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Ciao everyone! Welcome back to another chapter,I hope you all are having a good day.I know I say that a lot but,I like to be nice and indulge others in conversation. *Smiles*So with that being said I would like to start things off by telling you that the image above is Zane. Yes,crazy ex Zane. I can tell everyone is a curious and wondering some questions are on everyone's minds so let's get down to business and start up this chapter shall we.
Rocky's POV
This is bad. Julian knows my feelings for both Ice and Dawn. He's going to use them against me. I can't let him do that especially towards the girls. If he's like any psychopaths or anything like every villain is that they always aims for the "good"guys hearts. I don't want to call myself a hero or a villain. Just someone who fights for what's right in this world at least in my eyes. It's like being called an anti hero. Except I really don't want to be a considered the female version of Marvels Wolverine. I'm just everyone else that's in this "war". I'm a fighter and will stand side by side the others. We fight a psychopath and we can have a chance.

I try not to think about it but it's easier than done. I have concerns but this isn't going let my guard down and crack my cold stone protection. I know that I'm over thinking all of this but is it really a bad thing? It's not. I'm fighting this battle and if Julian wants to try to attack Dawn or Ice he's going to have to get past me and break me. The girls can handle themselves but if they get hurt or worse then the damage done will be on me and no one else.
The point is that there is an advantage in the game.
He knows more connections with me than a puppet on strings. As selfish and vain that sounds. It's true though. He knows about my links with Dean,Dawn,Zach,and Ice. He knows about my family well at least on mom's side at least. He knows about my pack. He knows about my feelings for the girls. He almost killed my mom by trying to kill me. He had broken Ice and he broke Zach and Dawn's hearts by killing their dad. He even somehow knows that I'm a half blood or the more specific term for it is demi sanguine. Dawn kinda told me that Merissa had made a comment about me being a half blood. Which means that not only do Quinn and Merissa knows about the truth behind me,so does Julian.
You better not have all the fun,half blood.
Being a half blood is what most people consider a hybrid or in their eyes a disgrace. A joke. A laughing stock especially if you're part werewolf and part human. To be fair,I would agree for them but,I never met my dad and he sounded like a great guy. Even though he's a human and I have a hard biased opinion about certain types of humans. I feel like I should honor dad and embrace being a half blood. My dad would still fight for me if he were alive and racism is as bad as it was back then. I would do the same. I'm a half blood and that is nothing more than a special kind of label. Julian might think that me being a half blood will only bring an advantage. Well he's wrong.
Anyways,there is a point to this and that point is this:
If Julian were to hurt anyone on a emotional level I would probably be one of the top three. This gang is something that I never thought I would get or receive out of the certain events that had occurred to get us all here to where we stand. I'm finally getting what I thought wasn't possible. Friends,family,and love. I'll be damned if I let Julian destroy that.
However he knows something about each of us though. He has dirt on us all that makes all tangled together in his web of mental illness. We just need to keep ourselves banded together to break the silk webbing that catches us like flies awaiting to be the next meal.
"Oy,Rocky. What are you doing here early?" Lucas exclaims pointing a wrench me.
"My friend called off for training so,I thought I come into work a little sooner." I exclaim with a shrug. It was true. Ice had called off training today due to having to attend to a pack meeting or something important involving the pack. It was fine.
I wouldn't be able to keep a calm face once I got home due to the text. If Ice would have seen my face then there would be questions asked and I don't quite want to tell her or Dawn about what I recently discovered. I know that it's better to tell someone the truth but how do you start a conversation that doesn't start off by saying: " hey, I just discovered that I love the both of you girls and now Julian is going to put you guys into more danger. "That is a discussion I don't want to think about or even want to worry at the moment. I know that The girls are going to find out eventually but for right now I don't need them to worry at the moment. The good news out of all of this is I'm going to visit mom after all this. I know that it seems uncool for a teenager like me to hang around family but I get an excuse for that.It's been a while but I feel like she deserves a visit.
" Ah,you got shot down. Who shot you down? Another guy? "
"No. No guy has hit on me besides you. Besides guys aren't my type."
"Ah ha! I knew you were gay. "
"Yeah,yeah. Rub it in why don't you."
"Nah,you'd be gloating of I did that."
" You got a point. "I exclaim with a smirk as I put my hat on and turn it around backwards. I glance around as I only see just Lucas and I. I don't even see Noah yet. That's surprising
"Here. Help me tighten the bolts on the tires. "Lucas exclaims as he tosses the wrench at me which I catch singlehandedly.
