The Powers of Link

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"I draw! I now activate my Supreme King Gate Infinity is going to increase my life points by the amount of one monsters ATK, so ill increase my life points by 4000!"

Fue life points: 12100

"Heheh this is never going to end, ill defeat all of you and revive myself no matter how many times it takes! Battle phase! destroy Tri-Gate Wizard, Supreme King Dragon Zarc! Supreme blaze!"

Zarc reers it head, firing a stream of green flame, incinerating a line of buildings as it hits Tri-Gate Wizard, the result of the Wizard imploding blew Leo away, causing him to lose his footing drastically.

Leo life points: 4200

"You see? This is all over Leo, spell card activate, Change of Heart, ill take control of your Firewall Dragon! So lets continue this attack, Firewall Dragon, Attack your master!" Fue laughs louder.

"Gaaaaah!!!" Leo flys backwards as the force knocks his mask off, revealing a face that resembles Light from the age 16, almost identical.

Leo life points: 1700

"What?.... Wait, no!" Light runs up to the unconscious Leo, looking him over, because Light has a gut feeling that the boy in his arms is his son, 16 years in the future.



"Leo...." Freya says, looking at the baby in her arms and at the tv screen, where she sees the Light that she knew all these years, and someone who looks like Light from 10 years ago... "Theres no way... time travel was not around... and theres no way it can be possible..."

"How can this be? That boy looks just like him..." Connor says, looking back and forth to baby Leo and the young Light look alike on the screen. "Freya... do you think that that might be Leo from the future?"

"No... no that's impossible... no... my little Leo? For what reason?..." Freya asks absently as she watches, knowing full well that its really Leo that Light is holding up.


"No... you cant be my Leo... no way...." Light says, holding his head to Leo's chest, hearing a faint heartbeat.

"hehehe looks like the boy is gone, oh well, if he still has some fight left, he can make it to his next turn, but at my end phase, Firewall dragon returns to his field, and its his turn, if he doesn't wake up, its on you Light. So in an act of generosity, ill give himmmm.... hmm lets say 10 minutes. If he doesn't wake up by then, he lost," Fue laughs wickedly as Zarc destroys a building for fun.

"He will wake. I don't doubt it for a second, this boy will wake up in time!" I say defiantly.

"heheheh we'll see" Fue says amused.


"I.... I cant move.... where am I? why is it so dark,"

Leo's voice echoed as his young form walks on in an endless darkness. "Jesus its pitch black in here... and no sign of life or light..."

Leo kept walking, and walking, and walking. Nothing. No landmarks, no stars, no moon, and no lights. Nothing but darkness. Leo kept walking for more than an hour before he sees a tiny flicker of light in the distance, just something that flickers, but it was light, and Leo needed light. Leo ran and ran, till the light seemed to be a bit brighter. Finally, out of breath and tired, he reached the light, a small doorway illuminated like a tiny square in the night sky.

"whoa..." Leo says as his word echoes across the vast landscape, as Leo takes another look at the door and pushes in, as a blinding light catches him, causing him to flinch as different colored lights pour out.


"hmmmm he has three minutes left, Light, will the young lad make it?" Fue taunts as Light is now standing at his spot, looking at Leo as time runs out.

"Oooooh its time, in three... twoooo.... oooone!!! And the mystery kid is Ou-" Fue starts as he gets excited as his voice falters, watching Leo stand up staggeringly.

"Y-you scared Fue?" Leo smirks as he stands up, shaking as he looks Fue down.

"You wish, I can see you shaking from here!!" Fue shouts reaching a breaking point. "I end my turn, good luck winning boy!!!"

"Thank you... its my turn, I Draw!!!" Leo says, pulling a card from his deck, smiling brightly.

------to be continued---------

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