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Surprise! Well I guess it's not really a surprise if you had got the notification about this chapter. But still it's a surprise even if it's not. Yeah that didn't make sense,I'm like that. Anyways moving on from confusion. How are you all. Awesome or at least decent but leaning towards awesome. There is drama,action,and most of all romance that needs to be written and I as the author of this tale shall continue that path. Now there is now doubt excitement or anxiety about the chapters you read. Or you're not even reading this and your instantly scrolling right into the chapter. My feelings won't be hurt.* a tear falls from my eye.* Alright,whose cutting onions!? I'm not crying,you're crying. I'm kidding though. I'm not really upset if you all skip the intro and go right into the book. Sometimes I do that and I feel bad about it. Anyways,without a further a do let the chapter commence!
Dean's POV
Everyone has their instincts. Especially if you're a mother or parent. I have that mama bear instincts with Rocky. My little wolf cub is going out fighting for everyone and here I am getting myself ready for a date. Talk about terrible timing. To be honest we have been planning this date even before Julian had stayed his day about the final attack. Zach and I have been planning this second date for a while now. We can't really miss out on it. I mean we can to pitch in for the others but we won't. Mainly because this date is something that's really important to us. Not saying that the gangs lives along with everyone else's don't matter. I'm just saying that that this date was made once we got back together.
The date is an opportunity to spend with Zach. No parents,no friends,and no crazy psycho person wanting to kill us. Just me and him. It sounds easier than done obviously but I feel like that he will make me resultant no matter what. I just wish that I could do the sane. I know that he would tell me otherwise but I don't know what will be good enough for him.
I know he loves me and I love him. I just want to make him feel special. I got desperate so I asked Rocky for help. Yeah I'm that desperate. Asking a fledgling at love for help. What can I say desperate times calls for desperate measures. Based off of Rocky's advice. I should do something that only we would only know but that's if I want to make things really special and I do.
I run a few errands to make sure that this date is so much more than just us being somewhere. I then concluded to put an effort in clothing. I put on a navy blue polo shirt,a matching colored stripped tie,over lapped with a denim jacket,black skinny jeans,and gray slip on vans.
I stare back at the other me at the end of the glass before running my hand through my hair as I grow a smile before I head off towards Zach.
I told Zach that he could pick me up at my house. It seems fair enough since I was picking the place for our second date again.
I straight my tie as I my eyes wanders my focus towards something else more specifically something more important.
A thin white box with red ribbon holding it all together that sends my lips to break into a smile. I just hope that he will like it.
I then glance back at my reflected self as I can't help but ponder about how things became about. I mean it's not just how Zach and I'd relationship altered but how everything did.
Rocky and I were to single outcast friends who didn't have anything but each other. Then...poof. Rocky meets Dawn and Ice. I rekindle with Zach. We get involved into unnecessary drama that's still got us all tangled up. It makes me wonder what would've happened if Rocky never met her crushes? Or if I wasn't on the field the day Rocky made that her with the soccer team?
Life has a funny way of handling things in our world but who am I to judge when it to everything.
In a way,I'm glad how things are turning out. We may not be sitting at a good place right now but I don't think that we can change that. Within our world are flaws and complications. Sometimes it can't be helped and sometimes it can be.
Our life in our world may seem average but living it is what's out of this universe.
It's him. Just don't panic is all.
I make my way towards the door but not before grasping the gift and placing it into my pocket. Very step just brings my heart one step closer from exploding from joy and nervousness. I glance out the door window see.him standing there with his hands behind his back and eyes wandering around the area. I just.grow a faint smile before I grasp the knob only to be face to face with my angel himself.
"Hey,De-whoa." he exclaims when his eyes meets mine only to stagger off with sentence when he noticed my outfit. I just laugh at his response.
"Too much?"
" No,not all. If anything I feel under dressed. "He exclaims pointing out his outfit. A black slim fit blazer,a white t shirt,but skinny jeans,and brown docker shoes.
" You are more handsome than what you always are. "I reply with a smile as I give him a peck on his right cheek.
"Thanks. You look resplendent." He exclaims with a wide smile.
"Awe,thank you. You always did know how to expand your vocabulary in more ways than one." I exclaim with a smile before I step out of the house and lock the door behind me.
"So,are you ready to go?" I ask
"Not quite." I stare at him with eyebrows furrowing and a baffling thoughts begin to cross my mind.
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted to wait until the date was over but I couldn't wait any longer." he exclaims with a wide smile. Before I can say anything he brings his hands up to the front only to reveal something in his hands,a hardcover notebook.
"What's this?" I ask with a faint smile and chuckle as I take the notebook gently from his fingertips only to glance at the notebook. There is a big chunk piece of masking tape in the center that has a phrase written in cursive; My forever and always.
I grow a wide smile as my.eyes scours to the bottom only to see a faint drawing of a crown right below the lettering.
"Open it to the first page." Zach exclaims and of course I obey and could already view something written in here.
"Read it out loud." he exclaims as I nod before reading the writing out loud.