"You know that this is not the right tool for that kind of job right."
" I know. Just seeing if you're paying attention. "
"Good catch." I exclaim with a smirk as I walk over towards the toolbox to find the right tool.
"So,is it just us it is Dirk here too?" I ask with a faint smile while digging for the right tool.
"Yeah. It's just us. Uncle Dirk left to go get some new tools that will help replace the rusted out ones."
"Ah,that's smart."
"Very. Hey,you think we'd get a raise for coming to work early?"
"I don't know. Did you remember to clock in?" I ask with a faint smile as I turn around with the right tool in hand.
"Bugger!" Lucas exclaims as he instantly drops his tool and races to clock himself in. I just shake my head and laugh at him. I then raise my tool before starting to getting to get to work. It might be a dirty job and something that I wouldn't enjoy as a personal going but it helps pay bills and get things off my mind.
Dirk must've got all he needed.
"I got it,Rocky." Lucas exclaims from a distance as I can here his footsteps patter away from the room in a echo. I go back to what I'm doing until I begin to hear disordered chatter that slowly begins to get louder. It almost seems like an argument or some sort of struggling situation.
That's not Dirk's scent. It's not a normal scent.
I raise my brow as I instantly set down the tool and pick up a wrench as I make my way towards the chatter. As I get closer I begin to smell a sweet scent. A perfume. I slowly walk through the pathway towards the front with the wrench gripped tightly in my hand.
"Lucas,is everything alright up here?" I ask once I make it up there as I quickly glance only to see a pair of eyes to stare at me.
"Yeah. I'm just talking with.." Lucas begins as his body turns to the side so I can get a better view of the figure. Instantly I cut him off.
"Caroline." I exclaim as I loosen my grasp on the wrench as I cross my arms.
"Hello,Rocky." she exclaims with a faint smile. My eyebrows furrow when I see a tan thin like folder in her hands.
The hell is that? A report? A lawsuit case file?
"What are you doing here?" I ask
" I want to talk to you,one one one. If that's okay with you,Lucas. "Caroline exclaims as she glances at Lucas with a faint smile that almost comes off as flirty.
No! No,Lucas! Please don't leave me alone with her!
"Sure,I'll leave you two to it. See ya,Caroline. It was nice to see you again. "Lucas exclaims as he waves at Caroline before walking off leaving it to just me and her.
Way to have my back,bro.
I walk a little forward only to see Lucas is no longer in view and hearing range since the echoes of his footsteps got louder as he enters the other room.
"You sure know how to wrap people around your finger."
"Had a lot of experience. "
"I can tell. Look what do you want?"
"Like I said. To talk."
"We are right now. Sadly this is going to come to an end. This is nothing more than a waste of time." I exclaim rolling my eyes and turning my heel to walk away.
"Not even if it's personal towards you." I stop in my tracks.
"What exactly do you mean?" I ask just turning my head.
"Your family. "Instantly I turn around to face her. This had better not be a prank or else.
"I'm listening." I exclaim with a nod.
"Well I have been doing some research about your family to understand what exactly I'm dealing with here when it comes to you."
"Gee thanks and here I thought people couldn't come up with original insults."
"I'm not insulting you. "
"Huh that's a first." I exclaim that causes her to roll her eyes at me before continuing.
"Anyways,when it came around your parents names. One name stuck out to me. Your father's name."
"Yeah,Shiloh Rebel. Why would that name stuck out to you?"
"It sounded familiar so,I did some digging and it turns out your
father worked for Mark's company."
"Huh well at least I know that the police force wasn't the only reason he quit that job."
"I'm serious. It turns out that this file tells about you're father."
"You're bluffing."
"Not according to the record."
"It's fake."
"Really? Let's see. Name: Shiloh Nicolas Rebel. age:twenty,gender: male, hair color: black, eye color: silver, status: married, spouse's name: Skylar Ranger,species: human ,reason for leaving: applying towards police force." My eyes widen as I freeze in my tacks as I glance back at Caroline who stands there with a smirk on her face.
"Don't underestimate the power of a hacker and future businesswoman. "I just glare at her as I turn myself back around.
"Even if you have information on my dad. That doesn't prove that he's alive."
"Wrong, again. I pulled some strings and found a location on where he is located at as we speak."
My dad is alive?! Did mom lie to me!? Hang on Rebel! This might be a trick
"You're just messing with me."
"I'm not."
