Fighting Purpose

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What's up my little angels and demons. Fancy seeing or if you really want to get technical*puts on glasses*virtually seeing you.*takes off glasses* Whoa! Nevermind I need these,I'm blind.*puts glasses on* That's better...ish. Anyways I hope you all are doing and feeling like your the most amazing in the world because everyone is special and awesome in their own little ways. P.s. image above is Trouble.Anywho,I'm done yapping and getting into the next chapter for all of my people. I sound like I'm like a king or something.*puts on sea captain hat*Look at me. I'm the captain now. Not really but for real enjoy the chapter that starts....
Dawn's POV
Darkness with no presence. Nothing but the chill in the air and a simple walk through a deserted night. I don't know how or why I always end up walking through the woods or forest. Except I'm not sure where exactly I'm going. There is no trees present or only sight of any living thing including any plants or nature. It seems like just a out of emptiness or darkness. The stars are dim and the moon hides away beside the blanket of dark clouds. Nothing seems to make any sense whatsoever. I suddenly stop walking when I suddenly hear echoing of patter that isn't my own.
The partnering gets closer and their seems to be more than one echoing patter as their are multiple. The area is slowly brightening but not enough to give a proper location. Just enough to see where or what is coming towards me. The partnering keeps on getting louder and louder then suddenly it stops as I can see the sources of the noise.
It's the little voodoo dolls that Julian had sent us but how are they moving. They all stand there looking at me with their cold button eyes. I'm frozen as to what to do next.
"What do you all want?" I ask as they simply don't answer but look at each other and then back at me after a blink or two. The Rocky version voodoo doll starts walks towards me as I'm debating instantly to kick it away from me or let it get near me. The Rocky voodoo doll stops walking when she's near me as I watch her every move. She then extends her small left arm and grasp a small fabric of my pants before tugging on it. As she tugs on my pants she points with her other hand towards the direction from where they all came from.
"You want me to follow you?" I ask and the Rocky voodoo doll just nods before she starts walking back to the others who all start walking back towards their direction from where they walked. I start to follow them.
Why am I following voodoo dolls?
However,the more that I walk than the more the area starts brightens up little by little. The more further that the voodoo dolls travel farther than me.  It seems a bit off. I don't know how long we were walking this area but it starts to matter when I start to see a trail of liquid, blood to be precise. My eyes widen and breath hitches a gasp before I continue the pathway. The trail becomes longer and in more than splotches. It brings out slight fear in the back of my mind as whose blood it is let alone when the trial where end. The trail of blood isn't just on the pathway as I can see splatters of trees on now visible trees. The blood looks more fresh than how it appears and may seem.
The voodoo dolls makes no reaction as they press on forward to the path unfazed about the blood. It concerns me as to why they don't stop. Why don't they stop? Have they have no true concept when they walk and move like any other living being? I keep pressing forward and the area slowly loses the touch of dimness.
I obey until I freeze in my tracks with wide eyes when I see what lays on the ground. I cover my mouth.
There lying on the ground a bleeding yet slowly beating heart.
Whose heart is that?
I glance my attention back up only to see the voodoo dolls no longer in sight which means that they are ahead and never stop.
Focus Dawn. You must continue this trial.
I almost hesitate to proceed. I step over the heart and keep going forward as I can still see the blood trail and my eyes remain focused on the blood until it comes to a stop. I glance up only to see clearly at what is at the end. Laying there in the ground are an unidentified corpse.The corpse lays on the right side with a wooden cross stabbed through their chest or lung laying there motionless. The body has bruised and cuts in them with their eyes staring at the sky with nothing left in them. My eyes then spots something more in the center leaving chills down my spine and nothing left to say it grasp for air.
Laying in the ground on it's stomach is another unidentified corpse with a split open center that looks like the spine is removed or ripped out along with a hole in their chest. Their ripped or sluggish flab of skin staring at me with cuts,bruises and laying there in a pool of their own blood. But the corpses weren't the only thing there. 
Resting it's hind paws and toenails on the corpse in front of me. The seven foot tall black fur coated werewolf.  It's caked in blood from it's muzzle,it's hands to blood splattered on it's chest. It's holding the corpses missing spine as their grasping their skull between it's left paw. It must have noticed my presence as it slowly turn it's head as my eyes widen when it's eyes stare back at me. Their black shade on it's sclera along with their slots of pupils but the color of their eyes isn't like most eyes colors I've seen. It's eye color is white.
What kind of werewolf is this?
It begins to bare it's teeth in a snarl as they grip the skull until...
