BTW He's my Boyfriend

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Hello,sup,bonjour,and other jazz like that. Welcome to another chapter as to may have noticed. How are you doing today/night? Awesome as always I hope. I know you have questions or at least a question in your head.*laughs* Oh BTW(by the way) this is a picture of Gabe,Zach's best friend. I'm starting to see a pattern in my books so far. First book. A lot of pictures of girl characters. This second book. A lot of pictures of guy characters. It's telling me something.XD. Anybody else notice that?*laughs* Anyways,back to the book. Let the chapter begin...
Dean's POV
Sometimes loving someone can bring advantages and disadvantages to things. But when it comes to the boiling point of that advantage. It becomes a disadvantage but not for you.
My eyes staring across at my knight whose stuffing his mouth with a whopper and chugging it down with a chocolate shake.
Obviously you can tell whose idea it was for dinner date.
I just grow a faint smile noticing his eating habits. We're not perfect and it's actually nice that you get to see them be themselves around you including eating.
Zach glances up at me with caps of ketchup drizzling down a side of his face.
"What?" He asks causing me to just burst into laughter before I grasp a napkin. I lean over the table to wipe off the ketchup from his face.
"You had something on your face." I said with a laugh.
" Thanks,babe. "He exclaims with a faint smile as he goes to lean in for quick peck when I put my fingertips on his lips.
" I'm not going to have greasy burger lips. Thank you. "I exclaim causing Zach to sit back in his chair with a chuckle. He just shakes his head before he continues eating.
It was couple weeks ago when the outburst of Zach caused him to well lead to something I never thought he would do. It was heroic yet stupid.
I just glance down at my kids meal and back up at Zach who now has his eyes staring at me.
"What's wrong?"
"Hm? "
"What's wrong? You barely touched your food. Did you not get the you you wanted?" he repeats with concern before throwing in the home causing me to grow a faint smile before a frown.
"There's been something bugging me for a while now."
"If it's the coming out thing. Don't worry I'm going to come out and tell them today."
"No that's not what-wait what!?"
" I'm going to come out and tell them about us. "
"Zach,are you sure?" he nods as he wiped his hands with a napkin before grasping mine.
"I'm positive. I'm tired of people making decisions for me and assuming I need an opposite sex to make me happy. But their all wrong since all I need is you in my life." he exclaims with a smile as his thumbs rubs my knuckles.
"Anything for you,Dean. Plus We've been saying for a while now. It feels right to tell them."
"Agreed. In fact I'll tell mine today also."
"I sure hope so." Zach laughs causing me to grow a smile.
"But it's not about us. This time." I exclaim shaking my head removing my hands from his own.
"What is it then?"
"The decision you made at the soccer field."
"What about it? "
"I don't understand why  you would throw away your favorite thing? It makes me feel nothing else but bad. "
"Dean that was weeks ago." Zach exclaims shaking his head with a sigh.
"It doesn't matter how long ago it was. The point is that you let something that means so much to you."
" You matter more than a sport. "
" Dean,I wasn't going to have them talk to you like that. "
"Obviously. It showed."
"What I'm saying is that we are equal just like everyone else. We shouldn't be disrespected because of who we like or love."
" I know that but are you sure you're going to take the same actions towards coming out as you did in the field? " I ask which brought nothing but confusion on his face.
"What do you mean?"
" If you come and your stepdad gets the way he is about it. Which I guarantee he will. Will you just walk out of that house claiming that your no longer theirs? "
" And what about taking the same actions as to what you did at Raging Madness? You punch Mark and your out of the house. "
"Then I'll live with you."
" Zachary. "I exclaim with a frown and almost growl.
" You need to think about the consequences. Think about the rest of your family. Think about your mom. Dawn. Your dad. "His eyebrows raise as he blinks a couple times.
"You might be happy to be with someone you love but are you willing to leave something just as big as a significant other based off what they will say?" Zach just pauses for a brief moment with an look that isn't determining. I'm not testing his love. I'm testing his judgement and decision making.
The echo of bells ring through the store as it just signals us and workers the drill.
"Zach?" a new voice exclaims as we turn our heads to view Zach's friend and a handful of teammates behind him. Who the hell did they find us?
Then it clicked. Dawn. She told them without knowledge of what's going on.
Instantly before any of us can react Zach is on his feet and in front of me. His eyes glowing and fists clenching to a different tint.
"Zach,relax." I mutter
"You all better have a good reason to be here." Zach growls
" Zach,please. Your causing a scene. "I plead again in a whisper yell.
" We do. Relax,Zach. I'm on your side. "
"Are you sure about that Gabe? Because last time I checked if you were on my side then you would've defended my boyfriend and I." Zach snaps
"He did." One of the teammates exclaims from beside Gabe.
"Bull." Zach growls.
" No,it's true. Gabe ripped all of us a new one when you guys left. He really ranted  and yelled at us for about almost two hours. "The guy explained
" Really? "Zach and I exclaim in unison.
Gabe nods.
" And I see.that not everyone is here. "Zach answers
"Half of them stuck to what they said especially Jake. After what Have said along with what you said it really gave us some thought into everything. Plus some of the things that we saw was eye opening enough."
" What do you mean? "I ask
"Jake and Gabe were butting heads." my eyebrows raise at this.
"We said some colorful words to each other and one thing another we're basically killing each other." Gabe exclaims
"Gabe threatened to leave the team too if we didn't correct our attitudes for not handing the situation appropriately. That's when Jake made the comments and the argument began. The whole team and coaches had to pull them apart. Jake did throw the first punch so he was the one who got in trouble. "
"He doesn't disrespect my bro like that." Gabe exclaims with a smile.
"So why are you all here then?" Zach asks his body less tense but still prepared to strike at any given moment.
"To apologize for our behavior." Another teammate exclaims
"We're all sorry,Zach. We'll hope that you will forgive us all for all that has been said." Gabe exclaims
" It's not me you have to apologize to. "Zach exclaims before he steps to the side giving me the space that I need. Also for the eyes to change their perspective to me.
" Dean. Do you forgive us for all we did? "Gabe asks glancing at me. It seemed to be the best thing is to make them suffer for all the past things that they've done to me. Another opportunity to take to make things to be considered even. But..
"Yeah. I forgive you all. It's your believes and your own view of morality. It's the way you live and I can't really change it unless you see both sides to the story." I exclaim with a shrug and a faint smile. Their faces all turn to ease and relax from the tension in the air.
"Dean, are you sure?"
" Yep. I am. "I exclaim with a nod causing Gabe to give off a faint smile.
" You guys might be forgiven but don't think my trust will be rebuilt so easily. "Zach exclaims as the boys all just nod before Gabe steps forward with his hands behind his back.
" You may be mad at us still,Zach. But there is one question I need to know. "
"And what's that?" He asks
Gabe puts his hands to the front revealing Zach's soccer jersey.
"Will you be our team captain again?" he asks and Zach just states in silence before he glances over at me.
'Go for it.' I mouth out and he just nods before turning back to Gabe. His hand extends and he grabs the jersey.
"You got yourself a team captain." Zach exclaims with a smile causing the soccer players to burst into cheers and hollers. I just grow a faint smile.
That feels more normal.
"Hey,Dean." Gabe exclaims while the rest of the team are still doing their cheers.
"Take good care him. Alright?" He asks with a faint smile and I just nod.
"I will. I promise."

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