Fame isn't my strong suit

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Fellow greetings my fellow weirdos.*waves* How are you all doing today? Awesome as always? I hope so. Anyways I'm going to provide you something that will hopefully make you happy and that is a new chapter to read. First up is the image that you see before you all lovelies is Drake Maverick. Yes uncle Drake.Second up is the song that will go perfectly with this chapter. Moving on.. This chapter will answer questions as usual and maybe entertain you. *grows a smirk while shrugging* Maybe..I don't know. Anywho...story time.
Dawn's POV
It's almost been two weeks and still no sight of her. Rocky, my proclaimed hero and champion, isn't here. It's starting to bring up dread and nothing but fear to curl up in the back of my mind. She hasn't been herself and I don't have to be smart to know that. She hasn't been responding to my texts or anyone's.Plus I haven't been able to even see her at all.
She's been that way ever since I've had been hospitalized.
She needs time and I get that but she also needs love and support from people that care about her. I know that it's big talk for someone who has always been hiding from the public for that length. But we all need emotional support when it comes to things like this.
It's like what the principal did. He gave us support and didn't want us all to come back to school till we are emotionally capable. Couldn't really blame him or anyone else considering of what happened. We had fallen victims under a madman. Nightmares tried to pick out brains and edges us towards a dark place. But we recover and rise from the death. Most of us did and I'm going to help bring the last fallen one to stand.
"Good luck with tomboy Rebel." Alexandra exclaims patting my shoulder
"Let us know how it goes." Stephanie adds
"If anything goes wrong be sure to contact us." Zoe states nodding at me.
"Thanks,girls. I'll be sure to let you know how that all goes." I exclaim with a nod and faint smile. I give them one more wave goodbye before I head off into the parking lot going to visit Rocky.
I have a bad feeling about this.
So do I.
Looking back I think back to how it all started. How did go from Rocky saving me from Ice to this? How? How did loving someone turn out this way? I know that love is all nothing but complicated but I didn't think that it would be this complicated.
Now that one of the threads to this complication is over. It leaves more of a tangled mess in this web. Julian is dead. A plus. Who will Rocky choose and be with? A negative. In the end of it all,one of us is going to get hurt. But would be only one of us if Rocky eventually finds out about Ice and I's bet. Things have changed for everyone and it's only getting more and more complicated as we speak. Cutting the strings will be a loss to fix because of the thread gets snipped away. I will be forgotten and just some piece of unnecessary connection.
I waste not time getting to Rocky's place as within a few minutes I'm in her driveway having a stare off with the building.
The message can wait. Right now all that matters is Rocky. I
I reach into my pocket and press the power button once only for the phone to come to life revealing the message. It's from Dean. My eyes roll but the text made me do a double take.
Be careful. Ro..
My eyebrows raise as my thumb releases its press on the button as it clicks on the message.
To: Dawn
From: Dean
Be careful. Rocky wasn't herself and almost choked me to death! It wouldn't be wise to visit her too or not at all.
My eyebrows furrow for multiple reasons. One, him texting me about Rocky. If she really isn't herself then she needs me more than ever. Second,him basically telling me what to do. Now,I get that he's earning me since he did visit Rocky before I did.
But he isn't going to keep me from seeing my mate. I mean possible mate. Look she just needs help okay.
I simply press on the button again before it falls into slumber in my grasp and set it to bed in the pocket of my jeans.
It will be okay. Hopefully.
Hopefully isn't going to keep us alive. My feet remain planted for a few seconds as already the aura I could get is perilous. But none the less I get towards the door.
"Rocky,open up. It's me,Dawn." Nothing but a cold chill of bad ideas and what If s begin to rush through me.
"Rocky,please. Don't shut me out. I want to be sure that you're okay."
The door opens itself only to reveal something that shattered my heart instantly at sight. On the other side of the door is my Rocky but it's not her.
" Maverick? "Her eyes brightening as its the only sign of life I can see. Her voice is hoarse. It gives me chills and I find it hot But those thoughts aren't appropriate now.
"Can I come in?"