It shatters into pieces that slowly drift away into dust while the rest of the spine instantly collapses to the ground. It's body instantly turns around as I go to take a step back but for some reason I can't. I try to move but I'm stuck. My legs feel like their cemented to the floor.
"You can't kill fate of the future." A alteration of a voice exclaims as I glance to know exactly where that voice is coming from. The werewolf suddenly stops growling as it actually curls it's lips back into a devious smile before suddenly it pounced at me. It's mouth open wide to where it s bite aims for my head. This action  causes me to instantly jolt up from this area and situation completely bringing me back to the place of reality and my room.
What the hell was that?  Just another nightmare or another vision? I thought the reoccurring dream of Zach and I unable to  against darkness or Julian was the only vision dream? But was it really a vision?
I wish I know the answer especially for who the werewolf was but it seems more clear to me yet unsure as to who it might be.
I don't know. All I know is that the gang needs to now about this dream and that we should be prepared.
It's been twelve days since Julian left us a warning about how many days we have left. Plus this week has had four days go by and it being friday today. The total is that at some point tomorrow is when he will strike. 
I can't help it that as I walk into the kitchen that I can still see that werewolf in the back of my mind. It's piercing cold at eyes staring at me while it simply just crackles it's wicked smile. It's nothing like I've seen before. A werewolf with white eyes yet black sclera in the most of the eyes almost as it's brightening out the eyes color or it's tint. It's rare for a werewolf to have that kind of eyes let alone a vampire. It's common for something like a spirit or a banshee but never got a werewolf or vampire. It's unusual for that to happen.
"Hey,Dawn. Dawn? Dawn!" a voice exclaims snapping me out of my thoroughly to see Zach looking at me with a raised brow. I guess that I've been wrapped up that I forget where I am. But that happens a lot when I outzone, daydream or have deep thought about something.
"Yeah? Sorry. Something has been on my mind." I exclaim shaking my head before I take a seat on the stool.
"What are you thinking?"
"Something that I dreamed."
"Was it the same nightmare that we both had?"
"Wouldn't you know? I mean our dreams are basically connected since we both have the same temporary ability."
"Well apparently not."
"What do you mean? "
"I didn't have any weird dreams last night."
"What? "
"Yeah. I just had a dream about me being accepted for who I am."
"That doesn't match to the dream I had." I mutter but a little loudly.
"What do to mean?" Zach asks as I take a deep breath before explaining the whole dream to him. From the voodoo dolls to the werewolf's comment. Once I'm done he has no words or expression of anything.
"Will you please say something? You're kinda freaking me out with the poker face vibe."
" I don't know what exactly what you want me to say,Dawn. Has this dream been recent or repeated? "
" I see. "
"Are you sure that you never had a dream similar or even remotely close to what dream that I just described?"
"Nothing rings a bell,Dawn. "
"So why am I the only one who had that dream? I mean is it a sign of some sort of vision to warn me of something?"
"I wish I knew,Dawn. All I can say is that it doesn't involve me if only you had the dream. "
"But that's impossible. I mean you're into this mess just as much as I am."
"That's true but you have to remember that there are some visions that we have individually and don't have together. "
"That's true too. However I don't know what I dreamed is a warning of a vision of just a nightmare?"
"At this point of the weird things  or nightmares we dreamed about are mostly considered to be visions. "
"Another good point. I honestly think that you're right and it might be a sign."
"A sign of what exactly?"
" Julian's final battle. "
"You think?"
"It seems to be the only answer at this point. It's the seventeenth day since that little threat that Julian made and if I'm certain then that threat and that dream will surely exist. "
"How can you be so sure that the werewolf in the dream is Julian?"
" I don't but that seems like the most logical thing to consider. "
"Well that's not fully true."
"What are you saying? "
"I'm saying that Julian couldn't be the only suspect at this." My eyebrows furrow instantly knowing exactly what he's thinking.
"Why would you think that she might be the werewolf from the dream?"
"It's possible. I know that being a half blood is going to be difficult to control especially since that the control will start to become unstable when a person or werewolf figures out what they truly are."
"She maybe a half blood but that is no right to accuse her of being a killer." I exclaim in a hiss.
" I'm not saying that she is or even going to be. Like I said before that Rocky could be a possible suspect of the wolf from the dream. You don't have to consider what I say it take my advice but you should list your options of suspects instead of one. "
"And why is that?"
"Because sometimes who we accuse is sometimes the innocent ones. "He exclaims with a shrug.
He's got a point but we must have faith in the one we care about.
"Okay,I'll give you that point."He just again shrugs
"So do you have any other questions or things you want to add?" he asks
"That was my line." I exclaim with a faint smile he simply returns it before he answers.
"I do have one question though."
" Yeah? "
"What will Rocky and the others think of this?" an excellent question.
Rocky's POV
"I'm glad that you're back to your normal self. Just don't do that shit again, please." I exclaim with a laugh.
It's great to have Dean back. He might be a little pain sometimes but he's my friend and I wouldn't change that about him. Him and Zach managed to patch things up and Dean explained everything to me. I'll admit I was pissed at him for him not telling me since everything Julian does could be a step closer to him winning this game of his. We don't want it need that. I'm  pretty sure that nobody does.
"Okay,first of all.." he begins as he points his pointer finger at me
"Oh here we go." I mutter knowing that I'm gonna get it.
"I make no promises and guarantees to that statement. Secondly,there is nothing normal about me so get it right. "
"You got a point there. But I meant that it's good to have the normal version of you."
"Oh,so you only like certain version of me and not me as a whole person? "he asks placing his hands on his hips raising a brow.
"Why do I even try anymore with you?" I ask with a sigh.
"Because you love me." he exclaims as he gives me a hug.
" Hey! "
"Dude,chill. I'm kidding."
"You better be kidding,bitch. You better love your mama bear before she beats your ass."
"Wouldn't it be the other way around since I can easily make you scream uncle when I just tackle you."
"I can still knock some sense into you. Let mama bear have her pride and power."
" Nah,I'm good. "He glares at me and snacks my right arm making me laugh at him.
"You're an ass."
" Tell me something I don't know. "I exclaim with a chuckle.
" I'm going on a date with Zach tomorrow. "I stop laughing and instantly look at him.
"What you said to tell you something that you don't know so I did."
"Yeah but I never expected you to actually answer. You know what nevermind. Just tell me about this date. "
"I'm not going to say much since our second date is going to be a surprise. All I will say is that the date will take place at Raging Madness."
"But dude that place is our thing."
"I'm not doing what we normally do there. I'm taking him to certain place there. So relax. Raging Madness is still technically our thing."
"I guess But if you two start doing our traditions there you're dead to me."
" Don't you mean alive since I'm already dead? "
I inhale in some air with my pointer finger in the air and then I exhale while replying.
"You have a point. But you get what I mean smart ass. The moments with your boyfriend are cherishable but your own moments with your best friends are cherishable too. In other words don't mix things that should be separated into two different categories. "
"Yeah,yeah. Speaking of significant others." he exclaims with a smirk causing my heart to drop.
"Uh oh." I reply knowing where this conversation is going to lead.
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
" Not really. "
"Really? So you haven't tongue tangoed with any other love interests?"
" You didn't not just say that. "
"Well it could be worse. I could ask if you used that tongue for other purposes. "
"Dean!" I shout with wide eyes and a red face.
"I'll take that as a no."
" That's a hell no. "
"Really? So you don't lust over Dawn or Ice? That seems like a false statement."
" I'm not saying anything about that. That is my privacy and my opinion. "I exclaim shoving my hands into the pocket of my jacket. My mind instantly goes to the kisses by each girl and the hallucination that Caroline used.
" What? "I said glancing over
"You're as beet red as when I told you about the sex talk in sixth grade. "
"Shut up,man. Besides don't bring up that subject. It's bad enough that you told me and then I had to learn about two years later."
"Hey you asked me about it. "
"Yeah but I didn't think you would give me a legit answer."
" Hey at least you didn't have the sex talk when you were twelve. "
"True. I give you that,dude."
" Yeah. Plus little miss you're diverting the question. "
"You mean your perverted statements as usual then yes. Now, cut it out we're almost to school."
" Lame~"
"Hey,I actually want to graduate. I don't need any detention any time soon. Can't really afford it because of my job."
"Plus of the next round tomorrow."
"That too. Man,hard to believe that it's almost over."
"Me too. Yet convenient since Zach and I's date is tomorrow as well."
Not to mention that Julian could make his final move at any given time tomorrow.
"Well, I'm sure that it will work out in the end." I exclaim as I open one of the doors to the building. We both enter only for a voice to look over only to see that it's Ice.
"Hey,Ice." I exclaim with a smile.
"Hey,cutie." she exclaims as she pecks my left cheek.
"I'm not cute."
" You're right. You're a adorable. "Ice exclaims with a wink before she turns to Dean.
"It's been forever. Give me some love, care bear." she exclaims as they give each other a crushing hug. We begin to walk together. Ice being in the middle.
