Party Search

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Hello, it's me!(says an Adele voice) Just kidding sort of. I mean it is me here. I'm just being confusing right now. Moving on. Anyways welcome back to another chapter. I hope you all are doing awesome as always. Questions is what you have and answers is what I can give. I hope your ready for another chapter because here we go. Also here is an image of Lucas. His eyes may not but be violet in the image but it's close. Anyways moving on. Onwards to the chapter.
Zach's POV
"Where is she?!"
"Dean, calm down" I say with ease watching my boyfriend go walk or pace in circles. Right now we're in his room. I've been staying to keep Dean calm and cheer him up. It worked for a while until next Monday came into play.
"How can I!? My best friend slash little wolf cub has been gone for over a week or so. She was suppose to be home by now." He had a valid point.
I understand that someone needs time to cool down but you don't think that they would be gone for that long.
Rocky didn't tell anyone where she was going or when she was heading back into town. At least from what I can tell. I mean every person who gets angry takes a while to calm down especially if that person was screwed over by loved ones. I get that. What I don't get is how long someone can be gone without informing someone or even family related. Grant it. Rocky is Rocky and she likes to be stubborn but not that stubborn. Now, Rocky is her own being and I can't force her to do anything. I just want her to come home so everyone no longer holds their breath.
Things are having a dark aura around it so to speak. Dawn hasn't responded or moved from her bed since the last time I checked. I heard about Ice and apparently her pack is taking alcohol bottles from her hands. They even hid the alcohol from her. As for the rest Dean and along with the others are concerned about the three girls in pain.
This pain is familiar.
I haven't seen such darkness and broodiness since Julian's mind games. Why can't we just embrace the love instead of the hate? Why is it so hard for monsters to get their happiness? It's bad enough our species been through hell since the dark ages but each of us has been through our own personal share of pain and suffering.
Dean with his fear of water, the waiting pain of love and bullying for sexuality. Dawn for losing dad before birth, Caroline's deed, almost losing mom, Mark's verbal abuse, and now losing Rocky. Rocky for thinking her parents were dead, Julian messing with her head on different ways,bullied at an early age, and almost losing Ice and her mom at one point.
Some of this stuff Dean to me but not all of it.
Ice has also gone through some shit because of those scars and her instant resource to kill her pain was drinking is a sign. It looked like that besides Julian, she had been through a lot. You know someone has been through a lot of their first resort is drinking away the pain.
As for me, I had my own pain like losing dad, Mark making me his puppet, hurting Dean, and as you already guessed it Julian's mind games. We've all been through hurt and painful stuff. So painful that I'm sure that if you were to combine our suffering and misery we all went through it would be brought to create it's own planet the size of the sun.
It's hard to keep things in the positive side but we must not give up quite yet.
"Hey." I exclaim as I get to my feet before placing my hands on his shoulders stopping him instantly.
" We'll find her, Dean. "
"Yeah but how? We don't even know where she is it where she went?"
"We'll continue to help by a party search and see if anyone has heard or seen Rocky."
" I'd doubt it. "
"We have to start somewhere. Besides we don't have to do this alone. We can call the others and have them help."
" True. I have Steph's number. The girls and the others will come in a heart beat to help. "
"There we go. I'll see if I can call up Gabe to see if he can help us."
" Alright sounds like a plan. " he proclaims with a nod and faint smile. I peck him on the lips before digging into my pocket for my phone.
Well that was quick.
" Zach, you need to come home right away. "
"Well hello to you too, Caroline."
" This is serious. I need you home now. "
"Why what's going on?"
" Dawn's gone. "
"I'll explain more once you get here."
" Alright. I'm on my way. "
"What was that about?" Dean asks raising a brow
"It's about Dawn." Dean's eyes widen for a second before he places an hand on my shoulder.
" You go ahead and go. "
"Are you sure?"
" Yes. This seems like a family emergency. You go ahead and go home. I'll rally up the troops and see what I can dig up. "
"Alright. I'll be there to join you as soon as I can."
"No need to rush. Just go, okay?"
" Okay. I love you. "
"I love you too." I kiss his forehead before using my speed to head home.
Wouldn't it be a good thing that Dawn is out of her room?
But the way Caroline had said it meant something else.
It took a few seconds to get there as I'm standing on top of the stairway of the steps leading to Dawn's room.
"Caroline?" My older  sibling is leaning against Dawn's doorway as she stands up and turns around.
" It's a good thing you're here. "
"Caroline, what's -" my sentence dies when I glance at the room inside. Caroline steps off to the side only to reveal my twins room. Dry black blood droplets  smeared on the floor, furniture of the room on the floor or tipped over her blanket that's laying on the floor, and an open window.
"Aw, Dawn." I mutter glancing at the dry black blood.
"I went to check up on her when the door won't open so I kicked it open only to find her gone." Caroline explains s we both step into the room only to view bloody hands prints on the bathroom door and a bigger blood puddle on the floor.
"She must have been like this for a while. "
"But I don't understand. She seemed fine all the other times we checked up on her." I add
" She must have used the hallucination ability on us so we wouldn't know her illness. Since her energy is decreasing and sickness is increasing; her vampire abilities were starting to drain more and more when she used the hallucination ability. "
"That why she barricaded herself in her room."
" And why she left the building. Literally. "
"She wouldn't have that much strength in her with her loss of blood."
" Not true. She would have to use up the rest of the vampire energy she has to be able to move and run. At least at a slow pace based off the dry blood. "
"We need to find her and fast."
"Agreed before she gives in to the hunger."
" If we're not too late. " I exclaim as we glanced down at the window only to slowly raise our heads to the path of where she might have went.
"She could be anywhere so it would be wise to follow her scent."
"Yeah because that isn't creepy at all."
"You knew what I meant." Caroline rolls her eyes as I nod before we use our speed to track down our sister. I just hope that she's okay. Yeah, most siblings are "suppose to hate each other" but I have no reason to. Dawn is the only person besides our parents that actually cares about me. I mean Caroline is owning up to being the bigger sister but she wasn't always there like Dawn. I mean we did share being in the same stomach. Mom and my actual dad really did care about this no matter what it was. Since Dad died and mom overworked, Dawn was there for me. She still is there for me as I'm there for her. Now I get to return that favor but helping her get better before she digs herself into a deeper hole than necessary.
The whiff of her scent is a little different than last time due to the blood and her drainage. The scent almost makes her human. Key word almost. We don't stop running until we view the small chunk of dark liquid off to the side in town.
"We're close."
"We have to be. Her scent doesn't stop here."
"Let's go."
We continue to follow the scent like blood hounds on hunting season.
I'm pretty sure that we don't stop until we're in front of a building. More specifically a building with a red cross for a logo.
"You don't think-?"
"If she were that hungry then she would. It's better than draining a person's blood the old fashioned way." Caroline answers
"True but it just seems a little too good to be true. I mean Dawn would only have enough strength to get into town if she didn't sustain any injuries from her window jump."
"Only one way to find out." We walk towards the building and with ease. Surprisingly there is no spell or charm that keeps vampires out but then again vampires never really had to steal something our society already provides for us. If Dawn is really here then we'd better hope that we're not too late.
We head straight forward towards the open desk.
"Hi, welcome to The red cross. Will you be making an appointment or receive a blood fusion?" The man behind the counter exclaims. He has that voice like he's been saying this for about the ten thousandth time today.
"Neither. We're looking for someone."
"Sure, who are you looking for?"
"Out sister by the name of Dawn Maverick. She's about five-five feet tall, blonde hair, green eyes. Looks like a zombie on crack." Caroline exclaims
"No, no one that I know of stopped in with that description."
What!? How is that possible!?
"Are you sure? I could've sworn we saw her come in." I lie. We don't need the guy to be suspicious about two vampire siblings looking for a hungry vampire.
"Nope, I didn't see anyone like that."
Then how does that explain the scent that lead us here? Were we mistaking Dawn's scent with other human scents?
"Did you two say that you were looking for Dawn Maverick?" We turn our heads to see a new person standing there.
"And you are?" I ask as we turn to face this person.
"Good to see you again, Lucas."
"You know him?
"Yes, I do. He helped me or at least tried to help me fixing my car months ago."
"Ah, I see."
"What I don't understand is how he knows Dawn."
"Dawn stopped at my workplace as well. I got to know her but not up to a best friends level."
"So, you know where our sister is?"
"Yeah, why? Is she in trouble?"