"What proof do you have then?" I ask raising a brow.
"There happens to be a person out there that has similar traits and details just a little different than you're father. I have the recent file of this person. Name: Shane Novo Render, Age: thirty eight, Gender: male, hair color: black, eye color: silver, status: unknown, species:human and work/job status:lumber jack."
Dad could be alive!!!
"Even if this true. Why would you telling me all of this?"
Dawn's POV
"What are you doing here?" I ask the person in front of me.
"I told you that this conversation would be continued." They exclaim with a smirk
"You need to leave, Zane. Now." I exclaim with a snarl.
"You can't keep dodging me,Dawn."
"Yes I can. Watch me." I exclaim in a snarl as I walk past him but then felt grasp on my right arm. I grit my teeth and instantly punch him in the face with my other hand. He instantly let's go and backs up grasping his jawline.
"Rocky warned you once and now I intend on her word to be solid." I exclaim as I glance at Zane whose glared at me.
"Look. Let's just talk. "
"We don't have anything to say to each other. Everything that's been said is done."
"No! I've put up with you're shit long enough. I already heard plenty of your ass kissing and bullshit for long enough. You want to get back together and not because you actually care about me." I snap at him while leaving him speechless as I continued on my little fuck off speech.
"I had thought you were someone right for me but I was never more wrong about that statement. You were the opposite of what I wanted. You just wanted me for my beauty and popularity. It was never love or even a kindling connection. I was too blind to see it but ever since we broke up I saw the true you. A selfish asshole who wanted nothing more than power.  You made me almost give up on love. I didn't want to date anyone else in fear of being broken again and just to give a cruel joke to my heart." I exclaim with a bitter laugh before continuing.
"That is until I met Rocky. She's better than what you or any other boyfriend have done for me. Rocky is someone who actually provides me with the kind of requirements I need to feel like I'm an actual vampire or person than just someone's ticket to fame or a toy. Rocky maybe a girl and a werewolf but I don't care. I would have the possibility of someone out there to love me as a whole than to never be loved at all or possibly again. So yeah,the main reason I don't care about you wanting to get back together because it's never going to happen again or even ever. You may think I'm like most girls who would run back into their ex's arms because their desperate or they still want to date them besides off of looks. Well sorry to disappoint you Zane but I'm not one of those girls nor will I ever be."
score one for us.
"Now,if you excuse me. I need to leave your desperate ass for something far more important than this conversation."
"Why the rush?"
"Because I'm doing something that I thought I would never do."
"And what's that coming out to your parents? "Zane exclaims in a joking way with a snort.
"Yes actually. Now if you'll excuse me. "I exclaim that causes Zane's eyes to widen.
"So you're a dyke."
"The correct term is gay, you prick. Secondly I'm a bisexual. So you're only half right surprisingly. "I exclaim as I go to leave this jerk in the dust.
"You know,I'm curious. Does your family realize that about you're crush on a certain wolf? "I freeze in my tracks and slowly turn around to face Zane again. I didn't want to instantly tell my  parents that I like Rocky. I mean I technically already did with my actual dad and he's okay with me liking Rocky. I want to take this whole thing one step at a time. Pathetic I know but hey it's my choice. Besides I think that it's pretty obvious that I like Rocky. So it's not really a big surprise if the school figured that out. I mean people have been whispering from time to time when I'm around Rocky let alone even remotely close to Ice. It wouldn't take long before they figure it out.
Lie and say that you will.
"That's none of your business." I snap causing Zane to smirk.
"So that's no."
"Why would it matter if I don't tell them that I like a werewolf and now that I say that out loud I can see why that it's a problem." I exclaim placing my hands on my hips biting the inside of my cheeks.
"So you're willing to tell your parents that your Bi but not tell them your main reason why. A little hypocritical don't you think?"
"Why would it matter to you. You're not involved with my life."
"I'm just saying that a parent should know the full truth about what their children and if their own kids won't do it then someone has to step up to the plate and do it themselves. "
"You wouldn't dare."
"You'd be surprised when you don't delete old phone numbers." Zane exclaims as he pulls out his phone and points out to my mom's phone number.
"You think that my parents are going to side with you. My parents hates your guts."
"Not fully true. If I recall when we broke up and told your parents about our break up. Your father.."
"Step dad." I correct
" Whatever. He was not happy with that claiming that I was a good guy. In fact a perfect guy for you. "
"Yeah well he's wrong about that." I mutter
" What was that?
"I said what's your point."
