Rocky Road

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What is happening and going on my fellow readers ,writers ,and well..uh..people. Yep. Nailed it! *raises fit in air in victory while the end music from breakfast club plays in the background.* BTW if you all didn't get that reference then you need to watch the Breakfast club movie. Classic and cool movie is all I have to say. Anywho back to business. I hope you are having an awesome day/night and enjoy this chapter. Also this might get sad and depressing just warning you.
Dawn's POV
You need to eat.
What's the point? What's the point of anything? I mean really our purpose is to live in a old rock we call earth. It's pointless.
Your slowly getting sick. You need blood before you get worse.
Oh what do you know. I don't need blood. I don't deserve to eat or drink. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve love. don't deserve anything. That  is something I have to embrace. I just grasp my pillow and snuggle it in my arms as I stare at the wall while her words still in my mind.
"You know I thought letting my guard down would be a good thing but obviously not! It was a mistake to fall in love with either of you!"
She doesn't need to give off a weapon of choice. She doesn't need to transform or claw at me. Her words are her weapon of choice.
Her words cuts me to pieces and she was right. I want to say sorry and show how sorry I really am. I want to give my heart to her and show her the beats that she made. I want to hug her and take away her pain But I can't do that task. She hates me.
She loved me until I ripped her heart out with betrayal. I can't be angry at her for ignoring me. I have no right to be angry because I'm actually angry at myself. I was so willing to risk everything just to be with her but , I was selfish and in return I got a stab in the back. I got what I deserved and I still do. Maybe I will be able to explain everything and tell her why I took the bet on the first place but for now I need to face my punishment.
" WHAT!! "my head sits up at the sound and it sounds like Caroline. My eyebrows scrunch up as I let the pillow rest on the bed while I head for the door without a creak or peep.
I peer open the door and scour down the stairs to hear the voices closer that it sounds like it's coming from the kitchen.
I stumble closer to the kitchen without a groan from the floorboards. Good thing I'm bare footed.
My back leans against the wall as I pick up on the conversation.
"Are you sure that is what happened?" Caroline asked
"That is what Dean said and based on what he said he was serious. "Another voice exclaims that sounds like and probably is Zach.
"I mean that would explain why the car was in the parking lot and the garage was empty."
What are they talking about?
"This is bad. If she is exactly what you are saying than there is no way to fix this problem."
Who are they talking about?
"But it is true,Caroline. Rocky has left town."
My mouth gives off a silent gasp and hoping they didn't hear me but I'm pretty sure that they did.
" Dawn,I know your back there. Come on out. "Zach exclaims causing me to sigh.
I hate being  a vampire and living with vampire siblings.
I exit from my spot and stare at both of them. Caroline's eyes are wide as she eyes me down and up than again she didn't see my recent look. Zach's face morphs into a frown and concern. The last time he made that face was when I confessed my feelings to..well you know who.
" Dawn... "Caroline starts but I cut her off.
"Is it true?" I ask in a whisper
"You should probably get something to eat." Zach suggests
" Is it true? "I ask again ignoring his suggestion and glance at them back and forth.
Please tell me it isn't true. Please don't tell my love is gone.
"It is." As if my heart couldn't take anymore pain. Vision becomes blurry as I back up clutching onto my broken heart. At least what is what's left of it.
"Dawn.." Caroline exclaims as she takes a step to me but I back off.
"Get away from me."
"We just want to help you. You need it,Dawn." Zach exclaims and I just shake my head.
"Dawn,please. Let us help." Caroline exclaims as she takes a step forward.
"I said leave me alone!" I scream before I swing my arm causing Caroline to step back with a little wince.
" Ow. "She exclaims once she takes a step back. She glances down only to view claw marks on her hand that is two inches away from her wrist. I glance down at my hand only to see blood on my fingers and shifted nails.
" I'm so sorry. I keep hurting the people I love. "I exclaim before heading off to my room as they call for me but I don't respond.
I lay all my weight against my door as I let the tears fall. I slowly sink to the floor as I wrap my arms around my knees and cry.
Why can't I stop hurting the people I love?
Caroline and I may not be on the best terms with each other but surprisingly she cares about me and as much as I want to deny it. I can't deny the fact that she is still my sister. She's only looking out for me.
We must be that sad if we consider Caroline a sister.