"You shouldn't be here." She exclaims with a shake of her head while the brightness of eyes flicker away.
"I know. I needed to see you."
" You shouldn't. I'm dangerous,Maverick. "
"Rocky..please let me in." My face alters not believing the words I'm hearing out of her.
Her eyes search at me while I do the same thing. There is nothing else but just pure silence.
She doesn't usher a single word but the door opens itself up more and she turns to the side being align with the door.
"You haven't answered my texts." I exclaim while looking at only her.
She shrugs her shoulders.
"Phone died a week ago."
A week!?
I was going to ask her why she never charged her phone until I entered the building.
I enter the building only for a gasp to fill what my face sees.
Empty coffee boxes scattered with clothes across the floor, energy drinks leading a trail to what seems like the kitchen,and certain areas of the room indented with claw marks while there is dented hole in the wall. The dented hole along with the claw marks all have splattered red liquid. It's fresh too since the liquid is dripping and dragging down into the wall.
I turn back at my broken soulmate as my eyes widen when I glance down at the source.
"Rocky, why did you hurt yourself?" I ask as well towards her to view the hands. The knuckles bruised,while blood drips from her fingers.
As I got close she takes a step back only for me to be struck down in the chest with pain.
"I'm sorry." she whispers
"It's just..the last time that I was touched. I..snapped." she continues as she glances down at her knuckles but no longer back at me. That must have been when she attacked Dean.
We're here for you,mate.
I take my steps close to her and she must haven't notice as I interlock her bloody fingers with mine. Her eyes instantly look back to me.
"You don't have to worry about me. But I'm worried about you. "
"I'll be fine."
"You look like you haven't slept in years." Based off the coffee and energy drinks everywhere I'd say that it's pretty clear about that statement. Not a single word utters her mouth.
"Rocky,I'm here to help you. I do because I like you and your my friend. I can't watch you suffer." I exclaim with a head shake as my feet step back and I tug her with me. I don't stop until we're in the bathroom. My feet come to a halt as I grasp Rocky's shoulder and gently set her on the lid of the toilet.
"Stay there." I exclaim while I scatter around the room until the white box with the red plus is in view. I gently place the kit down on the side of the sink before opening it. Looking for two supplies. Out the corner of my eyes I could view empty eyes staring back at me but with puzzlement. Like a lost and curious puppy.
She's cute looking like that.
In each hand I have rubbing alcohol and bandages. I crouch down to Rocky's level of sitting.
"Give me your hands." I exclaim and she extended her hands on command. The running alcohol opens its mouth as it drenched the cuts and bruises on the hand. I hear a slight whine but I continue as I gently set the bottle down and overlap the wound with bandage wrap.
"There." I exclaim as I set everything back into it's place. A smile on my face admiring my work before I get to Rocky's level and grasp her knuckles. Before she said anything my lips touched each one of the wounded hands before looking up at her.
"You can be better,Rocky. All you need is someone to lift you up. Accept the help. Accept support from friends and family. Accept me to help you." Her lips twitch giving off a faint and quick smile before it remains a flat line.
I just sigh before I get to my feet and pull Rocky to hers. She just releases my grasp and turns as she heads out of the room.
"You need to leave." she mutters as she exits the room. My eyebrows furrow as I just follow behind her.
"What will it take for you to accept this help?" I ask and she still remains silent. But it stops her at a halt. She doesn't even turn around or at least her head. My face softens from the anger.
" You mean a lot to me,Rocky. I don't want to lose you. Ever. " I exclaim as I embrace her into a hug from behind. My head resting against her torso as arms wrap around her waist. Her breath hitched in my ears but I don't care. I could feel nothing but a cold chill from her body and the beat of her heart resting at a slow rate. She needs to know that I will always be there even when she is nothing but stubborn for help.
She doesn't respond to me or even embrace the hug. But her heart rate suddenly starts to increase by a lot.
Something is not right.
Rocky's body jolts out of my embrace as she simply turns and looks at me.
Her partial form is already in set but her eyes remain silver.
"Maverick,you need to go."
" But.. "
"Please,Dawn...leave." her eyes shifting into sorrow making my eyebrows raise at the action.
