Greed meets generous..again

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tjena everyone! It means hello in case you all didn't know. Anyways how are you all? I hope awesome like always. You all know how this all works. You're stumped and seek answers. Fear not for I shall grant you your answers... well at least some of them. Can't give out spoilers. Anyways let's get into the chapter. I'm done talking at least for now.
??? POV
His screams were an enchanting sound to my ears. His blood beneath my fingers and flesh seeping into my nails. A bliss it truly was. The look of terror striker on his face. He should have known then to cross paths with me. No one will be in my way. I'm the awoken puzzle to the whole and I will not be disrupted by the likes of mortals and immortals. This part of me will no longer disappear. I will remain strong and try to control myself.
But the taste for blood is such an unquenchable thirst and temptation. It can't be helped...I am an animal after all.
My body slowly crawls back into the cave of darkness while I perch for the next swoop of attack.
D O N ' T D I S A P P O I N T M E, R O C K Y.
Rocky's POV
I have no memory of what happened but when I came back from the black puddle of darkness. Ice is in my arms and I'm in my werewolf form. All my focus for right now is Isabella even when the fresh scent of blood is stinging my nose. Along with the scents of many besides our own which could mean only one thing and that is that somehow we made it back. I don't even care where Julian is at this point. Hell,I don't care if he's getting up and ready to strike me again from behind. I don't give two fucks that the drug wore off and I can breath normal again.
Isabella is my main concern. A whimper from my throat is all I could do while I sway her back and forth in my arms. I stop swaying as I rest my forehead against hers while water falls from my eyes.
I failed. I failed her and now she's dead in my arms. I made a promise and now that promise is gone. Everything crumples me to my knees and a strike of "guilt" strikes through like a lightning bolt.
A chime of a metal gate backs away from it's post which means that it is releasing something into my battleground and technically my territory.
Instantly my ears stand straight as I turn my head with an disruptive growl. My eyes spot them only to view a couple people dressing in white t shirt, black jeans,and plastic gloves while gripping a stretcher. They remain stiff when I give off my warning defense mode. My look of stone melts into a more clay material. My teeth hides behind my lips and snout. I slowly get to my feet only for gasps to surround the arena but I choose not to acknowledge their fear drain out. I slowly make my way and stop when I'm in front of one of them. I could pick up the scent of terror and fear from this one's face and body.
But I don't understand why all of the sudden these people are afraid of me when they should be afraid of Julian who I'm surprised hasn't even tried to attack me or the paramedics at all.
But I don't care at this point. I lost one of the two girls that meant a lot to me. I extend Isabella out to him and he takes her gently into his arms like a new born. He then put her down on the stretcher and puts two fingers to her neck although I don't know why he would try since she's dead.
"There's a pulse but it's faint." he answers glancing at the other.
What!? She's alive.
"We need to get her to the hospital quick. There is another ambulance on it's way to pick up the other body." The other paramedic exclaims glancing over at me then behind me when they said the second sentence. Then they both take off wheeling Isabella towards her last chance of help. Although, I'm stumped as to who they meant by other body until it clicked...
It couldn't be.
My body turns around only for my pupils to dilate and breath remain stiff realizing why the audience members were getting antsy with my movements.
The remains of the murderous psycho rests on the dirt floor. My eyes goes down to my hands only to view the red dripping from my paws now knowing Isabella's blood isn't just on my hands. Slowly I glance from my paws to the result of my rage. The vision sways back and forth when it comes to staring from the blood to the corpse. Nothing the sound of my heart's beats going from slower to faster in seconds.
I really killed him. I really killed him.
R O C K Y !!!
Instant flashes revealing all I did. His altering look from determination and cockiness into distress and sudden revelation. His attacks that altered to many for me. And the final words he repeats before a final blow.
"He will have us rise again."
My body steps back while the sudden urge to collapse to the floor seems the only sane thing to do up this point. My fur is shaken back as my skin takes over. It gives me a chance to actually be an actual better of appearance when it comes to making those fear you. Although I believe the looks aren't what terrifies people. It's what they done.
"Rocky?" A voice and hand reaches out to me with the grasp of the hand on my left shoulder. My body twitches from the touch as I turn to view one person that I'm glad she isn't dead or barely breathing. Her wounds aren't as bad as mine or Isabella's.
"Maverick." I exclaim faintly in a whisper that not only bare left my lips but it's blown away from the wind now lost like my mind.
"Come on. We need to get your wounds attended."
" But I-"
"We'll go to the hospital afterwards I promise. Now come on." she exclaims looping my fingers with hers locking together in a seal before she starts walking to the gate. I'm trailing like a rag doll but my body managed to walk on thanks to Dawn's guidance.
She speed walks into the nurse's station where the nurse remains more than less surprised.
"Please,can you help my girlfr-" Dawn cuts that sentence completely off only for my face to burn as well as her own.
"My best friend. I want you to help my friend out first." Dawn reconstructs her sentence with different vocabulary choices than the previous one. The nurse didn't interject or even argue. She simply nods and goes for the supplies on her kit.
Dawn's fingers goes to slip from my gasp but I grip then in a squeeze causing them to stop and get to glance over at me.
" Can you please hold on a little longer?..please,Dawn. "Her sudden and silent gasps about my formality struck her down. The thought of being cold and let go towards a brim of a broken piece of good china. It just brings shivers down my spine.
Her face softens and she nods before her eyes searches me. Looking for any light or sign of insanity but none she could she.
"I just don't want to alone. "My mind drifts to the alone state of handling my own grief and the harsh blizzard of dispair crushes my soul.
Dawn's eyebrows raise as she leans in and embraces me. She shares the warmth of her light while I let the negativity absorb her positivity into an equal force. Her hand on the back of my head while the other wrapped around my back.
I just let her feel how I'm feeling and just let it flow. My lost hope and my haunting what if's while her warmth fights to seal it all away.
She then release me before she takes her thumbs under my eyes and breaking the connections of the small river flow.
"You're not going to handle this alone,okay? You have me. You will always have me at your side,Rocky. No matter what." I just nod.
"Good." she exclaims with a faint smile before she leans in again and kisses my forehead. I grow a faint smile as she nods at me.
"Step up here,please."The nurse exclaims while I just blankly follow her lead placing myself on the counter. My emotions are fading away from my face as they are crumbling inside.
A faint touch on my right arm as I glance over only for Dawn's hand to on my arm. She has a faint smile and nods while I do the same.
My heart tumbles in the corner while my brain rocks itself back and forth.
This wasn't how I'm suppose to act or even feel when it comes to this. I should be happy that he's gone for good. I am glad. I prefer his life than others. But knowing the blood on my hands will still remain an image in my brain.
But with Maverick here I might actually keep myself standing.
Everything is a blur to me but I do make sure Dawn is okay and we find out the answer towards if Isabella will be okay. I just not so sure about me being okay.
"Rocky...where and when did you get that scar?"
" Scar? "I ask before I glance down towards what they were seeing as I could view a line of healing scar tissue across my chest. I don't know but the flashes of memories give mean idea how.
He just grits his teeth before piercing the object into my chest but I don't flinch or scream. I simply remove it by returning it to him personally.
I just don't reply so that kind of have them the signal of where the scar is from. But the weird thing was it was suppose to kill me or put me in the same situation as Ice. So why didn't it?
An answer I will uncover for another time. Right now my life and sounds don't matter right now. Other lives do.

Outcasts(#2): No More Games of HeartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang