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What is happening? Besides you being beautiful/handsome awesome people. *smirks* I swear I'm not a flirt. Trust me if you met me you would know. XD Anywho besides dissing myself. You all came here for a reason and that is to read and reading is what you will get. Sounded more heroic and badass in my head. XD. You all deserve to read and get the answers that you want. Now heads up because after this book there might be some slight complications in my life that will be an obstacle to writing to you guys in the future and that is..*cue dramatic piano noise*college. Ugh. Feels weird on my tongue to even say. But yeah, college. I mean if there is one that can put up with me. Hahaha. But that is just possibility but you'll know when I am there. Thought I'd give you the heads up just in case.  I'm doing talking.*pulls out a small bag of popcorn and a can of soda* Enjoy the chapter. Action!  *walks off but backs up*Jk but seriously enjoy the chapter you all earned it.
*smiles before walking off again*
Zach's POV
Guilt can lead you into the pathway of many obstacles and thoughts. Mainly negative ones. You know the saying: It wasn't your fault,when in actuality it was. It seems to be the only thing I can describe as a burden on my shoulders. I'm the reason for this mess. I broke away our family. I created a butterfly effect that crushed a once together family. A burden that just won't go away.
You did nothing wrong. You embraced yourself. That is nothing to be afraid about.
"Are you that nervous?"
" Huh? "I glance over to view Dean in the passenger and with his hand on my arm.
" I mean if you aren't comfortable if this then we can call it off. "
"No,no,no. Dean,I want to do this. Believe me I do."
"It's just the timing. I don't blame you. I mean after all you have been through lately you think that you could relax." Dean exclaims with a laugh.
" It's not that. Honest. I mean yeah I'm nervous as hell about this but it's just overlooking something is all. "I exclaim with a sigh glancing off to the side.
"Zach, look at me. Please." I turn my head and he just gives me a reassuring smile before cupping my cheeks .
"You did nothing wrong. All you did was be true to yourself. You set yourself along with the others free. You shouldn't let the actions of your parents get into your head. You are Zachary Winchester. Your my knight and I love you the way you are." He exclaims before he leans in as his lips meet mine. I never get tired of his lips as they set my mind at ease.
We pull away and rest foreheads together.
"Thank you." I mutter out as he nods
"Anything for you. Now let's get going before they think we're doing something wrong." He exclaims with a laugh before I grow a smirk and nod.
We both exit the car and head towards the front door.  Palms shaking in hand until a hand intertwine with mine.
"Relax. You'll be fine. They'll love you just as much as I do." He whispers and I nod before Dean reaches for the knob with his other hand.
"Mom,Dad. I'm home and I brought our dinner guest." Dean hollers as I grow a warm smile .
"Oh that wonderful! Welcome home,sweetheart." A woman comes in what looks like her twenties. She has brown hair past the shoulders,silver eyes,wearing a red blouse,black pants,and in her socks. She has a touch of make up on before she brings us both in for a hug. It's actually been a while since I've seen Dean's parents. Obviously since
"It's nice to see you again,Zachary." she exclaims as she pulls away from the both of us only to give me a hug on my own.
"Likewise, Mrs Glash." I exclaim with a wide smile
"You've grown up so much. It's been ages." She exclaims with a happily after breaking the hug.
"Yes it has. Thank you for inviting me."
"Not a problem. I always wanted to meet my future son in law."
" Mom,please. " Dean exclaims with pink cheeks as he has his head buried in his hand.
"Oh,don't be embarrassed. You know since your my son's boyfriend I give you permission to call me mom."she points at me with a faint smile.
" Mom. Where is dad? "
"Ann,the roast should be done in a few min-" a man voice exclaims as it enters the room before he noticed my presence cutting off his sentence.
A man with the look of his almost twenties,silver hair,forest green eyes staring down at me,wearing a black polo shirt,jeans,and also in his socks.
"Okay, John. Dean,would you mind helping me getting the veggies cut up?" Ann asks and Dean nods before he pecks my cheek and walking with his mom into the kitchen. Leaving me just me and John there. Standing and staring. His arms are crossed and an unreadable look on his face as if he's studying me.
Don't screw this up!
"Hello,Mr Glash. It's been a while. It's nice to meet you again." I exclaim walking over to him and extending my hand out to him to shake.
He just doesn't respond.
"Have a seat,Zachary." He exclaims sternly as his head points out the couch.