"Rocky,I'm not going to leave." I exclaim with a shake of my head as I take a step to her only for her to back a step back but with something emerging through her throat.
"Rocky..." I don't know what hurts more. The fact that she's acting like I'm the enemy or breaking off the hug.
Her fists tighten as her pupils shifts into slits and eyes shift into a hauntingly familiar color. White and black.
My feet position instantly as my nails shifts on instinct but my heart is screaming me not to hurt her.
At an instant she lunges towards me and I hold my ground..
I glance over only to view a dented hole beside me and her fist beside the hole. Her breath starting to heave through her mouth and nose. Her eyes glancing down at the floor leaving to only see her hair.
"Leave,Maverick. Please." she repeats without even glancing up. I just nod.
"I'll come back. I'll figure out a way to help you I promise." I exclaim before I walk to the door.
What has become of our lover?
Rocky's POV
Can't let it through. Can't sleep. Can't let them win.
The blood sinking see or into my skin as the taste of his blood starts rushing down my throat. Pieces of a skull crunching between my fingertips. His howling screams perusing through my ears.
Sweat drips from my face only to release a heavy sigh for leaving my eyes close for more than five seconds. Eyes peers towards side to side to view his absence.
I run a hand through my hair only for the bloody bandage on my hand to be viewed.
The visits for the past few hours has gotten me thinking about everything. from Dean's visit two hours ago to Dawn's visit an hour ago.
I didn't mean to snap at them. It just happened. I'm slipping away and it's hard to keep standing.I'm just glad I managed to cool down after Dawn left along with Dean. I might have a few new holes and scratches around my house but it's better than hurting them. I did read their texts along with a handful of others just didn't respond and let my phone go nuts until battery was dead. But me being this way I have my reasons.
I need to be alone. I can't handle hurting another person. One was enough.
"One isn't enough,youngblood." My eyes widen as I turn my head only to view him. My eyes widen and before I could do anything my back falls back into the bed with his hands on my throat.
My eyes widen as my level of oxygen gets lower and lower at his grasp. He just laughed at my suffering while he states at me. His blood covering most of his body and smeared on his face, the hole in his chest, the spattered parts of his brain between his hair, and the split open back.
"You're a killer!" He screams with a chuckle while I place my hands on hands to try and unmatched my throat in his clutches.
"You're a monster! A wild animal!"
I keep trying to unpack his hands away but they won't work.
"You're going to quench your hunger and kill! Kill!" he proceed with a laugh before revealing his bloody teeth.
I raise my head and go to head butt him but in a flash Julian is gone and I can suddenly breath air.
My breath catches up with me as I grasp my throat.
A shiver on my back as I try to shake off the feeling. I glance around the room and release a relief sigh.
So much for chilling to calm my nerves.
I instantly get up from my bed and drag myself down towards the kitchen.
Another thing that is a pain now. My boss gave me time off. I've been overnight shifts to keep my head busy and distracted then I visit Ice when I can. Normally she's asleep when I visit her due to me getting off work at two am everyday. I normally talk to her even when she's asleep and visit her for two hours before pecking her forehead and heading home to start the day over again.
Dirk noticed my attitude about working and over timing for the past week and a half. I wouldn't take a break unless it was bathroom and I would be drifted away from everyone else. But it's better that way.
Uncle Noah noticed it too considering that I jumped when he put his hand on my shoulder three days after the incident. Him and the whole pack have been trying to get my attention or contact me. They don't know where I live but they recognize a scent so I haven't showered the past couple days. I'll admit it's gross but it hides my scent with stench. Plus with the coffee and energy drink that I've been drinking it makes me smell more like a dead beat than myself.
My parents have even been trying to get a hold of me. But I don't want them to. They maybe my parents But I've dealt with problems like this before. So this is no different than anything else.
But the only thing that does suck is what my boss decided to do.
Dirk gave me off and forced me to stay home until I'm officially ready for work plus he said that I needed time off for working myself to death. I wanted to defend but with everything starting to get worse,I took it.