"One parent might side with me and consider to convince the other siding with me. Plus you don't have the best relationship with your stepdad if memory serves me right.So who do you think your family will side with more? "It's a tough call since Zach will side with me,Trouble wouldn't count because she's a puppy,mom is a possibility considering that she will either be on my side or Marks,and Caroline or Mark wouldn't take my side in a million years but...
"It isn't your call or choice to tell them if who I like. It's my choice."
"That maybe so but how long will it be before you actually say something?"
  "As long as it takes but it's not your take on this. There's no input that needs to be added into. Your word isn't gold and I'll be damned if you even say something." I exclaim with a snarl as I hate my fangs at him. He just stands there with his arms crossed.
"I wonder how a certain reputation will become when people find out the truth?"
" Jokes on you. I don't care about my reputation. "I exclaim with a bitter laugh
"Who said that it was your reputation that would be destroyed?" he exclaims with a smirk that instantly destroys my smile and pretty much my color.
Rocky. Our future lover.
Rocky built a reputation for one reason. To shield her trust from those who want to smash that word into pieces. I don't want to shove Rocky out of the closet when I'm sure that she hasn't had the comfort to come out to Skylar or any other family member. I don't think that Rocky is even ready for that yet. She only came out to a handful of people me included. Like I said before family is a big step up from coming out to close friends. Rocky would be basically coming out to the whole school and I don't think she wants that at all. I already remember how Rocky felt when she got a lot of attention from that rumor slash tale of her saving my life. She hated it. Her being asked about me and her in a relationship will just make the situation worse.
Zane must have noticed my face of shock as he raised his right hand and takes one step closer to me.
"I'll cut you a deal."
"Hell no." I exclaim instantly snapping out of my shock.
"Now here me out."
Don't! Just kick his ass and leave.
"You have my attention."
"I won't tell your parents about freakzoid or destroy her reputation in exchange for something else."
"What exactly is that something else?"
"You and me on a date just like old times."
" Fuck that. "
"Fine. Then you're going to have an interesting conversation with your parents and explain to the mutt why everyone is questioning over one simple rumor." That sentence pierced me right in the chest. I want to tell mom and Mark about me liking Rocky on my own time and when I'm ready to tell them. Plus I couldn't do that to Rocky. It's like backstabbing her.
We already are backstabbing her.
Okay,backstabbing her twice. I don't want to hurt my crush.
"What would I have to do?"
"Go on a date with me."
" I got that but is there any requirements needed?"
"Hold off on telling your parents about being Bisexual."
"Why? I like who I am and like."
"This date can't be set in or made if you come out.  I know what bisexual means."
"Clearly you don't,dumbass." I cut in with that comment
"You don't want parents to be suspicious of you come out and turns round and go out with me. It just wouldn't seem to add up completely with them now would it?"
"Do you honestly want me to answer that? "
"Not really."
" Smart choice. "
"So,Dawn what will you choose?"Zane asks reminding me of what I don't want to do in the first place.
"Will this only be a one time thing? You won't tell my parents or the school." I exclaim while running my hand through my hair.
"I'll keep up my end of the bargain if you keep yours. That is if we have a deal. "Zane exclaims as he extends his right hand outward.
" Do we have a deal,Sunshine~? "He asks as he emphases the word sunshine in an almost taunt. I bite the insides of my cheeks hard enough to taste fresh blood slowly dancing on my tongue.
"Deal. "I exclaim as I exclaim with a sigh before shaking Zane's hand before I back up.
"Good. The date is in a couple days. Pick you up at eight. Wear something casual." Zane exclaims with a faint smirk that I wanted to slap off his face.
"Goodbye Zane."
"Good talk maybe we can have another one some other time. "
"Goodbye Zane!" I exclaim with a snarl as he just laughs before walking off.
"See you soon,Dawn." he exclaims.
I release a heavy sigh before I lean against the left side of my car while glancing at the sky.
    I couldn't be any stupider! How could I agree to something like that!? But it's for the best for everything else.
Great you protected your love and choice of secret. Now how will you recover your dignity let alone your pride now?
I instantly pull my phone out from my pocket only to see the ID caller:Zach.
"Hey. I'm out at the grocery store do we need anything at home? "
"Zach,I haven't been home yet."
" Oh. Stuck in traffic? "
"You could say that."
"I guess that's bad timing altogether."
" Why? "
"Because Mark left for an urgent business trip and mom's working late. So you might not be able to come out to them."
