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Ní hao, wõ de péng you. Which translates to hello my friends in Japanese. Welcome to another chapter of wits and action! But mainly drama. Obviously. Any who. How are my awesome people doing today? Awesome as always I hope. No doubt that you have Q's expecting the A's to these Q's but no need to worry for I,your inexplicably weird and sarcastically bookworm loving author,will prove those answers. Is it bad that when I hear the word A I think of Pretty Little Liars? I'm sorry that show is addictive and awesome. Totally worth binge watching on Netflix. Okay I know some people say the show is dramatic. But isn't that the point of the show considering that is why they made it in the first place? Just saying. *laughs*Anyways random thought back to writing. I'm sorry I have really bad ADD or ADHD (however the fuck you say it now a days. I say like I'm old. XD) so if I tend to lose track my bad. Anyways besides me being random and jabbering like jaybird I hope you enjoy the chapter. Bye my little nuggets. Hey how much money do you got? 69 cents. Oh you know what that means. *tears up and breaks in voice* I don't have enough money for chickie nuggets. Sorry had to. Anyways now enjoy.
Rocky's POV
When it comes to the word love. People tend to over use that word a lot as it doesn't give the same meaning that it originally had at one point. But I feel like some people say it and they actually mean the way that it was intended to use.
I'm in love. I,Rocky Jay Rebel,am in love and I don't want it to end.
It's like resting on a cloud and watching the sky blush to pink.
I never thought of saying that it even thinking of it.
My mind drifts back to the date and I can't help but smile. I didn't think my date would end up with a slow dance and kiss in the rain. But it happened and I can't help but in a daze. Nothing else happened after the kiss. I took Dawn home and went back home myself with the goofest smile on my face.
Now it's time to make a choice between the two. Or else I will.
Did I forget to mention that my wolf side has been...well in a way in heat after the date. Yeah driving me nuts. I've been taking cold showers and had to change my sheets a couple times. My dreams are not exactly what you call the cleanest and I'm ashamed of that. Then again I blame the fact that my feelings are getting stronger. Apparently not just for Dawn but for Ice as well. I don't even know how but they have both been in my mind and making my wolf howl. I think my inner wolf had been like this because of my whole no display of affections took place. So in a way their suffering from withdrawal.
My wolf is tired and wants action. Not fully that way but you catch my drift. It's been months and I still haven't made a choice.
" Alright,Wolf cub. Spill. "
" Don't huh me. I want to know how the date went. "Dean exclaims with eyebrow wiggle. My mind flashes to our moment instantly grows a smile from my lips.
" That good huh? Did you guys take it all the way? Did you use protection? "
"What!? No! We just kissed. Honest."
"Mhmph. How do I know your not hiding any hickeys from me?"
" Because I suck at hiding things. Plus I don't wear cover up or make up so it would be noticeable. "
"You know people don't just get hickeys on their necks right?"
" Yeah. "
"Take off your shirt."
" What!? No! "
"Then how do I know your not lying?" Dean asks raising a brow as I roll my eyes before I lift my shift up for a second before putting it down not letting other eyes in they'll say again us more attention than it already did.
"There you happy."
" Yes. Actually. "He exclaims with a faint smile causing me to scoff.
" So..does this date change anything in a way? "
Upgraded my wolf to a horny pervert. I'm just great! Not.
"Sort of."
You got that right.
Shut it,horn dog!
"You already know what I am going to ask."
" As if that was a question. This has become an everyday thing. "
"You already know the answer."
" *sigh* unfortunately. "
"But I feel like I'm getting somewhere."
"Closer to your answer? It's about damn time. "
"Yeah. Yeah. Don't get ahead of me now." I exclaim with a faint smile.
"Alright. Let's head to class maybe we can ask Dawn what she thinks about the date." I roll my eyes with a smirk as we walk on to class.
Don't lose your self control.
Shut up.
We head to class only to view Dawn not there. Odd. Maybe she's just running a little late. Dean and I take out seats waiting for Dawn. However we we're waiting for a while when after the bell...
Hm. Something doesn't seem right. Like more right than normal.
I glance at Dean who shrugs his shoulders.
"I'll text her when the teacher isn't looking." Dean mouths and I nod.
Dawn normally doesn't miss but I'm just overreacting and being overprotective. I'm sure that she has a legit reason for missing.
I glance over the class to view not only Dawn missing but Ice missing as well. This is really weird.