Also I would've gone to school but the principal was the same as Dirk and wanting me to stay home until I was up to it. So that is a bust. I'm still going to visit Ice at the same time. Why not now? She already got a lung deflates because of me. She has enough on her plate. Plus she would try to help me and get me to help.
They are monsters that drags myself down. They won't go away so the best way for them not to attack is not falling asleep or keeping myself busy.
It's bad but it works. It has been working for almost two weeks might as well keep going. I need to cope with this..issue on my own.
The caffeine is a boost and normally I drink about two cups of coffee and three energy drinks a day. I'll get my daily boost and try everything I can to keep me awake.
A C C E P T  U S  R O C K Y.
Not happening.
My hands shake uncontrollably but I tighten my grip and walk into the mess of energy drinks. The boxes tingle around at my feet as I reach for the cup. I grasp a glass cup as I reach to grab the instant coffee packet and pour what I need to. Placing the cold liquid in the microwave to let it heat up.
Y O U  W I L L  A C C E P T  U S.
Grasping the hot coffee I bring it to my lips and take a few gulps before glancing down at the half empty glass. The black color is a fresh red liquid with an eyeball floating in the blood staring back at me.
Shards of glass and the fresh coffee lay at in front of my feet. I shake my head as I grasp the rag and clean up the mess. I then pick up the pieces shards of glass and as I'm picking them up their material feels more thick than it normally is. I glance over them the rest of the pieces only for me to view the spine beside the pieces.
My body jumps back instantly dropping the pieces of bone only for the bone to be suddenly glass again and the spine to be gone.
My breath becomes hitched while catching my breath will only calm me down. I wait a few minutes before I pick up the pieces of glass and instantly throwing them away. I race into the bathroom and instantly turn the sink in while the cold water touches my face in a facepalm.
My hands reach out and turn the sink off while I blindly look for a towel and dry my face. When the soft fabric presses against my face it slowly gives me the reassurance of calming down. But when my face slowly drift away from the towel,my eyes goes straight to the mirror.
Written in blood in big letters it says :Murderer. Instead of the droplets of water from my chin it's blood covering my lips as in my hands instead of a towel it's a torso.
I instantly shut my eyes.
"It's not real,it's not real."
" Of course this is going to be real. "My eyes shot up only to see no longer the bloody letters but Julian playing my reflection with his heart in hand.
" I won't listen! "I exclaim covering my ears but his voice overpowers my action as I can hear his next words.
" It's your fate youngblood! You'll become a true killer. Just like me! "He laughs
" SHUT up! I will never be like you! "I scream straight into the mirror.
" You know this is bound to happen. "
"It's not true!"
" You'll be gnawing on the bones if your loved ones. "
"Stop it!"
"While you bathe in their blood. It is is fate,youngblood! Embrace it!"
" NEVER! "
"O H  B U T  Y O U  W I L L , R O C K Y." Julian's body instantly shifts into the black shadow outlining the full wolf version of me.
My eyes widen but my eyebrows furrow when it starts laughing at my pain.
"No I won't!" I scream before I raise my fist and smash a dent in the mirror.
" I need to get out of here. " I mutter before rushing towards the door and instantly shut it behind it not caring that I'm barefoot. I need to run to a safe place. I then take off running in full wolf speed and I don't stop either. I can't stop. I can't stop. It's not safe to stop running. I keep running and running until my lungs taps on me to take a time out. So out of subconscious thought my feet slows my body down to a halt causing me to glance around only to realize that I'm not in any part of town.
I'm in the middle of somewhere. There is tall trees surrounding the area; bushes,shrubs,and quiet chirps while the dirt soothes it's way on my feet. My eyes scours around to view what kind of forest this even is.
Suddenly their laughter echoes through the wind and trees. I need to keep running. My legs says no but my brain says we have no choice. My feet go back to running as the wind tried to push my body back to rest and stop from over doing everything to my body.
Their laughing is still lingering as I must get away from it all. I need it to be gone. I need to be safe and away from madness.
But I keep running until suddenly my knees buck and my legs turn to hello sending me to my stomach hard.