I may still be holding on to a grudge but in the end she still treats me like a sister and family now. She's making up for her mistakes. I can see that now and hopefully someone else will too.
Instantly I get up and lay on my bed grasping the same pillow. My eyes start to sink as I let darkness come over me.
That is all I hear as I hold onto my pillow and eyes blink a few times open before they close again. Just before I let the darkness take me back I pick up murmurs from behind. Eyebrows furrow as the murmurs become more and more closer.
"Dawn?" A familiar voice asks but I just don't respond.
"Dawn,it's us." Another says
"Dawn, please look at us."the final one says and I just open my eyes and sigh before sitting up. I turn to my three visitors. The girls. They all stand in the room with the door shut behind them. Their
"Oh honey. "Alexandria says before walks over to me and gives me a hug as I rest my head on her shoulder when we break the hug.
" Damn,girl. You look like shit. "Stephanie exclaims before Zoe smacks her arm.
" Ow,what was that for,Z? "
"Be nice."
"Just stating the truth I mean really."
"Steph,you are so blunt that you're basically captain obvious."Alex adds rolling her eyes
" It's true. So take down a level,fashionista. "Zoe exclaim
"Down a level." Zoe repeats with more stern tone in her voice.
"Alright,alright." Stephanie replied raising her hands up in defeat.
A faint smile appears from my lips before they drop instantly. The girls all gather around on the bed.
"How's Caroline?" I ask faintly
"She's okay. I patched her up before coming to see you." Alex answers as she rubs my arms in reassurance.
" You know that's the first time I've ever seen or heard you care about your older sister. "Stephanie says before earning another smack from Zoe.
" Ow,what? "
"You say one more rude comment and I'll make you walk home." Zoe scolds
" In these heels? "
"In those heels."
" *gasp*You wouldn't. "
"Try me."
"Anyways,we heard about the news with tomboy Rebel. We're so sorry that happened to you,Dawn."
"I drove her away."
" No you didn't. She just needs time to think over everything that happened and discovered. " Zoe says as she takes one of my hands and holds into it while Stephanie holds into the other.
"Why did I have to go and ruin my happiness?"
" You still have a chance at it,Dawn. You can't let go of it. "Stephanie tells me
" It's too late for that. "
"Dawn,you are amazing okay! You are you and you can't change that." Alexandria starts
"You're very intelligent, incredibly gorgeous ,and have a good heart. Anyone can take one look at you and think: "wow,she seems like an amazing person. You are astounding, Dawn. You deserve the love you need and desire." Zoe claims with a bright smile.
"Any girl or guy would be the luckiest in the world to be with you or even have you. You are vampire yes. But you are a fearless one and you aren't like what people expect which is a good thing.You break that mold of stereotypes when people picture vampire. We love you and care about you." Stephanie reassures squeezing my hand with a smile.
"I'm a heartbreaker. I hurt those I touch and come close to. " I reply as I raise my head to look at them all.
"We all have flaws,Dawn. No one is perfect in this world but their own definition of themselves as a being." Zoe tells me.
" But Mark.. "
"Can choke on his ego for all I care." Stephanie finished with an eye roll.
"We all make mistakes and sometimes that happens in relationships." Alexandria exclaims
" We learn from them and we evolve into a better person than we already are. " Zoe adds
"She made a choice." I throw out there.
" What? "All the girls ask in unison
" She has finally made a choice between the two of us and I..I blew it. "
"Aw,Dawn." Zoe before they all give me a group hug. I want to repel and fight off their hug but I didn't want to do the same thing that I did to Caroline.
"I was so close to getting what I wanted. I wanted to be with her and I actually thought that I could get that chance. But then I screwed it all up all because I was selfish." They didn't respond as if they wanted me to continue.
"I really felt like she would be the one for me. I had climbed through so many obstacles and pathways so that I can be with her. Then it all came crumbling down when I decided to do something really really dumb."
" You were fixing the problem,Dawn. "
"Was it really worth fixing when I lost half of my heart?"
"If she would've listened to what you were saying it explanation then it would have been worth it." Alex says
"You can't explain what's happened in the past because it's set in stone. History is made and you can't simply erase it in a snap."
"Yeah but you can over write that piece of history."Stephanie points out
"Yeah and how would I do that? That part of damaged history is already gone? How do you bring back something  of you have no idea where it is in the first place? "I ask them and they don't respond which means that they don't know the answer themselves. No one does but that damaged history. But she isn't here and I don't think she'll return to the source of her pain.
" Look,girls.. "I begin as I get to my feet just barely.
"Stop trying to fix my mistake. It just deepens my own damage in my heart. "
Rocky's POV
Rumbling roars could be heard for miles on end. The wind blows and tries to push me back but I still press on forward.  The road is endless as the motorcycle roars through the empty streets. I needed space and time to get away from it all.  It is all that I needed when it comes to everything that has been happening lately. 
A bet. That's all that I've been seen as. I was an idiot for allowing it to happen to me. I never let anyone in through my barricaded self but I let them pass through.
I fell in love. I fell in love with two different girls who changed my life. A vampire heir and a werewolf leader. A popular and a rebellion. A nice and pure girl with an alluring personality and not afraid of what people think of her. The other a resilient and flirty girl who always knew how to make an entrance and how to make you feel good about yourself. They both made me feel something that I never did feel with anyone. I couldn't choose between them and when I did I learn that it was all a joke. So now it doesn't matter.
I thought Julian stabbing me in the back was bad enough. I was guilty and in shock when I stooped to his level and killed him. But what they did to me was just as bad or maybe even worse than what Julian put everyone through.
You can't let this feeling keep eating you. It's going to put back into the hole you started in.
Now grant it I learned from that little reveal of information and decided to take matters into my own hands. Packed a few clothes in my bookbag and filled my motorcycle up. I left my phone at home so no one can call me and convince me to come home immediately. But before I left my phone at home I had called Dirk and told him that I'm taking a week off for personal reasons. He agreed and said that Lucas can cover me.
Dean and the others I didn't say a word to any of them because I know that they will interfere and try to fix the problem themselves. I don't need that in my life right now. No offense to Dean and the rest of them but there are times were you need to handle things on your own. Even if means basically running away from the problem.
As for my family they don't know what I'm going through when it comes the love triangle that was once there. I didn't tell them where and why I'm leaving town. I told them that I just needed some space for a while and they allowed it. Although mom and dad have questions about the situation or what even is the situation. They'll get a clue when Dean tells them or they spot one of the girls.
I wonder how they are reacting or even know my leave.
I shake my head and speed up on the motorcycle.
They don't deserve anything else from you.
I've actually had this heritage softail motorcycle for a while now. A retired biker was selling it three years ago and I had asked him how much for it. He told me the price and the next thing you know I own my first motorcycle. I always thought motorcycles were so cool and that riding and owning one would be awesome. Of course I was scolded by Susan to not ride it until I'm eighteen and get my vehicle licences.
So I kept my word. I couldn't have rode it anyways because it needed to be fixed. That is where I first started getting into mechanical works as I worked on fixing it up until I knew it was ready. Took me a few years but when I got it fixed up I had my licences. Dean was the next worry wart as he begged and scolded me to not ride it for his sake. We compromised and said I will only ride the bike when I get angry or need to get away for a while. 
Now here I am riding the bike leaving my problems and releasing off my anger. Granted I'm not exactly the most skilled driver but I'm not horrible enough to crash horribly to my death. So that's a plus. Sort of.
I'm only going to a nearby town that's a couple hours from here and staying at a local hotel to cool off for a couple days.
I know it's not exactly the plan material. That and the possibility of making the situation worse but a plan is better than nothing.
Maybe I can make sense of everything and think about what I'm going to do next in this drama. Drama always have to be the strings attached to everything you want or get I to your life. Mine was created when I entered Ice's territory. But if that drama doesn't seem to matter now since I'm already halfway there to the town.
My eyes peers around the road and the area surrounding it. It seems like the same thing until I can spot something out of the ordinary. I can view a canyon with a small view from one of them. A canyon opening with rails blocking a possible crash just ten miles up to my right as a little detour.
It might be helpful.
My mind and decision making battle back and forth as to whether I should or not. The detour might be some emotional relief but then again it might be just some detour that I could waste on. I keep deciding until I'm closer to the two different paths branching out.
Quit over thinking and choose will you.
I swerve at an instant as I take the detour to the canyon.
The motorcycle circles a bit before it's roar is silenced. I step off and remove my helmet grasping it tightly. I walk towards the ledge and grasp the metal rails. I have leather gloves on so the motorcycle doesn't burn my skin and any metal for the time being. I want to ride with ease not agony.
My eyes glance at the sky as my mind flickers back to when Ice and I were in the roof eating ice cream talking about the stars. My teeth grind together at the thought. Then my mind shifts to Dawn and I's moment on the balcony. The same balcony where we shared our first kiss. The memory then alters to Ice and I's first kiss together. My grip tightens to where I can view veins in my wrists and my nose twitches a little build up of a possible snarl. Ice and I sparing and little forest visit. Dawn and I's date together.
I told my head back and release the biggest and loudest howl I can muster. Everything they did to me. All the feelings they made go through whether they were hurt in anyway or made me fall in love deeper. It all goes into this one howl. My chest pangs of sharp suffering and water falls into my cheeks. I let go of the rails and extend my arms out while my eyes are shut. I put everything into this howl that I don't care how long it lasts. My howl slowly faded away as I lower my head in now before letting it all sadness take control of me. I sob as to me being an idiot. I failed to not seeing everything clearly. I want to be strong and don't let my emotions get to me. But it is easier said than done when your whole romance life was a scam.
Why was I fool for falling in love?
I just let sadness wash over me for so long that I'm sure hours had passed by. Do I care though? No because This is something I need to get out of my system. I know it's not going to be a one time thing crying over them but it's nice to get it out every once and a while. I maybe one bad mother fucker with a temper but even the toughest have feelings.
sometimes. It depends on whether they like to share those feelings of not.
I glance at my hands only to view fur peer from the gloves as I tighten my grasp and the fur is gone.
I blink away the last tears before placing the helmet on and head back for the motorcycle.
I think about everyone else and glance at the road that I passed then the path forward.
The vehicle spurs back to life and step in the gas after pulling the brake back with my foot. I'm not going to live through suffering anymore and I'm actually going to hold off from it.
Since birth you could say I was cursed into a world full of disappointment. I have been through so much that I'm surprised that I didn't get it even get depression. But I guess I'm stronger than that since I choose life over death any day.
I'm a breed that no one should really mess with even when their poked at for so long. 
An animal off the leash so to speak.
Dawn's POV
The girls tried everything afterwords but nothing had worked for me. They can try and convince me that everything is okay but who are they fooling? Not me. They left after multiple attempts of trying to make me happy and drink some blood packets for them. But I refused. Like I said before there was no point in eating. I'm surprised Caroline and Zach haven't come in yet to see how I was doing. They probably will eventually which reminds me of having to lock my door before falling asleep.
Just doing the same old thing. Laying against my bed but I 'm facing the door rather than have my back against it.
The door slowly open by itself.
"Whose there?"
For an instance I hear nothing until something hops on the bed.
"Trouble,don't do that." I exclaim as she was her tail and runs to me causing me to smirk.
" Oh,I can't stay mad at you. "I exclaim with a faint smile as she licks the top of my nose before she circles herself and laying down next to me.
"'s not safe for you be around me. " I exclaim glancing down at her and her head raises then turns to the side.
How do I explain to my dog that she'll end up snack food if she doesn't stay away.
"Trouble." I begin but she stands up and lays back down as she snuggles up against my chest.
"That is not what I meant."
"Whatever." I exclaim with a faint smile as I hold the dog in my arms and kiss her head. My little cuddle buddy.
"I don't deserve you,you know. You're too good for me. " I exclaim with a faint smile before it struck me as to why Trouble is in here.
"You know. I know why your here. Your here just like the others. You hate to see me sad,don't you?"
"I'll take that as a yes." I exclaim with a nod.
"You know,Trouble. There are things you don't understand in life and I'm glad you don't yet."
I can't believe I'm having a conversation with my dog.
"You see.there are things that you will face into this world head on. Those come into two different categories. Memories and mistakes.
Memories are the things that we treasure most in the world and we carry them through our minds. Memories aren't something you have to create on an instant. They're something that just happens and you never want to let that feeling go to waste. They are something daily that we overlook and don't think about it until we look back to find it. Sometimes there is memories that you think is amazing and some that you wish never happened ever. Memories are a powerful thing and when you're older you'll be able to make some of your own. Of course your already making them by living with us."
" However those bad memories are fallen under the other category,mistakes. Mistakes are something everybody make also on a daily basis. They are an enemy and can be frowned upon when it comes how that type of error affected you. Now mistakes are unavoidable as you will run into them when you reach a certain point or any point really when you think about it. Mistakes can be considered a good thing sometimes but it's rare. The only good thing about mistakes is that you can reflect on them and change it evolve yourself as a figure. Mistakes can still impact someone like yourself or even others depending on the mistake. "
Having basically a heart to heart with my dog who doesn't understand a word I 'm saying. Never thought that I would say that sentence.
My mind traces back to Rocky.
"Sometimes.." I hold back the tears before proceeding
" Sometimes you can make mistakes and sometimes you wish that you can go back in time to change those mistakes. But sadly that's not how reality works." I exclaim with a head shake as I stroke Trouble's fur.
No matter if I'm angry,sad,or tired. Trouble always knows how to make me better. Well maybe a little this time. My lips falter as I feel something build up in my chest.
Instantly I sit up as I release the build up in my chest and cough into my chest but the coughs were more raspy and hoarse than normal.
Once I stop coughing out for a few minutes;I pull away my hands only to view something that I never have before.
Black blood.
Uh no.
*whimper. *
"Trouble go,now." I exclaim and instantly without question she races off out of the room. I instantly stand up from my bed only for my legs to give out on me. I collapse to my knees as I feel numbness in my legs. I start to drag myself to my bathroom.
Black blood. One of the affects of a vampire refused to eat for more than necessary number of days. Zach didn't have to go through it when he as heartbroken because he drank blood before the sickness began. I haven't been eating for more than you know.
Once I'm in the bathroom I grasp the edges of the sink before pulling myself up. My legs shake but I hold out strong. I shift my eyes only to see the original red color now a face that can be mistaken for dark red or brown.
My gasp causes me to let go and collapse back onto the floor.
More black blood is now on my hands while my body shakes like I'm shivering.
It's starting.
Rocky's POV
It's only a couple more minutes before I make it into town.
My eyes glance down at the speedometer and tank only to see it's almost gone. The first thing I'm going to do is get gas for the motorcycle.
Eyes on the road,idiot!
My eyes instantly peer up only to suddenly see a figure crossing the street a couple miles ahead. My eyes widen
My motorcycle instantly comes to a halt with the tires screeching against the road. Tire tracks are being created while white smoke comes from behind.
The motorcycle slows down until it comes a halt with just an inch away from getting to the figure.
I glance down at the figure only to view that it's a little boy. Little black curls of hair, piercing blue eyes,and looks to be around six years old at the least. He's wearing a white Mickey mouse shirt,Brown khakis,and light up sneakers. He looks at me with wide eyes and heart pounding so loud that it's almost bouncing out of his chest. I glance down to see a bright red ball in his hands.
"Micah." A voice exclaims as I glance over to the side only to see a woman calling for him. The woman and a couple other people off to the side standing next to a blue van. The blue van has the hood open and steam coming out of it.
The boy glances at me one more time before he rushes back to his mother.
I go to open my mouth to see if they need a hand with anything but..
I slowly turn my head only to view bright lights come at me at full force.
Uh no
My body tuck and rolls on the vehicle while the motorcycle spins on the air. Instantly landing on my back with a hot at the back of my head. Everything is ringing and blurry. I glance down to view the motorcycle brake stabbed through my right leg and some sort of hood ornament pierced at my right side. I shake my head to focus only to come face to face with my motorcycle.
I release a roar of pain as the vehicle is pressing against my chest and with all my strength I shove the motorcycle off.
Everything is starting to get blurry again and the pain is starting to kick in.
"Hey,stay with me. You're going to be okay. Help is on the way." A voice exclaims but I can't make out what the figure is since everything is blurry and voice sounds a little distorted.
Suddenly my helmet is removed from my head making things more blurry and dizzy.
"What's your name? "The blur asks
"Rocky." I mutter before darkness takes over.
This is a turn of events
Dawn's POV
My chest tightens with some sort of sharp pain.
why is my chest hurting? Is this one of the effects or something else?
End of chapter 24
Cliffhanger my friends! What did you think of this chapter? What will happen next? What do you think about the girl's visit for Dawn? What about Trouble's visit? Do you sympathize with Dawn of do you think she got what she deserved? What about Rocky? What do you think will happen next? Who hit her and will the gang find her? Will they ever find Rocky? Find out in the next chapters. There is more to come. Also hope the song was appropriate for the setting. Hopefully you all have an awesome day/night .I'll see you next time.

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