Deja Vu

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Find a piece of me and you'll find a broken soul. Find a piece of brokenness and you'll find me moving forward. Detach unnecessary things that will rip you apart from the inside and out. Random wisdom quote of the day I give you. Anyways welcome back! It's always heartwarming to have you all back for another chapter. No doubt will you have questions in your mind and you will receive answers. No worries the questions will be answered as always. Well most of them anyways. Anyways I hope you all are doing awesome and remain this way throughout the chapter. Also thought I'd set the mood for this chapter. Don't get fully ahead of me now. XD. Anywho let's get this chapter on the road. Shall we?
Dawn's POV
There is a sense of deja vu in my moments of life but this one is different and in a good way. Sort of. The difference is that our of all the days that I get dressed up. This one actually really means something to me.
"Oh! What about this one?" Stephanie asks holding up a light blue blouse.
"Doesn't really scream ready for this date." Zoe exclaims shaking her head as she continues brushing my locks. Stephanie just sighs in defeat.
"Steph. You've been going on and on for hours. Take a breath." I exclaim with a faint smile and crossing my legs to sit Indian style on my bed.
"Yeah Stephanie, take a chill pill." Alexandria exclaims as she digs out through the make up bag.
"Easy for you to say. You've been digging though the bag about the same time as I have." Stephanie exclaims pointing out to Alexandria.
"Girls. I know you all want to help but you all need to take a deep breath now." I exclaim
" We can't help it, Dawn. This is your first date with Rocky. A date with your crush is a big deal. "Zoe exclaims with a laugh.
"Plus we want to make sure everything is perfect for you and tomboy Rebel." Alexandria exclaims
"Well I appreciate it. Thank you." I exclaim with a faint smile.
"Aren't you nervous? Even a little?" Stephanie asks
" Of course I am. "
"I'm sure that you will manage. I mean you've been on dates before." Alexandria exclaims
" Right. But this one feels so different from the rest. In a very good way. " I exclaim growing a faint smile and blush on my face.
"That is one of the reasons why we have to find something that will benefit you the most. We want you to get the best only to receive the best." Stephanie adds with a wide smile.
"Besides no outfit problem will be a challenge to me." Stephanie proclaims with a matter of the fact statement while raising her pointer finger up.
"Knowing you. You won't quit to you find one that will be perfect in your eyes." Zoe points out with a head shake.
"Damn right!" Stephanie exclaims before she continues digging through my closet.
" By the way,Dawn where is Rocky taking you? "Zoe asks causing my other two friends to stop their search and look at me waiting for an answer.
" I don't know. I'll find out when it comes to time to the date. But I'm not worried. I trust Rocky with all my heart and soul. " the girls just "aww" at my words.
"Dawn,when is Rocky picking you up?"
"In about three to four hours. Why?"
"Shit,we need to get down to work! "Alexandria hollers with wide eyes causing me to laugh as Stephanie and Alexandria continue their search hastily. Meanwhile Zoe works on my hair.
"Do you think Rocky will like this date with me?" I ask in almost whisper
" Of course. Dawn you are the most beautiful and kind hearted girl that I know. Rocky would be crazy to not like this time with you. "
"Thanks,Zoe." I wish with a faint smile.
"Your welcome. Don't doubt yourself or this date. Just be yourself and you'll get through it." Zoe exclaims as she wraps her arms around me from behind to give me a hug. Before continuing to mess with my hair.
"What are you working on Zoe?"
" You mean what hairstyle? "I nod
" I'm going crown braid with some of your hair down. "
"Oh,I like it." I exclaim with a faint smile.
" I found it! " Stephanie and Alexandria exclaim in unison causing me and Zoe to laugh at their reaction.
"This outfit is beautiful. Why didn't you wear this one sooner?" Stephanie asks holding up the dress. More specifically a lace white ivory themed dress with long sleeves.
" I forgot about that dress to begin with. "I exclaim with a laugh.
"Where did you get this dress anyway?"
" I think it was in clearance half off at the store I was at. "
"Your kidding?"
"Well regardless this is pretty and so are you. So I think we found a match." Stephanie exclaims with a faint smile.
" One question. What shoes is she wearing with that outfit? "Alexandria asks with a smirk causing Stephanie's face to deflate.
" Damn it! "She hollers before tossing the dress on the bed and scouring through the closet causing the rest of us to laugh.
" Well while she is doing that and Zoe is fixing your hair. I'll apply some touch ups for your face. It's water proof. "
"Nice. Thanks again girls. This really means a lot to me."
"Hey what are friends for." Alexandria exclaims with a faint smile.
"Now hold still. "I grow a faint smile
My eyes glance at the dress then focus back to Alexandria who begins brushing some blush on my face.
Deja vu indeed.
" Only took us a couple hours but we managed and did it. "Zoe exclaims with a faint laugh.
"Thank god." Stephanie groans before she dramatic falls into my bed. She found me a pair of ankle sandals to go with the outfit.
"Well I appreciate it. All of you."
"Not a problem. Tomboy rebel is going to have a hard time keeping her hands to herself. " Alexandria exclaims with a laugh.
" So going to give a little flirting game with Rocky? "Zoe asks with eyebrow
"Funny. Your all so funny. But in all honesty I might. "
"Ooh get it girl." Stephanie exclaims with a smile causing my cheeks to turn pink.
"They grow up so fast." Alexandria adds wiping away a nonexistent tear from her face.
"The moment of truth." Stephanie replied with a faint smirk.
"Go on and have fun with your date." Zoe adds with a faint smile.
" Thanks girls. " I exclaim before pulling them all in a group hug.
"Don't have too much fun." Alexandria exclaims
"Make good choices." Stephanie hollers before I exit my room and head for the door for the moment of truth.
Each step builds more nerve in my system but in a good way.
I take a few breaths in and out before opening the door to face my date.
On the end is Rocky. She's wearing a black dress shirt with long sleeves and almost clutching into her. A red tie,black denium jeans,and polo dress shoes. A watch on her wrist and a white and blue anemone flower in hand. Her hair is pulled back but there is little bits of hair sticking out to the sides.
She's not the only one whose going to have a hard time keeping her hands to herself.
"Hey, Maverick." She exclaims growing a faint smile.
" Hey,Rocky. You look very handsome. "
"Thanks and you look beautiful as always." She exclaims with a faint smile.
"Thank you,Rocky."
" Your welcome. Oh here you go. I didn't know if you would like it or not. But I saw it on the way here and wanted to pick it for you. "She exclaims as she hands me the flower.
" It's beautiful. Thank you. " I exclaim with a faint smile. I wanted to lean in and peck her cheek but I can't due to Rocky's ask.
"Your welcome. Are you ready to go?" I nod as I walk out with her shutting the door behind me.
"Where is everyone else? I only noticed your car?"
" Zach is hanging out with Gabe,Caroline had to go to the store,and mom went to talk Mark into treating us better. "
"Ah,I see. Well I hope you are ready for tonight."
" More than ever. " I exclaim with a faint smile.
"Good because I can guarantee you that you won't be disappointed."
" I know that I won't. " I exclaim with a faint smile as we keep walking to her car. She walks ahead before she opens the door for me.
"Why thank you." She nods before shutting the door and racing back to her side of the car.
"So where are we going for our date?"
" You'll see. "Rocky exclaims with a smirk.
Can't wait.

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