"Anything?" I mouth out to Dean when half of the class period is over.
"Nothing yet." Dean mouths back as I just nod and ease into my seat or least try to do.
This might not be too bad if Dawn or Ice isn't present. Now there is nothing wrong with being around them at all. It's just without them being there that it might give me a boost or more time to think without any chances of rethinking my possibilities.
"This is bizarre. Dawn or Ice hasn't responded to my texts." Dean exclaims
" It's puzzling but I'm sure that they'll turn up. They never leave without trace or ditch school. Well at least Maverick wouldn't ditch on purpose. Normally. "I exclaim with a shrug
"Your right. But is it just a little convenient that they are both gone?"
" Dean,it's only first period. They'll turn up relax. "
"I'm just saying. Their both probably battling it out for your love."
" Dean,be serious. "I scoff with an eye roll before shoving my hands in the pocket of my leather jacket.
" I am serious,little wolf cub. "Dean exclaims before my hood is suddenly pulled over my eyes.
" Hey. " I swing my arm as I hear a laugh from Dean and pull down my hood.
"Not cool." I mutter
" Relax,Wolf cub. I didn't embarrass you too much. But in a seriousness you know the girls. You know how they act around each other. "
"Yeah. Those two butting heads would make anyone think that vampires and werewolves aren't even allies."
" Yeah and your the reason for that conflict. "
"Look it's not like I asked for any of this or wanted to be in a love triangle."
"You didn't have to,Rocky. I think in a way it's a turn around for you. I mean throughout your whole life you were never given the love of others except for Susan,my parents,and myself. This whole romance fiasco has actually opened up new doors for you."
" Like what? "
"You slowly opened up more. You began to break down your walls and show more expression of emotions. Hell you even found your parents by the girls in a way. You are changing Rocky and in a good way."
"Your right but I'm still a badass tomboy who doesn't give a damn." I exclaim with a laugh
" A badass with a heart of gold. "
"Sure. Let's go with that."
" Oh quit bashing yourself and get to class. "Dean exclaims with a laugh as I turn my head and stick my tongue out at him before growing a smile.
Next class was the same and so was the other classes after that. No sight or sign of the girls. But my English class is on that actually brought up an relevance to the girls.
" Fate. Something out characters never did uncover or think could happen in this story. Can anyone tell me fate is incorporated into a story like this? " silence as usual. No surprise there.
"It's the sense of it. Fate and destiny may seem like some extended way of logic and reason. But it is a possibility when it comes romance. Fate is considered the" magic" of what creates the pathway of events when really it's your actions that would be considered the fate. Just like fear,fate is all but in the person's mind. Fate is only what you think it to be and put into it through actions. "My eyebrows raise at this.
Well that was convenient.
In a way I kinda don't believe of fate but there is possible feeling that I could be wrong. I mean if I hadn't hunted on Ice's territory of not watched where I was going I wouldn't have met Dawn and Ice. I know that it's a repeat and the same record scratching at that last note in a loop.
When I overlook at everything nothing is considered to be just fate. Especially when it comes to love. Love is something I use to laugh and spit on it. I would walk away from it and sometimes even run. But that's just me. Love was just a disease I didn't want to catch. But I did. I fell in love with two girls.
I'm the record and my answer is the last note the needle repeatedly scratches. I can't move on with the never-ending note if I don't make a choose.
"Find someone who knows you better than you can know yourself."
If only that were easy,Dad. If only that were true.
Don't give up yet. Let everything sink in then give an answer only you can answer.
If only that would make things easier. Not saying Dawn and Ice's feelings don't matter. They do which is why it's hard for me to even come up with a single conclusion. I don't want to break either of their hearts. It make me an feel like an asshole, you know? Although I'm pretty sure not choosing a girl makes me an asshole already.
Just can't over think it and let it overwhelm me at all.But whose to say that it's easier said than done?
I have a pack that I'm going to lead  and choosing a mate is what's the toughest thing for me to do. Logic and irony strikes my path again. Then again love is what wins all in the end.
I guess the day seems to have fazed me considering that the day snapped quickly. So quick that in a blink it was basically already eighth period. Sad to say that neither one of the girls had shown up to school. Dean left them multiple texts and even I did at one point. They both finally responded. Each claimed that they were alright and that they had emergencies to attend to. Ice had pack issues to deal.with while Dawn was dealing with a family situation.