"Yeah. I'm sorry,Dawn."
"Don't be. You could say that all of this just convenient. "
Rocky's POV
"Simple. I want you to know the truth."
"Bull. There's a reason why you are digging this up and shoving this information in my face." Caroline raises her brows
"You really don't trust me do you?"
" I have no reason for me to. "
"Would if I told you that I give you this folder to find your father?"
"Then I'll ask what the catch is. Which it seems like this way."
"Straight to the point. You don't beat around the bush."
" It's one of my flaws. "I exclaim monotoned with a shrug.
" I won't lie to you. There is a catch to getting a hold of this file. "
"Which is what exactly?"
"I want to be able to hang around you for one day."
"Are you asking me out on a date?"
I don't understand. She has Alexandria why would see come after me?
"Way to be direct. "
"You wanted me to get to a point so,I did." I can't really blame her for being straightforward since I basically asked for it literally.
"So you want me to go on one date in exchange for my dad's whereabouts."
" That is the plan. "
"What if I say no to this whole thing?"
"Then the file will become nothing more than ashes."
Blackmail. That's low.
"This all sounds too good to be true. I mean for all I know is that you are sending me on a wild goose chase and screwing me over."
"That maybe true but it might not be true. You don't know unless you trust me on this agreement."
It still sounds all good to be true. I mean her being able to track down my dad based off files and information.  This file might be a fake and just a mess with your hope and faith in something vibe. But the thought of my dad being alive is thrilling yet leaving me so many questions. Like does mom even know that dad is alive? Why did dad change his identity? Was he embarrassed of me? Did he take his own death just to leave us in the dirt because he realized being a father was too much for him? I want to know my dad. I want to know the other half of the story because right now the story mom told me is only half of the puzzle and this file might be my ticket to find the other half of the story.
Take the chance or have the possibility of breaking red head's heart.
If I agree to this then I would also be hurting Alexandria emotionally. I don't want to do that. It's not the person I am. It's not in my blood. I may not know exactly how love feels personally but I do know how it spreads. How it affects other people. I may not know exactly how to run my love life but I know that it's messed up to mess with other's.I notice here and there how those two act around each other. You don't have to hang around them to know that Caroline and Alexandria has some sort of chemistry together. Alexandria is someone I came quick to judge a long with Zoe and Stephanie. They all seem like good people and I'm sure that they mean well even if they don't know me personally. I don't want to hurt them especially someone who has her heart set on someone who wants to go with someone else like an acquaintance like me.  I maybe a hard ass but I actually give a shit about people's feelings and opinions.
"Give me time to think about this." I exclaim
Not a direct no or yes either.
"Of course. You have twenty four hours to answer back starting now."
" I'll give you an answer tomorrow by the end of the day or school depending on when I figure out my answer by then. "I exclaim with a nod causing Caroline to nod as well.
" Good because it sure would be a shame if your only ticket to a family reunion will laying next to the ashes of wood chips. "Caroline exclaims as she slightly waved the folder side to side in her hand. I just nod as she just smirks.
"Hope to hear from you soon, Rocky. Enjoy the rest of your day." Caroline exclaims as she turns sharp with her heels as she struts her way out of the door.
Smart move,now what?
I slowly make my way back with the wrench still in grasp while thinking about what I'm going to do.
"So...what did you two talk about?" Lucas asks when he turns his head to notice me in the room.
"Don't worry about and before you ask we didn't talk about you so don't get your hopes up." I exclaim with a smirk that causes Lucas to snap his fingers in disappointment and me to faintly laugh as I shake my head at him.
"Let's get back to work." I exclaim as I raise the wrench and walk my way over towards the toolbox.
"Way ahead of you." he exclaims with a faint smile that causes me to do the same.
Work maybe a diversion but in the end we need to come out with a solution of a choice?
Work did distract me but it didn't stop me from thinking over and over as to what I should do about this whole messed up situation that I got myself into. I need another voice or opinion on this and I know who I should talk to. It might be risky but what other choice do I have.
After another hard day of work. Dirk actually have Lucas and I a couple extra dollars in our paychecks for working overtime and that we voluntarily worked. Well I voluntarily worked. Lucas has no choice so to speak considering that Dirk shows up at the shop early with Lucas to open the shop. So regardless Lucas is still there early. I guess it didn't occur to him about overtime until today. It doesn't really surprise me that he just now figured that one out. I don't really like to do overtime unless I'm desperate or need something to occupy me from an issue or problem.

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