"Let's talk outside." Caroline and I walk over as we grab his arm on each side before dragging him out front to the building. Luckily the guy behind the counter didn't see that or he would get concerned about the whole situation. We let him go once we're out of ear shot of other people near the place.
"Talk." I exclaim glancing at this ginger.
We better not be wrong about this.
Deans POV
If you had the opportunity to find someone you lost would you take it? I know I would without question. Surprisingly I know what giving people space is. Rocky wanted that space and I gave it to her but when my mama bear instincts came in, I wanted to make sure that she was okay. I never thought that she would do something like skipping town unless she really needed time to think about everything. Now that a week has past, enough is enough for me.
I want my little wolf cub back.
Now grant it, Zach had a family emergency but that was okay because those things happen. But I also know that this family emergency is about Dawn. First Rocky, now Dawn. I just hope Ice doesn't find the hidden alcohol. Her pack is giving me updates about Ice and they aren't looking so good. Then again when I first found her it wasn't exactly a pretty sight to see.
People would only care about Dawn and Rocky since Ice was the one who created the problem in the first place. But they didn't get the full story, so they went quick to judgement. Ice is just in a lot of pain and suffering as the rest. It breaks my heart at the fact that Ices first instinct to hide or fight her pain is through alcohol. Not only does it show that it is a problem, but it tells a lot about their history.
This never-ending suffering needs to come to an end.
"Thanks for coming at short notice, guys." I exclaim while glancing at the faces that managed to show up here today. Most of the gang is here: Zoe, Stephanie, Alexandria, Landon, and Warren. I made one simply call to Stephanie and the rest came along except for Warren. Warren, I had to make a separate call for since the others don't officially know the story behind Warren except for Zach and I.
"It's not a problem, Dean. Anything to help the problem out." Zoe answers with a wide smile.
"Yeah, this same old shit needs to come to an end."
"Wise words, Steph." Alexandria adds with a sigh shaking her head.
"What's the plan, Dean?" Warren asks crossing his arms while giving a faint smile.
"We look at the different towns Rocky could've gone. There is a few that are nearby here. Well split off into different groups and look for her. But before we leave the town, we need to ask people if they have seen Rocky."
"Find tomboy Rebel. Doesn't sound too hard." Alexandria said with a faint smile.
"It's like a werewolf version of where's waldo." Landon claims with a laugh
"Do we split off into groups when asking others?" Zoe asks
"I think well cover more ground, yes. "
"Okay, so how do we pair off?"
"Well go with pairs of two. Landon and Zoe will go together. "Zoe's eyes instantly widen, and cheeks turn pink as Stephanie wiggles her eyebrows and elbows her side.
"Stephanie and Alexandria will go together."
"Oh great." Alex groans
"Hey, I'm not that bad to be around." Stephanie puts her hands on her hips with a pout on her face. "Well..." Stephanie instantly smacks Alex's arm.
"Finally, Warren and I will go together."
"Of course, you would pair yourself up with the hot guy. No offense, Landon." Steph rolls her eyes before glancing at Landon.
"None taken."
"Guys, Warren is just a friend. Remember that I'm still Zach's." Warrens face morphs into hurt which I don't understand because he knows that I'm with Zach or that I at least have feelings for Zach. "Speaking of which, where is Zach?" Landon asks
"He's dealing with a family emergency."
"Is it Dawn?" Zoe questions that grows a lump in throat considering that I know the reaction if I tell the truth but then again, they deserve to know what exactly is going on even if they don't want to hurt it.
I just nod in response.
"But don't worry guys, Caroline and Zach are handling it as we speak." I reassure.
"Knowing Caroline and Zach they'll be okay." Alex adds that slowly fades the tension that everyone suddenly started getting.
"I just hope that Dawn will be okay. Regardless of whos handling the problem at hand." Landon tells them.
"I'm sure that she will be and if not, Zach will call to inform us." I add
The gang has every right to be nervous about Dawn. I mean she isn't eating and always sleeping. Hunger will drive her to the edge, I just need to have faith, ironically, that Dawn wont do something that will be irrational or could make her problem worse.
"Alright, does everyone have an idea of where to go and what to do?" They nod as we go with our pairs
"Now if any of us find anything to shoot a text or call the rest and well all meet up at this spot."