Dean was right. It was odd that they both didn't show up to school and both had emergencies to attend to me. But as long as nothing bad happens to them then it's fine.
"Rocky do you have any plans after school?" Dean asks which is his polite way of saying:'if you have nothing I'll ditch you and be with my boy toy.'
"Not really. I'm going to clear my head for a bit. "I exclaim with a nod. I keep my word when I say what I'm going to do something. Instantly I drove to Celestial Cove and decided to walk in the pathway of the grass.
Eyes focused on the dark sky and bright stars while my feet wonder towards who knows where. My mind is one minute on Dawn then the next Ice. I don't know. I mean they both are something I can feel like I'm on a cloud of happiness.
My mind flashes to the rain slow dance with Dawn then gazing at the stars  while eating ice cream with Ice. Having a playdate with Trouble and Dawn to visiting a beautiful spot with Ice.
I close my eyes and think hard until there is just white I can view.
Suddenly my mind goes blank before visualizing a hand reaching out to me. I glance down at it before I reach and grasp the hand. Instantly I open my eyes.
I need to speak to the girls. Now.
I pull out my phone and thumb clicks on one of the contacts before pressing the phone icon. Then I place the phone against my ear.
What the-?
There rests an echo of a phone ringing somewhere in this parts. My eyebrows furrow.
My feet become curious and follows the echo as it leads me closer and closer into the woods. The same exact part of the woods where Dawn and I almost kissed. I keep walking into it.
"Don't answer it." A voice exclaims causing the instance to lean against the nearest tree.
My thumb instantly ends the dialing  number before I place It back into my pocket. My head then peeks my head out only to see two familiar figures.
Dawn and Ice!? What the hell is going on!?
Dawn just turns her phone her off and places the phone back into her pocket.
"Look,Ice. I asked you here because I want out."
Out? Out of what?
"You mean?" Ice asks raising a brow with a smirk on her face.
"I want out of the bet."
Bet? What bet?
Dawn's POV
The date with Rocky is something I wouldn't mind reliving in a loop. It showed me so much within just one day the possible relationship I could live by. It really set my heart off like a rocket while our moment set fireworks off inside. I really do-no. I really do love Rocky. She makes me feel like I'm actually in a way normal and could live my life in any way,shape or form.
"Our Dawn has been bit. But by the love bug." Alex says with a smile.
" We can see that. I mean based off what we're seeing and hearing I'd say Dawn is officially in love. "Stephanie points out to my smile and flushed cheeks.
"Although you ruined your attire for the night." Zoe exclaims with a huff causing me to laugh as I run the towel on my hair drying it off one more time.
"What a waste of three hours." Stephanie whines pointing out the soiled dress.
"Not necessarily if I got a kiss out of it." I exclaim as I throw myself up on my bed.
"Plus you got a romance scene you got to experience first hand."
"That too. " I add with still a wide smile on my face staring at the ceiling.
"All lovey dovey. Our Dawn has officially left the coop." Alexandria exclaims with a laugh.
"So after one date and many kisses later have you come to a conclusion about your cheerful mood lately?" Zoe asks sitting next to me.
" I don't know. I mean Rocky is all I could view in a romantic relationship at the moment. I couldn't see it any other way. I mean I think she maybe the...you know. The one. "Just saying that tingles my insides with more than butterflies.
"Wait? Seriously?!"the girls asks in unison with wide eyes and dropped jaws. I just nod in response.
It's normally not easy for me to admit something like that especially when it comes to someone recent that I've only known for a certain amount of time. But with Rocky it is like I can say it with ease. It's like me actually saying  the three words that would really mean it.
Although there is still one thing that sets all of my feeling back to the start. The bet. It's still going on and I feel like the most stupidest person ever. I didn't need to compete to win the girl that I love but I did because of my selfishness.
If you love her then you will do what's right,Dawn.
Starting to sound like a stereotypical movie line but it's true. It's not fair to her.
"Aww. Have you told Rocky about that yet?" Alex asks
" Not yet. I mean she already knows I like her a lot. "
"Well yeah a lot of your considering Rocky being the one for you." Stephanie exclaims with a nod
"Dawn,you need to tell her this." Zoe exclaims as she places her hand on mine. My smile deflates when that issue smacks my brain sideways.
" I can't. "
"Why not?! You already told her your massive crush on her." Alexandria exclaims with an eyebrow raise.