"It's good to be back. I missed my icicle."
"Aw and I missed my ratchet friend. "
"You got that right,bitch." he exclaims as he pretends to cling back his "long" invisible hair.
"I swear I feel like I'm the only one who is actually normal in this group." I exclaim with a smirk.
"Normal? What's that?" Dean asks causing us all to laugh
"My point exactly."
"But you're not normal. You're like us. Cute and all." Ice exclaims pinching my right cheek.
"I'll bite your fingers the next time you do that." I exclaim with a faint laugh.
"Kinky." Dean exclaims with eyebrows wiggling.
"Whatever man."
" I didn't even know you liked it rough,Rocky? "Ice "innocently" asks that causes me to choke up on my spit. I cough a few times trying to catch my breath.
"She choked. Well at least we know that for future reference."
" Never really saw her as a person that chokes more like a person who swallows. "Ice adds
"Will you two knock it off?!" I whisper shout with my face burning up more than any fire or flame.
"Nope." they both exclaim with a smiles on their faces.
I ask for friends and in return I get perverts.  Society,you sick sense of humor.
"Well,I forgot my book for class. I'll catch up with you two love birds later." Dean exclaims
"Why don't we go with you?" I ask
"You barely have anything for class. Plus I saw Zach's car pull up so I'm going to go."
"Oh,spending time with your future husband. "Ice exclaims with eyebrows wiggles.
"You know it. I'll see you two in class. Later." he exclaims
"See ya later,man." I exclaim
"Bye. Also wear protection. Bye, bitches." he exclaims before walking off.
"Then there were two." Ice exclaims
"He just doesn't quit does he?" I ask shaking my head.
"Nope. Not really. "She exclaims with a faint smile.
" So,are you ready for the tournament match tomorrow? "
"Yeah. Hard to believe that we made it this far."
" Same. Just still feel bad that Zach isn't with us in the tournament. "
"Same here but he's got someone to keep himself occupied."
"You got a point there." I exclaim with a faint smile.
"I find him hella luckily but I can't complain."
"Oh,yeah and why's that? "
"Because I have a loving crush by my side."
"A little cheesy but cute. "
"Hey,stating facts here."
"Since we're staring fact here. I hope that you know what's to be expected for tomorrow."
"Right. How are you feeling about that?"
"If Julian is serious about attacking tomorrow then we'll have to be ready. "
"We should be. We've been training and been helping improve your skills."
" Even so. We're dealing with more than a pest. "
"We both know his capabilities and what he's like but I feel like we can take on whatever he throws at us."
"I'll take your word for it."
" Hey,Look out! "A voice exclaims causing us to turn our heads only to see a student flying down the hallway in a trash can. My eyes widen as I instantly grasp Ice's wrist and pull her towards me towards the right side of the lockers. Her hands around my neck and my hands around her waist while our eyes focus on student. The student races past us in a flash.
" Well..that was unexpected. "I exclaim glancing down at the hallway before back at Ice.
"This high school never gets boring does it?"Ice rhetorically asks.
"Not really." I exclaim as I shake with a smile. We then look into each other's eyes only for me to remember that their holding into each other much more than needed.
"Uh..we should probably get to class." I exclaim as I release my grasp causing Ice to back up.
"Sure but I need to do something first." she exclaims
"What do you me-?" I'm cut off when she pulls the hood over my face shielding my eyes.
"Ice,what the-" I'm cut off again but with a pair of lips this time. I lean back into the kiss before she pulls back leaving me in a daze.
"Now let's get your stuff and head to class." she exclaims as I simply just nod and follow.
Well...that was a thing.
"Ice,why did you uh..why"
"Because I felt like it,Rebel.Plus I wanted to shut you up for a minute or two." Ice exclaims with a laugh.
"Oh o-okay."
" Aw,look. I got you to be a stuttering mess. Didn't know that I give off that make you nervous vibe for you."
"Moving on. Are we still training after school?"
" Not this time. Some of my pack members are falling ill suddenly and I need to find out what's wrong. "
"Well,hopefully that your pack gets better."
"Thanks. What about your pack?"
"Haven't seen them much since I got accepted into the pack. Mom is talking to the pack,uncle Noah and Reine about my dad being back into this family for real. "I exclaim
"I'm guessing that your dad left you guys."
" Well I did think he was dead for the longest time. But we all worked it out in the end. "
"Good thing it did." Ice exclaims with a nod as we go to our lockers and grab out stuff and head into class. Ice and I go out separate ways to our desk when we find out seats.
