Gay helps Gay

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Bonjour, my friends! Welcome to another chapter. I hope you all are staying safe, staying awesome, having a good day/night depending on what you are doing. Mind racking with a question or two? Well look no further my friends for today is your lucky day.(Maybe, IDK. XD) Anyways let's get started into this chapter.

Dean's POV
 "I can see that you needed to vent about this." I said with an eyebrow raise as my eyes follows my pacing boyfriend who I can see is completely steamed. 
  "I still can't believe her! I mean how could she do that to her kid? Her daughter? My  twin sister?"
Would you believe me if I told he's been like this for almost an hour? 
"We all expected this to happen though."
"How can you be so calm about this?! Aren't you angry about this?"
"Oh, believe me, I'm pissed about this just a much as you are. But you have to understand that this was one of the outcomes we had expected." 
"Not to this extend, Dean." Zach stopping in his tracks and just looking over at me. I just nod before getting up on my bed and make my way towards him.
"I know but you getting frustrated at your mom isn't going to solve anything especially not in Dawn's case." Placing my hand on his left cheek and gently stroking it with my thumb. Zach's boiling rage immediately simmered down as his eyes sink down as his face droops.  
"I know. I just wish there was a way for help Dawn out." 
"I know and don't worry we'll think of one." 
 If everything you thought you had expected  the unexpected then you'd be sorely wrong. It was a simple night of reading on my bed to the next thing I know a knock on the front door. You'd hardly that you would see a significant other until you see rage and yet sadness in their eyes. 
    Mom, dad and I all questioned why Zach came over at this time when we let him in. But it was more odd to me the most considering he told me earlier in the day that he was going straight home to focus and study for an upcoming exam. The moment he explained what happened it nearly took an hour to convince my mother to stop her from marching over to the Maverick household and knocking Zach's mom teeth in. I was going to originally let her but I think everything needs to settle down before we make matters worse.
      Zach asked to stay the night and after what we had heard my parents almost immediately agreed. Although the only that is a drawback is Zach has to sleep on the couch instead of my room. Apparently Zach and Caroline couldn't stand staying another moment in their household after the whole blow up. They didn't even say anything to their mom. They both just gave a look of disappointment and left. I can't say that I really blame them.   Caroline is staying with her gingerbread.
Despite telling us everything and coming over, Zach still wanted to burn off some steam so he asked if he can talk it out with me privately and I had agreed. 
"Have you called Dawn yet?" 
" I've tried and so has Caroline. She said that if she doesn't pick up from us now then we should give her a little bit more time to ease into the situation calmly."
"We can stop by Rocky's house in the morning to check up on her."
"That's if she's ready to see us by then."
"If Dawn doesn't want to see us, maybe Rocky will."
"I think we should call before we make this an official thing."
"I'm way ahead of you, but before I make the call are you feeling any better now?" he just gives a little brief smile.
" Maybe just a little."
"Good." I peck his lips before I walk off to grab the phone off my bed and ready to call wolf cub.
"Hey Dean."
"How did you know that Dawn would be at Rocky's house in the first place?"
" I know because I would go to someone I know will love me no matter what if I was in her shoes." a faint smile edges on my lips before clicking the contacts wondering and getting ready to get some answers.
I scroll through contacts to wolf cub and just before I click on her name, another name below her sticks out to me, Warren. 
Immediately I glance over at Zach as he's just leaving the room then back at my phone. 
'Another situation that needs to be taken care of sooner than later.'
      A few days after my whole breakdown episode, Warren I got a text from Warren asking how I was doing and how Zach was feeling.  During that whole fiasco , Warren had only stayed a little longer until Zach was drinking blood packs to regain his health. He said that he wanted to give us some time and space alone to apprehend the situation at hand. 
Warren has done a lot for us and made up for his past screw ups but of course he had his reason behind them. It doesn't distinguish less of what he's done. Warren is someone I never thought that I would meet then again if I didn't then how would things really have changed for me? For the better or for the worse or even no change at all? I can't answer that one as I am not so sure but what I am sure about is settling this bitter "relationship" between Zach and Warren. 
It's not easy considering that every time I bring it up to Zach he just disregards it or chooses to ignore it. 
'I intend to kill two birds with one stone and I will succeed on it.' 

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