Queen Bees gets Stung

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Hellllllo my fellow readers! Welcome back to another chapter as you may have guessed. Hope your day/night is awesome as usual. Any who the image is Mackenzie Valentine.  You have questions and I have the answers to those questions. Alright let's get into the chapter folks!
Dawn's POV
There is sometimes split thoughts and views of opinions when it comes to making certain decisions. That is what happened as soon as I gave me and Ice a chance to become friends. Half of me thought it would was very mature and a new change that needed to happen while the other half of me was conflicted and thought what I did was beyond insane. But everyone deserves another chance.
A little hypocritical there on that statement.
Okay it was poor choice of wording considering that some people that you think about giving a second chance to will blow up in your face. Zane, Mark, and even Caroline.
Mark and Zane are people I can't change and I don't think anyone can change a total assholes perspective and personality. But Caroline had a chance to not be one of those people and guess what path she choose? Yep, the asshole side. She maybe making up for it all by protecting us and looking out for us but why do I still have trust issues with her?
It's pretty bad when a member of your family you once fully trust now becomes less than a fifty percent chance of trusting her. Even doubting if you can rely on them to have your back. It always traces back to the certain day when I realized that we lost an older sister.
Memories will remain a burden
But this isn't about her. This is about Ice and I'm proud to say that through our months of bickering we're slowly making up for it up by communication. Talking and hanging around each other the whole weekend. Of course that is still taking time to adjust since it's still a little awkward to befriend an enemy. I guess the term frenemies plays a different definition here.
Takes it to another level.
I don't know what's weirder: Ice actually being my friend or the fact that Zach and Dean are still missing?
No, what's weirder is no one is questioning about the boys absences. The girls are acting like nothing has happened. They are simply reacting the same way. It's odd and they know something that I don't. I'm going to find out what it is one way or another.

Here I am in the kitchen with Trouble as she hovers over her food bowl killing her kibble. I shake my head with a smile on my lips looking at the dog. I walk over to the kitchen counter and get out a coffee mug before starting up the machine. It's a quiet morning today. Mark is at work, Mom went to the market place, and Caroline spent the night at a friends house. Still have no clue where my twin is but I'm sure that he'll eventually turn up. Hopefully or else there is going to be questions.
"Dawn!" The echoing voice hollers causing me to almost jump out of my skin.
So much for peace and quiet.
"I'm in the kitchen!" I holler back leaning against the counter waiting for the coffee to be made. Walking in is the girls and right on cue the sound of coffee starts spurting and talking behind me.
"Is it true that you and Ice are now BFF's?!" Stephanie asks
"Good morning to you too." I grumble as I turn around and pour my coffee into the cup only to set it down to get the items to finish making the coffee.
"But is it true though?" Zoe asks
"We're not best friends ,but we are being neutral friends at least."
"Hold up! When did this become an actual thing?"
"The day after I found her in her drunk state." I reply nonchalantly as I pour the condiments before stirring and sipping it.
"The whole weekend?! You've been friends the whole weekend and never told us."
"Not necessarily true. I told Alex."
"Way to throw me under the bus there, Dawn." Alexandria exclaims with a sigh
"You knew?" Zoe asks raising a brow
"Dawn asked  and I quote: would it be awkward for you if Ice and I were friends?"
" That's technically knowing,Alex. "I said while taking a sip.
"Ah...you got me there."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Stephanie asks with an eyebrow raise
" To be honest I didn't expect this to happen. She wanted to make amends and I agreed to it. Besides how did you guys find out? "
"Guilty. I slipped up." Alexandria raises her hand with a sheepish smile on her face.
"It's okay. I was actually going to tell you girls today when I got the chance to but it seems like the cat is already out of the bag."
"Yeah. Dawn, how can you easily forgive her just like that? No offense, Alexandria." Zoe questions
" None taken. "
"I never said that it was easy to put differences aside. I mean we were enemies and competed for Rocky who didn't know herself what to do. I know that she likes to push my buttons till I burst ,however when you become tired of the drama it becomes a relief for settlement. Getting under each other's skins was something that I realize now to be childish and dumb. We we're only like that to each other because we fought in the past and both wanted Rocky to ourselves.
You need to move forward with everything so you can develop as a person. If you don't let things go than you'll be stuck right where you stand."
"You just wanted to be the bigger and more mature person." Zoe claims
"Exactly. We just had to be shown our ways before making peace. It wasn't exactly a good thing but we got through it."
"Well it's good to see that my two friends are no longer enemies."
"But no doubt that it is still awkward for you two." Zoe points out
" Yeah it is but we're slowly breaking that. "
"That's good. But I have to ask does Ice still feel the same way about Rocky as much as you do?" Alex asks
"I don't know but that's not my place or say."
"Would you guys end your friendship over that? If she did."
"Surprisingly,no. We have same emotions and like the same person but we have to realize that it's not only our feelings that matters."
" You really have grown up, Dawn, and you're not even a senior yet. "Steph claims
"Well we don't officially know that until we graduate from high school. "
"Speaking of prison.. I mean!.no,I really mean prison. "
"How has school work been like for you? Make up work wise?"
"A challenge and a little stressful but worth it in the end. At least I hope so. "
"They should be. Most of your missing assignments were part of passing grade. "Zoe explains
" Not only that but we have a test today. "
" Physics. "
"Well there went my grade." I say with a sigh
"I'm sure that you will do fine."
" Girl who are you reassuring? It's Monday and it's a test. No one likes to study over the weekend. "
"Steph has a point,Zoe." Alex adds
"Why do you guys have to criticize the advice I give to cheer up a friend?"
" Because they like to be realistic. "I said with a smile.
"Hey! My advice is realistic."
"Finding your match is just A blink away is what you told me and here I am still single." Alexandria exclaims with a laugh
"Well yeah. You're match belongs to Dawn's older sister."
" Shut up, Steph! "The redheads cheeks start matching her hair color as she shoves an eyebrow wiggling Stephanie. We all laugh at Alexandria's embarrassed state knowing it's true.
A different start of the day than I pictured but it's something.

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