Out and Proud

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Good day/night my fellow weirdos and beautiful people. How are you all this fine lifetime and day whenever I post this. XD Awesome I hope. Like always. Anyways questions and answers is main goal in each chapter starting with this one. You all know how this works. XD. The pic above is Noah, Grace, and Lily. Small little bean isn't she? Also a song that I thought fits the chapter. Anyways I digress so let's get into this chapter. Also don't get ahead of me when it comes to the chapter title. Lol. Anyways onwards to victory! I mean reading!
???'s POV
"You don't know what you are saying, Dawn!" Mark growls causing me to raise a brow.
I show up a few minutes late home only to come to this chaos. But I'm glad that I showed up when I did. And I thought what Rocky said was bad enough.
Right now Zach needs some help with this issue majorly. For the most part I've heard and seen most of what's going on. I couldn't be prouder of Zach. He's taking a step up in this whole situation.
He's being himself and being bashed for it.
Mark I can see but as soon as I heard those words come out of my mother's mouth I wanted to puke. I wanted to cry and reassure myself that it's all a joke. But it's not. Mom isn't proud about Zach being LGBT related.
Then she'll have to be disappointed in me too.
"I'm not very bigoted on the situation at hand." I exclaim eyeing his actions.
"And what is that suppose to mean?" Mark growls
"It means your head is so far up your dark ages ass that your picky about everything. Like for example Zach being gay."
"It's sickening!"
"And it's sickening to call you our dad when you are nothing but a self prudential man who only cares about perfection in this family. "
"Dawn Abigail Maverick!" Mom snaps
" You know it's true mother. Don't act like you don't know. "I exclaim in a hiss turning my head causing her to turn her head away and just glance at the floor.
" You are a fool to be talking to me like that. "Mark said
"Maybe so but I do that Zach's gayness isn't and never will be a phase."
" And how would you know?! "
"Because I know it's not confusing for someone to have a specific love for someone even if they were the same gender or not."
"His type of love is a mistake!"
"So was mom marrying you but you didn't hear us complain until now!" I snarl back causing Mark and Mom to remain there frozen with wide eyes and dropped jaws staring at me. I'm not even ashamed of saying that. I think I've broken them and they should because right now their being shitty parents. It's okay for everyone to have different opinions on things but you basically disown your own flesh and blood because of who they love. That is just fucking wrong.
"This is foolish of you to defend a gay mistake like him!" Mark finally exclaims after the last vocal hit knocked him a few pegs.
"It's not foolish. Besides if you think LGBT people are mistakes than I guess I'm a mistake too."
Mom's breath hitches.
"Dawn,please don't tell me. Please ." Mom begs with wide eyes.
"It is true. I like girls and boys. I'm a bisexual." I exclaim with a shrug. Damn. That felt good to say that again. Then again it's not really something I haven't already admitted. It just feels like a wash of relief knowing that the cat is completely out of the bag.
I can be myself completely.
"No,no,no. It can't be." Mom mutters
" It is. I'm in love with a girl and I'm not afraid to admit it. "
"Why am I not surprised? I bet I know who that girl is!" Mark exclaims as a bitter laugh emerges from his throat.
"Yes and you will leave her out of this! She only opened my eyes to my orientation. She didn't force anything out of me or give me a disease." I snarl as my fangs reveal themselves behind my lips.
"The Maverick heir is starting to crumple."
"According to you it is. But it's not for all of us." Caroline exclaims crossing her arms rolling her eyes.
"All of us?" Zach, Mark,and I exclaim in unison.
"Yep. Might as well get this out of the way while we're all getting out of the way. I'm just like them." She exclaims
" Really? "I ask and she nods
"I'm pansexual." She exclaims nonchalantly with a faint smile and a shrug.
" I can't believe all these words that I'm hearing! You should all be ashamed of yourselves! "
"If anyone should be ashamed of anyone it should be you! You spit hatred and anger at everyone when all they want is love and understanding! I may not be a good person but I know that I will still support my loved ones no matter what and who they are. It's quite sad to see a traditional man not willing to open doorways to a new view of adventure and life. Rather than remain stuck in an empty and blank life." Caroline exclaims and it really is well breath taking on what she said.
I grow a faint smirk on my face only to have a finger point at me.
"None of this would be happening if you hadn't opened your Damn mouth!"
" And let you criticize my brother. No thanks besides I know how to actually treat me family right,asshole! " I snap causing Mark's eyes to flow before he's speed walks up to stand right front of me raising his backhand.
It's too late to move before he goes to swing and I close my eyes willing to embrace the impact. But I don't feel the impact. I open my eyes only for a silent gasp to linger from my lips. Grasping his wrist is Caroline standing in front of me in her partial form.
"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. My. Little. Sister." She exclaims with a growl before tightening her grasp on his wrist and using the other fist to connect to his mouth.
Mark trembled a couple feet back hitting the wall. As blood drizzled from his lips.
"Caroline Elizabeth Maverick!" mom screams before she rushes to Mark's aid.
"He was going to hurt my little sister. I don't care if he's family. He doesn't lay a finger on Dawn or Zach. " Caroline exclaims shaking the hand she punched with before her head turns to the side glancing at me.
"You okay?"
" Yeah. Thanks. "She nods
" Anything for family. "
Out of all the people who would stick up for us I never thought it would be Caroline. Our older sister actually taking a stand for us. Normally she would just watch us get pummeled or even well..that's a story for a different time. But she certainly is doing everything she can to make up for being the older sister she was suppose to be. She didn't consider us like her own siblings once middle school hit. But the feeling of having an older sister defend us almost makes me want to forgive her. But I can't. At least not yet.