" Yes sir. " I exclaim instantly before sitting down on the couch.
This is where I die.
He walks over and takes a seat beside me with his eyes still glued into me. I'm starting to fear of even breathing.
He then turns his head to the side glancing at his hands.
"Zach. When I first found out that you had become friends with my son. I was happy for him. All he had for a friend at that time was a stuffed animal and you finally broke him free from his shell. Then I got to know Mark along with the rest of of your family. I watched a man change in front of my eyes and it shocked me. Then the argument about that orphanage and involving Dean." he shakes his head as he releases a sigh of anger with his eyebrows furrow and hands folded together clutching tighter than before. His brief tension is melted away into his mellow self.
"I thought that he had manipulated you too. I didn't want my only child become a puppet of someone else's actions. So that's why I forbid him to see you. For the longest time I thought that I would never deal with another problem with the Mavericks and their household. Then Dean met Rocky and him coming out to us became something for the better of him. I watched my son change and grow in more ways than one than what Mark became." He is right and looking back at the argument . It's not Mark I have concern with when it comes to how I can make things mend together for the better. Since Mark since I was a kid had been affecting other people's lives besides my own. So I get it.
"Then I find out that you two are friends again and memories of the past fill up to a boiling point. I didn't want Dean to get hurt in anyway. He may be considered an adult but he's still my child. As a father I have to protect him and I may have said some words that were harsh. I did it for the better. However I had a feeling that he would disobey me so I kept an eye on him. Basically spied on him. My assumptions were correct when I saw him with you."
What?! So he found out that-!?
"To my surprise I found out that you both were being more than friends. I was furious at first then I saw him being happy with you. It simmered my temper down when saw him that way.
My son's happiness is all I want and I was over thinking it. How can my boy truly be happy if I restrict his happiness. Which brings me to this question I'm sure that every parent or father has asked. What is your intentions with my son?" He finishes explaining glancing over at me with a stern look.
You got this just relax
"My intentions are to keep your son happy. I've known Dean for a long time and everytime I'm with him he gives me that same feeling of happiness. I want to keep holding him tight and protect him in anyway that I can. I want to be with him even we graduate high school,college,and even in the real world. Dean has given me the kind of love that I have been missing for a while now. He made me realize to not let people's words even Mark's destroy the kind of person I want to be and future I want to achieve. He encouraged me as I encourage him. We have each others backs and we have communication when it comes to each other's problems. He is my other half and I would like to keep it that way with your permission." He just stands there for a second silent before he extending his arm only for there to be pats on my back. His face shifts into a more relaxed and warming face. He has a faint smile on his face.
"That is what I'd like to hear. I figured that you would be different from what I was expected."
"Thank you sir."
" You have Ann and I's approval and permission to keep saying our son. "He exclaims placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you,sir."
"Now,this will probably be a sensitive subject to talk about but does your parents know about your relationship with Dean?" He asks with his smile wore down and eyes searching for an answer already. My dignity and heart sinks to the bottom of the floor as I restrain myself from showing my grief of the guilt again.
" Yes, they know. " I exclaim with a nod
"I'm guessing that they didn't take it as well as you hoped." I nod again.
"Even Gabrielle didn't -" I just nod again cutting him off of his statement .
"They know my relationship and orientation. It really brought the family apart."
" What do you mean? " I open my mouth to say the words but I instantly shut it only for a brief moment.
"It's okay,Zach. You don't have to push yourself. I'm not making you. I'm sorry that I brought it up."
"It's alright you didn't know."
"Well if you have anymore problems and you have nobody else to talk to. You can talk me or Ann."
"I will. Thanks,Mr. Glash."
" Not a problem,Zach. But just know that if you hurt my boy I will break you into pieces,understand? "He exclaims with a faint smile before a stabbing glare finishes his sentence.
" Y-yes sir. "I exclaim with a nod.
" Good,good. " he exclaims with a pat on my shoulder.
"Boys,dinner is done." Ann calls out from the kitchen
" Well time to get some food. Good talk,Zach. "
"You too,sir." I exclaim.with a nod before we both roar from the couch and head towards the kitchen.
"Hey." Dean exclaims with a faint smile as he pecks my cheek.
" Did dad give the overprotective father speech? "I nod causing Dean to sigh with a smile.
" I figured as much. "Dean exclaims with a faint laugh.