Damn it!
I grit my teeth as my hands press on the ground as I try to stand and I manage to get to my feet for about a few seconds before they wobble and give out.
My breath seems to be the only thing left I can hear besides my heart beat. My back rests against the tree with my legs stretched outward and arms resting down at my sides. My head rides to the trees and the sky light as I just adjust my breathing.
I think I'm safe.
It's safe to say that due to not being able to hear the laughter anymore. They drowned away when my legs quit on me. It's good but they could come back for a sneak attack. That's what I can only guess and hope that won't happen.
This is actually the first time I hadn't had my caffeine and the forest is starting to sound nice to sleep in.
My vision starts becoming blurry as my eyes blink longer than they should. But my head shakes the feeling away or at least tried to. My head starts to bop along the eyes but I still shake the feeling off of me.
I can't fall asleep. I can't afford to go through with that. It could cost me more than what it is already hitting me with.
"Rocky? Is that you?" My head glanced down to the voice only to come face to face with a voice I haven't seen in a while.
Well shit.
Dawn's POV
"So,why haven't you reported this to the police or even you know a therapist." Stephanie asks raising a brow at me.
"Rocky,doesn't need a therapist." I snap eyebrows furrowing.
"With the way Rocky has been reacting. I actually would have to agree with Steph on this one." Zoe adds with a nod causing my brows to raise at this.
"You know that's bad if Zoe actually agreed with Stephanie about something." Alexandria exclaims with a laugh.
"Hey ,rude.~" Stephanie exclaims with a pout causing the others to laugh but me. The girls must have noticed my reaction .
"Look, Dawn. You invited us to help you." Alexandria exclaims
" I didn't invite you guys. You came unannounced. "I exclaim raising a brow.
"Tomado, tomato. The point is we are all here and you needed is to help. " Stephanie exclaims with a smirk.
"We wouldn't be here if we knew something was going wrong. We wouldn't let that happen to you. You know that right?" Zoe exclaims as she gently bumps her shoulder with mine.
"Right. But I can't believe you all said that."
" Dawn, Rocky needs help. Actual help. If she hasn't been herself and pulled a multiple stunt like that to you and Dean then she needs help. "Alexandria adds with arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
"But I can help her. I can give her the help she needs."
" We know, Dawn. But problems can't be fixed quickly. "Zoe points out
"I know that's why I'm trying to think of a way to help Rocky out." Her look and actions were something that needs to be looked into. Her shock state is in worse condition than I've ever seen in a shocked state person. Rocky is not hopeless. Rocky maybe in the state of loss of herself but she isn't someone I will ever give up on. She needs guided and all the love she could use from family and friends.
"Dawn,we know you want to help Rocky. But at this point of the problem I 'm not so sure that there is anything that you could do." Stephanie adds placing a hand on my shoulder.
" I 'm still not giving up on her. "
"Good." Zoe exclaim with a nod
"Now,group hug!" Stephanie exclaim with big open arms.
"No thanks,I'm good." Alexandria exclaims raising hands in the air causing the rest of us to laugh.
"It wasn't an option. Get over here!" Stephanie exclaim with a frown.
"Nope. " Alexandria exclaims as she gets up from the bed and tried to run out of the room not before Stephanie stands on the bed and tackles Alexandria to the floor. Stephanie pulls Alexandria up and drags her back by the collar of Alex's shirt.
"This is practically rape." Alexandria exclaims
"Oh,hush. You will get in our hug and accept our loving Damn it." Stephanie exclaims as we all huddle together squishing Alexandria in the center with a hug.
" I hate all of you. "Alexandria exclaims out loud causing all of us to just laugh.
We all depart from our hug as I hold up the it's me and reach for my phone. I turned the phone back on when I got home because the girls would kill me if I left my phone off for too long.
" Hello. "
"Hey,kiddo. It's me."
" Oh hi uncle Drake. What's up? " I ask with a faint smile and then his words drift through the phone causing my face expression to alter bringing the girls attention in a second.
"Alright,I'm on my way."
"It's Rocky." I exclaim causing their eyes to widen.

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