"Hey guys." I exclaim as I take my seat and glance over at Dawn and Dean. They both look like they've seen murder commited for the first time and nothing but concern and worry.
"What's up? You guys look like you saw more than you should have."
"I had vision nightmare last night."Dawn exclaims
" What? "I exclaim as I look over at Dean who just nods at what I said.
Dawn's POV
I go to open my mouth but then the bell for class rings.
"You can explain after class. Okay? "Rocky mouths and I nod as we prepare ourselves for class. I told Dean as soon as he came I to the classroom with Zach. He didn't know what to say or how to explain the dream. All he told me was to tell Rocky about it. I was to tell him to keep an eye out for Julian but then he started telling about the date between him and Zach tomorrow. I don't want to hurt or crush their plans because of that piece of information. It was before I told him the dream.
I glance over to Rocky and then back at the classroom thinking back to what Zach said. I don't want to consider someone I like a killer or a suspect towards the dream. Rocky wouldn't kill any of us or hurt us. I know that. But there are so far two werewolves that I know of that has black fur and would have the capability in that dream. Julian and Rocky.
We can't accuse or make assumptions. Besides we still have to figure out the corpses.
The corpses were not identified or looked like anyone specific. They almost looked like they weren't human or people at all. Just John doe dead bodies. It's almost like the vision is censoring the deaths to keep me from knowing who the werewolf is.
Just don't worry about it. You'll tell Rocky after class.
The class couldn't possibly go any slower. It felt like a century before the bell finally rang. I instantly grabbed my stuff and headed for the door waiting on Rocky and Dean. Rocky and Dean come out of the classroom.
"Guys over here." I exclaim causing their heads to turn and walk up to me.
"Hey,Maverick. Thanks for waiting." Rocky exclaims
"No problem. I need to explain the vision to you."
" Right now? "
"We'll walk and talk about it towards class." I exclaim as the other two nod as I begin to explain the dream to Rocky. We're at my locker by the time that  I finish explaining everything.
"A werewolf with white eyes and black scleras. I never heard of that. I mean it almost sounds impossible."
"But in the dream it wasn't."
" If the dream is truly a vision then why didn't it show the corpses or why did the voodoo dolls suddenly disappeared when you tried to catch up? "Rocky asks
" Rocky. "Dean begins with a warning.
"I'm only stating facts. I mean that when it comes to the visions their pretty straight forward. But how come this one doesn't seem straight forward?" Rocky asks
"Not all visions are straight forward especially from a dream. Trust me I know."
"You said earlier that this is another one. Have these types of vision dreams happened more than once?" Dean asks
"Yeah. The first one was with Zach and I."
" So Zach was connected with the vision dreams as well? "Rocky asks
"Yeah. Remember we both have the ability. I dreamed that I was facing Julian but I couldn't hit him or even touch him. He was choking me with one of his paws."
" Where was Zach in the dream? "Dean asks
" Zach told me that he saw me in danger and tried to step in and help. But he couldn't his feet were stuck and began sinking into the ground. He tried everything but couldn't get out as he shouted for me. We both woke up from some white light. "
"So what your telling me is that you and Zach aren't going to be able to fight Julian."Dean phrases out
"We won't be able to get rid of him."Rocky's eyebrows raise.
"But the thing with this latest one is that Zach didn't have a connected vision dream with me this time."
"What?" both Dean and Rocky exclaim in unison.
"I asked Zach and he said that he never had that kind of dream last night."
" That is weird. "Dean mutters
"This goes deeper than we thought." Rocky said rubbing her face in thought.
"What are we going to do?" I ask glancing at both of them be for back at Rocky.
"Well,we can't pretend that what you told us was like or a cruel joke." Dean comments
"We'll come up with a plan at lunch. For right now,we keep our thoughts to ourselves." Rocky exclaims as we nod.
"You can't kill fate of the future." Just hearing that saying in my head brings chills down my spine.
"You alright,Maverick?" Rocky asks
"Yeah. I'm alright." I answer with a faint smile.
"Okay. Let me know if you're not then." Rocky exclaims causing me to nod.
"I will. "
For most of the day up to lunch seemed alright except that the dream has me over thinking everything. I can't help myself as I keep thinking back at the dream and over analyse it as to what it all means.
I want to know yet I don't want to. I feel like knowing the answer will only make things worse or make me feel uncomfortable about the situation than I already am. I try to not let it be noticeable or ruin my chances of actually passing classes but it almost seems like an unnerving thought that won't get out of my head.

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