"Sometimes it's hard to say the right words and say what you want when you freeze trying to say something to something so breath taking. So it's easier to express through writing. Throughout this whole notebook is filled with a hundred different reasons that I love you and why I would risk everything for you. You deserve more than my heart,you deserve kingdom and someone to help build that kingdom brick by brick. I'll build your world and make sure that you get the love you so rightfully deserve. Take a piece of my heart and in return I'll give you the galaxy. Forever and always yours,Zach. "I finish the speech as I glance up at him with a heartwarming smile.
"Well? What do you think? "He asks
"I think that you get your answer." I exclaim as I brush my lips against his gently. He willingly accepts the kiss and happily returns it. I pull away while clutching the book close to my chest.
"You're too good to me." I exclaim with a smile.
"I try. "
"You don't have to try anything when you already have me in your arms." I exclaims with a smile causing him to smile.
"Well since we're exchanging gifts I have something to give to you too."
" Really? "
"Really. I wanted to make things more special so I got you this." I exclaim as I gently stick my right hand into the pocket and pull out the wrapped gift in hand. I then hand it to him as he just gazed at me for a brief moment before pulling on the edge of the ribbon. He slowly unravels the gift and once the lid to the question of the gift comes off. Instantly his eyes glow as he grasps the gift in hand and raises it up. There are black circle beads all around the necklace except for the pendant. A little knight helmet in the center.
"Do you like it?" I ask and he just nods with a wide smile and pecks me on the lips.
"Thank you,Dean."
"and thank you,Zach. "I reply as he wraps the necklace around his neck before connecting it together to stay. A perfect fit.
"We should head out before the place closes." I add causing Zach to smile.
"Then let us be on our way." He exclaims as he extends his right hand and interlocks his fingers with my own.
It doesn't take long for us to head towards our destination. But a lingering thought proceeds to itch my head like a bad rash.
" you think we made the right choice?"
"Still concerned about Rocky?"
"What reason do I have not to. It's not just my wolf cub it's the girls I'm concerned about. I mean it's three of them of him."
"It seems like an unfair fight. "
"It's more unfair when you have a psycho with tricks up his sleeve. Rocky didn't give me the kind of hope that I wanted. "
"What was that?"
"Her being okay. Zach,I'm concerned about my best friends. I don't want to lose any of them."
"I know. Trust me I still have concern about Dawn. I still want to have aspiration when it comes to sending my sister out there with a murder." He exclaims tightening his fists onto the wheel turning a bright white tint.
"Are we selfish for not joining the battle sooner or even rescheduling this?"
"Dean. We're not selfish. I mean before this date I asked Dawn about rescheduling this whole thing. She insisted on us going through this date together."
"Same with Rocky and Ice. I asked them both and they kept encouraging me to not worry about the fight. They brush this off like it's no deal."
"They may look like the don't care about their lives based off actions but then giving us this choice to fight or not showed us something."
"They don't want us to getting hurt or killed."
" Can you blame them? "
"Not really but we shouldn't be left out of the dark towards a fight that involves all of us."
"I still feel like we're running from the issue at hand. This isn't a rash or an itch that will just go away,Zach. This is a man that will kill to get what he wants and to prove a point in something."
"Regardless of what happens we won't run from this battle. We will eventually head towards it and when we do we'll be ready. Together." he exclaims as the emphasis on that word warms my cold blood through my veins. The words reassure me with the "faith" I'm suppose to have on the subject. It does out me at slight ease for now which means this is going to make the subject change but I know that I have to know from a perspective.
"Speaking of us being together. I want to ask you something."
"Can we take our time with our relationship? I don't to rush it like it's a race. I want us to be to enjoy the time we spend with each other. We may have to hide ourselves from our dad's but I wouldn't let them keep me from not being with the one person I love." He just smiled when I finish my question and in a way statement.
"You are not just some secret,Dean. You're everything to me and I'll spend eternity with you. I wouldn't want us to consider our time together well spend. So if that's what you desire then we can take things as slow as they need to be."
"Thank you." I exclaim as I lean over the passenger seat and peck his right cheek. He smiled while his cheeks turn slightly pink.
Zach's POV
I couldn't feel anything but happiness. It's something that I always thought would never happen to me but with Dean sitting in the seat next to me.I was suddenly washed away with good feelings. I'm not just some heir to represent the Maverick family. Not just a team captain. Not just a friend,son,or twin brother. I'm a lover and a hopeless romantic. All thanks to Dean. Dean has been the change in my life since I introduced myself all those years ago. I wouldn't think twice about not going over there.
Dean is such much more than anyone could anticipate and want. But that's a good because I love him.
I'm lucky enough to have him but even more lucky to have him at my side.
No one is going to take that away from me. Not Mark. Not Julian. Not anyone. Dean is mine and mine alone. I will fight anyone who tries to hurt him or our real but within reason.
"Hm? "
"Where exactly am I taking us?" I ask raising a brow.
"You'll see when we get there. We're actually almost there. You just got to make a few turns and pull into the driveway and we're there." He answers as I just nod and follow the directions carefully. I honestly don't really care where we were to as long as I'm with my love then I don't care.

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