was given a second chance at love and she thought that I was that second chance but, unfortunately I'm not that second chance. I do believe that Ice does have a second chance at love just not with me but hopefully with a girl that will provide her what she can provide for her, a freedom of expression and everlasting time with one another.
A jeez, love really has made you a softie.
Maybe. Maybe it's because for once I gained something that I didn't before, a free heart.

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