"Got it." The others say all together in unison. We all look at each other one last time before we split up. We all take three different pathways down each street. Warren and I walk together in silence as I glance over and memories starts to come back to me.
Being partners with a demon that almost used you for a bet and almost raped you wasn't exactly the best idea, but he apologized and explained his side of his story. Warren is a demon that Zach may not trust due to his reasons, but I prefer Warren being stuck with me than cause the others any more trouble than he's already caused. Regardless if he fixed those mistakes and making up for them. Also, things are a little awkward when the guy you're around admits on having a crush on you.
"So, are you going to tell me what's going on here?" Warren asks after a few minutes of silence and walking.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean, Dean. You only called saying you needed help with something, but you weren't very specific about it."
"Warren, its best if you didn't know. Its just more unnecessary drama that you will get sucked into to." "Yet you called me to help you with this unnecessary drama. How much sense does that make?"
"I know that it doesn't make any sense to you, Warren, believe me. Its best if you don't know."
"But everybody else knows but me."
"That's because the listen to what's going on around them. I'm not saying you don't pay attention. I'm just saying that you pay attention to this kind of stuff because its not personal to you."
"You know that hurts me." He says with such hurt in his voice as he places a hand to where his heart is.
"Lets just focus on getting information."
"Alright, alright." He raises his hands in the air of defeat.
"So, I hear that you are still with Zach, huh?"
"Warren." My tone of voice warns him.
He better not go where I think he's going or I will slap a hoe.
"Yes, I am. He's my boyfriend." I state as a matter of fact.
"Yeah, oh. So, no funny business or I will make sure you feel the sting of my hand for months on end." I warn which I'm not kidding about. He may have had the upper hand on me, but I can still bitch slap someone without a second thought.
"Relax, Dean. You act like I haven't learned my lesson from last time. I have learned my lesson and believe me its a lesson that I wont forget ever."
"Well good."
"Why are like that?"
"Like what?"
"Snooty. You're acting like well..."
"Stephanie minus the bluntness."
"I'm sorry. I'm just really concerned about Rocky and the others. Things haven't been the best for them, and I want them to no longer suffer."
"I'm sure that you'll give them just that. You shouldn't have to worry too much, Dean."
"I know. I just wish I knew where to turn to fir-" Then it suddenly clicked.
"Come on, Warren."
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere we should've looked for first." I say glancing at him before we start walking to a destination that I'm surprised that I didn't look or even think of before.
Hopefully this wont be a huge waste of time.
"Oh, Hi, Dean."
"Hey, Drake." I respond with a faint smile. I met Drake when we confronted the Mavericks mom about the whole LGBT issue they were dealing with. Surprisingly when Drake volunteered to help us, I got to meet him and instantly he liked me and gave me the whole you hurt him Ill find you and hunt you down personally. You know that kind of thing.
"Whos this? You're not cheating on my nephew, are you?" Drake asks pointing out to Warren at my side.
"No, I'm not. This is a friend of ours, Warren. I just came here to see if Skylar is here."
"Surprisingly, she is."
"What's surprising about it?"
"Well ever since Rocky has gone missing, Skylar has gone into full mother panic mode and being call Rocky for the past week."
"What about her dad?"
"Shiloh has been doing everything he can to keep her calm, but he's also worried about his daughter. I would too if I didn't know where my kids are. I think he's here too."
"Can we talk to them? It has to do with this whole Rocky situation."
"Do you know where she is?"
"Were in the same boat as you, Drake. But hopefully some information will help us get closer to where our werewolf friend is."
"Alright, then you can come in. By the way do you also what's up with Dawn? Gabriella said she's getting concerned about her and wondered if I know anything about it. I told her that I wouldn't, but I know a couple people probably would know."
"Lets just say it wraps around the whole Rocky's missing dilemma."
"Say no more. Whatever you find out please let me know."
"Will do, Drake." I say with a nod before I he opens the doors and we enter. The place was dead but at one of the tables sat the only two people in here. Skylar and Shiloh. Skylar has a hand on her forehead as she shakes it while Shiloh has her other hand rubbing her knuckles speaking to her. Probably reassuring that their daughter is okay and that she will turn up soon. Warren and I glance at each other and nod before we walk up towards the worried parents.

Outcasts(#2): No More Games of HeartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant