Whose Heart is Won?

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Hellllllo, my angel,demons,and in between badasses. Welcome back to another chapter as always. What I have in store is going to probably be thrilling and exciting. That all depends on how you all take in everything you read. Anyways I hope you all are doing awesome this fine day/night where ever you live. I hope you all are pumped for this latest chapter. With all that being said. Let the chapter commense! P.s. Felix Navidad and happy holidays my awesome nerds.
Rocky's POV
There is a time that we sometimes lose ourselves and forget to be who we are. Sometimes we are reminded as to who we are and can't cope with that thought. It's a breaking part and it causes us to fall apart so quickly. That's why it's better for us to have ourselves pick up the pieces or at least help from someone. It may have taken about a couple weeks to get myself back to my feet but I managed to finally do the thing I promised I wouldn't get, help.
I give the help out. I don't expect to receive it back even when it comes to friends and family. Then again I don't expect much out of anyone. You stick your neck out and that's all you could expect. Normally people return The kindness but sadly it's not how The world works. It's a fifty fifty chance and nobody knows what it is until The response of your actions.
But I've been seeing a different side towards the world. My family and friends proved me wrong. They built me back into the character I was originally.
Julian's voice isn't looping in my head and the other side isn't pushing me off the edge so it's a step up.
The hallucinations stopped,I can sleep better,and I don't over work myself...too much.
As for school,it just adds layers of stress but the lesser of two evils when it comes to how I've been a couple weeks ago versus facing school now. But it's my first time going back to school. It won't be too bad since that the gang will be there to help me out.
There is a part of relief from my shoulders but one thing sets me back is the whole picking situation. I know that sooner or later I'm going to have to make a choice but it's not that easy when you're in love with both of them.
They both depend on my response whether it be good or bad. Placing me on a spot that just sends my heart at a stir and frozen in place. Regardless of my answer I'm going to protect them with every breath I have. But the response is going to make one happy and hurt the other. I don't want to hurt them.
Friends and possible girlfriends. My inner animal can't make up it's fucking mind and it doesn't help when it comes to picking a girl. Dawn and Ice are both the type of girls that pulls me in different directions. I'm like the rope in a never ending tug of war but who will win?

Staring back at the school sent chills down my spine. I glance down at my palms only to see hands shaking uncontrollably. My eyes shut before I inhale then exhale.
Relax. You got this.
I open my eyes before I head on with a backpack slung over my shoulder and a unease sense puncturing my back.
The doors creak open and just like that all eyes are on me.
Ignore them,idiot.
My feet travel on till I reach the office to pick up my missing work and excuse. Even though my excuse is already taken care of.
Even in the office their uneasy states and soft whispers lingers where I stand. They all think the same thing. I'm a murderer and a freak of nature. They don't see me as a hero. They see me as a victim and the culprit. They don't say it to my face but there actions are what stands out.
I exit the office and towards my locker only for the same responses to happen. They all spread out and linger on else where like I'm a plague.
Things don't change. Even in high school.
"Hey,Rocky!" An unfamiliar voice exclaims causing me to turn my head.
"Landon?" I ask raising a brow stopping at my tracks. He runs up to me and beside me in a matter of seconds.
" Hey,it's good to have you back,bro. " He exclaims with a faint smile.
"Uh thanks,how did you know my name?"
"Heard it on tv during the tournament. "He exclaims with a shrug.
" I see. Landon,no offense but..no seriously why are you talking to me? "
"Heard you were back So I thought I'd welcome you back."
Of course he did.
"You mean you're not going to freak out about what I did?"
" Of course! You're a awesome fighter and deserved winning. "
"That's not what I meant." My eyebrows furrow causing Landon to just laugh.
"I know. But in all honesty that guy was too bad shit crazy. Someone had to take him down."
"So you don't think I'm a killer?"
" Not really. You had no other choice Ice was on her death bed along with the lives of thousands. "
" Heard her name on the Tv too. "
"Ah. I see."
" Look don't sweat it. In my eyes you did no wrong. You're a pretty chill girl and a hero that deserves better. "
"Uh..wow. Thanks,Landon." I exclaim knowing it was the only response I had. It was close to speechless. Someone besides friends and family not see me as a killer.
"It's no problem. It's a shame I hadn't met you before."
" And why is that? "
"Because I would've been your friend by now." Landon exclaims causing me to raise my brows at this .
