I love you,Idiot!

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Hello from the other side! XD Hey everyone! How are you? Good I hope. No not just good I hope that you guys are awesome! If you're not then you have earned a virtual hug from me to try to cheer you up. If you're not a hugger and don't like hugs. Tough shit,I'm going to cheer you up Damn it whether you like it or not. *laughs*If you are happy and want a hug then I will send you a virtual hug. Hopefully the internet police doesn't see me giving out free hugs because then they'll think I'm a pedo or something which I'm not! I just want to make people smile is all and if I can't understand why being nice to people and making them happy is such a bad thing? I mean -*police sirens goes off in the distance* Shit,they found me. I will not be silenced!*raises fist in the air then suddenly hears the sirens getting closer. *
Nope,nope,nope,nope,nope,nope,nope.*says fast with wailing arms before jumping out of a window then stops and looks at you through the window *I gotta go,going into my home to hide.*jumps into trashcan and closes the lid. Then opens lid as I exclaim*By the way I hope you like the chapter.*closes trash can top again.*
Zach's POV
Was it all a lie? Our love? Was our love nothing more but a lie to us both? Did he do this as some sort of revenge? Why did the one person I realized my feelings for let me go? Every time I keep reading every sentence. Every word. I breakdown mentally and physically. I lightly trace my fingers against his cursive handwriting that is now covered in dried tear stains. I couldn't help but feel like I've just sink myself to the bottom. A bottomless abyss of darkness that can be rescued or saved by one person. Dean. Just the hearing of his name tears me up to shreds. It breaks me so much it will take more than glue to fix the broken pieces of myself. I feel my balance of myself crumbling down altogether like end of the roman or greek period.

I know that there would guys that would tell me to "man up" about my situation and try to get over it. You think that it would be that easy for me to just "man up" over a broken heart?To "man up" to losing someone I loved? To "man up" over someone who basically encouraged me to get my life together only to have my life crumple down from his words? It's not that easy to ease yourself from heartbreak. It's not easy to forget about someone you want to hold on forever to. It's not easy to say goodbye. It's not easy.
Pain is all I feel. Every waking hour and every second. I feel the aching pain.
Why Dean? You loved me and I loved you? Why...
I started to choke up..
Why did you leave me and break my heart?
He broke it so suddenly without explanation. No hesitation. It almost seems too good to be true that this was nothing more than a joke to him. I know him he wouldn't do this to me on purpose. He wouldn't.
This is leading nothing more than a toxic environment in this room. You need to release that toxicity. You need to do it before you lose your sanity for anything.
My eyes don't no more glance at the sky as I turn my head only to see the same photo as we we're going up.
"My favorite is this one." He says pointing at the one of me and him.
"Mine too." I said with a faint smile
"I remember that day all to well. You were so anxious that day. It was your first soccer game and you wanted me to go. I did and I kept cheering you on. In a way I was kinda like your personal cheerleader." He said which made both off us chuckle.
"I miss those days."
"Yeah,we'll have to update the wall."
I need to leave this room. The last time I left my room was yesterday. It was it two days ago. Who knows? I slowly sit up only turn my body to the side of the bed as I slowly get up to my feet. Suddenly I feel wobbly as the room is suddenly shaking and there is multiple things of the room. I grasp my nightstand as I slowly take a few shaky breaths before tightening my muscles and beginning to take my steps and walk.
I reach the door knob and twist the door slowly open. I go to take my steps out of my room when a scent lingers into my nose. I glance down only to see two to three blood packets on the floor. The thought of the taste of the blood hounds me down and begs to taken. I can't bare it anymore. I instantly grasp the bags and begin to suck them dry one by one. Not caring about the mess that I could and might be making. I need to feed my hunger and I'm glad that I am. I could start to feel my strength coming back like a rush of an adrenaline. Like that first sudden rush when you try a double shot espresso for the first time. My weight slowly returning to normal. Rise not easy for a vampire to lose weight.
But for a fledgling like me we can easily lose weight but faster than humans can. Fledgings lose that effect when we are one with our mates or when we reach the age of actually being able to drink alcohol legally.
Once all of the blood packets are bone dry I lick my lips to wipe off any smear of blood on me before I grasp the empty packets and make my way down the dark hallway like I have been awoken like the undead. I keep making my way back before I reach the kitchen while their is small hope in the back of my mind that nobody finds me or sees me.
I walk in only to see no one there so I walk over towards the trash can and throw away the empty packets before I walk towards the back porch double doors.
I keep walking as I shut the door behind me or at least so there is a crack. I don't care at the moment. I walk towards the edge and rest my arms against the railing while my eyes glance at the dark night that gaze down with the billions of white dots in the sky.
I actually glance down at the paper in my hand before I grip it tightly before my eyes glance down towards the backyard where I see a soccer ball lying there.
Release tension and toxicity.
But I already went through that. I still do.
Not through tears. Through a different emotion.
I grip the paper tightly before I turn my head towards the stairs leading to the backyard. I take my time to get there as I walk closer towards the soccer ball only to see that there is a small case of them. I remember that I bought some in case that the team wanted to come over and practice of if I lost one of them. But in my case..it's holds a different purpose.
I glance down at the letter and then at the soccer ball.
"You are a coward."
" Shut up.. "I grumble
"A fool for letting him deceive you so easily."
" Shut up. "I exclaim a little louder as I glance up at the voice only to see that it's myself but with his arms folded and tossed staring back at me intensely.
" I wonder who you should be angry at? Him or yourself? After all you were the one who let him get away. "
"I SAID SHUT UP!" I tell in a hiss as I release the paper and go to kick him hard into the face but instead a sharp whistle goes flying into the as the soccer ball is suddenly distancing itself from me by flying away. The other me is gone so suddenly. I see it remain in the air as it actually goes far that's about approximately two miles away before I can actually see it land. My breath becomes heavy as I can suddenly feel my anger slowly starting to die down again. Regardless of hating myself for what I said. It's true. I can't help but be angry at myself for so many reasons but one of them is something that I never could see and maybe I still don't see it. But why can't I? A stab wound to the heart that cuts so deep that barely gives me no time to think about reason and lean towards a more diverse option of grief.

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