Public approval?

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*clears throat* Hhhhhhheeeeeeelllllllloooooooo!!!!  Rrrrrreeeccccccooooolllllaaaaa! Couldn't help myself. Well I could I just choose not to. Anyways,I digress. Welcome back my awesome and fantabulous people. How are you all doing my lovelies? If the answer is awesome like always than good. If not then I send you a virtual hug.  No I'm not being pedo. If I am then I apologize. I apologize a lot. I just realized that. Hmm..well anyways I hope you all are anxious to know what happens. Please be patient with me everyone.
Life is dragging me from my passion of writing. And it sucks. Like it sucks majorly than a sucker. The candy kind of sucker. Pervs. Anyways I'm off topic like always. Q's and A's that will be progressed in the story. With all that being said. Vamonos!
Zach's POV
It was finally over with and it took almost two weeks for it to slowly blow over. Although the three musketeers name still lingers when it comes to going anywhere in public. It's alright but pretty annoying after the first week but I don't let it get to me. Ice is still in the hospital which sucks however she's alive and that is all that matters. As for Rocky...well. She's different... She never talk or contact us anymore,doesn't invite us to her house,and overworks shifts. She still in shock and I couldn't say that I can't really blame her considering the reason we are all here was because she killed a madman. It may seem like it's not a big deal for us,creatures,to kill others. We did do that for survival but it was many years ago. We obey the law and we all know the degree and consequence of our murderous actions.
I would've ended up in Rocky's shoes too if it weren't for Dean. He kept my mind focused and on track of things. He's done the same for Dawn and trying to reach out to Rocky but the girl has been going full lone wolf on us. 
The police and our families had waited for us to stay at our homes for a week before going back to school. We didn't want to do that but during that time we needed time to heal. We are all going back to school today.
So things aren't exactly normal but I 'll get use to it. After all I've got a loving  twin sister,Gabe and my boyfriend Dean with me  to get me through it.
"So,what do you think is going to happen?" Dean asks
"What do you mean?"
" I mean exactly what I say,Zach. What is going to happen? I mean you and wolf cub are basically famous. "
"It's not something I can't handle. If We something I'm used to by now. Besides it's not as crazy as it was when I was even in public."
"Yeah. You literally had to wear a disguise every time we went out or you even left your own house."Dean laughs
"Don't remind me. It's embarrassing and disappointing."
"Why would it be disappointing?"
"I disguised myself and his myself from being who I really am."
" You had no other choice really. They were swarming in like flies. "
"I know but it just makes it look like I'm ashamed to be with you." I proclaim before my mouth deflates down to a frown.
"Aw,Zach." Dean proclaims before I feel his lips against my cheek .
"You and I both know that wasn't the case when it came to that." Dean exclaims
"I know that for a fact. I'm not ashamed of being with you at all." I grow a wide smile and a faint chuckle.
"You better. You agreed to this relationship in the first place." Dean exclaims with holes probably being drilled into my head as we speak before we both started laughing.
"I know,I know. I never doubt for a second on this relationship."
"Are you sure about that? "
"Of course I'm sure why wouldn't I be?"
"Well there is your soccer team."
"What about them? "
"You didn't exactly end things with them well. Remember?"
" Oh,right. "
"Yeah. That wasn't a friendly tap you gave Jake."
"Well he shouldn't have called you that name. "I exclaim with snarl.
" I know and I totally understand that you were just protecting me. "
"Damn right. What kind of boyfriend would I be not defending you?"
" You just like saying that word don't you? "
"I can't help it. It has a nice ring to it when it comes being you."
"Cheesy yet a charmer."
"Speaking truth only when I'm around you."
" You're changing topic. Look if this problem of your teammates are that bad then we could always skip another day of school. "
"Avoiding the problem and going around it wouldn't do any good. Even if we we're to ditch school for today as an excuse the problem will always still remain."
"Touche,my love."