" But I'm still technically alive. "
"True. I'm actually surprised that dad didn't wring your neck behind my back." He joked
"Me too." I exclaim with a chuckle as we head towards the dinner table. We all sit down at the dinner table I can't help but reflect back to Dean's dad's words.
Could they really help piece my family back together?
Dean's POV
You'd think I would be lying if I told you that yesterday had gone well. Well it's not a lie because that is exactly how it went. Everything went smooth with dinner with my parents and my boyfriend. They love him. Well dad still gives him a hard time from time to time but otherwise it was actually nice. It feels nice to have things to well in your love life. Now if only things can go the same with other people's love life.
"Just breathe,Rocky."
"Don't know if I can!" She exclaims  raising her hands up in the air while pacing her room.
" Look you actually asked one of them out. That's a step up. "I exclaim with a smile.
The one time Rocky finally has the guts to do something with her love life it sets her into panic mode. It's pretty hilarious and adorable at the same time.
"Yeah but I don't what to do for a date. I mean I have to be original here. Most ideas that comes into mine is already stereotypical enough. " she exclaims as she stops pacing and looks at me.
"Don't over think it when it comes to dates. Trust me take it from someone who is dating someone."
" I know. I just to well you know. Make this date not ordinary. "
"Are you trying to tell me that you want this date to be special?" I ask with  a smirk as her face burns with a blush and she just nods. 
"Aww,look at you being romantic." I coo with a smirk
"Shut up Dean."  She exclaims faintly
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about it. I just find it adorable that you want to do that."
"I mean this date could change everything."
" You make it sound like it's going to alter history as we know it. " I exclaim with a laugh.
"You know that's not what I meant."
" I know,I know relax,wolf cub. "
"I'll figure something out."
" You better because time is ticking away my friend. "
" I know,I know. "She mutters before collapsing into the bed with a sigh.
" It will get better I'm sure of it. "I reassure with a laugh.
"Let's change the subject for right now. School is going to open in a few minutes anyhow."
" Fine,fine. I can at least tell you how dinner went yesterday. "
"Yeah,hey how did that go?" She asks sitting up using her elbows to prop her up.
"It went good. The dinner and conversation went great. Both mom and dad approved of Zach."
" Really your dad approved of Zach? "
"Well not at first. They had sat down and had the chat of what an overprotective father speech would normally be."
" Oh he went through that. "Rocky exclaims with a laugh
" Yeah. You know that speech goes. "
"Yeah,I do. Remember he gave me a similar speech when I first became your best friend."
" Oh yeah, I remember. It was the first time that mom and dad ever met a werewolf like you. Dad was very protective considering that you were my only friend since Zach left. "
"Your dad still is overprotective. I don't know what your talking about." Rocky exclaims with a laugh as she hops off the bed and extending her hand out to me.
" True but he's starting to loosen up a bit. "
"I wouldn't count on it fully going away."
"Oh I know. I just hope dad doesn't flip when me and Zach make love together or well you know." I exclaim with a laugh as I take the hand and lift myself up. Rocky raises her brows at me.
" You two have been together for a while and you still haven't -"
"I may make dirty jokes but it doesn't mean I want to get into Zach's pants instantly." I exclaim rolling my eyes before we head for the stairs.
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm just a little surprised is all. Look at me I don't even know how relationships work."
"Clearly. "I exclaim with a chuckle
" How will you guys  know when that time comes? "
"Eventually. I'm not saying this very second or twelve years from now but at some point. Look we're diverting the topic. Anyways the point is my parents love Zach and I get to keep seeing him."
"What about Zach's parents?"
" I don't know. I haven't heard much word other than what I was updated on. "
"Hm. Well regardless of the situation. I think it would be wise if you eventually met his parents. It seems only fair."
" I'll think about it. But you already know how they are going to react when they see me. "
"I know Mark's reaction but I think there is hope for the mom."
" How do you know? "
"Instinct. Who knows their reactions might change if you tell your side of the story and explain why you want to be with Zach."
" I thought you said you suck at romance stuff? "
"I do."
"You could've fooled me." I exclaim with a laugh.
Wolf cub your full of surprises sometimes.
But Rocky is right. Maybe if I give my side to the story then maybe his parents can take some consideration. That is some likely chance of that happening but there is also a chance that their minds will be made up. I don't officially know. Eventually I will find out.
Maybe sooner than ever.

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