Mom goes to help Mark but he smacks her hand away before he hisses glaring at all of us.
"They need taught discipline. The hard way." He exclaims before raising his sleeves up. Mom's eyes widen at this.
"Do it. Fight us. We have you outnumbered ." Zach exclaims as he walks till he's on Caroline's left side while I emerge from her shadows and stand on her right. I shift into my form ready to attack at any moment while the other two position themselves ready to attack.
Three Maverick's against one.
This might be interesting.
"All of you stop this! Stop this now!"
"Sorry mom but I'd rather defend my rights than get them beat out of me." Zach exclaims
"We'd all rather defend ourselves then get abused by a forty something thousand bastard." I exclaim
Mark's nose flares up while his anger builds up intentionally.
"Get ready,twins. He's going to give everything he's got." Caroline exclaims in a whisper.
"Good. It just makes things more interesting for us. " Zach adds with a chuckle. I just grow a faint smirk.
Never in my life did I think that this was going to be a day that we fight a family member let alone our stepdad. Then again we are standing who we are and this is nothing but self defense. We didn't throw the first punch or attack. He did. He's bullied us long enough and this is the last straw. We are not going to take it anymore.
In a blink of an eye he's gone in a flash but we can view who he's going to as Caroline runs dispersing forward. Caroline and Mark interlocking hands as they go back and forth of whose stronger.
Caroline slowly takes a step back as Mark smirks in triumph.
"Caroline." Zach begins as he takes his step forward but I glance at him and shake my head while holding my hand up.
"But Caroline.."
"Doesn't give up, remember. She fights dirty." I finish as we glance back at Caroline only for her to sweep kick Mark's legs but he leaps before flipping a back flip kicking Caroline's jaw up in the process. She lets go of his grasp as he flips but not land on the ground. His body levitates in the air causing our eyes to raise but not before Mark swoops down tackling Caroline through the concrete floor.
"Caroline!" Zach and I exclaim at the same time. We glance at each other and nod.
We run towards the hole before leaping to the ground.
Once we reach the ground we can view Caroline on the ground losing breath in a choke hold by Mark. We go to step forward only for Mark to...
We glance down only to view Trouble with her teeth sinking into Mark's ankle.
"Ankle biter." He growls before shaking his leg while Trouble holds on for dear life. Caroline grasps breath as she raise both of her feet before kicking his chest hard sending him straight up for ground ceiling
" Trouble,release! " I shout as soon as the kick occurs. She obeys falling down as my eyes widen and I race towards her before leaping up only to grasp her in my arms while my feet touch the ground.
"We need need to put Trouble and Mom in a safe place for the time being." I exclaim glancing at Zach.
"We'll put them in mom and Mark's room."
" Right. "I exclaim with a nod before we use our speed to head for their room. Zach heads a different direction than I do once we reach the top of the second floor. But I still head for the room and gently set Trouble down on the bed.
" Zachary Arron Winchester! You put me down this instinct! "Mom exclaims as I glance over to view Zach beside me and I nod. He nods as he sets mom on the bed beside Trouble we turn and head for the door.
" This is for both of your safety. "I exclaim as I grasp the door knob before crunching it in my palm of my hand. I then shut the door with Zach beside me before kicking the other side of the knob. Instantly we hear pounds in the door and mom's voice starting to go off while Trouble barks at us.
"Do you think that will hold them off?" Zach asks
"The door is locked from the other side. There is no windows in their room."
"Yes but will it hold them off?"
"No. Not really so we'd better hurry." I exclaim as Zach nods before we leave back to the fight.
Can't let Caroline have all the fun.
Rocky's POV
Well that was certainly a day. Was I making a mistake?
Yes you did! Take it back!
Ignoring you.
I'm surprised the girls agreed to what I said. It's hard for them and I understand that. When you really love someone it isn't easy to tell them to stop displaying affection or stop basically loving them. It's completely madness. I guess that's how they felt when I told them that.
But what's done is done an it will at least try to make a choice. Eventually.
I plop myself into my couch and sigh before glancing over my refernished walls. It took a while but not only did I restore myself but fixed my mistakes.
Maybe I can take the day to relax. I grow a faint smirk at the thought as I throw my head back and eyes slowly close.
I guess not.
A groan from my throat as I reach into my pocket before pulling out the phone.
Incoming call.
Uncle Noah
"Hey uncle Noah. What's up?"
" Can you babysit Lily? " my eyebrows raise as I instantly sit up.
"Say what now?"
" Well Grace is out grocery shopping and I need to go to a family emergency. "
"Wait what? Is it that deire?"
"Your father is going to meet your grandpa Blair one on one."
" Uh no. That is bad. Grandpa Blair will tear him to shreds. "I exclaim with a laugh
"Your dad and mom will be needing all the help they can get to settle things with grandpa Blair."
" So that's why you don't want Lily there. "I exclaim with a nod
" Yeah. I want you to be there about I think things will get more ugly if you witness your grandpa being scolded by your dad. "
"Right. Let the adults have their conversation." I exclaim with a chuckle .
"So will you watch Lily? Just until Grace or I get back?"
" Well..alright. "I exclaim with a sigh. I'm normally not good with kids but I would still like to have a dad in one piece. So if watching my cousin is necessary than I'll do it.
" You will? Great! I'll text you the address. See you in a few. "
"Yep see you later,uncle Noah."
So much for a break
Ah well I get to see my cousin. Been a while since I've seen the little tike.

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