The End of the beginning

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Holy Sheep shit,Batman! It's been ages and yes that is how I started this chapter off. I like to bring humor into these intros. Thank you,thank you. I'll be here all week.*bows as I hear cricket chirps*See,crickets thinks I'm funny. *cricket chirps suddenly stops.*Wow,tough crowd. Anyways,I hope you all lovely and fantastic fabulously fine foxes are having a fantastic life. Wow tongue twister there imagine saying that ten times fast. My tongue is already saying nope from even thinking of saying that. So yes as you can tell I'm alive.wait. *checks pulse*What day is it today?*remembers date* okay yep,I'm alive.I'm only considered dead on mondays.Anyways I hope you all are doing well and we will get into this chapter. Also I would like to apologize for taking so long to update I didn't have Wi-Fi for a week. So no the internet police hasn't arrested me and I'm not possessed by a organ piano. At least I hope not. Let's get into the chapter now,onward!
Rocky's POV
"Are you sure that mom isn't going to kill you for this?" I ask crossing my arms.
"You're mother doesn't know about me helping you."
"Which makes this more insane.Damn I just got my dad back and now he's going to be heading to an early grave by mom. "I exclaim causing dad to laugh.
"You don't intentionally know that."
"I know for a fact that no woman likes their man hiding stuff from them. Then again nobody does."
"Yeah,your my kid." he exclaims with a faint smile as he ruffled with the top of my head. I just smirk.
I asked dad if he can help me train and get a certain part of me under control. He reluctantly agreed as we met up at his cabin where he told me that the mountains and the forest were going to be a majority of the training. I told the others that I would meet them up at the tournament stadium. They were at first concerned but when I informed them that I'm just spending time with my dad then they understood. I didn't tell them the training part mainly because I know how they would all react. But I'm sure that when they figure it out and my purpose of training. They'll understand. At least I hope they will. However,I don't know what I agreed to but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to refer it later. He'll I regret it now based off where he took me for training.
"Besides we're doing this so you can get in better touch with your half blood presence."
"You know you all keep saying this half blood thing like its a disease and it's starting to get annoying." I grumble with a sigh.
"I'm not saying that it is not a bad thing to be what you are and you are right of not having to be reminded of that. I'm saying that we want to make sure that you or yourself is a compacted as a whole. Does that make sense?"
"You want me to be stable so I don't snap and hurt others." I answer
"That's not what I meant,Rocky. You know that."
"I know but this is what it basically that and that meaning is right. If I suddenly become unstable then the full control that I once had for my wolf side will be broken."
"Right but the way to control yourself as a whole is to first unlock that other part of yourself."
"But I thought-"
"No. It's more complicated than that."
He's right.
"So this little training slash activity will help unleash it?" I ask raising a brow.
"Something like that. Like anger or grief or basically any emotion there is piece of memory or something that triggers an embrace of that feeling.Except instead of triggering memories nd emotions,we're triggering a full side to you. "
"Dad,no offense but I don't know if it is going to even work. "I exclaim as I glance around the area and then at the white cloth in hand.
" I don't know either but I do know that doing this will help build yourself up in a way. "
Yeah,my stress level.
"But won't my other senses kick in even if I'm blind folded."
"You're other senses may focus one thing." dad begins
Yeah like me actually living.
"But your mind can focus on another."
I have a buddhist monk as dad. I always suspected it.
"You're saying this like it will work."
"Let your body focus on one thing while your mind focuses on another. I already know you can do this, Rocky." I glance down at the edge of the ledge from where I stand only to see a far distance and space of roughly two thousand feet below me. I glance up at the other ledge across from me that is roughly eighty feet across from me.
"You have too much faith in me for this." I exclaim glancing back at him as he straight up laughs from that.
"Trust me on this one. If it helps you then focus you're thoughts towards something like anger wise. "Like that will be hard.
"*Sigh* And I thought jumping off a derailed train was crazy." I mutter as I walk back to where Dad is standing at the beginning of the ledge. I stand beside him.
The others are going to kill you for this.
Not if I don't die form this, first.
I glance down at the white cloth as I close my eyes and tie it over my eyes. The scent of only my dad, oak tree bark, and water lingers in the air. Tasting is out of the question. I can't hear anything but our breathing and the gentle grazes of wind. Touch will be brief and I shielded my eyes with the bind fold and closing my eyes.
Focus, Rocky. You can't lose what you have so far.
I release a heavy breath of air as I position myself to run. I wait a few seconds before I run at full speed before leaping into the air from what I think is the edge as I do the black flip. There is nothing but a brief gust of wind and darkness. So much darkness. Empty shells of shadows blinding me. My breath slowly becomes thin while I hold what I can between my lips. I see nothing. I don't even see my inner wolf side of me. Just emptiness. This kind of training and experience might not turn up to the greatest or simply a matter of time wasting.
Think, Rocky. Think about why you're training in the first place. I can slowly see him form before me as he emerges from the epitome of shadows. He just stares and grows a sly smirk. The slime ball himself.
"You think you can win this game, young blood?" he finally asks walking closer towards me. My blood boils with every step he takes. My heart beats more rapidly as my pulse quickened to increase.
"I know I can because you are just a psychopath that will eventually lose more than his sanity." I exclaim within a snarl causing him to just smirk.
"Oh,Youngblood. You sound pathetic and like every hero in the superhero story. But let's face reality you're not a hero. You're a weakling and you always will be."
" Says the one who got his ass kicked by me. "
"But who had their ass kicked for five years straight."
"Fuck you! I was little and I stood up to myself in the end."
"But will that last? You know that taking the hits for everyone including yourself isn't going to last,youngblood."
"You don't know shit,Julian! "
"I know that everyone has a chisel spot on their stone figure. Let's face it your emotions are the weak point." my eyebrows continue to furrow as I'm losing my patience and calmness more and more.
"Everything you love and care about will be taken from you and their blood won't be on my hands. They'll be on yours. And that happens..." He cuts himself off as he's suddenly closer as I can feel his breath against my ear.A growl instantly merging from my throat. I was ready to rip his throat out.
"..I will savor your failure and their blood."
"SHUT UP!!!!!! "
K I L L...H I M...R O C K Y...
What the-
Julian's figure is suddenly dismantled and disfigured itself into a dark shadow. It morphs into a dark shadow outline of a full werewolf but this is different. There is no eye color or even an outline of eyes. The room around me is nothing but a bright white room as if the darkness were sucked into making this creature.
whoa, what the hell?!?
A C C E P T  M E  T O W A R D S  Y O U R  F A T E.
Their voice is different than my own and the inner wolf. Even though we're the same voice. This voice is dark and twisted with the slight hint of my gender. What the hell is this thing!?
Instantly it grasps me by the throat before brings me close towards it's no eyes or face. I try to push it away but it only makes their grasp on my throat tighter as I can't feel any grasp of breath or air for that matter.
Y O U  W O N ' T  P U S H  M E  A W A Y  R O C K Y.
Slowly I can see a wicked smile that is being carved into by the darkness only to reveal scarlet red teeth.
W E  A R E  T H E  S A M E.
In a instant flash,my feet are touching a surface of the ground as I slowly take the blind fold. I glance down as I can see that I'm on the surface of rock and then I glance up only to see dad waving and smiling. I fall towards my knees while catching my breath.
What the fuck was that!? Please tell me that was my wolf side.
I don't know if that was officially me. I mean I said it but I didn't even realized I said it or me even making a presence. It's like something took over me and I didn't have control of saying it.
Was it the full me that I unleashed like dad wanted? If so will I still be stable to compete and take on Julian? Let's hope so.

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