"Well I'll see you around,Rocky. Welcome back." he exclaims patting my shoulder before walking on towards his class. He suddenly stops before turning to me.
"Oh and we're going to have a dodgeball rematch eventually." I just grow a smile
" You're on, Bakers. "He just laughed before proceeding on to class.
Well that's one that doesn't look at me like a freak.
I just turn and head towards my locker and reach up to there I can view a specific person at my locker. Their back facing towards me.
" Maverick? "She turns around to face me. A wide smile growing on her face.
" Rocky! "She embraces me in a tight hug which throws me off since I remain frozen in the hug. Her warmth brings back something I remember the day I gave in to help.
A beautiful hum tuning in my head as a stroke of my hair.
The hum wasn't mom's but felt like someone else's.
was it Maverick?
She instantly pulls away and looks down with a faint blush on her cheeks.
" Sorry. " she mutters
"No, it's okay." I exclaim causing her to glance up before I grow a faint smile.
" Really? "
"Yes,really." I exclaim before I pull her into a hug and she responds as the warmth and memory proceeds to loop in my mind.
"I'm so happy that your here." she whispers
"So am I,Maverick. So am I" we both pull away only for us to realize how close we really were. We both backed up.
"So,how long have you been waiting on me?"
" Not that long but it shouldn't matter how long I wait because in the end you will be here regardless. "
"Thanks,Maverick." I exclaim with a smirk.
"Plus I know that you won't let us down. On coming today." I just laugh in response.
"We've all been waiting for you,wolf cub." A voice exclaims and I turn around only to view Dean,Zach and the rest of the gang.
"Hey,guys." I exclaim with a faint smile.
"Glad to have you back." Zach said
"Good to be back."
"If anyone gives you shit let me know and I'll give them hell and more hell." Stephanie exclaims raising her fists one by one causing the rest of us to laugh .
"I'll take you up on that offer." I reply with a laugh.
"I would. Trust me you should see her at a black friday sale. Almost took down a wave of people." Zoe exclaims with a laugh
"One of them stepped on my foot and made me break a couple nails. You bet I wanted to tango with those motherfuckers." Stephanie exclaims crossing her arms causing me to snicker.
"Plus nothing comes between me and fashion."
"You and your fashion. I swear your obsessed." Alexandria exclaims shaking with head with a smirk.
"Damn right! And don't you forget it." She points causing the rest of us to crack up laughing.
"Anyways,we'll be here with you. Every step of the way." Dawn exclaims as I can feel her fingers lace into mine. I just glance at her and heart starts being fuzzy by each second.
I don't want this happy feeling to end.
"Alright,love birds pack it up. We need to get to class." Dean exclaims causing Dawn and I to turn our heads away with heat on our cheeks no longer holding hands.
The others go to leave for class while I simply dig for my books.
I glance up only to view Dawn still standing there.
"Aren't you going to head to class with the others?"
" I will eventually But I wanted to walk to class with you. "
"Oh okay. Cool." I exclaim growing a faint smile as we walk side by side to class.
Ask her the question,Idiot.
"Hey, Maverick?"
"Yeah? "
"I've been thinking about something looped in my head. "
"What's that?"
" I can't explain it but everytime I come into contact with you. There is a spark of warmth and memory of something. "
"Yeah. I hear a beautiful hum play in my head."
"Okay,so what are you saying?"
"Mom isn't the only one who calmed me down when I fell asleep was she?" I ask glancing over at her only for her to look anywhere but my direction. Eyebrows raised as I stop walking and actually step in front of her causing her to stop too.
"Maverick? Is there something you like to share?" I ask raising a brow. She just remains silent .
"I'm not angry. Just curious is all." She simply glances up at me and I just nod. After a while her eyes finally looks into mine before she nods.
"Okay then,Maverick. Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it." I exclaim as I place my forehead with hers. We look into each others eyes before I quickly pull away. I don't Dawn to gain more attention than she already needed.
"It wasn't a problem to help out a friend and crush." She exclaims with a faint smile before her lips peck my right cheek near the corner of my mouth.
"You will always be something I will be worth fighting for." She whispers
" Hey,that's my line. "I exclaim with a smirk before we turn around and walk onward to class.
Just date already. Geez.
You know I missed you the least.
Get used to it.
