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Bello! What's shaking bacon? Sorry if your vegan. Lol. Anyways welcome back and hello. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves and having an awesome day/night. I don't have a whole lot to say surprisingly. So enjoy the chapter.
Zach's POV
Having a significant other has their ups and their downs but when it comes to this moment, its very beneficial. Especially when it leaves a warm feeling inside and out. However, the warmth was suddenly replaced with the cold air as I tighten my grasp only to hold the air.
My eyes instantly open only to find the bed empty as I sit up and glance around the room. That's odd.
"Dean?" Slowly getting out of the bed looking around like a lost puppy. Well a tired lost puppy.
I drag my legs to check the only place he could be in this hotel room the bathroom. I glance only to view the room empty; not even the door is shut, or a light is on.
"I was wondering when you'd wake up." I turn around to face the familiar voice behind me and there he stood with bags in his hand.
"I see you weren't hesitant on your shopping spree." 
"Ha, ha, ha funny. I realized that we needed some things before we head off."
" We needed get you a new shirt to replace your swiss cheese one and an outfit was calling out to me so I needed it. "I raise my brow at him.
" What?! It was calling out to me. Anyways I also thought I needed some caffeine before we headed off to Nightengale. "
"Please, caffeine is the last thing you need right now."
" A thank you from your fabulous boyfriend would suffice you know. "He does his fake long hair flip and my eyes circle the room.
" Thank you,Dean. "
"Oh and I also got this." He pulls out of the bag industrial metal chains.
"What is that for?"
" Well I was going for handcuffs but I didn't think it would be enough for us. "My eyes widen as my face turns pure red.
"Relax, Zach. I was only kidding." He laughs
"Oh..then what are the chains for then?
"There for Rocky if she doesn't cooperate."
"What are we kidnapping her?"
" That was the plan. "
"Dean,we can't force her to come home. Our plan was to convince her to come home."
" Then we kidnap her if she doesn't? "
"Maybe but as only as a last resort."
"You got it."
"Remember only as a last resort."
"Fine." he pouts
"You know you sound just like.." his sudden sentence cut off causes me to raise a brow.
"Sound like who?" I question with a faint smile on my face
"No one. Nothing,nevermind the scribble scrabble of my mumbling jabber. How's the future battle scars?"  He's acting weird when it comes to changing the subject but I'll let it slide for now.
"The wounds didn't hurt hurt when I say up this morning. So the sounds probably already healed."
" That's good. "
"You want me to drive don't you." Which I didn't understand because he's the one caffeinated then again he's better at giving directions then I am.
"Maybe ~"
"*sigh*You're lucky I love you."
" I know you do. " he says with a wide smile as he throws the bags on the bed.
"Now if you excuse me I need a shower. I smell like skunky aftershave. "
"Why didn't you do that when you got up?"
"Because this hoe has plans and they needed to get taken care of before myself."
" I should've known that would be your answer. "
"Damn right." he goes to walk away but I wrap my arms around his waist.
" What? "
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
" How could I forget. " he turns his head and pecks my lips
" more." he gives me another peck
"One more." He gives me another
" just one more? "
"You're enjoying this way too much aren't you?"
"Maybe. "His hands grasps my wrists as my arms loosens a bit. Dean let's go and turns himself fully around to face me as his hands cups my face before his lips touch mine.
A brief moment of bliss is given to me and before I can return it he pulls away as his hand gives my chest a gentle push. An instant my feet stumble back and an dorky smile grows on my face.
"No more for now. Before we both lose our focus and actually use those chains for a different purpose."he talks while walking backwards towards the bathroom and at the last second gives me a wink with his new clothes in hand.
He's such a tease
I just hope this plan doesn't go AWOL or worse than I could picture.
I glance over at the nightstand to view my phone bouncing up and down for my attention. I'm actually surprised that it didn't die at me then again. I wasn't on it the whole time so the battery life didn't completely shut down. I shrug before walking towards the phone and picking it up to view a new notification from the school.
My eyes skim through only to view two words stick out and made me tense up.
Blood moon
This might be a problem. How are we going to bring Rocky home to this without it blowing it up in our faces? Let alone keep our hands to ourselves when it comes to us. I know there is such thing as self control but it's a little difficult when desires overpowers reason for a day. But I'm overlooking things and if you let those thoughts get into your head then you'll end up jinxing everything.
"You alright? Zach?" I turn my head to see Dean with fresh wet dripping hair and a new pair of clothes on.
"There might be a detour in our plans."

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