"Because...I.." Guilt mashes my words up and cuts me off.
" Because of what? Dawn,what's wrong? "Zoe asks squeezing my hand.
" Because I screwed up. "I finally say a little choked up. I can't help it at being emotional when it comes to it. I'm making a girl I love a prize rather than a person. I'm a shitty person. I don't really deserve to be with Rocky or even hang around her.
"What did you do,Dawn? "Alexandria asks
I then explained to them the bet that I made with Ice and how long this thing is going on. They all say there in silence.
" I screwed up big time and I know that. I've been build with this guilt since this began. I'm a horrible person. "
"Your not a horrible person,Dawn." Zoe said
" Yeah,you two just made a poor choice is all. People do that from time to time. "Stephanie adds
" I just can't believe that Isabella would go that far. I'm going to confront her about it. "Alexandria exclaims with a head shake.
" No! If anyone should confront her. It should be me. "
"Does this mean that your going to put an end to it?" I nod
" Tomorrow,I'm going to find her and tell her that the bet is off. "
"Good. Any time is better than nothing." Stephanie exclaims with a faint smile.
"Thanks for understanding,girls." I exclaim with a faint smile.
Let's solve this burden for good.
The next day rolls on by and dread yet determination is build up inside of me.
The plan is to confront Ice alone and tell her the bet is off. That way I can tell Rocky how much I love her and hope for the best.
The girls all wished me the best before leaving me to my thoughts for today.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
I get changed and head down stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. I walk into the kitchen only for a face that I haven't seen in a while sitting on one of the stools. He glances up noticing my presence before scowling.
"Mark." I bitterly exclaim before I head for the fridge.
"You know you disappoint me." He exclaims from behind
"Tell me something I don't already know. "I snap back before grasping a blood packet and shut the fridge behind me.
" Why? "
"Why what?"
" You know what I'm asking,Dawn. Don't make me say it. "
"You might as well. I mean it can't be anymore worse than what you've been saying to us." I exclaim before sipping on the blood packet.
"Why a mutt? Especially a female one?"
"First of all she's not a mutt and secondary that is my choice." I answer after wiping off the last drop of blood from the corner of my lips with my thumb.
"She is just going to bring you down."
" Why because she's not a guy or even a vampire? She's different than most of those guys at our school. She doesn't want me just for the sex or even my looks. She actually cares about my personality and who I am as a person. Something you lacked for so long along with Zane. "I explain crossing my arms. My eyebrows furrow and scowl shifts my eye color change.
I swear if someone else keeps asking why I'm going to throat chop them.
"You are being selfish." 
Selfish business motherfucker says what now.
" Excuse me? "
I'm waiting for someone to step into the kitchen or even this conversation. But nope. Nothing. At least not yet.
"Have you ever thought about what this dog could do in our family bloodline? She will change the Maverick household for good. But you wouldn't know since your only thinking about yourself."
I'm about ready to kick his sorry ass back out to the fence.
" Your one to talk. "I scoff
"Pardon me?"
"You may think that I'm selfish but take a look at yourself for a change! I mean seriously all you ever care about is your business and money."
" I do not! "
"Bullshit! When was the last time we all did something as a family? Or the last time we got to hang out with you?" He goes silent and doesn't respond.
" Do you even know how long it's been since we even took a vacation together as a family? "
No response.
"Fourteen years. Fourteen fucking years since we even did anything together like a family! You don't care about us only if it "effects" with our so called bloodline. Well guess what that is how mates work. You get what you get and actually love with it. Embrace it. I'm actually getting something that you've been lacking in as a stepdad or even as a father figure. So way I 'm selfish but no one is as selfish as you,Mark. Remember that. "I snarl before slamming my empty blood pack in the trash before exiting the room then the house.
What a prick.
How dare he accuse me of being selfish! Me of all people! Mark wouldn't know value if love of it slapped him. He loved my mom at one point but in the end the only thing he loved is money.
Better cool off. Don't need to make things worse then they already are.
I then rush off to Zach and I's spot before sitting in the grass and glancing up at the faint clouds.
Dad. What would you do if you were here?
Probably kick Mark's ass. Yep that is what dad would do. Although he would be reasonable first before ripping Mark a new one. Dad would tell me everything that I would and probably wouldn't want to hear. He would hug me and tell me that I'm his little sunshine. What must reality be cruel?
It 's life and sadly sometimes all we can do is live with it.