I can and I will. It's my other side that isn't something I'm used to. It embraces more of my beast mode side. I just tamed my animal side now I have to start from square one all over again. Although with the right training I should be able to control it in a couple days tops. It would depend on how it reacts to my training and if it's able to cooperate with me. But I already know that dad is going to have to help me with the training.
My eyes glance over at Dawn only to view her focus on the hallway.
Right now,I have more things to think about.
Dawn's POV
Excitement was only a phrase to top how I was feeling. Rocky is finally coming back to school and back to herself. It almost seems like a dream come true but it's reality.
I just hope that she doesn't get hurt in anyway possible. This is starting to make me sound obsessed with her. Love makes us do crazy things and addicted to people like drugs.
" Dawn,you're outzoning again. " Zoe exclaims as her fingers snap on front of my face.
"Sorry,just thinking."
" About someone specific? "Alexandria asks with a smirk on her face.
" N-no. " Damn my stuttering.
"Lies. Your thinking about a certain someone." Stephanie exclaims with an eyebrow wiggle and smirk.
"Hey,isn't Rocky coming back to school?" Zoe asks tapping her chin with a smile.
" As a matter of factly,yes. Yes she is. " Alexandria answers with a nod causing all of them to glance at me with a smirk.
Uh no.
"Aww, you're girlfriend is coming back." Stephanie coos.
"Oh, shut up Steph." I exclaim as we exit the vehicles towards the building.
"You know it's true. She's back and your all for it." Alexandria adds
"Tell me are you going to welcome her with a welcome back kiss." Zoe says before bursting out laughing.
"I knew telling you guys was a bad idea from the start." I exclaim with a sigh.
"Well you didn't straight up tell us. We had push the information out of you when you slipped up." Zoe points out
They asked about the situation about Rocky weeks ago and I told them the truth even when Skylar placed Rocky in my lap and I kissed her forehead. You can get the picture of where I slipped up at.
"Moving on!" I exclaim with red cheeks and eyes widen
"Fine,we'll move on from this." Alexandria raising her hands in the air.
"Thank you."
"As soon as you answer this question."
"And what that? "
"When you guys going to be a thing?"
" What? It's a simple question. You guys need to be a thing. You should've been together months ago. "
"Alexandria,I think you need to be more realistic towards the question." Zoe exclaims as I silently gasp before punching her arm causing her to laugh while rubbing her new bruise with her other hand.
"Don't hurt the girl's dreams now,Z." Stephanie exclaims with a laugh
"What I mean is something that isn't fifty steps ahead." Zoe exclaim rolling her eyes before pushing her glasses closer towards her face.
"Okay,okay. When are you going to ask Rocky out?"
"That's better." Zoe exclaims with a laugh
"Uh not really." I exclaim with a head shake
"Let me guess,you want to come out first." Stephanie exclaims
"Yes and get off my case okay. It's not easy to come out to a homophobic asshole of a stepdad and an anti-werewolf mother." I exclaim with a sigh.
" Well about your actual dad? I mean I know he's you know ten feet below. But still you could tell him technically. "Alexandria exclaims
" I actually did. It was hard to admit it but I sorta confessed to him that I really like Rocky. "
" I think he's proud of me. "I exclaim with a faint smile.
" If you confessed to one parent than you should be able to do the same for your mom and Mark. "Steph said
"It's not that easy. I mean everytime I try something interferes with me telling them." I exclaim as I stop walking and start thinking back to all the times I had the courage of almost telling them.
"We know,Dawn." Zoe exclaims placing a hand on my shoulder while I lay my head on her shoulder.
" We're not trying to push you. Even though it sounds like it. "Stephanie adds
" We just think it's unfair that only a portion of your family knows and you not being true to yourself. "Alexandria exclaims and I just nod.
" I know. I'll tell them eventually. I just got to find the right time. "
"Maybe you can tell them when your dating Rocky." Zoe jokes causing me to shove her and her to laugh. But I just grow a faint smile.
"Thanks,girls. You know I'm actually too lucky to have you three." I exclaim with a faint smile before we all pull each other into a group hug. Mainly pulling Alexandria into our group hug before we headed off to the doors of the school.
"I'm going to wait for Rocky at her locker." I exclaim and the girl's nod
" We'll go find PDA; I mean your brother and Dean. "Stephanie exclaims with a laugh as we split our ways and I wait for my crush at her locker.
" Hey,Dawn. "I glance up only to view not Rocky but someone else.
"Hey, Landon." I exclaim with a smile as we pull each other into a hug.

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