"We are going to face this problem head on. Like I said before I'm not ashamed of being with you and my teammates opinions aren't going to come in between that anymore."
" I didn't want to jump straight out of the closet and it was during the time that I felt bad about hurting you. "
"Ah. So you're not afraid of coming out?"
" Not with you beside me. Just got to find a right time to exactly do it and when I do;we will be free. "
"Whoa,easy there tiger. You seem all eager to come out. We've only been going out for not that long."
" I don't want people to be ashamed of us and I'm tired of people trying to break what we have mended together. "
"I know but it's also okay to feel a little nervous about coming out. I'm honored that you want to show our relationship but we aren't an official item yet."
"What if we we're?"
" Pardon? "
"You heard me. We've been going on a lot of dates lately."
" We went on five dates total throughout the days we all were missing. "Dean exclaims with a faint chuckle.
" So? We've been friends for years and went out on seven dates total."
"I know and I don't doubt that for a second. I've loved every second of each date trust me."
"Do I need to take you out on more dates? Because if so then I would be more than happy to. Hell I'll take you out every single day until I know you are officially mine and mine alone." I exclaim turning my head towards him only his eyebrows to raise at my words. My eyes quickly turn away focusing for the brief stop to signal is the green light.
"I'm sorry. That was suppose to sound more romantic than creepy." I exclaim as we keep going once the signal is given.
" It's okay. Nothing to be ashamed about. Sounding a little clingy but your just trying to make this relationship work.  You can keep taking me out of that is what you want. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm yours and yours alone. You and I do have  a relationship but it isn't official until the proposal of relationship is asked. "
" I know. "I exclaim with cheeks burning. It's weird to call Dean your boyfriend when you haven't really asked him to be my boyfriend. Some vampire I am. Let alone a significant other.
" But I'm not rushing and I'm not expecting you too. I hope you know that I do love you,Zach. "
"I love you too,Dean."
"I love you a lot that I'm concerned for you."
" I don't follow. "
"I'm thinking of the outcome of everything for you,Zach. You have to think of who will support you and who will leave you in the dust. I don't want you to get hit with embrace of impact when you walk into an unknown battlefield."
He's right. I don't know what I'm getting into.
"I'm also not saying you should stay in the closet forever. You just have to make small steps and progress. You are a valuable and amazing person who shouldn't suffer the outcome towards negative effects. But that is how life is sadly. So all I can say is be careful but don't be afraid to express yourself fully."
"Alright but if my teammates or anyone else give you shit. I'm not going to stand for it. Especially from Jake."
"Deal and don't worry too much. Nothing I can't handle." he exclaims with a smirk as I pull into the front doorway to the school. The gears alter the car to a brief halt.
"You go ahead and get out while I find a good parking spot."
"Trying to get rid of me? How rude! "He exclaims with a fake gasp and hand on his chest before I grow a dreamily smile.  I then lean in and peck his addictive lips.
"Nothing could get rid of something valuable that I have."
"Still charming. " he exclaims as our lips meets again for a brief moment before he exits the car heading towards the building. My eyes wait till I view him going into the doors giving the okay to look for that parking spot.
As I guide the cars gears to a remaining halt in a specific spot. I think back to our discussion.
When will it be okay to come out to the public? When should I officially make Dean my boyfriend? How will everyone react?
I mean I guess I don't have to be too worried about the whole thing considering that I already have two supportive sisters and a best friend. But there are things I still wonder about:Will ever be truly safe of coming out to my whole family?
Mark is a straight up nineteenth century old homophobe to a T. But I could care less about his opinions considering that he already expects a lot out of us. Mom is someone I hope that will be on my side but I never know considering that she can drawn by Mark's words of brainwash and nonsense. As for my sisters they are already supportive like I said before. I mean I would consider that they would since their both bisexuals.
As for Trouble,she's a dog that can and can't understand things. But I'm not so sure she would truly understand about my sex orientation.

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