I don't really know how long I stayed out there but I could hear my phone buzzing with notifications. Probably messages from the girls. I'll take a look at them in a bit.
"Well,well. I didn't expect you to be here,Dawn. Then again I didn't think you would actually consider ditching school." A familiar voice that instantly turns my head.
" Ice? "
"Who were you expecting? Shirley temple?" Ice asks with a faint smile causing me to get to my feet.
"What are you doing here?"
"The pack had some issues that I needed to be there for. I was walking away from it. What are you doing here?"
" Needed some space. "
" I'm not going to go tell you the real reason. "I snap
"Relax no need to get your panties in a bunch." Ice exclaims raising her hands up with a smirk on her face. I just scoff in response.
"You are so immature."
"Says you. Is insulting me all you wanted to say to me?"
" No,actually there is isn't. I needed to talk to you. "
" But not here. Somewhere more private that's one on one. "
"Alright. Follow me." Ice exclaims with a nod before she races off with me catching up to her. We don't stop running until we are surrounded by trees and greens.
"Where are we?"
"Celestial cove park. Now what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? "
"As I was saying..."
" Look what I'm trying to say is... "
Now!? Of all the times I get a phone call.
"Don't answer it." Ice exclaims and I don't even reach for it as the ringing suddenly gets cut off right on cue.
"Look,Ice. I asked you here because I want out.
"You mean?" Ice asks raising a brow with a smirk on her face.
"I want out of the bet."
"Reallly? What made you feel like this? Change of heart?"
"Don't joke about that. I'm serious."
" So am I. This bet has been going on for more than a couple weeks. A couple months even and now you've decided to leave. Why is that? "
"You and I both know why,Ice. Don't pull that card on me. I mean we've been basically betting on Rocky's heart and for what? Our own selfish needs!"
" You know I'm actually quite surprised that you held out for so long before throwing in the towel. "
"This isn't something to be proud about,Ice. I mean how do you think Rocky would feel about us playing with her emotions like this?"
"I'd be pretty pissed off!!!" A different voice shouts causing both Ice and I to glance over only for my eyes to widen and heart drop to my shoes.
"Rocky,what are you doing here? How much did you hear?" I manage to say in an almost stutter.
I'm dead
Rocky 's POV
"ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU BOTH HAVE BEEN USING ME!!" I yell as it grows to a growl and nails digging tightly into my palm. I can feel liquid drip through my curled fist.
"I MEAN SERIOUSLY! I'M A FUCKING BET! A DAMN BET! AND FOR WHAT? PERSONAL GAIN?! " I snap causing both girls to flinch at my words but I don't feel bad. They fucked with my feelings.
"Did my feelings even matter to either of you?! You know what nevermind I think I already know the answer to that question. You both are fucked up and you don't have to worry about the bet because I'm done. I'm done with this love romantic bullshit. You know I thought letting my guard down would be a good thing but obviously not! It was a mistake to fill in love with either of you! Fuck you both. " I growl with bitterness and venom dancing on my tongue. Their heads sink lower and lower as they both have the guilt seep onto their faces. They can't make me feel bad at this point at all.
"Let me get something through both of your thick skulls. I'm not trophy or some reward that you can gamble with. My emotions aren't the dice that you can gamble with. I'm a person. A person whose been putting up with people like you two's shit for a while now! I'm over this. So congrats you both lose me." I exclaim bitterly as I instantly turn around but not before turning my head to the side to view them one more time.
"And to think I finally made a choice." I exclaim shaking my head before I turn my head back around and walk away from both girls. You know I thought love would be something great and something I'd finally accept into my life. But I'm wrong. Love is just a straight up joke in my life. It's a disappointment and heartbreaking. That is all that it will ever be.
Fuck love.
End of chapter 22
That is all. Yep that is it. What did you guys thinks? Sorry it took forever to post. It's been hectic for me but hopefully this chapter will make up for it. What did you think? Did Mark have a right to call Dawn selfish? What do you think about Dawn breaking the bet? What about Rocky's blow up? Did she have every right to be angry? Do you agree with Rocky? Let me know. These questions are things you will have to think about for this chapter. But don't worry more chapters will be coming your way soon enough. For now all I can say is that you all can stay awesome and enjoy yourselves. I will see you later or eventually my angels/devils. More than likely later but anyways I digress bye my lovely and amazing people. *waves with a faint smile*

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